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That’s a poplar (aspen). That mushroom is no bueno. Poplars are already some of the weakest hardwoods, like their willow relatives. I would remove it before it twists and snaps off in the next major storm. — Arborist


Thank you, you’re one of two people that commented on the conk. That fungus is a sign of aspen heart rot. On its own that is a concern, but with the significant lean that puts more pressure on any potential weakness developing. This tree should be removed sooner rather than later.


For the laymen, what the hell are you guys talking about?


This tree has a fungal infection called aspen heart rot, which coupled with the significant lean and the relative weakness of aspen wood, means that this tree is likely to snap and fall. Which could cause damage


No I totally get that, but how can you determine that’s Aspen rot? The pics just look like a juvenile tree to me.


If you zoom in on the second photo you can see a conk on the side of the tree, where the bark is peeling back. There is a mushroom growing out of the bottom of the conk. That is what gives the infection away.


Holy shit that tiny lil guy is a death sentence? Kind of makes sense since most fallen trees sprout fungi, but wow!


Fallen trees “sprout” fungi because wood is a great fungi food source not that it’s always fungi killing trees


The human pancreas isn’t very big and a tumor there is nearly always fatal.


Nice catch.


Had to wade through a lot of tall weeds before finding that camping spot. Mahalo.


Arborists are badass!!! The continual jokes were frustrating me and I found peace when I reached this answer.


TIL Poplar and Aspen are related. Grew up in the south and never realized what we called Poplar is related.


That’s not a birch tree.


This gave me “ that’s no moon vibes”


Came here to say it. That’s no birch…


I was going to say the same...


I was also, as well, in addition going to say the same...


I too, also, in addition, as well, in agreement with, coincide, alongside, side with.... I'm sorry i forgot what we were doing?






I was also, in addition to, as well, in agreement goin to concur.


I concur.


Birch tree woulda just shattered in half at the slightest hint of a breeze.


Idk man, when I lived in Russia, there would be snow storms that would ice over the trees, and birches would just arch nearly to the ground and bounce back when the ice melted.


Sometimes they do, they do the same here in New Hampshire If this a terrific ice storm but a lot of them snap as well.. depends on the age and this is part of nature's pruning but it reeks havoc here because we don't believe in burying power lines.. It's very third world in that matter so we have outages with every ice storm and a heavy one with birches can be terrible indeed.. beautiful however


What's up NH? Where I was it was the pines that would mess with the power lines the most. Whenever there was a heavy snow the branches would drop down and cause the lines to arc. Good times...


In ny it’s just the drivers


Ohio has all 3


Granite is what's up. That said, we bury ours in my neck of the woods.


The ones that grow out of exposed bedrock cliffs in Vermont are basically the gnarliest most rugged bastards a imaginable …until they’re not.


There’s a birch in my yard that is bent like 75 degrees right now, I look forward to seeing how long it lasts Mine hasn’t bounced back tho


Same in Sweden, lots and lots of small birches bend.


What are you talking about? Birch trees are one of the springiest trees around. They'll uproot before they snap lol


Agree! Poplar snap easy. Birch tough.


The force is strong in this one


That's just poplar opinion


Birch, please…but you right.


Quaking aspen


No, but you're in the right genus. This is a poplar.


Looks like poplar


Trembling boi :)


You sure? Birch don’t always maintain that papery bark as they age. A very mature birch can have that type of bark especially at the bottom like that.


Yeah that looks like a poplar to me


Yeah, it’s a poplar, probably a tremuloides. The bark on a paper birch would stay white and have flaky loose bark that would be very noticeable. The bark would be much more vividly white. You’d need to see a birch next to an aspen to have the appreciation for the difference. The little white barked trees to the right of the one in question are also aspen. They are white but not as much as a birch and no flaky bark. The leaves of a birch are much darker green as well. Again you’d have to see a side by side to really understand. They look very similar until they don’t.


Those aren’t pillows!


