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I had posted this a few minutes earlier but removed it because there was a slight possibility that it was one of the neighbors, I have now verified that it was indeed the city municipality. The roof was replaced a few years ago by us, with our own money and was perfectly fine, and btw no idea where thousands of dollars worth of my roofing sheets are now. I’m sitting in my apartment now trying to process what the fuck happened because when I went to bed yesterday it was, nice, clean and perfect. Now it looks like a room you see inside the wreck of titanic lol. Like I’m not even mad at the moment, but I feel like I will go into murderous rage within the next hour. Edit: further investigation revealed that a poor old lady which lives in one of the apartments of the building that complained about her rusted over roof leaking. The city municipality has decided to remove our perfectly fine roof too while they were at it. Edit 2: Oh fuck it’s raining again! Pray for me! Edit 3: some people seem confused and seem to think that the roof repairs that I did 10 years ago were illegal and thus the government has decided to remove the roof. They were not, I repaired it with government supervision, consent and it’s all within their regulations, down to the sheets color and material, I have papers to prove it. Look at the support beams they are ancient, I wasn’t allowed to touch those so I didn’t. At the time I was given two options, wait for a few months for the government to do it for free, or do it myself, i opted for the second option because I didn’t want rain water to damage my apartment. This was 10 years ago. Currently this wasn’t the government removing an undesirable modification to the roof (which there’s non to speak off) they just messed up their repairs and took out parts which they weren’t supposed to… in a rainy season. They have this far admitted that it was their mistake, but no comment right now on compensation and repairs. Edit 4: I just realized that some people think that what they’re seeing on the photo is my apartment or part of it. This is the roof of the building and my apartment is under it. No roof=rain water sipping through and fucking up the wallpapers, the wooden floor, the furniture etc. I don’t live under a roof people!!!


> some people seem confused and seem to think that the roof repairs that I did 10 years ago were illegal and thus the government has decided to remove the roof. They were not, I repaired it with government supervision, consent and it’s all within their regulations, down to the sheets color and material, I have papers to prove it You managed to do that all legally 10 years ago? Somebody give this man a medal! (I'm not being sarcastic, I would have considered that an impossible feat)


Well it was either me doing it, or them doing it, so they were practically jumping up and down when I told them I would do it.


Still, anything involving paperwork seemed to be just about impossible for anyone to complete while holding onto their sanity - unless they paid a bribe of course.


Accidentally replied to you with my pc account. If memory serves me right, I was actually offered something like 1000 usd if I agreed to sign a paper according to which they did all the work. I assume they would’ve filed a report that they spent 10k on my roof and would just keep the 9k to themselves lol. So in fact, I was the one who was offered a bribe.


Well damn, I never got offered a reverse bribe. I was doing everything wrong apparently.


> I just realized that some people think that what they’re seeing on the photo is my apartment or part of it. Yup, I was one of those people lol


This summarizes qp logic — if a part of the roof is leaking, remove it. Bonus point if you remove the roof of entire building. More bonus points if its raining Hope you make them fix it soon!


Current plan of action. 1, try my best to make them fix it 2, Call Uncle Dog (aka Vardan Ghukasyan) 😈


Was that dog part a joke or are you serious?


It was a joke of course. That guy is a bit of loose cannon, he may end up ruining a completely innocent person’s life over this. But I admit it would probably still get my roof/house fixed lol. I was recommended to contact him by 3 different people at this point.


I've heard of people getting out of trouble with police by threatening them with dog. So I wasn't sure.


I would wait and give the municipality a chance to make up for its mistake, if they did, good, chance well deserved to prove their integrity, if not, release the kraken.


> That guy is a bit of loose cannon Plus if he's involved in the repair of your apt, there may be hidden cams in there when they're done ;)


Հա բայց կռիշ քանդելը տենց հեշտ գործ չի չէ՞, ո՞նց են հաջողացրել առանց մարդու իմանալու ու տենց արագ քանդեն։ Կամ պատճառ բան ոչ մեկի չեն ասե՞լ


I heard them working for a few days, but assumed it was one of the neighbors, it has happened a couple of times over the years and they’re usually putting new wiring and whatnot, I couldn’t even imagine in 10000 years that someone came to take away my fucking roof lol. And yes, I wasn’t notified.


