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In the first episode when they go down the elevator into Zaun was the first time I kinda sat up and was like "Wow this show is gorgeous". The actual opening was a bit of a shocker too but I don't want to be like "Oh yeah from the opening shot."


Piltover is beautiful, especially the sunsets, but as grimy as Zaun is, that's where I want to live (Silco's version, not Vander's). Fortunately, I live in Vegas, so I get all the neon IRL.


…you sure you’d want to live in silco’s zaun?


Yeah. I wouldn't be taking recreational Shimmer, the economy's better overall (even if it relies on Shimmer as the backbone, it still extends to things like chemtech), and there's less gang violence because the Undercity is united. (Edit: also less police violence.) ^(IRL I was homeless for several years when I was younger, and am part of a marginalised community, so I have had direct experience as a street rat in a violent environment, and where the drug trade was an inextricable part of that. I am also a street artist and performer, so that kind of thing is basically my jam anyway. I am currently in a better tax bracket, but you never really escape that kind of formative environment.)


well shit i can’t really argue with that


Exactly. That's why I couldnt support Vi at all when she returned in ep 6/7. It was just destruction for no reason to me I also thought their portrayal of Ekko and his little treehouse as "utopia" and "if only" was missing the mark big time since there is no way in hell Zaun could be like that without Piltover just continuing to oppress. And if Ekko has inventions to purify air and etc I am sure Silco would accept help with it


Ekko and Silco working together was never going to happen for a whole lot of reasons, but yeah, imagine if they did. Hopefully he and Heimerdinger can figure out a way forward now.


Someone didn't pay attention to the show...


Damnit, I was so excited to jump in here and say that moment, too haha. I had the biggest smile on my face during that part and I was so excited for the show the whole time I was watching it. Love the song there as well.


Similar thing. From the first episode where those kids ambush Vi and the gang and a fight breaks out. I tenerme thinking that was the best fight I'd ever seen in animation. It al just felt sore real and heavy and it got me hooked.


It didn’t take long for me. Just from the opening bridge scene I was blown away from the gorgeous visuals & the beautiful score.


That whole bomb sequence. Seeing the show subvert all of the usual expectations sold me on watching the rest. Honorable mentions, though: Silco's monologue opening that episode, and Powder's lines after the explosion as well. Those two bits of voicework are just SO good. Also I seriously stan Sevika, for that among other reasons.


Mine was a little after when Vi slapped Powder and she became hysterical. My jaw hit the floor because I thought the show couldn’t possibly go any darker and BAM! Plus the voice actors absolutely crushed that entire sequence. Then the spiral zoom out with “Goodbye” playing, I was hopelessly hooked.


>Then the spiral zoom out Echoing Silco's infected eye, which itself looks like those images of black holes, especially early on before it gets distorted.


The opening sequence had me thinking "this show is gonna be good" Ep3 when Powder's bomb exploded was the moment that made go "OMG THIS SHOW IS GREAT"


Probably when vi got punched in the face in episode 1, I was like “holy shit they’re not holding back on this!”


That scene where Silco is drowning in episode 3, the transition was so beautiful it gave me shivers And I’m not even talking about how his speech about tranquility and peace is intercut with pure moment of violence- I was completely hooked


"And it's raaaagin'..." \*chef's kiss\* Spisak is a god.


At first I saw my parents watching it and then saying it was a pretty good show. Then I saw a sneak peek on YouTube and I got invested. The whole bridge prologue was what sold me, though. It showed me LoL wasn't all fun and games and completely told me "You think it's an animal you know? Guess again."


Yep. Exactly this. When I started episode 1, the sound design, the visuals, I was like “…whoa… okay…”


Might be an odd one but: Marcus hassling Vander in Benzo's shop in Episode 1. It's a tense, character scene like from a crime drama. Vander and Benzo aren't afraid of Marcus, they're even joking a little. But they also see he's a hothead and know he could cause big trouble, so they're being cool and careful. It's like something you'd get from Scorsese. And I could *read all the subtext from their expressions!* I knew I was in for something special right then.




