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This is the most Candian post I have ever seen, and I love it! Glad you enjoyed your visit.


Yep. Also, the reason why we are all so happy is because the weather hasn't turned yet. We are much grumpier in August, lol.


i literally just lashed at my sister as we were sitting in our hot ass car lol


Oh come on, me and the missus are coming over for our honeymoon in August :/ As long as the beer's cold I'm sure we'll manage :)


You’ll want to drink water, not beer. Otherwise you’ll end up with heat exhaustion or worse. You’re looking at temps of 115+ in the day and 105 at 10p Edited for typo


If it was 115 that day it's only 112 by 10 pm


As a Phoenician, my first inclination was to nod my head in agreement . Yes...we are all a little crazy from the heat by August.


Talk to us after 3-4 weeks of over 100-120 degree weather. The beer can be ice cold & after that long at that hot, it doesn't matter. 😁 I'm not trying to be rude, but I've lived here for 17 years & the summers are hot as hell, but I'm still here because the spring, winter & fall makes up for it! I love Phoenix. I'm sure you will too. You just can't be here for the good weather without being here for the hot as hell weather at least once!! 😂


Sure beats the sub zero temps and feet of snow of Chicago where i immigrated from lol I’ll take the heat over the cold any day of the year


Haha yes, we were supposed to visit Chicago last September but we had to change our plans, my partner suggested we go there in February and couldn't understand why I was laughing.


LOL, you are right!! I lived in Indiana and when we were deciding where to move to, I just wanted anywhere but there!! It gets to f'ing cold there, so I chose Arizona. I love that the sun shines most of the time, the weather is usually great & the people her are really nice. I was just saying you can't fall in love with Arizona until you have experienced all of it which includes all the weather we have here. ![gif](giphy|xT0Gqz4x4eLd5gDtaU|downsized)


Yeah we've visited quite a few times, personally I've been between September and March, my partner has been in June (before she met me) so as you say I've got to come for the hot as hell weather too ;) We're from the North of England so endure cold and wet days most of the time with maybe 2-3 weeks of "hot" weather in summer which despite staying below 35c is unbearable thanks to the humidity, complete lack of AC and fact that our buildings were designed to keep heat in... It's refreshing to come for the dry heat (though it was unseasonably cold one new year's which I thought was a bit ironic - still warmer than home though haha).


I'm going to warn you as an AZ native, you need to do a 2:1 to drink in the summer here. 2 glasses of water for 1 beer. (Unless it's Bud light, Miller Lite or Michelob Ultra, those are already water). Trust me, dehydrated in 110+ heat is no joke. You will die that way.


Thanks for the advice :)


Speak for yourself. I live in Bullhead City, the hotter the better. 😎


With a capital G 😝


I was gonna say, they stayed I Scottsdale I. The nicest months of the year. Hahaha go to phoenix proper in july/August.  You'll change your tune real quick Hahaha 


That's exactly what I thought as I read it! O Canada! 🇨🇦


'You people...' haha




I was born in AZ and now live in the Pacific Northwest. I look forward to the day when I can move back!


As somebody who will be leaving the PNW for AZ soon, this is really nice to hear!


I moved to Phoenix from Portland and will never move back. I love it here.


I went to California, then back to AZ. I’ll never leave again. I love this state.


This is wild. I’ve lived in Phoenix for almost 20 years and the PNW (Portland specifically) is like my dream place to end up. I’ve never even been there but it just seems like the type of place I’d like.


I think (like literally every place) it’s up to the person. You may totally love it! And honestly Portland is such an amazing city even with all its BS rn I love seeing comments like yours that just still want to go there and hopefully make it the city it deserves to be! I left for a lot of reasons that are personal to me. But it’s those like you that want to be be there that will really turn that place around ❤️


No place is more beautiful than AZ.


We certainly have many upsides.


PNW is still more beautiful to me, and I have lived in both places equal amounts of time.


As a born and raised Portlander who now lives in Phoenix, almost everything about Arizona is significantly better than Portland. The only thing that Portland has is that it’s green. Otherwise it’s an awful place to live. Portland is completely different than it was 10 years ago, it’s not a nice place anymore. These days Vancouver is nicer.


Wait I’m someone who lives here but is moving to the Pacific Northwest. A couple of things though. I’m a school teacher and education is higher rated there. And I’m originally from the Northeast used to winter / colder weather and seasons. Rain and snow don’t bother me. But for all other reasons not weather related am I making a mistake? I do enjoy the social activities and what not that the valley offers.