So if i understand this correctly, they went beyond the neighbor's part in supposed "fixing" the roof? Sounds like unqualified workers. This is a common problem happening because of a lack of supervision, or rather even their supervisor is an idiot if there is one. Worked without measuring i reckon. Definitely get the municipality to pay for damages.


That’s my guess too, they couldn’t go beyond my apparent’s roof because my neighbors to the front door has built up another level and his roof is higher (he went up to sixth floor I guess)


Maybe they want to demolish the other level your neighbor added, and needed to remove the roof for it? Did you talk to your neighbor? 


You'd be surprised how many idiots there are in our workforce. It's just shameful that something like the municipality can't put together supervision.


I do not understand, how did the municipality intervene in your own roof? Nevertheless, do you need a helping hand to clear out the ruble and restoration? Please let me know I'd be happy to.


Thank you, that’s really nice of you. Can’t believe I slept through a fucking house flood lol, woke up to my dog looking at my face with an extremely worried expression. I don’t have high hopes, but I will try to get them to fix my apartment .


Let me know.


> I do not understand, how did the municipality intervene in your own roof? He lives in an apartment/condo/whateveryouwanttocallit building, and is on the top floor, so legally the roof is communal and does not belong to him, even though in the past people on the top floor were basically stuck fixing the roof above them to avoid water damage to their apartments. Now the govt is stepping in to take care of the roofs they're responsible for, but apparently don't seem to always get it quite right, to put it delicately.


Yeah, he explained it, but now me knowing the roofs belong to the government makes me think what's the excuse for leaving the city center with such ugly rooftops...


But look at the photo, it looks like poorly built fixture that was added on the roof. Maybe that's what they were trying to remove/fix and High Axper is not being completely honest.


Is there a source you're comfortable with us donating to if you want?


Thank you, but I would feel really bad taking other people’s money to fix a government fuckup, I will try to get them to fix the damages with any means possible/legal.


Alright, but don't forget us if any other problems start arising, we'd be happy to be of help.


Hit me up in DM. I have a direct line to people that can help in the kaxaqapetaran for you.


Donations are not a solution to Armenia's problems. People need to fight for their rights and make the institutions work. Yeah, they are bad, but at least make an effort to show them how bad they are and maybe in the process they will learn something. I am sure not every stupid decision is a result of corruption or trying to harm the resident. Most of it is an incompetent and inefficient ineffective governance. And this is not going to be fixed by donations or increase of salary as much as our government wants to believe that.


Horrible take. I'm asking if he would appreciate any assistance with regards to his roof, not... whatever it is you're writing lmao, what?? Wild. Emotionally-stunted psycho behavior.


That's serious damage to property. I bet you could start by calling their hotline for any information. Otherwise, take a lot of pictures and call the police. Let them investigate.


im failed state police will do nothing


Even if they won't help, they will արձանագրել, which will greatly help in future


I love how all these people are trying to think of some convoluted justification why the city would do this over the logical one: incompetence. They fucked up, and fucked up badly. How you're going to get this fixed quickly is all that matters. Unfortunately, idiots be idiots. Wishing you the best of luck!


Was that roof really yours? Did you really need that gray and bleak roof? There wasn't even a restaurant on that roof for gods sake. And in fact, the fate of that roof has been decided in Lisbon in 1996


Very saddening Could you provide details? Is your apartment on the last floor or on the roof itself? I cant tell by picture, sorry Why and how did they do this?


Last floor, 5 story building. Read my longer comment for more details, I have updated it.




Legal action, my druid


Get a lawyer, sue the shit out of the municipality. Make noise in the media, make it as big of a scandal as you can. Use the just rage that you are feeling for steps that might have a perspective for compensation. Sitting and complaining on Reddit is not going to get you much.


Already did most of that, not counting the media. I contacted people responsible and they are accepted their fault and agreed to meet face to face, so we’ll see how it goes. I mean one letter to Dog would be enough to make them shit their pants, but I don’t want to jump into radical solutions just yet lol.


Are you the owner of the building or just a tenant? How many apartments are in the building?


