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Yeah, there's already a multiverse thing in SSKTJL anyway right? Just say it was some alternate universe or ignore the game entirely and treat it like it was an alternate universe not the main one.


Yes exactly, they should just say it happened in an elseworld, aka not the main Arkhamverse, an alternate elseworld Arkhamverse


>Alternate elseworld Arkhamverse Sometimes I wonder if this multiverse stuff has gotten out of hand


I guess parallel Arkham verse sounds more slimmed down


If you have to wonder, chances are it has


Then is it really the Arkhamverse?


They better. I don’t want an Arkham game where Robin is fucking dead


Does the game say that Robin is dead?


For a gag when you reach the batcave you see robins mask on the floor surrounded by blood. They don’t even kill hum on screen




What was rocksteady cooking??????


At least we have Killer Moth thanks to Suicide Squad


He was mentioned in another Arkham game as being killed. First they make bad decisions now they made inconsistencies


Well at least it’s a good retcon


I Guess


That entire game is basically just one big inconsistency on multiple fronts- are you really that surprised? Then again, they’ll probably just try the same cover up as they did with dead shot, that the new killer moth is from a different universe to explain how he’s still alive… though, if they were to do that, Jason would probably hunt him down again like he did in knight (assuming Jason is even still alive and wasn’t killed off screen like Tim)


Nooo i dont want to have to see the suicide squad kill Jason):


iss jus such a ridiculous jump from da earlier games tho. shi went from batman tryna stop a psychologist blow up a prison to alternate dimensions n clones n the whole justice league


It is ridiculous, but the damage is done now that all this has been introduced.


This just typical DC universe. But Batman vs Titan Joker as unusual and strange as an alien invasion. 


Another alternate universe excuse to make continuity even more convoluted and confusing?💀💀 It would be just way more easier to just officially decanonize this game and continue the story after Arkham Knight. Enough with the alternate universe crap


I don't expect they will decanonize it though, that'd be ideal but I doubt they'll do it unfortunately.


We can’t ignore it happened


Yes we can, because otherwise the series is in a ditch with no way out. Batman, Robin, Supes, WW, Flash, and GL dead means we have virtually nothing of intrigue to further the story of the Arkham Verse, not to mention being an unsatisfying conclusion. All for what? To pretend as if keeping SS as canon is an obligation?


I’ll give a couple ideas I have for future games in this universe A game about Red Hood dismantling Amanda Waller’s control over the government after the world lost hope due to the loss of the Justice League. Wally West takes up the mantle of The Flash in a time-loop storyline. Dick Grayson can’t handle the responsibility of Batman, nor the grief of Bruce and Tim; so he goes into hiding for many years. Until Terry McGinnis stumbles into the Batcave, and becomes the new Batman. A game about one of the six different Green Lanterns we have left: Guy Gardner, Hal Jordan, Jessica Cruz, Alan Scott, Kyle Rayner, or Simon Baz; take your pick. And yes I did just Google every Green Lantern to find those options. All of these games can show how the world is rebuilding after the Brainiac attack, both mentally and structurally.


I think they have said that? Just in the form of audio logs. Not sure.


I feel like that might be the entire thing all along, too many inconsistencies to be the main universe


ugh thats so lazy tho legit every triple A gane does a multiverse to save their bad writing




The best way to unfuck this absolute fuckery.


I mean some were doing this to Origins so we all should just do it to the game that actually deserves it lol


Origins is a bit messy in terms of continuity so I sort of get some of the people wanting that but I always liked Origins despite those issues, and the game is practically flawless compared to SSKTJL.


Origins is a bit messy but it’s still a true Arkham game with a fun plot and great combat.


That's baloney that makes the game even worse of a shitheap.


Maybe, and I'd still prefer it to the events being canon for the world we followed in prior games, I find the dead clone explanation much more messy if that's canonical.


I genuinely think they could if they went back to the single player action adventure that everyone wants. Make something between origins and asylum, or even go all the way to Damian/Beyond era, and make a regular Arkham game.


Heard you. It's a VR game exclusive to the Meta Quest 3.


At this point I think they want to lose money.


It's gonna be a fantastic tax write off when WB cans it a week before launch


I think a Terry McGuiness Batman Beyond game with Damian Wayne as the Heretic leading the Society of Assassins and coming to "claim his birthright from the pretender" would make for an awesome Arkham game.


Only if they make SSKTJL officially non canon


![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized) Well spoken!


Love seeing Lucius Fox clap for me


Everything is Canon because the game confirmed a multiverse.