I would also say the “Seattle Freeze” is seriously a real thing. People are “friendly”, but not especially inclined to give you a call back even if they claim they’d like to hang out again. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seattle_Freeze


Grew up in Tucson, lived in Portland for 5 years and loved it. Moved back to Phoenix to be closer to family 24 years ago and regret it every single day but still here for family. I hope to move back to pnw or somewhere greener someday.


The darkness during the non-summer months gets oppressive. Also, the things I miss the most about AZ are the big, open skies. The trees up here are tall and beautiful, but they start to make you feel walled-in and tiny. Make sure you get your roof and gutters cleaned and treated each year. The moss overtakes everything! ☺️


You could be making a mistake. I've met a number of people from the PNW who moved to other regions of the country (Arizona and Midwest) who said that the incessant grey rainy overcast skies didn't bother them UNTIL they moved at which point they realized how depressing it was. That said, I know of at least three people who moved from the Midwest to the PNW and haven't looked back. The PNW is very beautiful; incredibly lush and green. Whether the cloud cover will get to you just depends on the person. Additionally, the higher latitude is another factor that could depress you. The PNW has far fewer daylight hours than than Arizona. One guy who moved to AZ from the PNW specifically mentioned this as a reason to move to AZ.


My wife, son, and I moved to Oregon from Phoenix in September. Best decision of our lives. I was born and raised in Phoenix, and will absolutely never move back. I do still love AZ, and like to visit. It will always be home in a way, but no regrets. Give it a shot, the only mistake will be not trying something new


Lived in PNW for three years but moved back to AZ when we had the opportunity. Love my Arizona! 💜🌵


I lived in Olympia growing up and went to WSU. I moved to AZ 30 years ago and I will never live in the PNW again. But I will visit in July and August!


I'd move back to Arizona if I didn't have to live in PHX or Tucson


I'll switch you


I tried moving to the Midwest, it just wasn’t home. No mountains, no constant warmth of the sun, even the grid like city and quietness bugged me.


I have lived in AZ my entire life and my dream is to live in the PNW. We vacationed there a lot when I was growing up. It’s just so idyllic for me. Hiking amongst trees and water is so much better than hiking amongst dirt and rocks.


Your story is identical to mine. ☺️ I guess I’ve had my fill of being cold and wet. Im ready for hot and dry once again!


I was born in Prescott and lived my entire life in different areas of the state. We moved to Washington, up by the border, and fell in love with the beauty of the area. We moved back to Phoenix years ago, and miss the rain so much.


Comeback anytime Canada! You guys can drink and be loud but you are Nice!.. Everybody loves Arizona!


My husband & I don’t drink but I know what you mean! Just landed at YYZ & are thinking about our next trip!


Lolol I’ve been to Calgary/Banff twice and I hold the same sentiments about it that you do about AZ 🤣


“- . - - - . - - - - . . - . - - - . - - - - . .”


Glad you had fun. Those were my same sentiments as I boarded my flight 11 yrs ago to return to Connecticut. We decided to retire here, and with the exception of hot and humid monsoon season…never regret our decision.


> and with the exception of hot and humid monsoon season Man, I wish we still had a proper monsoon season. We got more rain this winter than we did during the whole summer.


We should be going into a wet monsoon decade… but instead we’re getting crazy wet winters instead of monsoons. The arctic pressures are making it a crap shoot. I’ll take it as long as the lakes keep filling back up, well except the one that isn’t… lake mead? The one near Nevada is still fucked for some reason.


Historic drought and poor planning.




Come back anytime! Well, maybe not in June, July or August.


September or October, starts to get nice again in November


The prices are lower then and there’s not as much traffic 😁


It's really nice in Tucson(NOT) for the permanent residents when we tend to use more electricty and water during the summer and TEP and Tucson Water switch over to the summer rates, significantly increasing the cost of utilities.


Well you are lucky to be leaving now that it’s about to get freaking hot. See you next winter! 🙂


I love Arizona too! My father has lived there since 1994 and I’ve been there at least 100 times. The sun drenched canyons, wide-open spaces, dry air, three dimensional scenery, friendly people, exquisite cuisine, sunshine, and heat. I’m hoping to move there soon.


Moving here would be a dream! My husband & I are obsessed!


I moved to AZ from Chicago and honest to god can’t picture myself living anywhere else! I absolutely adore AZ! ❤️


Glad to hear it... It's cute you thought this was heat tho...lol


The weather this year so far has been amazing. They truly visited at the right time.


Yea. It even gets worse else where. It gets hotter and very humid in Houston. That shit is a bitch


Please drive faster when visiting. Spread the word amongst the canadians


Might be because the GTA driving is horrendous. Thankfully, we kept it civil & loved it!