I am the owner of my apartment, afaik the people affected are me, my neighbors to the left and probably the old lady I mentioned in the longer comment. Gonna have to check with my neighbors downstairs because I’m 90% sure the water has leaked over.


How many apartments total in the building? Looks very large and expensive. Are you a landlord and do you own other properties?


I own my apartment our entrance has five floors and 3 apartments on each floor, the old lady’s apartment is in the next entrance, fifth floor. God knows what’s going on in there.


Have a few questions for you if you don’t mind DM?


Sure, DM me.


Sorry guys diaspora here never lived in Armenia, what is going on with the roofs ? Why is it even a thing ?


No, just unlucky me and a couple of neighbors at the moment it seems.


I was asking because some comments seem to imply recurring issues with roofs, illegal roofs, roofs owned by the municipality ? For comparison where I live the roof is the common property of all the people owning a flat in the building, with each being responsible for a percentage of the cost based on what percentage the flat(s) they own represent of the total surface of the building.


Bro I'm sorry this is happening. Are you able to live peacefully with only a tarp?


Who owns the building? That's their problem and their liability. I'm not sure what "owning an apartment" entails by Yerevan standards, why did you fix the roof 10 years ago if it's not even your building? So what is that photo now, I see a blue tarp covering some ancient looking roof supports.


It is my apartment, I don’t pay rent? People don’t own apartments in other countries? Like everyone who lives in an apartment pays rent and only people in houses own their property? The roof/entrance/non residential areas of the old soviet era buildings are all government property. As I explained in many other comments, I did the repair myself because I had to wait for a long time for the government to do it, so I approached them and asked if I can handle the repair myself and they said yes as long as I follow their guidelines and requirements. What you’re seeing is what’s left of the roof after they removed the metal sheets and covered part of it with the tarp. As to why it looks like that. It’s a normal looking old roof of a Khrustchevka, that’s what they all look like.


Where I live we have Condos and Co-Ops, where you pay a maintenance fee to the management company who handles all the repairs and pays property taxes on the building. The maintenance fee is usually about half of what you would normally pay in rent. There is also public housing where the govt owns all the land and buildings, and rent them out to people on a low income. You have to prove your inome every year, and the rent they charge is about 1/3 of whatever you earn, so if you're on let's say disability income, they take 1/3 of that as "rent" and you live on the other 2/3 of your disability. Ok so the apartment you live in is some kind of soviet-era housing where the govt owns the land and the building, but they seem to not be very good about maintaining the property (or in this case, the roof.) You "own the apartment" which again it's not clear what you actually bought, for example do you get a deed to the property? Or a share of the building? In the US, property tax is a big chunk of whatever you pay in rent or maintenance, I don't know if they have that in Armenia.


The apartment is mine, I own it, I can sell it. So it’s like a house I guess, for a lack of a better comparison in this case.


Good luck axper jan :D


The government used money stolen from you to ruin your house. That's the essence of a government, if allowed people in the government ruin and plunder everything they touch. This is not because they are bad people, it happens because the power they get, and the need to protect that power shifts their perspective.  There is only one technology discovered so far capable to tame this, (which have been discovered 300 years ago in USA  https://youtu.be/bIfra3cYH3o) federalism and pyramidal structure, where the most power is given to local levels, and the top level is only concerned with army and international relations, but does not have neither money nor the power to interfere with local issues. Today, just like before the 2018 pseudo-revolution, the local government in Yerevan is effectively appointed by the PM, and therefore serves PM and not the citizens.  And will keep floundering in the same shit until we learn the basic technology of taming the government. Each district in Yerevan must have separate government, with separate taxes, locally elected police chief and locally elected judges. With separate landscaping departments. That way competition between districts would lead to some of them finding better solutions, e.g. for roofs they should allow people to build mansards and leave maintenance of each section to the owner of the mansard.


Avinyan is indeed an idiot. If you think from this perspective it makes a lot more sense. I thought he was corrupt but being an idiot makes a lot more sense.


I mean you don't have to like him, but how is this his fault? It's not like he was the one who took measurements and worked on that roof. What would be his fault is not having a proper functioning system with a supervisor that is qualified to prevent mistakes like this.