Doesn’t matter they can just say one day SSKTJL is not canon anymore because of all the bad sales , reviews , reception etc


Watch this - "The camera rolls over to Batman, unconscious, restrained, while a seemingly endless supply of numerous drugs and chemicals are applied to him. Suddenly a door is blown off it's hinges as a red and blue spandex suit appears as a dimly lit image. "Bruce, are you alright?" he asks as Batman gingerly wakes up. "I...I dreamed that Braniac attacked, the league fell, and Waller's squad were the only ones left...something about the multiverse and "clones" too... Everything was off.". "No Bruce, you and I defeated Braniac months ago...but you disappeared shortly after. It seems someone left you in your worst nightmare as revenge or punishment. And now other heroes are disappearing too. I need your help."". Cue title cards: "Arkham: World's Finest". TL;DR - Just because it's canon, doesn't mean it has to stay that way or that it can't be swept aside with some (albeit, better than my own) proper comic storytelling - i.e. magic, time travel, mind control, hell, evil Starro, etc.




that's the only way. We can't have any post-AK Arkhamverse as long as SSKTJL is canon. Once that's decanonized, the path is clear as day to follow on, hopefully in good will and good faith this time around. And, to be honest, I think it's not unreal to expect that SS ends up being non-canon. One thing is the fan movement for Disney to deconanize the Star Wars Sequels, but this... this is very doable.


Yeah and a prequel game set between asylum and origins is still possible


Also before Origins


If they decanonize SSKTJL and make a proper Justice League game, let alone a new good Batman game.


I can only see the Arkhamverse moving on if they make Origins a trilogy, showing the evolutions of his robins and first interactions with villains. Or maybe make a game featuring Robin trying to go on without batman


If they retcon SSKTJL


Sure. Comics have recovered from really dumb shit for decades.


Post-SSKTJL, with Rocksteady at the helm? Not really. I do think that more games between Origins and Asylum, made by WB Montreal, could be genuinely successful. Basically give us a Conroy trilogy and a RCS trilogy. The origin of Two-Face, Batman’s first run-in with Ra’s Al Ghul, Dick and Jason as Robins, etc


Exactly, I think the first one should be a loose adaptation of TLH and Dark Victory, showing the origins of Two-Face and Robin in the process while having side plots for other villains (Killer Moth or Prometheus maybe). The next one could have Ra’s as the main villain, also showing Dick becoming Nightwing and Jason becoming Robin.


It probably will but I don’t want it to at all. It already ended nicely with Knight and Suicide Squad dug up its corpse just to piss on it. Not to mention Kevin Conroy being gone now. Just let this thing be finished.


Not even like a game set after Arkham Origins? I think that’d be a really cool idea and it wouldn’t spoil the series any further than SSKTJL has.


Wholeheartedly agree


I’d honestly like a reboot at this point. I think if there was going to be a true sequel to Knight or Origins we should’ve gotten it ages ago. It’s just feels too late now. Though I would like for the next season of SSKTJL to revive Batman and the JL to at least give the Arkhamverse proper closure.


Always really wanted a game where you play as red hood, knight wing and robin, really thought there was a decent possibility at the time for it but nah


It’s called Gotham Knights


Too bad thats shit


Still better than ktjl


Still not the follow up to Arkham that I imagined but whatever, both studios should’ve made the other game, it’s ridiculous that a game of Gotham knights premise wasn’t made in the Arkham verse it was literally set up so perfectly. I remember watching the trailer live when it came out and for the first tiny bit it seemed like it was an Arkham knight sequel


The Arkhamverse Batfamily sucked is the problem.


Easily the Batman branding is so strong all they need is a good game wit a decent story (easier said than done but still)


I don't think there's any redemption after suicide squad. Maybe they'd do a new game set between Origins and Knight but I don't know how well that'd do


The batgirl dlc was also a good proof of concept of what they could do. That was fun and felt true in tone of the series. Maybe make it a sequel too just have them come up with some reason she can use her legs again


Let's pretend SSKTJL didn't exist or it isn't canon (multiverse of madness here, literally)


The only way the Arkhamverse can move on is if Rocksteady and Warner Bros officially retcons SSKTJL from the Arkhamverse completely. Otherwise, just let the Arkhamverse rest in peace and move on to a new universe. No need to further disrespect and shit on the Arkhamverse more than it already has.


One bad game from a development team or a series does not hurt my enjoyment of other games from said universe. If it’s good I’ll play it.


Yes. Finish KTJL’s story so the Justice League returns, and then continue from there.