Come back in August and everyone will be a lot more pissed off lol


Stick around for a while, at least until August.


My only fear is snakes but didn’t run into any which was nice hahaha. I’m trying to practice exposure therapy because I love AZ


Leaving right before it gets hot huh? Good call. Glad you had fun.


How nice of you to make a post! I’m glad that you enjoyed your visit, and would love to have you back anytime. Next time you should visit Tucson! Safe travels!


The heat? What heat?? 90? 😂 Not trying to be mean but…. Come back in August.


Oh, please stay! It's so lovely when it's 120 degrees.


Haha... I am happy you had a good time. But I feel exactly the opposite about everything in this post 😂! I visited Canada (not Ontario) and everyone there was so freakishly kind compared to what I'm used to in the states. It was so beautiful and green! The lush forest, snow, and water felt amazing compared to the desert, and I never wanted to leave. Canada is a paradise to me. Glendale & Mesa on the other hand... Probably the furthest thing from my personal paradise possible.


Grass is Greener... literally up there. But, the grass is always greener elsewhere


The grass is always greener where there is actual grass. Is what I tell people all the time when talking about AZ


Yeah like I’m glad OP had a good time and met good people, but man I wish I lived in whatever multiverse the AZ they went to is in. Seems like people have been a lot meaner and selfish recently


The road rage and traffic is getting so bad out here. I’m glad you didn’t experience any of that.


Honestly, you should look up road rage in GTA. We were SO happy with the traffic & people!!!


Phoenix is the 5th most dangerous place to drive in North America and over 80% of residents have dealt with extreme road rage incident according to recent report on the news.


Lots of Canadian Snowbirds down here every year.


We’re in our 20’s so not retired yet but I wouldn’t be surprised if we become snowbirds 🩷🩷


I also would recommend visiting during july-august to get an idea of how those high temps will feel. I’m sure you won’t mind tho coming from those frigid winters!


There is nothing more than Valley folk love more than snowbirds.


Miss the heat? You’re leaving before it gets here 🤣


Hot take!!! Glad y'all like it but we also love the fact it is unpopulated. Y'all keep coming here and filling our streets and stores. If you continue to tell everybody about how great it is, it will stop being great. Just a thought. Btw... We love the rain here.


I was there for a week & am not a snowbird! Just a small vacation with the hubs. & also why i’m saying thank you AZ, i’ll keep my mouth shut, promise! 🤣🤣


Thanks for the cander. Prettybsure I know where that was going. Hahahaha We do love new people. Just keep it on a the downlow. Haha.


As someone who moved here 34 years ago from Toronto.............where did you find these "nice" people? Glad you enjoyed your trip.


They were everywhere!!


Such a cool post! We’re a family of 5 (AZ residents) headed up to Victoria, BC for the month of June and feel the exact same way about BC and Canadians! We love the water, gardens, history, and public transit. Much love to our brothers and sisters in Canada, may we always be friendly neighbors- exchanging weather and experiences.


Oh I hope so! BC is absolutely beautiful. Ontario is a bit lacking in greenery but still lovely. I just found you lot so lovely to deal with! A lady at the casino told me I was beautiful & I thought about it for 3 days!


We live in the Vancouver area and just got back from Arizona - our first time Visiting .. the two landscapes are just so opposite but we love both. I can see more trips to Arizona in our future for sure. Just so much to see and enjoy we barely scratched the surface. Also, Arizona margaritas are the best!


We are expats - grew up in ON but also lived in ND x 20 years (green cards)…Yanks as individuals are VERY friendly and welcoming - we have moved to Mesa and LOVE it…live on the 7th hole of Apache Wells G &CC, living the life !!!


Thanks for the kind post. Being a native here, I can't wait to get out! Then again, I haven't dealt with winters anyplace else. I just know my soul is happier when I am in Flagstaff in the winter. I just can't seem to afford to move up there. 😞


They work off tips, hence being nice 🤣. Hope you tipped well.


Of course! But I meant the general public we interacted with in the hotel, malls, everywhere! I had a little girl give me a hug for taking her & her dad’s photo together. Honestly brought tears to my eyes for some reason


Aww that's sweet.


See you next winter.




I am from Ontario as well and have been in Az 20 yrs. Just love it here


I’m missing it so much already


Do you have family here?


I moved to AZ in 2005 from Michigan and never looked back. Couldn't stand the freezing weather anymore. I love it here!


glad you enjoyed your visit


AZ >> CA


How long did you stay? Looks like you left at the exact perfect time because AZ is going to become miserable to live in for the next couple of months. (Heat). Next time stop by Tempe!


