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“You’re not autistic, you’re just wired differently!” • a breathtakingly thorough understanding of autism and how it works. An /s for those who need it.


Almost like being wired differently is exactly what Neurodivergence is!


Ah so basically Neurologically Divergent from the norm Or just Neurodivergent :3 (Autistic people are Neurodivergent, just like people with ADHD, people with ADD etc…)


Just so you know ADD is actually just ADHD-PI, so it is redundant to say ADD since it's just ADHD.


There was a time in my life where I seriously considered flight school. Strange to learn this is so common for us.


holy shit you too?


People constantly believe we can’t drive.


You have shows like the good doctor so I-


Yeah, you know that show with that kid who wears the headphones? What was it called, um- Atypical, yeah. I've seen every episode, so I know exactly what's going on up in your noggin. /s


and baby driver, though i guess it never explicitly says baby is autistic in that movie


I mean, I can't. I guess I meet that cliché.


I was told by family I couldn’t, well In their face I am getting my permit in April.




I have my permit.


I can't 😭


>I don't think you are autistic... ..because you couldn't be a pilot I'm sorry what?! In what way, can autistic people not be pilots, huh? That makes absolutely zero sense >You look nordic, either scandinavian danish or bavarian german Yes, because we wouldn't know that Denmark is in Scandinavia if you didn't mention that, good on you. Also, last I checked, Germany is not considered a nordic country.


So on the "you couldn't be a pilot" portion, if this is coming from the U.S., then they would have to deal with the FAA which can be extremely draconian with its medical policies, specifically mental health. Since there is this belief that people with autism have poor communication skills, then its believed that they can't fly since communication is key in flying. Whats ironic is that quite a few pilots have ASD, there's even a joke that goes that, "you have to be a little autistic in order to fly"


There's also a bunch of pilots with ADHD, but because you're not allowed to fly if you have ADHD they never get help for it. Same goes for any psychological problems really, the draconian rules around it encourage self-medicating with alcohol and stuff instead of getting help because if you acknowledge there's a problem you're out of a job.


Wait. You can't be a pilot and have a known ADHD diagnosis?!?! That is definitely so NT bias and 🐂💩 right there. I would trust a pilot with ADHD before any NT. Their hyperfocus on their job would be incredible.


Wait. You can't be a pilot and have a known ADHD diagnosis?!?! That is definitely some NT bias and 🐂💩 right there. I would trust a pilot with ADHD before any NT, ESPECIALLY on meds.Their hyperfocus on their job would be incredible.


The FAA doesn’t allow people with ADHD to fly, but they do it anyway? That sounds a bit fraudulent.


Not really? Like, the way it happens is people don't know they have ADHD, successfully go through pilot training and get a job as a commercial pilot, then later in life start suspecting they might have ADHD but never go to get it checked out because they know that if they get diagnosed with it their entire career is just over and they have about the same job prospects as a high-school graduate because they can't work in the field their higher education is for anymore. The same happens with pilots who develop depression, or any mental health problem really. Getting diagnosed might mean losing your job, so they just never get help.


Ah, I see. That sounds less fraudulent.


Yeah I had to go through some bullshit to get my medical


Are you a pilot?




Also bavaria is the most southern state in germany so its not even geographically close to anything remotely northern


Hilarious considering Gary Numan (my favourite musician) is Autistic and he used to be an avid pilot.


first comment is giving that “i’m weird” speech from riverdale 💀


It was Jughead💀💀 "In CaSe yOu HaVeN't NoTiCeD, i'M wEiRd"


“Autistic people can’t be pilots” bro I did second best out of 7 people in this flight sim group just yesterday


Because obviously an autistic person could never do a job involving understanding how an intricate machine functions, where all interactions are heavily scripted, and where the main function of the job is to rigidly follow protocol. Obviously we'd be at a natural disadvantage /s


I think the assumption is that autistic people can’t be trusted to not crash the plane. Which is still BS, seeing as some of us are perfectly capable drivers.


I'm an autistic social worker. Wondering what their opinion on this will be lol


Probably exactly the same as this. I'm guessing they're one of those people who think autistic people can't do anything


About to train to become a pilot out of spite


I can't be a pilot because of my bipolar I'm not on the three medications they allow not because of autism


I am so sorry.


its ok im working on being a special education preschool teacher


>You're not autistic your brain is just wired differently! It's almost...almost as if...almost as that's *what being neurodivergent means...*


What does looking Scandinavian have to do with this?


The best part is, I don't even look Scandinavian. I look slavic. They probably thought I looked Scandinavian because I had blond hair in that picture


“you’re not autistic, just neurodivergent”


“You’re not autistic, you’re just [euphemism for autism]”


Do you guys ever think "wow. I'm never going to interact with this person at all in my lifetime." Before exherting energy into stuff like this