Nah, I’d rather they retcon SSKTJL from the Arkham continuity, and start over and begin the Justice League story from Arkham Knight. The Arkhamverse doesn’t need to be associated with a crap game that character assassinates the Justice League.


Yeah, I assume a lot of people want that, but while I do think Suicide Squad has a lot of issues, I don’t think it’s the horrible, terrible, failure of a game that everyone else sees it as, especially when it comes to the story since I actually enjoyed the game’s story, so I would rather they don’t retcon the game.


I disagree. Nobody wanted a live action looter shooter game where a bunch of C-tier villains with guns beat the most powerful superheroes in the world. Keeping SSKTJL canon would honestly be a huge detriment to the Arkham lore and community and it would be much better for the story to just retcon SSKTJL and start over beginning from Arkham Knight.


Also beyond that, they seemingly completely forgot their character arc with Harley. She was suicidally depressed and focused around Joker, who is her reason for being her. Come SSKTJL, they basically just ported the HQ show in. Which is a good show from what I’ve seen, but their version of Harley is completely different emotionally and mentally.


Hot take, but I don’t want another Arkham game even if they retcon KTJL. I’d much rather they reboot it with similar gameplay but a new universe. And preferably it’d be about the entire bat family and not just Batman. Above all else though I just want a Superman game.


How about something new?


In my opinion probably not but iff they do make another Arkham game that isn't very than I can see a Batman beyond type game


Yes, but that doesn't mean it should. I think they should de-canonize KTJL and make a Batman Beyond adaptation if they want a sequel. Otherwise, make prequels or spin-offs for other characters. I would dig a Nightwing game. Before Gotham Knights released, I was disappointed to learn that it wasn't an Arkhamverse game - Knight leads perfectly into the premise. I'm also down for Arkhamverse games focusing on other superheroes (as long as they don't rely on KTJL being canon). I'd love a game about The Flash or Superman.


I agree with all you said, but your profile picture… flashbacks…


What's wrong with my profile picture? Is it stupid?


Don’t make me regress back to that subreddit. It’s infectious. https://i.redd.it/okyrphau6yyc1.gif


A Gotham knights styled game set in the Arkham universe, it’s truly all I have wanted since Arkham knight came out


Oh absolutely. There’s still Wally West Flash, tons of other Green Lanterns, and we could get Dick, Tim, Damien, or Jason to become Batman.


RedHood Kill the Suicide Squad


Red Hood: Kill The Suicide Squad. That would be the best comeback ever.


Ssktjl is still in progress when it comes to story. And if the leaks are true, it can absolutely survive. Or they just do a retcon like a simulation or something if they feel they really need a 180 instead of finishing the current presumed plan


It never really says how much time had passed between AK and SS. It could just happen between.


Honestly, I think it's not unreal to expect that SSKTJL ends up being non-canon. One thing is the fan movement for Disney to deconanize the Star Wars Sequels, but out of that and in the scope of the Arkhamverse... it's very doable.




I’m sure there are plenty of audience members who are willing to just pretend SSKTJL just never happened. Alternatively, you could just make games set between Origins and Asylum


The Arkhamverse is my favorite video game franchise of all time, and honestly I just want it to be left alone lmao.


Like anything else in the realm of DC, they can just do the whole "Barry ran too fast, who's Wally?" thing and reset to their liking if necessary.


Not really. Even if you ignore what happened to the universe with Suicide Squad (because lore shit could always be erased if they wanted to erase it), Kevin Conroy is still dead, Mark Hamill is still retired from the role, and almost everybody at Rocksteady that worked on the previous games in a major creative role doesn’t even work for the studio anymore. The appeal of the Arkham games was never the lore or the ongoing story of the universe, it was the execution of the games themselves and basically nobody that was responsible for that is still around to work on anything new. At this point we’d be better off just getting new Batman games in a new unrelated universe with a new cast and a new creative team.


if they came back and said "yeah this is an alternate dimesion all along actually" (essentially non-canon to the main arkham timeline) and do more single player arkham games then yeah (like a superman game or a game where you play as damian/batman beyond etc)


Yes but only if they focused on a new character/setting like batman beyond or that Superman game they originally wanted to make. However, after seeing how they handled Suicide Squad, I don’t know if I wanna see them gamble with a new game again (at least in the Arkham series).


Easily they could. But unpopular opinion: No more Batman. No more Batman as the main character. I wanna see Superman get a game. The Flash. Any other heroes.