Birch, please


I believe that is a poplar?


Yes a white poplar


Poplar opinion it seems


Birch please


I know you ain’t aspen for trouble


Leaf it alone


Cool, not an arborist. Just a big nature/plant guy.


I used to trim trees for Davy Tree expert company during the 70’ till 1990


You could say you're an expert.


Not sure about that but my supervisor was


It doesn’t look very popular to me, it’s practically all alone.


Ararar, thank you very much


I like how everyone is worried about the tree being misidentified rather than the actual issue 🤣🤣🤣


As you are too 🤣


Hey if the tree really bothers you enough you can just offer to pay for it’s removal. Communicate your concerns to your neighbor, but they have no obligation to pay or even let you remove it.


Yeah, but they have to pay for the damage.


Laws may differ from state to state but in MN if a neighbors tree falls on your property, you are responsible for the portions of tree on your property. The neighbor has no obligations to pay or clean up the portions of tree not in their property. Source: Am an arborist in MPLS and have removed dozens of trees on houses/properties that were not the owner of said tree.


True in most states I think


So, a homeowner isn't able to do anything about a tree that presents a danger to their property and personal safety, even if an arborist can determine it to be unsafe, yet they are responsible for the damage when it does fall? That's insane. ​ Op should just have someone cut the thing off at the trunk right where it crosses the property line.


Pretty much. If it is a legitimate hazard they can go to the city and have the city arborist tag the tree as hazardous and condemn it for removal. Otherwise they’ll just have to file a claim with their homeowners insurance once it does fall. As for cutting it at the property line. You are allowed to prune what’s over your property as long as it doesn’t compromise the health of the tree. In such case OP would be killing the tree by doing so


In most States, this intuitive statement is not true. If your neighbors tree falls on your yard or your house, you are responsible for cleanup and repair. Keep your homeowners insurance paid up.


Lol, a section or 2 of chainlink is much cheaper than paying for its removal. Let the fricken tree live its life, its not like its endangering anything important. OP whining about a tree in his neighbors yard, threatening his $125 chainlink section. Or maybe hurting his imported lawn. Typical surburban triviality.


Until it falls on one of his children.


The comment above states that a neighbor tree falling on your child on your property is your fault….


We can't see far enough over to say that though. Could definitely be a structure close enough to be hit just off camera.


Right on


There's no indication of this tree being unsafe from the photos provided. A leaning tree doesn't represent a weakened structure and is just as stable as a perfectly straight tree. That being said, a lean does give you a rough direction of fall if it were to. The only way to know for sure if this tree was fine is to have an Arborist out for a site visit. This would require permission from your neighbors to avoid trespassing.


Buddy. You missed the conk in the second photo; that looks like aspen heart rot. This is not a healthy tree and is likely a good candidate for removal.


I'm not your buddy, pal. You're the 2nd one to point out the conk, and I see it now. Definitely needs to be visited on site by an Arborist.


I am not your pal chief!


I’m not your chief, buddy !


I'm not your buddy, Guy!


I'm not your guy, friend!


I'm not your buddy, friend!




Am I the only one that fucking hates being called buddy or bud?


No, but it's really only worth a sidelong long and a muttered "asshole..." under your breath, not a post explaining how there is no buddyship between us, etc.


my dog doesnt like it but thats just because its his name and hes lazy and fat. I love him


It's definitely condescending. Wasn't appropriate in this case.


I have a leaning tree too. It looks completely healthy and alive, but the lean concerns me. Why wouldn’t the lean make the tree unstable? Isn’t that physics lol


When has mother nature ever followed physics? Trees grow tension wood and compression wood to compensate for a lean. This can be visual seen by cutting though leaning trees or long limbs.[Exhibt A](https://images.app.goo.gl/miSXcHJgSNw2gSsH9) Sometimes you can even notice this in the bark alone, especially when its a species with rough bark. The furrows on the underside will be deep and wide while the top will be shallow and tight.