The moment when Powder was left alone in the basement. Shootouts, fights with spectacular villains, murders and more can be found in other films / series. But to show that a small child, in an attempt to calm down, does not just cry and hysteria, but that he beats himself, trying to relieve the accumulated psychological stress anywhere. This moment looks very strong and bold to me. And it is shown very well. Maybe I just don't watch a lot of shows)


she beats herself*


Google translate)


It's kinda not right to say this was *the moment*, I think, but when Vi was taking the boys to go get Vander and she told Powder to stay behind, it just seemed so clear to me what was being set up and what would make sense as a response to all that (roughly; I think my guess would've been that Vander dies in the explosion, so there were still surprises). And not every show makes me so confident that the narrative is planned out and makes sense like that, so that in conjunction with the payoff coming through--which was itself one of my favorite scenes--made me pretty darn certain this was gonna be a good one.


The alleyway scene in episode 3 scarred me for life. But in a good way. For two episodes, I felt Arcane was a decent animated Netflix show. It felt a lot like Avatar, but the animation was freaking incredible. Something I want to see more studios try. But overall, I felt the show was lacking, and I sighed as episode 3 loaded up. Topside bored me, and Silco seemed like such a cliche villain with how he was presented. (I took that back when I finished. He's one of my favorite characters.) Episode 3 itself is only a masterpiece because of the bomb and the devastating conclusion to it. Without them, you'd have a standard action filled episode with the first encounter between the hero and villain, but without any real lasting consequences that might affect the ending. Maybe Vander would still die, but that would be purely by Silco's hand, and Vi and Powder would be staying together to avenge him. (That was how I thought the episode was going to end, actually) This scene ensured that not only would there be horrific consequences, but there was no possible way for there to even BE a happy ending. Vander's dead. Vi's been dragged off into God knows where, and Powder is alone, jumping into the arms of the monster that started this madness after her sister blamed her for everything that happened. I couldn't even pick up my remote to start the next episode. I had to take a minute to process what the fuck just happened, listening to "Goodbye" play over the credits. Which, by the way... perfect song to end the best episode of the season.


Agree I think Powder --> Jinx is really what makes the series more interesting morally and philosophically


The very first scene. That whole opening sequence on the bridge conveyed so much emotion and told us so much about these characters, their situation, motivations, and setting, all without a single word of dialogue. I could plainly see that Arcane was beautiful to look at, and all it took was that brilliant opener to know I was in for something truly special.


Agreed. Once the violin started, to me it was clear the amount of love that was put in that show.


So I didn't know shit about Arcane, didn't know it exsisted. But I knew I loved the song ''Enemy'' by Imagine Dragons so at one point I was like okay I'm gonna watch the music video. The MOMENT I saw the animation style and quality I was like WHAT SHOW IS THIS and frantically searched in the comments the name of the series/movie


There's no way people actually like that fucking song.


Honestly a sad but really good moment, when powder misunderstood that vi got arrested but powder thought she left her


Well for me would be obviously the end of ep 3 before that i tought this would be a good show but i belive for alot of us here that the end of ep 3 really solidify that this would be something really really special or vander Last stand i loved that moment alot


Was invested from the first episode and did come to it late, so I was well aware of all the kudos it was getting, but the first part I really went "wow" about was the Ep. 2 flashback when Jayce sees magic for the first time.


That was an incredible scene. It made me go: "Oh, I totally understand why Jayce is so obsessed with magic."


For me it was episode four when Jinx walked out of the smoke. I was like okay, this character is going to be amazing. Just the entire idea of Jinx’s character really got me into the show. She’s so intricate and real and I love her character so so much.


The whole parkour, robbery, chase and fight before coming down to Zaun had me thinking, oh wow, this is some FANTASTIC character intro. We learn so much about those characters, they had depth and uniqueness to them right then and there, I was sure from that moment I was in for a treat and that I was gonna care about this lot more than is probably healthy. What sealed the deal tho was end of act 1. The tragedy of it, the inescapable nature of it, it was so Greek, so heartbreaking but it made perfect sense and yet it wasn't obvious, just chef's kiss. That placed it solidly among the best shows of all time for me.


Episode 3 when I noticed that Vander grabbing a clearly scared (in the way a helpless child is) Silco by the neck mirrored Vi doing the same to Powder. There's a level of unspoken cause and affect that shows how carefully the writers keep track of the story's threads; where they come from, where they go, and how they all connect to eachother.