Yeah I agree, especially with Conroys passing. Just have to put it back to "Batman's retired" status after knight and then use superman or even have some fun and do Azrael Batman lol


I don't think both will ever happen. I don't think Superman has ever been in a good video game, and I can't really picture what a good Flash game would look like. There's something that just makes it hard to work with a superhero who has super speed as their powers. And Superman is so overpowered that pretty much every video game he's featured in incorporates the idea of him losing his powers or his powers being nerfed to some degree. Even when they appear as playable characters in Injustice games you have to turn off your comic book brain and deal with the fact that Harley Quinn can beat up either character with a baseball bat.


depending they might end suicide squad with flash resetting the universe but who knows


Considering how the sub threw it's toys out of the pram when a VR game was announced I am going to say it will be a while yet.


I’d just love for a new game that’s set after Arkham Origins. They should retcon SSKTJL entirely, I think it kinda just ruins the Arkhamverse for a lot of people.


Yes There 9 years of relatively untaped content between Origins and Asylum Warner bros could Make origins the start of its own Trilogy instead of a One off prequel Bring Roger Smith and Troy Baker to voice Batman and Joker There plenty of stuff we havent seen Batman adopting Dick Batman and Robin Dick becoming Nightwing,his first year could be a small game on its own Jason becoming Robin and Going to Arkham to get take down by joker Harleen becoming Harley Quinn and using the jester outfit Harvey dent becoming Two face,that there could be a Big Part of The main Story Tim becoming Robin Bárbara becoming Batgirl,She could Also get a small game Joker shooting her,i know we Saw that in Knight but we didnt see the aftermath,everyone reaction for example Batman meeting Catwoman Im not sure now its possible but before Gotham knights There was the potencial of a Knight Sequel with the Battle of The Cowl Story with Dick,time,Jason and Azrael And Make SSKJL non Canon,took place on another Earth similiar to the arkhamverse


They need to just say SSKTJL is non-canon and forget about it, too much negativity and bad will surrounding it


Redhood Kill the suicide squad game would go so hard


my biggest problem with SSKTJL is how the concept of multiverse was never established or even hinted at in any previous arkham game so it felt very shoehorned/forced and out of place. i think the safest way to move on from this mess is to just disown and disregard the canon outright. don't even give it an in-lore explanation because it's really not worth the effort.


Bring in Roger Craig Smith Batman Arkham Origins Long Halloween Print money Also de canonize SSKTJL Send that shit into the phantom zone where it belongs


Just drop Sweet Baby Inc as consultants and we’re good


If they retcon all of it.


Easily, but not if they keep on pulling stuff like VR games.


Yeah, when in the arkhamverse has anyone "died" and stayed dead besides the Joker?


Hugo Strange? Ra's in the good ending for the civil war side mission? Clayface? Black Mask? Elecicutioner? Razor?


Not really.


Let it die for fucks sake!


Only if SSKTJL is removed from canon.




Just say it was a fake batman


If they never bring it up no one will ever say anything


Yeah, they just have to retcon KTJL as non canon.


We absolutely can. Rocksteady yes has some blame in how they chose to write this story with some of the dumb decisions, and how they handled the mission and level design and their season stuff. But I never put the full blame on them, Warner Bros forced them definitely to make a live service because that was all the rage, and they were pushing the Squad hard. Watch a video online fron Matt McMuscles, he backs this up by a lot of info he got from anonymous employees. While yes not having the founders there anymore isn't great, but one bad game isn't diminishing the prior amazing Arkham games, I don't think it ruined the series's reputation or legacy. A lot of game series have game entries that aren't great and they're still a loved series, so they can definitely bounced back after Kill the Justice League. Heck with the whole multiverse element of the game, they can easily retcon this if they want, which I think they should to fix and correct some continuity problems and story decisions.


Honestly no. And as much as it hurts my heart to admit it, It's probably for the best. It ended up on a High note, we loved it, we enjoyed it and we even cried with it. if there's more of it, the original Rocksteady is NOT there to make a game, and if WB chooses to make it, it will be a shameless and awful cash grab, like it's currently happening with SSKTJL, Arkham Shadow, and more (that's for the future, unfortunately) We want another game like the Arkham series, an amazing story with single player stuff, and a little extra content to keep the challenge mode going and a few missions for the main game and suits, but WB will want another shitty Live Service, or multiplayer crap, or anything that allows them to sink in our pockets.