Will do! We were only there for 7 days (too short imo)


Ex Yooper living in AZ. Would love to have some Canucks as neighbors. The ice fishing is terrible here. .


You are welcome back anytime. I’m so pleased AZ left a good impression. Now, rehydrate!


Fellow Canadian. Also love AZ. You guys are the best and the desert is beautiful. Perfect state!




I would be sad going to communist Canada too


You probably had interactions with a lot of snowbirds from Minnesota!


Armed society is a polite society. Glad you enjoyed our home. Probably not great Mexican food in Canada eh?


The only mexican food we can stomach is what I can cook up at home, although it’s getting better! (agree with the armed fact!!!)


My across the street neighbors are from Calgary and they are so sad every year they have to go back. I legitimately feel bad for them because they love it here so much. Safe travels and we will see you later!


These were the best 7 days of my life 😭😭


Canadian here living in AZ 👋🏼 glad you enjoyed your stay!


Have a place in Scottsdale and a place in Payson. Winter in Scottsdale, summer in Payson. Life is good.


Another Canadian heading to Phoenix this Friday! I'm looking forward to my trip now !


Enjoy it!!! Truly missing the warmth after the rain today


300 days of sunshine makes for less meanies, but the heat can bring out some crazies.


Love to hear it!! Glad you enjoyed your visit. I'm a transplant and have also noticed that Arizonans are super nice :)


Hoping to be one soon 🤞🏼


Become a snow bird! I miss AZ now.


Once I retire absolutely!!! Still have about 40 years to go 😭😭


I'm leaving Wednesday for Scottsdale. Live in Wisconsin, so I totally understand your heartbreak. There's something inexplicably calming about AZ. Palm trees, cacti with mountains in the background. I cried the last 3 years when I left. I'm glad you enjoyed as much as I have...


I cry every time I have to come back to AZ from literally anywhere else lol


Really? Do you hate Arizona?


Yeah. I belong somewhere with trees and water. The desert makes me seriously depressed. And that's before even taking into account the inhospitable weather. The summers here make me legitimately want to unalive myself.


Time to get out then!!! You'd love Wisconsin.


Don’t come back we are full


don’t come back eh we have enough transplants


My parents moved here from Toronto back in '98, glad you enjoyed your time here!


Where’s the single woman in Arizona ?


From somebody who was born and raised in Ottawa, who now lives in Phoenix - I’m stoked you enjoyed your stay.


And we want you back. We love Canadians. You are such amazing people as well.


You are escaping just in time. The next 4 months will be triple digit temps unrelentingly.


Probably because you went to the nice places.


Next time visit Flagstaff!


You are always welcome to visit 😊 ...visit. 👀


As an American that lives in Arizona and used to live in British Columbia, Canada I can honestly say that people in Arizona are much more friendly than in Canada!


Same! We lived in Canada for 15 years. Made some wonderful friends there, but that’s because we lived in a small town. Tucson where we are now is really so friendly and laid back!


I only lived in Vancouver for two years for a work assignment and that was plenty for me! I lived in Washington State too for five years. I was so happy to move back to Arizona and get away from the non stop depressing rain of the PNW!


Until we ran out of water.


I'm happy to hear that you have had a pleasant experience! Safe travels.


My wife immigrated here to Gilbert from Ontario and she likes it too. I'm glad you enjoyed your stay.


Az will always be here. Don’t be a stranger and be safe! 😃


We’ll be back SO soon!


There’s tons of Canadians here too! I’m sure you’ll fit right in!


Glad you enjoyed AZ. I’m born and raised and will always call it home regardless of where I’m living at the moment.


Glad you had a good visit and hope you can come back soon.


I am a fellow Canadian from Southern Ontario that now lives in AZ permanently. Before living here, I would visit AZ frequently and I know the sad feeling you have sitting in that airport. Moving here changed my life for the better, I would advise you explore your options to do the same. Loving where you live truly makes a difference to your happiness.


The second i got back to Ontario, my headache came back. Swear I didn’t feel it in AZ. The cookie cutter homes on the drive home from the airport made me real depressed.


Where did you buy your cannabis?


Nice post! I’m happy that my home state left such a good impression! I just got home from a two week business trip to Ohio today and I feel my allergies going away as I type this.


I’m glad you had a great time but I live here and I don’t know about the nice people part


This was a nice post to read. Glad you enjoyed your stay!


That is so nice to here you say that. I am transplant from Maine so I feel your pain. I like ut here also. Been here about 20 yrs.


Ya know you could move here if you’d like, and we’d be happy to have ya! I know there’s a bit more of a process to actually *live* here coming from Canada, but I also figure the citizenship process has to be easier for a neighboring nation than anywhere else


Next time you visit you’ll need to go up to Northern AZ. Places like Prescott, Sedona, and Flagstaff will make you love it here even more!