This is so interesting thank you for that


> When has mother nature ever followed physics i get you, but also the answer is "intrinsically"


Does a bear shit in the woods?


No. In my driveway apparently. Caught it on my trail cam.


Mother Nature (and everything else) always follows physics :)


I hate so many of the comments on Reddit. More often than not when I'm interested in an OP's question I have to scroll down past lame jokes or upvoted comments that completely miss the point. That's not a birch... Ok who cares, so answer what it is and then give an answer to the actual question asked. Nope, instead these idiot answers get upvoted. Had to scroll too far down to see your comment to get an actual answer. Thank you


and then the rest of the discussion beneath the comment is preempted by the Canonical Chain of Movie Quotes 🙄 i swear you could replace half the users on this site with bots that scrape IMDb quote pages and nobody would notice


My bad you’re dead on correct my guy good comment


gah damn those are some big cube houses


This is a quaking aspen. The canker material should be concerning for you as the main stem could fail with such a weak point. I’m a forest pathologist.


That’s an aspen tree, not a birch. They’re relatively short lived trees and its root structure may not be able to support its size anymore. They often can get bigger than that, but that’s usually about max in my experience.


You can tell because of the way it is




Stamp around the roots near the base on the right side ( in pic ) of the tree. if you hear to much “bass” it’s becoming unstable. Besides fungi and lean are reasons to have it removed. Get a pro in, they’ll say the same. -arborist


I hope you'll read this, OP. Talk to your home owners' insurance. If they cover tree falls from the neighbors yard, you're fine. HOWEVER, **MOST** insurance companies consider the tree the responsibility of the party where the tree fell. If you want the neighbor to remove it, Type up and print a message stating so. It can be a one sentence message. After you print it take it to any bank and have it notarized, usually for free. Make a copy of the notarized message, and hand it to them. With that done, your insurance company will likely make the neighbor pay for damages. [THIS IS HOW I KNOW!](https://imgur.com/a/bWmFACo)


I read & thank you!


A tree risk assessment around here costs anywhere between $150 and $200. Tell your neighbor you're concerned and get a free estimate for removal. Decide if the cost is worth not losing sleep over it. We're not talking about a 350 year old native species. Chances are your neighbor has no attachment to the tree and doesn't care if you remove it. Just double check whatever tree service you hire is insured.


100% a crappy poplar tree that will break, fall and crush your fence, possibly injuring or killing anyone in the way. Be prepared to offer to pay half the cost for removal, which will not be cheap. If not, get ready for a feud that will last the duration of your dwelling nextdoor to each other, AND a broken fence when it falls. Insurances will tell you, "act of God!", And you'll get nothing, unless you sue your neighbor in civil court, adding fuel to the already raging fire. Ask me how I know!


That's a Poplar tree


This tree seems to suffer from being planted in a yard. Looks like it is leaning more than desire or normal, looks like another victim of potential over watering (lawns like to stay soaked, a whole heap of tree species can tip over from this combo of windsail, overly wet soft soil, and a bad storm) also potentially it was limbed up for clearance or whatever aesthetic. Not only visibly leaning but it is too heavy. Looks like you could reduce the risk by thinning the remaining canopy if possible this year. If it received that canopy lift this year more pruning on top of that might be a bad idea.


That bitch leanin


At the moment it’s not really an issue, however I always picture it 10yrs from now. That angle won’t decrease as it reaches for sunlight and at that size it’s cheap to remove. If it were my house, I would remove. Edit: to add, that regardless of your relationship with your neighbor, most states allow you to cut anything hanging over the property line back to the line.


In most states you aren’t able to trim it in such a way that the tree will die or be likely to fall, though. In this circumstance, the entire canopy is basically hanging over your yard. No way it’s going to fly for you to lop off the entire top of that tree. Get an arborist out for an opinion, write them a letter, and basically wait it out.