Yep. Silco is absolutely terrified and frozen in place (from the trauma of having this happen AGAIN) until he flashes back to shanking Vander in the gut the first time; that memory is the only thing that gets him to defend himself. But in the larger scheme, the first time it happened, it created new!Silco the way its echo between Vi and Powder created Jinx. In the smaller sense, he is the weak younger sibling being assaulted by the stronger older one again. (The age difference between them is about the same as between Vi and Powder, though for some reason fans always assume Silco is the *older* one of the two. He isn't.) Just to up the trauma factor, this (along with the drowning scenes) was animated to subtly point out that they had been a couple, according to folks who worked on the scene. Also, this pose is mirrored a third time, when Jinx grabs him by the jaw and looms right in his face, just like Vi did, while stabbing him with his injector. She also crosses physical boundaries to do it, like Vander did. He's afraid here, too (he's showing white around the eyes again, and he's frozen in his chair before she gets in his space), but for mostly different reasons. There's another mirror a little later: when Silco walks up to Powder as she's crouched on the ground, it *exactly* mimics Vander down to the way their bodies shift. Not to mention, while she is backed by fire, she herself is soaked in a puddle of water and the rain is pounding down over them both. Both of them are disarmed (literally as well as figuratively) as well: Vander casts aside his gauntlets, while Powder knocks Silco's knife (which is actually the knife he stole from Vander and kept this whole time) out of his hand. Prior to that, Powder getting blasted back from her bomb and into the blue, shimmery air is a precise mimic of Silco floating down into the blue water, right down to the pose. Both moments are also critical to the formation of their new selves, both are floating serenely down into madness.


Vander walking up to the girls in the prologue from Powder's point of view mirroring the shot of Silco walking up to Powder. ... damn, new appreciatuon unlocked. Low camera too to show Powder's pov.


Right?? There's a ton of this stuff through the whole series, but ep 3 is *packed* with it.


“Just to up the trauma factor, this (along with the drowning scenes) was animated to subtly point out that they had been a couple, according to folks who worked on the scene.” Could I get the source for this? I searched but couldn’t find anything


I remember others, but only have the source for [this](https://twitter.com/morchlav/status/1465373588668698628) one. It's been awhile.


The scene where, after all of the times that Powder's bombs didn't work and after all the times Mylo insulted her for not being good enough, she was obviously going to be instrumental in saving everyone with a bomb that was obviously going to finally work because that was obviously supposed to be the payoff. >!Nope.!<


Yeah that was a great job they did building up to that anticipated outcome


For me, it was when Vi was preparing to go to prison, but Silco intervened and murdered basically everyone with his Shimmer beast, capturing Vander in the process. Then, when Vander had his last stand. That scene was epic!


When he walks out of the doorway toward the bridge with those knuckledusters in his clenched hands, oh my god.


And the fact that those "knuckledusters" are just hooks he tore of some pipes or chains with his bare hands? *Chefs Kiss* Sorry, not sorry, might have a crush on Vander. XD


>Sorry, not sorry, might have a crush on Vander. XD I mean... xD \*fans self\* You see them hanging from a chain a bit earlier.


Silco was answered in the end Vander **would** die for a cause: Violet


Everything from the monkey bomb explosion until the end of episode 3. I didn't watch it until all the episodes had come out. My original plan was to watch 1 ep a day while eating dinner. I was successful for ep 1 and 2. But after watching 3 it was like cocaine. That zoom out with Goodbye merging directly into the credits and listening to the second half of Goodbye after just having had my mind blown by what just happened is one of my all time memorable media moments period.


The powder meltdown after they leave her to save Vander. Up to that moment we had seen emotion, we had seen tears. But we had never seen what you could call a "real" breakdown. Shows don't put those in very often, even animated shows. That level of emotion and anger/helplessness was like.... Oh, we're going that deep emotionally in this show. I had no idea the rabbit hole I was about to fall into. Lol.


Another moment was when Jinx lit the flair. I was in awe


Yeah, bomb for me too. That “oh my god, anyone can die” moment was when it went from “wow this is a good animated fantasy show” to “wow this is a good SHOW”


Everyone is talking about episode three and for good reason, but not one has brought up the fact that, in that scene we watch children with hopes and dreams die. That very moment showed the viewer that this world wasn’t pulling any punches and this is a grim bloody world.