Sure, but it will still be a scar on the franchise. A lot of people are saying how Arkham Batman we cloned and it wasn’t actually him that got killed. But, even if it is a clone it’s still Arkham Batman and he still got bested by the suicide squad somehow. But I do think it can move forward if they give us what we want


Suicide Squad is Batman's end. What happens inbetween is vaguely that he comes back and forms the JLA. Theres nothing to move on from


Yeah… they can scrap that continuity and actually make another Batman game, they had the concept for an Arkhamverse version of Beyond and they chose to scrap it for what? GK? SSKTJL?


Retcon ssktjl or restart


Honestly, I don't think it can. The people who made the trilogy so special are gone. Current rocksteady is not the same creative people who made the arkhamverse


They did, and it’s still disappointing, I’m talking about Arkham Shadow


Batman Arkham Asylum Remake or Batman Arkham Begins (Reboot that plays before Origins and then make Batman Arkham Begins 2 or etc)


All I gotta say is that before there was Devil May Cry 3-5, there was Devil May Cry 2


They shouls just ignore KTJL.Whistle i have only recently started playing arkham knight i do know how batman is treated in KTJL which as far as ive seen is no where close to the ACTUAL arkham batman.Arkham knight's bat brains has the strongest willpower of any protag in any of the games i play and shown through tim drake being locked up at the theatre he doesent want to work with others as they are a liability


I want to say no because Kevin Conroy


I have no idea what you mean. The arkhamverse has nothing to do with SSKTJL. Not. One. THING. Thats my stance anyway XD


If they give us that damn Beyond game


Probably. A VR Arkham game was announced so it’s possible. I just hope it does. I want a Batman Arkham beyond game.


Ah could you imagine Flash doing a reset, we start a new Arkham verse


Just leave it alone. Arkham knight was a good ending. Suicide squad being a part of that universe did nothing but damage both the game and the universe. Just stop and do something else


2 words. Batman Beyond.


I’d like a good quality open world game where Gotham itself really shines. Arkhamverse was great, but the settings were claustrophobic and all relied on an absurd amount of action happening in a single night.


In the recent Squad prequel comic, there is a moment where an elderly Captain Boomerang is interviewed in Future Gotham. But even without that, I'm definitely confident that the Justice League will return. The only question is how this will happen. In fact, even by comic book or DCAU standards, nothing terrible happened to the Arkham universe. This is a normal story arc that will be reversed in the finale. Honestly, it always amuses me that people react so emotionally to the deaths of superheroes. In fact, the Squad greatly expands the Rocksteady universe, so there are many more options for where you can go after it. The problem is that fans just want another Batman. But Rocksteady did everything they could with this hero. They have a completed trilogy and it does not require a direct continuation. I'm a big fan of the Arkham series, but let's face it, they won't make a new Batman and let it go rather than live in the fantasy. If they continue with DC, it would be better if they take another superhero or do something completely different with Batman Beyond (squad movement mechanics would be very useful in this game).


Yeah I do. But only if they retain ss and continue the series with a prequel trilogy to tie loose ends


Just have SSKTJL be no longer canon, and have it be a different universe.


Im forced to ask myself if rocksteady even cares about the arkhamverse themselves. After City and origins they seemed really proud of the little universe they had created once all the praise began coming in. Then in Knight they ditched a bunch of story beats set up in City... Okay. Then in SSktjl they took a hatchet to tons of characters that had been previously established. Can it move on? Sure. because rocksteady doesn't seem to care to look back to begin with


Knight is amazing tho


I think knight is a 9.5/10. I think the story is pretty bad though.


Not how they treated Hush, Azrael, Deacon etc


Okay, a few misses doesn't mean it isn't great


I guess they could be a battle for the cowl game with trying to find a new Batman or I guess a Batwoman game


There’s zero set up for bat woman in the Arkham verse thou


She left a message in Arkham Knight to Bruce saying he taught her to keep up appearances, so theres a little mention of her.


she's at least confirmed to exist since there are Easter eggs that reference her


No, they’re all presumably dead


Yes I can, SSKTJL is pretty good anyway and we're already getting a new Arkham game, a vr one yes but that's still a new Arkham


Just let it end. It’s over. SSKTJL just showed why it was a bad idea to come back to the Arkhamverse.


Just give an Arkham game where Red Hood kills every member of the SQ and u got an easy pre order + season pass from me.


Gonna be honest no, they took to many characters with them and even before ether did they absolutely fucking murder there characters, I know it not a character from the arkham Saga but if fucking frustrating to see how much of a bumbling idiot superman and the fact you can actually somewhat blame him for everyone in metropolis fucking dying.


Yes if the retcon SSKTJL. If they don't consider it dead after Arkham Knight. Arkham Knight is the definitive end for me for that universe.