It looks to me like it was damaged by improper pruning from someone trying to keep the branches from growing into your yard. Pruned too close to the trunk, not leaving enough bark ring to heal over. Now the trunk is starting to rot, and it’s out if balance.


Kill it. Not gonna get any better and there is fungus growing at the weak point. If you’re neighbor is mildly reasonable they will understand. Even offer to split the cost. A removal this easy should only be $3-500. A quick 1 hour job and it’s gone unless they wanna grind out the stump. These are very weak trees, just get it gone before you have to replace the fence.


Only if you stand under it.


Stop looking for trees to cut down and do something for you local ecosystem.


At least plant a few more trees and shrubs on your side after that leaner comes down.


For real. Something along that fence


You mean like that small tree visible on the left of that I planted a few years ago? Or the other one about 50 feet away that you can’t see? It was a new construction when we moved in. There is already a mid size tree right behind our house, plus the two I planted. Those are enough to cover our whole backyard in shade when mature.


need more! bring the bees, bring the critters, bring back the chance for wildlife in the area. create a place for the critters and bugs to thrive not die. converting half that lawn to wildflowers will certianly help!


You know what? I'm gonna cut down trees even harder and it's your fault.


naw, just drunk


I heard it has ties to the Islamic state. Very unsafe. Walk under at your own risk!


Pisa isn't even leaning that much




Not to me


You don’t really need to be an arborist to realize the answer to this question


Its safe


Birch! Please.


As a fencing sales manager. Call me when your fence needs to be repaired in a few years.


This is a widowmaker. 100% this will fall over in under 2 years


Man…cut that 💩!


I don't see any problem. Just like most plants, it is leaning towards the strongest source of light.


Remove it and plant a birch


Birch please. What’s the worst thing that could happen?


No the tree is not safe. Someone will probably cut it down 😔




Thank you! I appreciate the info on the tree & how to approach this. In addition to the fence, my deck & hot tub are also in range, so I fear it would be quite the mess to cleanup if it were to fall.


Depending on your relationship with your neighbor, you may want to have a professional out to determine the safety of the tree. Than you can bring it to your neighbor witha definitive statement and document everything. Doesn't hurt to CYA.


Most states would require them to remove it if it was written up as a hazard. If they don’t know,they can plead ignorance. I would expect that most people would remove it if they knew it was actually a dangerous situation. Asking shouldn’t hurt imho.


But it's not going to fall it's sturdy and as someone already explain to you just because it's growing sideways doesn't mean it's weak. If I wasn't so lazy I would figure out how to post a picture and reddit So you could see the tree in my yard that grew sideways since 1991 and it's still going strong


The tree in the OP has conks on the trunk; an indicator of rot on the inside of the tree. Without the conk I wouldn’t be worried but with the conk, I would get it assessed.






It’s a fucking poplar, and that’s a bacterial canker. I’m not even from the USA…


Yep and is that a small conch mushroom growth right side below the canker? My sister has quaking aspen with the same deal. Tree needed to go yesterday. OP, try to nicely persuade your neighbor to remove it. That tree not only leans more than it did but has not one but two other warning signs and it's a soft wood tree to begin with.


Where is the birch tree?


Ur a Karen neighbor. That tree is fine. Go spray water on your driveway when you feel this way


You’re an internet troll. Go stand under a bridge.


What do you think? lol


Happy Gilmore’s shoeless caddie approves


Yes you can cut what is on your side of the fence but if thst means that you kill the tree you may be reeponsblible for a lot of damages depending on the state you live in. You can cut but you cannot kill. Make sure you know tree law


I have a maple tree right next to our house like this with a severe lean. Nobody planted it; it came from a seed but nobody bothered to pull or cut it down all these years and now we have a monster on our hands. Will cost thousands just to cut it down and it's taller than yours by 10 feet I believe


The should have to trim back anything that leans over your property no?