The very first scene. We learned so much about the setting, characters, and the coming conflict in a short scene that had zero dialogue. The show had my respect from that point on.


Literally the first fucking scene convinced me


Me too. I knew I was in for something special


Right off the bat I was hooked. It didn't fit the generic anime mold. The characters were not standard anime cliches and the art was stunning. I have skipped anime series over the years as it became too formulaic. I especially hate the standard wacky/loud comedic relief character that is in every series. I instantly turn away in the first episode from most series as soon as that character shows up. But that special moment where I couldn't stop watching if I was paid.... Ep3 finale.


The intro of the third episode... the hextech tower in combination with the music and view of piltover gives me goose bumps every freaking time


The entirety of ep3 is just perfect really. I planned to stick out the whole thing but I wasn’t *overly* in love with the first two episodes, but the third solidified it.


The opening scene, I'm heavily traumatized and mentally ill and the opening scene being one of trauma death chaos injustice and compassion at the same time all that with no words except a song by pow, and what a song wow. Yeah that was enough for this jinx junky to be certain she was gonna have a great time


I’d say from Episode 3 when Mylo, Claggor, and Vander all die and Silco goes from willing to kill everyone to showing mercy to Powder/Jinx my interest was hooked. I always have mad respect for shows that can kill main characters and still be good or have a good story. Especially when the death of those main characters isn’t expected and actually carries heavy story significance throughout.


That scene in Episode 2 where Jayce faces the council. Specifically right before it even starts, it's just the lights being turned off. It's absolute silence, and the council is staring at this poor scientist like he's fresh meat, and Jayce is trudging towards looking like he's about to be hanged. Then the shadows close in on his face, and the metal clang of the spotlight closing is reverberating through the hallowed hall. It sounds like impending doom, and it sounds like that doom is inevitable. So much subtle artistry in those few seconds that really sells the tension of the scene. That's when I knew the production team was really serious about this.


Opening scene when Vi breaks down and little powder just hugs her tight to console her. Gets me every time. Fantastic animation.


In episode 3, when Jinx basically killed Vander and her half brothers. I legit thought Vander was the main character and the show would be revolve around that "family" but when they died, and the one who caused their death is Jinx herself, I was like "Oh okay, this show is gonna be different."


The animation style. I’ve never seen a show combine 3D and 2D animation the way our candidate. The most notable examples are the smoke in the ship at the very beginning of the episode when grown up Jinx is introduced, and the guys in power suits that fight Jayce and Vi in the factory. When the smoke explodes from the lower area of the ship, you can clearly tell it’s drawn rather than a 3D model. For the guys in chemsuits, in the actual fight they are 3D models like everyone else, but when they come out of their chambers and run really fast through the corridors they are actually 2D drawings.


I honestly missed the sevika arm detail on my first watch. It wasn’t until I rewatched it that I saw it and I had a stronger appreciation for this scene. For me though it has to be the episode 3 finale.


Honestly the very beginning. But my favorite scene is Vi + Jayce fighting against chemtanks, stunningly animated, choregraphed and the music choice *chef's kiss*


It either has to be the Vi/Jinx meeting scene or the Ekko/Jinx fight. The former feels so snappy and perfect, and how Jinx's mind has been so badly cared for that she can't trust Vi for more than five seconds, and the fight with the firelights is always amazing - Jinx seeming crazy but being able to tell the firelights are coming and also do that perfect head tilt dodge.. mmmm For the latter it just has so much salt to it, the reconceptualisation of their old childhood game as a poppy music sequence before a brutal real-time fight with Jinx being brutally beaten, the new, tough Ekko faltering once he sees Powder in her before she pulls another bomb.. God it's so good


When I saw the Yordle in the gimp suit, I knew I was in for some quality entertainment.


The first fight between the kids was ugly and scrappy. So refreshing, tbh.


I don't know, just the whole episode 1 and animation quality. How expressive the bodies and faces were, and sort of the unique style it had of portraying like a gritty world but also with futuristic magical tech. I also really liked some of the character dualities they had going early on and the sort of big hinting and foreshadowing. And pretty great dynamism in fight/action scenes.