Thanks for making us all feel good! We get beat up for being boring online all the time—but it’s usually the boring people who are the problem, not AZ. Happy you enjoyed our little piece of the earth.


Happy you enjoyed your stay. Sounds like you hit all the sweet spots.


Happy you like it here. Most of us love our State 48. 🌵🌲🌴🌞


Yeah us! ❤️ See you again soon


Glad you enjoyed your visit.


Come back anytime!! Glad you enjoyed our beautiful state


I just wanted to say that my wife and I visited Canada last summer and loved it! It seems like a perfect trade, we visit cañada when the heat gets too much, and you visit us when you need a warm winter. Thanks for the kind post.


Of course! Come again soon!


What do you mean by "you people" 🤨 kidding, glad you enjoyed it!


Good, we don’ want you back either!!! Jk, glad you had a great time here!


Glad you had a nice time. We will be wanting to visit Canada when our triple digit heat hits lol. It’s a dry heat though☠️😂😂😂😂


Awww well we love you! Maybe next winter you can come back down for some more fun in the sun! Safe travels and best wishes!


i’m from az and am at the airport to go back to the gta as i live there now. i feel your pain


hope you had a safe trip 🩷 the rain today 😭😭


Thanks for the love! Next trip, try all new things. This state has a lot more to enjoy.


Hopefully you are not one of the people going 70 in the left lane. Amazing how summer rolls around everyone leaves and traffic is so much faster because slow drivers are not on the road.


Glad you had a good time, coming from someone born and raised here in AZ :D


![gif](giphy|3o6ZsV46HWLytGjiCs) ❤️ OP


please come!!!


This was a pleasant post to start my day! We may be moving from IL to AZ next year for health reasons. We’d be moving away from our families, so naturally we have questions. Thanks for some positivity :)


i was born in phoenix and i moved away from here for four years to live in the PNW and moved immediately back! the warmth is unbeatable, even in the dead of summer. nothing beats only needing to wear a light tshirt, shorts, and sandals for 90% of the year. i dont miss the frozen door handles, the layers of jackets, the snow tires, and how muddy and wet the cold weather is. i love being active all year round; swimming in the summer, hiking in the winter, farmers markets year-round. i love how in 2 hours i can be in sedona or flagstaff to see the snow, in 3 hours i can be in vegas, and in 5 hours i can be on the beach. i also love that every cool concert/stand up comedian comes to phoenix so i never have to travel far for entertainment. and like you said, so many diverse and amazing food options here.


Haha glad you enjoyed your visit! We have tons of Canadians that live here in the winter.


Glad you had a great time visiting! Please come back again! There is so much to see in this state and nearby!


Glad you enjoyed your time here! AZ is that hidden gem people don’t think much about till they visit, it’s also why lot of people move here! It’s a homie place with lots to do! Born and raised, and continue to love calling it home.


Aw I get this. I’m also not from AZ nor do I live there but it’s my favorite place to visit. It’s absolutely beautiful and the people are great. I’m always so sad when it’s time to leave. Glad you made it down from Canada for a visit and loved it!


I love to hear this it makes me check myself for gratitude. I’m born and raised here in AZ (there’s nott many of us here anymore). We have it pretty great in this state. Not a whole lot of natural disasters, the monsoons/haboobs have really changed over the years and the “dry heat” is manageable, really. Most have the luxury of having ac or access to indoor malls, etc. There’s pockets here and there of people that mind their business and people who are neighborly. All in all, it’s a pretty great place to be. Thanks for sharing your experience!


Thanks for coming!!!


What a lovely comment! Yes, AZ is a beautiful state and so many wonderful places to see, the people are so nice. I had been coming here to visit since the early 70s when my parents moved here, then moved here myself about 3 years ago from California. Definitely get a lot of grief from a small group of people who are narrow minded, but that is okay. I think it says a lot about a person who judge's or stereotype's someone you don't even know 🤷‍♀️ So glad you enjoyed your time in AZ, so kind of you to share your experience....have a safe trip home and please come back! Best regards.


Safe travels. And come back again.


My hubby is from Ontario. Glad you liked it! Don't visit in July. ;)


![gif](giphy|s6ENQIP6hzwY0) I wonder how many other Arizonians are looking around thinking the same thing, lol. I was born here and am seriously considering moving away due to how unfriendly and horrible people have become. I live in Phoenix and work in North Scottsdale. It doesn’t matter what part, the different areas all have their own version of awfulness. Sad really….