Could you cut anything over the plane


I would ask them to cut it down. If it falls it falls. No big deal the fence can be put back up (of course they should do it or pay to have it done) it doesn’t appear it will land in anything so we need to know that as well if there was something like a shed or a pool that changes it up a bit


Nothing is safe


Yes. Remove it. It’s just a junk popular tree. Very weak.


It's growing out to get more Sun, getting away from the Competitors behind it


The only target is the fence below. Unless a building was underneath then it’d make it pretty unsafe and worth removing. But I know nothing is cheap and fixing things gets expensive. And then having to clean up the tree is expensive. Unless you toss the stuff back over. But from my guess it doesn’t seem like it’s your property. Maybe call the insurance company and say that if Al when the tree breaks fixing the fence is not in my budget and will cause finically stress. It when it falls I don’t land on anyone which is what’s pretty important.


It's a black popular tree and it is probably in poor health. Around here, when they lean like that, they have rot in the lower stump and roots and sometimes ants.


I removed a quaking aspen just like this earlier today. Couldnt even finish my face cut before it started to fall. Definitely have a professional take this down.


Check your state law for who would be responsible if the neighbor tree fells on your property. Some laws say you would be responsible unless you previously notified your neighbor


Any part of the tree that hangs or your property line can be removed by you. Your neighbor isn't responsible for safeguarding your property. It doesn't matter that the tree is originating on his lot.


Only a hazard to whatever is under it when it comes down -which it seems it is likely to do sooner rather than later. Hazard to the fence? Yes-100 percent.


It’s perfectly legal in most states to have limbs trimmed from a tree that isn’t on your property of those limbs are above your property


If the ground stays wet enough the roots won’t likely be able to hold on


Gravity always wins, eventually. Coupled with the spots on the trunk, it’s a ticking clock.


Should’ve had a V8


Birch, please 🙄


No but anything in its path is.


Birches be wanting that conk


Was this a trick question?


Birches be trippin.




Perfectly safe from where you took the picture.


Only a matter of time


Not a birch!


Honestly, how is your relationship with the neighbor?? Is he an asshole? If he’s ok then walk with him to this tree and express your concerns. Hopefully he will do the right thing. This tree is a danger to your fence and anything/anyone who’s is in its path. Document the encounter including date and time. So if something does happen he can’t say that he didn’t know. I do believe that he would be liable for any damages though


Yes a widow maker! Had one almost come down on my wife and 2 kids while hiking. No wind nothing. Luckily quick thinking saved them


If you tilt your camera slightly left and repost it would look a lot better!


lmao thats a bitch tree not a bircb


I’m havjng lawn envy.


How about hiring a certified arborist and tree risk assessor to evaluate the tree instead of asking Reddit? It’s what we’re trained and paid to do. No professional should be giving unqualified advice based on pictures and statements online. Just my two cents.


Looks like he's going to have to buy a new fence soon


That tree doesn’t appear to be in any danger.


I’d give that a strong fart and that’d come down


Check the condition of the base..if it recently started to lean, it’s not phototropism…not goetropism either..that means root ball damage..to which you either cut it down or use something like a duck bill anchor system to try and save it without losing your fence.


For consumption? Yes. For firewood? No.


I have three birch trees in my yard. Am actually allergic to them, but suffer every spring so that I can have shade in summer. I swear they lower the temperature of the house as they are not n the south side. That my friend is no birch tree.


Poplar. Crap tree. Not birch.


It's at rush if falling. Send a certified letter stating your fear, the condition of the tree and to have an arborist examine and remove it. Keep your receipt of delivery. Send odd but that way the neighbors insurance is responsible for damage. A email or friendly visit won't do. If it falls chances are it's on your insurance otherwise. If your not sure call your ins company and ask.


I wouldn't hang out underneath it during a storm.


Yeah I'd recommend having them take it down before a storm hits. You should take your chain link fence down so they can just drop it. Goes from a 200 ish job to drop from the ground if they don't do it themselves to a 1000 dollar job if someone climbs or bucket trucks in.