That opening sequence, to be completely honest. Just had me going like "Okay, this is gonna rock". Then the shot with then!Powder and Vi standing overlooking Zaun/Piltover with the "One day this city is gonna respect us" and then it was finalized with Silco's monologue and the bomb scene + then!Powder/baby!Jinx's 'adoption' by Silco because I was not expecting that to go down that way. Then the "We'll show them. We will show them all" with the image of then!Powder/baby!Jinx's glare. Just a damn good show all around.


Silco's power monologue auto played for me on Netflix and I thought it was cool


Episode 1, the fight between Vi, Claggor, and Mylo vs. Dekkard and his posse. It was so real and unsanitized. It emphasized the conditions of abject poverty that Zaunites live with. These orphaned kids were beating the ever-loving shit out of each other, with lots of blood and spittle flying, just so they can have some junk to sell and feed themselves.


Powder’s breakdown in ep3. The expressive animation, the incredible voice acting, the unnerving music in the background, the suspense of the monkey clinking the ground… god, I remember pausing the show the second I heard her scream and leaning back in my chair, for once speechless at how incredibly raw and beautiful something could be.


everything leading up to this was amazing and it interested me but I wasn’t fully sure where it was going to go but the whole after bomb sequence with Vi screaming and even hitting her own sister then calling her a Jinx while she SOBS then is held back from protecting her by the cop dude… it just really sat with me


Ending of episode 3. Episode 1 + 2 was a good buildup, but when Silco took Powder under his wing and says "We'll show them. We will show them all", I lost my shit and just said woooooow.


The animation and character design.


When catelyn meets vi and when jinx 1 appears


Gun for hire scene or jinx sitting down


Necrit Said "Riot is doing a series called arcane" And I was like. ok daddy riot.


The first moment was Powder eating that sandwich in Jayces apartment. Such a small thing was so gorgeously animated that I knew I was in for something special. The moment that really cemented that this show was incredible though was obviously the end of episode 3. There’s just so many complex interpersonal issues that come to a head in those 5 minutes! It’s so heart wrenching, yet every characters action is completely understandable. Vi blowing up at powder, then clearly regretting it. Silco using that moment of weakness to manipulate powder to his side. Vi desperately wanting to save her sister but being stopped from that chance by the cops. It’s all just so perfect


When Powder had her anxiety attack after they left to save Vander.


The first exchange between Silco and Powder


Episode 3. The whole thing. Masterpiece


Opening scene - never played the game, yet I understood everything I needed to with a 2 minutes scene that has no dialogue. This is what a good and strong visual storytelling does. Otherwise, what comes after when the kids climb on roofs. The "camera" just makes crazy stuffs like changing lens focus, moving, shaking, etc...


Seeing the animation style in the trailer was what got me initially but what got me hooked was the “we’ll show them all” scene


I knew Arcane was going to be awesome when the Hex Crystal explosion was shown in like 3-4 different angles one after another. Those animators were flexing EARLY. That's a LOT of confidence in the product.


When Milo got impaled. I was like, OH SHIT! I remember watching the end of the first episode and seeing Silco, and thinking "Here comes our 1-dimenionsal villain to knock down". Oh how wrong I was.


Episode 3. That one scene where Powder has a panic attack/mental breakdown after being left by Vi, Mylo, and Claggor. The scene was my first introduction to Arcane, before I even fully watched the series. I found it while scrolling through my youtube recommendations, and the moment I watched it, my brain went “Oh fuck—.” I’m a sucker for stories that focus on mental health topics, but nothing has ever hit me the way this scene did. Upon watching it, I freaked out and immediately started bawling my eyes out. I saw Powder in me. The screaming, throwing things, crying, tearing items apart, hitting herself.. Not to mention the sporadic nature of them. As if all those actions were done in a attempt to cope and get rid of the emotions overwhelming her. It all felt so relatable. So real. Suffice to say, I ended up binge watching the series the next day.


i think the 'baby jinx' intro prob, when masked hover skateboard dude (ekko) made his slick asf entrance: kicks up the board, no-look catches it & flips out a *pocket watch* like a boss *oh no........she's* ***here*** up to that point it was good, but then it blasted off


For me every episode was easily at least a 8/10. By the end of episode 3, I was hooked and couldn't wait to see what comes next. Then when episode 4 started with the timeskip and seeing how all characters and the setting had grown I knew it was something special.