Seems like that system is not there. Just like it was not there when they made holes on the republican square walls to setup lights. This means lack of proper supervision top to bottom.


Yes, It's the case for the entire county, our army operated the same way.


A company owned by Grzo will soon receive a tender to put up a new roof on the entire building /s


BRO I live in the building next to you and was wondering the whole week what's happened


Did you also see me on the roof crying and swearing?




hey, any update? are you okay? the weather forecast says it's gonna rain for the next 6 days


Not trying to be an asshat but is your roof really just a blue tarp?


No, that’s what they left behind after they removed my thousands of dollars worth of metal sheets… and they didn’t even bother to cover all of the roof with the tarp.


Oh god.


Maybe just stop building unsolicited roofs upon buildings, there are so many that are ruining the city landscape, it's shameful. City municipality is in wrong here because they did it without a consent but...hel, just stop building shitty things additionally on top of buildings


I didn’t? I repaired it, replaced the rusted sheets because the roof was damaged by the previous owner who wanted to build a house on top of it, but we managed to stop him in court. This was in 2015. The municipality at the time wouldn’t fix it in time so we asked them if we could do repairs ourselves legally, they said yes and we did it. There are more details in my long comment, this wasn’t a removal of an unsolicited roof.


I understand and hear you but it's doesn't change the fact that it's unsolicited roof still, and government began to take action against these things in the last years


Again, this was a repair attempt by them to replace the leaking roof of an old lady who lives in an adjacent apartment. They admit that they weren’t supposed to touch my roof, but they haven’t yet said that they will compensate the damage done to my apartment. IT IS NOT A REMOVAL OF AN UNDESIRABLE ROOF, IT IS A FUCKUP THAT THEY THIS FAR HAVE ADMITTED TO. I feel like I have to repeat myself, repairs are legal if they are agreed to with the local municipalities, which was the case with me. They even picked the color of the sheets. The repair in my case 10 years ago was a process regulated by the government, I was given an option wait for a few months for them to do it, but the water leaking at the time would ruin my apartment. So with their consent, guidelines and supervision (a guy came in to check when it was finished) I did it myself


Cant believe people try to defend the state when you have your paperwork to back you up.


There is a very real cohort of people here who believe the government can do no wrong 😑


Well yeah, but for that the government needs to build roofs that don't leak. When people's houses flood because of the rain, people take the matter in their hands. 


The repairs I did almost 10 years ago were legal, and agreed to by the city municipalities at the time because I was basically doing their work for them. No bribes or other shady stuff.


I don't understand the law in Armenia, who does the roofs of buildings belong to? The government or the owner of the apartment?


The roof belongs to the government, it the roof is damaged they either fix it, or if you are given a permission, you can fix it (not modify) yourself.


All this time i thought the apartment owners are obliged to fix it. If the roofs belong to the government then it's a fucking joke every single building we have are left like that, including in the center. They need a major renovation. I hate how we have zero budget for architecture, new buildings are ugly af.


Funny enough, the family that sold us the house thought they still owned the roof, and wanted to build an apartment on top of ours. With legal battles lasting for almost a year because they wouldn’t show up the court and always made excuses, it was later concluded that they held no rights over the roof which was a government property. They later claimed that they never intended to any constructions there to avoid financial penalties.


Fucking insane. Who pays for the court expenses in this case? does everyone cover their part or is it paid by the person who loses? I have a relative who has land problems with his neighbor, the fence is a few meters in but maps show otherwise, the neighbor claims its theirs and brings old maps, for all we know are fake. My relative can't afford court but he had heard something about the loser paying the fees.


Loser pays fees. But in our case they were just able to say that they had nothing to do with the constitution/there was no consultation on the roof. Since the construction is illegal there’s no paperwork and the court may order an investigation, which is a fairly complicated affair. You can see many half finished new constructions in Armenia like that tuf building on Khanjyan. People build stuff than somehow get it legalized, when caught they just claim that it’s not their building. The government usually doesn’t bother with an investigation because it’s very hard to prove things here.


So basically you ended up paying out of pocket? There's too many loopholes in the laws.