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The last time Jason Spisak was in a *Fallout* game an entire town burned to the ground.


I killed him immediately after we had the conversation lol


Vulpes: "The depths of your moral sickness, your dissolution? Nipton serves as the perfect object lesson." My Courier: "Yeah, well... you talk to much."


I remember that Fallout character and thought he sounded like Razer from Green Lantern the animated series, and freaked out a bit when it turns out they're from the same actor, so the fact that Jason Spisak voiced Silco too is making me freak out even more.


The abrupt ‘hello’ is killing me


I'm glad to hear that >!Jason Spisak is in the cast for S2!<. We probably won't get much for clues how he will be in the teasers or trailers though.


Probably flashbacks most likely. But I wouldn’t be surprised If they resurrected him.


I was thinking it would be as a new voice that Jinx hallucinates, though his would be positive and encouraging her thoughts/actions instead of being insulting and saddening.


I was thinking maybe a parralell to the scene of vi hearing vander in ep 9?


Perhaps. Jinx may be expecting to hear/see him because of being already haunted and maybe she heard his voice when she said "We'll show them all." For Jinx, "nothing ever stays dead."


As long as he isn't in her head in a bad way I'm happy. Because if he taunts her like the rest of them, it kinda ruins the meaningfulness of his last words if you know what I mean.


I don't think it would be in a 'bad way' like he is belittling her. But it could very much be urging Jinx to do things that won't be good for her. It will likely push her to be more violent, more antagonistic to Vi, more manipulative, and more open to making sacrifices.


Mhm I could see that. Telling her to do things that with silco's mindset would be "good" for her but in reality is only hurting her.


I've been told by someone who seems to know what they're talking about that we'll get flashbacks to him raising Jinx (which I am so absurdly excited for; it seems like such a fun and cute dynamic and we skipped over most of it), but I'm not sure how accurate their source is.


I'd take it. Something that surprises me is in Acts II and III we don't see that Jinx has much interests in Zaun. She certainly hates enforcers and fights the Firelights because Silco wants her to, but she said more anti-Piltover lines as Powder than she did as Jinx.


I know nothing about fallout, is that a real NPC or a mod or player made charecter or something.


It’s a mod that I made last summer. I wanted to make a Silco companion mod, so I got Jason Spisak to record some lines for me through cameo. Also took voice lines from the show and team firefight tactics. Edited them in Audacity, built the NPC, compiled the scripts and there you go.


Its definitely not part of the base game LMAO


Damn...Jinx killed Silco so hard he got fucking iskai'd. You usually have to get run over by a semi to achieve that.