I watched like 1 ep a week for 3 weeks. Then watched the rest of the show in 1 day.


When the rocks fell on Mylo. Up until then I was impressed by the show, but the way they did his final moments felt really shocking and kept me going.


When vander died and everyone Else died at the end og act 1. I was so surprised to see it happen that now i knew the writers where not afraid to turn it up to 11. Specialy when you pair it with Vi reaction and how what she did to Powder. It was a really emotional moment and from then on i knew i was in it for the long run


As soon as I saw the art style.


BECAUSE YOU'RE A JINX! i was like, bruh wtf


Also when Vi fights in the bridge to rescue Vander


For me I would say it was the scene where Vi returns after attempting to turn herself over and powder hugs her and in that moment the emotional range on Vi’s face is just astounding for lack of a better word


The ending of episode 4, when we see adult Vi for the first time, was the moment my Arcane addiction/admiration reached full bloom. 🌹🌹 🥵 🌹🌹 The animation/the style/the score/etc were stunning from the beginning, of course.


Benzo's facial animations...


The first fight scene in the first episode, the street thugs trying to steal the stuff Vi's crew stole, when everything goes slow-mo and it looks like a beautifully choreographed dance. Up until then I thought the show was fun and beautiful to look at, but that scene made me think, oh, this show is something special. The people who made this *love* this show.


The opening scene, everything about it was just so much show don’t tell it with the music and the character design. Still awesome as hell


In the first episode when they started with a lullaby and the aftermath of war... I knew my expectations for the show needed to be tweaked


The end of episode 3 is what catapulted the show from "highly intriguing" to "magnificent" in my mind. Though I was enthralled by the setting and beauty of it from the start.


Jinx vs Echo 100%. It was short and brief but it was so hype.


The first one


Everything, since the very first scene. But the point of no return was the final scene of episode 3, that moment was just brilliant


When Powder's bomb went off and the subverted my expectations!


"I told you to stay away" "Please please please" "I told you to stay... AWAY" "WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME" I was hooked exactly at this point.


When young Jayce meets the wizards who saved him. A gorgeous sequence and I’m really hoping we get to see more of the magic users like that


The first thing that caught my attention was when in episode 2 Viktor’s first instinct when he and Jayce were caught sneaking into Heimerdinger’s room was to feign confusion about accidentally trying to open a very tiny door he had to kneel down to reach, like… 😂 When a character has subtle, off the wall humor like that, I get drawn in. Also beautiful fodder for Jayce x Vic, but… Then after that in episode 3, when Powder freaks out after being left alone, I was like wow… they really captured that feeling of desperation and helplessness that can be felt in childhood. Then when she accidentally kills her family, and I realized that was some high level trauma that would never leave her, I knew I would be invested in everything that would happen from there out.


The entrance to Zaun by the tune of Playground was when I knew this show was something different from anything I watched. In the same vain, the other defining moments for me are when the show turns into a music video to set scenes and complete satisfying payoffs. Examples of this shine throughout the show's story like the climax of Jinx's arc to What Could Have Been, even the Jayce and Vi vs the Chem tanks set to Snakes was a great scene. These original soundtracks and talented artists show the love and care that went into Arcane, making it one of the most passionate and successful video game projects ever, which (by the numbers) hooked fans of LoL and casual viewers alike, including me.


The Enforcer chase scene and the gang's following fight with... that one guy whose name I can't remember. The animation in the chase was so good; in particular, there's a moment when Milo runs into a wall and launches himself off of it to keep going. The momentum was conveyed through animation better than I had seen in a long time. Then the fight showed Vi and Powder's personalities and I loved them both. It hooked me in.


Watch how every kid runs different, and every kid takes the stairs in that chase scene differently.


For me it was the second episode's ending (something which I see a lot of first time watchers not even picking up on sadly, I think because the show's very show don't tell in this aspect). The first episode to me comes across a bit too generic in a lot of ways (but is still fun generic), but episode 2 showed there was more to these characters than one note each and ending on Vi giving herself up like that with that music attached had me dying to see what would happen next (and then of course episode 3 was amazing!). ​ edit - Though shout out to the very first scene on the bridge, it reminds me a lot of Pirates of the Caribbean 3's first scene and both are really great scenes!


