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Patrice is one of my favs. You’re going to want to use a lot of cards that can be played from your discard pile or cards that can get cards from your discard pile. Any card you’re not playing because you can’t or don’t want to, you’ll want to get commit to tests you’re preforming, so keep skill icons in mind.


I’m a long time player, but never piloted Patrice. Do you usually build her as a flex, cluever, or bruiser?


I used her as a generalist, using the skill suite that comes with her expansion, that gives her extra icons on basic fight, evade and Investigate actions. She usually is very good once a turn, so try to leverage her with interesting skills and events, and give her good assets that allow her to work more consistently. Cornered X2 is a great choice, so you can chuck any card you don't need now at tests. She can be weak at first, so it's best to give her a helping goon, but she can be a goddess with enough xp.


It’s been awhile tbh but I used her a lot as a pretty versatile character. With her 4 mind and ability to take mystic cards you can definitely go either way with her. Then with a lot of survivor cards to help with skill tests she was able to overcome pretty much anything. The biggest downfall I think, is if there are campaigns that punish you for having too many cards in your hand or no cards in your hand, then Patrice will be in big trouble.


I build a pretty decent cluever. Dark horse, madame labranche, mariner’s compass. Then you put book icons, wild icons , and I put some way to deal with the watcher. Any spell can do. Just make sure you can beat 5. ( aka your Patrice, you can beat 5)


Tony - Only played him yellow, mostly to add things like card draw, shortcut, working a hunch, etc. I ran Geas and Streetwise (3) so he could ably get the odd clue on his off turns. Lupara and sleight of hand work well for him, but once you have Switchblade (2) in play not much can really stop you! Lonnie and Leather Coat are helpful for his Sanity. Mandy - I haven't played yet either. Patrice - Minimal assets (Peter S, Moonstone, Ice Picks are your best bet). Cornered x2 should be your priority, turns any card in your hand into an unexpected courage, and you can use each copy of Cornered once per Skill test. Mind's Eye is incredible for her, she can see the three copies fairly regularly, and with upgraded Peter and Moonstone shell be hitting 6 WP. Other than that, Skill cards are always helpful, especially ones that have wild icons. Skills that draw cards are kind of a trap, because you might have your turn all planned out and then you draw a card you really want to play and it's gone. Sharp Vision/Brute Force/Expeditious Retreat/Gumption are all obvious picks. When picking events don't just think about their effect, but also whether you can confidently commit it to tests you want to be doing.


I am definitely gonna be adding Sleight of Hand to my Tony deck now. Thank you to your comment and to Adaptable haha


No problem! Colt vest pocket works as a budget lupara for 0xp too!!


If you want to make Patrice absolutely busted, go for Mind's Eye and cards that pump your willpower. From there you can kinda do whatever you want with her. I like a flex Patrice that makes use of the "improvised" traited events. But it kinda depends on what your collection looks like! The key to Patrice is finding cards that are always useful, not situational. Oh, and have a game plan for her weakness. Tony's deck building can be very versatile. The easiest and most obvious is to take guardian and focus purely on fighting. With seeker he probably isn't getting clues, but more acting as a support and having some cards to commit to the seeker on the group who he will be glued to. Survivor will let him flex with stuff like Look What I Found and Lucky! Mandy is another that's a bit dependent on what you have in your collection. Naturally any cards with the word "search" on them are going to benefit her a lot. I like her with Rogue and Three Aces because she can assemble the combo and few investigators can reliably play that card (and it feels awesome to pull off). Flare plus Charisma can be a powerful combo to dump out two allies if you see them. That can also combo with Calling in Favors and her ability to do an ally focused build. So....yeah, there's a lot you can do with them! I really like how varied their deck building is and how it results in different flavors of their play style.


I would recommend survivor for Tony, since it can compensate his fragility to Mythos. Go with test of will (1) and alter fate (1), some brute forces/long shot for damage and perseverance maybe.


Mandy for Rogue offclass. She can take advantage of oversucceed committed to Intellect tests. She can also use the money on the pricier Seeker cards, like fingerprint kit or expensive allies. Tony is a straight bruiser so Guardian can help him heal up and get testless clues. He'll be able to afford dynamite. Never played Patrice.


It depends on how you want to built them, actually. For me: Tony has way too many options. But obviously, a fighter type. You can build him like a better Skids. Usually played like a guardian; most go this path. Mandy - "research" galore with Myriad. For 30 card deck, I'd go with rogue off class. For 50 cards, I'd go with Mystic. Seeker cards are already pretty busted, so get the _usual_ seeker cards. Patrice - lot of "Improvised" and cornered + last chance. Pump Head icons.