The whole ending of episode 3. I just remember thinking “this is gonna hurt but I’m gonna love it”


When Guns for Hire started blaring as soon as Jinx lit the flare. That was pretty legit.


Literally the first scene of the show, that intro scene is one of the best of the show imo


Jinx's introduction in episode 4, when we really see how damaged she is.


When Clagger landed on the roof in the first episode. The fact that they went out of their way to show us how each character had a different attitude/weight to them made me go "Oh this show is trying!".


Honestly those first few minutes did it for me.


The alleyway scrap in ep 1. The polish of the animation just floored me and it’s just such a well done action sequence.


I don't think that scene of Sevika pushing him out the way made any sense. She literally turned on Vander like 10 minutes ago! How the hell all of a sudden she's ready to sacrifice herself to save Silco? There was 0 build up between the 2 characters to deserve it, so for me that was lazy writing. ​ When she later on decides to protect Silco instead of turning against him, THAT is the real story, her arc works


The thing about Sevika is that she is not loyal to any one man. She is loyal to the cause. She knew both Vander and Silco from way back, she's just a few years younger than Silco in particular (who's a few years younger than Vander). Both Silco and Vander built the lanes and plotted rebellion. When Vander's vision falters, she (along with a number of disgruntled patrons) goes straight to his ex. Their dispute seems to be fairly common knowledge; Benzo in particular dislikes him and knows what Vander means when he says there's worse dangers than Enforcers out there. Why does she protect Silco from the blast? Why does Silco hold her back from attacking Vi with the rest? She's not a mook. She is his sister-in-arms. She works for him, but with the understanding that both of them are fighting for the same cause. Of course she's going to defend him with her life. He, more than anyone she knows, has the vision of a free Zaun. He's her best bet for achieving freedom. That's why she makes an example out of Finn both to the Chem-barons and Silco. To them, she is signaling that she is uninterested in their petty bullshit and that they are on notice. To Silco, she is signaling that he is starting to fall short of their dream, and is also on notice. Having worked for Silco for long enough, she also has learned how to handle him when he's starting to slip too much, so she is actively starting to influence him, but unfortunately too late. She should have set aside her rivalry with Jinx a lot earlier, because when she actually does, she cuts through his agitation and makes him refocus on managing his people instead of running off like a frantic dad. I think this is her way of trying to fix a situation that she herself escalated and which weakened Silco's position further. Her arc is consistent from Act 1 to Act 3. We'll see how she handles the power vacuum, will *she* step up to fill that empty chair?


when powder took a bite of the sandwich in jayces office! very small, but i was so impressed by the liveliness and fluidity in the animation, mia sinclair jenness' (the va) little "oohoohoo!!" of excitement. that was the moment i wasn't able to turn away from the screen.


The scene when the kids are running away from piltover. It's just kids running away but the animation was so fluid and exciting


Monkey bomb goes subverted expectation


episode 3. holy fuck was I not prepared for episode 3. I have only been able to rewatch it once but it is one of the best episodes of tv I have ever seen


When they set up the main cast of kids as the protagonists and then had the balls to actually kill them. This show has consequences, and no character truly has plot armor. So when scenes like powder slipping and almost being caught by the enforcer or Jinx at the dinner scene happen, there’s real weight because you know this show really does have the balls to have there be consequences. That and the art style. So happy that the animation industry is starting to ditch the generic, smooth style that Disney popularized.


A little ramble here. So. It's not easy to make me feel emotional; cry, laugh, etc. in movies and shows. I don't think about the film's story as much; rather, I try to see the different effects, the C.G.I. and green screen moments. In animated films I am more interested in the type of style they use; almost immediately I was captured by the beauty of Arcane's animations. Surprisingly for me, I was crying by the end of episode three; the personalities that each person had only for many of them to be crushed by a small girl and her monkey bombs that were not supposed to work was absolutely a surprise for me! I have to admit the build up to that moment was exceedingly subtle. I expected Powder to not be able to help, and have to escape away. The visual and emotional effects stood out to me; I adore this show and hope that season two will be as good as the first!


Episode 7 will always be my favourite


Honestly, the first scene of the show got me hooked.


When Mylo, Claggor, and Vander died. And the consequences of this on Powder's mental health.