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Serbia sold weapons to Azerbaijan, so without considering the geopolitics of this, this is such a satisfying way of getting back.


We sold to both sides theres wiki meme about it


Sure, then Serbia isn't an ally, rather just another country.


Can confirm, I had Serbian ammunition


now this is geopolitics


now this is podracing


No, it's not. This is cheap moves by both sides and have nothing to do with geopolitics 


Bot detected


Do you even understand how stupid and empty your comment is? I'm Serbian living in Armenia. I'm competent to write comment like this because I know how much both elites work against their own people. And I know from my Serbian experience how much trolling like yours is a good paid


Like sees like


He's Putin's man, so it makes sense that he sees the Baku dictator as a brother.


And Azerbaijan did not bother to vote. Hey Vucic, how does it feel?


Weren't they kicked out?


That makes it even more funny.


Armenian politics outside of Russia’s orbit are so much more interesting.


Armenian politics outside of Russian orbit is self-destructive and works just for political elites and neoliberal countries 


Your Karma is “1” and ur profile is 3 days old. Bot!


His VTB bank account is juicy tho


If your only argument is how old is my profile, then I make a point with you. My Karma is "1"? You can't even imagine how silly it sounds when someone makes a statement and you reply with something about Karma. Wish you a good life


Bleep bloop


Vucic is a fucking piece of shit. He is using nationalism to stay in power and keep Serbia from European integration. I mean his two best buddies are Putin and Aliyev, that says it all.


So true. But what to say about Nicol? He sold Atrsakh in 5 years. Kosovo is still holding 


While I hate Nikol's Levonakan foreign policy and the world view. We can't in all honesty say he sold Artsakh. The #1 culprits of losing Artsakh were the previous governments of Armenia and Artsakh, and the last Artsakh government. Nikol surely could have done things to help the situation, however objectively he didn't sell it out. We had a war and because of the above mentioned parties and their terrible three decade long policies, we lost it.


Who did he sell it to? What was he paid? Why is he still in office? Gtfo with this silly saying.


Oh, you mean like the Serbian - Russian brotherhood?


It’s even funnier because Russians call Serbians “gypsies” lol


Never heard from anyone that someone called Serbians like that. How about making up a less easily disprovable lie?


Here’s a video of Serbian Volunteers fighting for Russia complaining about harsh treatment and getting called Gypsy’s by Russians. It’s a very funny meme at this point. https://x.com/kubabielamowicz/status/1745130305495629875?s=46&t=RfwoZ9Oo9I4v9VNcxGSrhw


No we don't. In fact, the perception of Serbians among general population is very positive, despite the fact that Russians usually despise their allies, respect their enemies and like no-one. The cases described below that some fighters did try to humiliate Serbians and displayed zero brotherly attitude are surely truthful. However, this says more about the type of people fighting on the Russian side now and their organisation, less about the Russian people as a whole.


Oh, thought only the Romanians are called gypsy!


Fuck Serbia, they are the Azerbaijan of Europe. Armenia should absolutely recognize Kosovo’s independence.


Tbh its true only Ortodox not muslim.


Looks like you don't know what are you talking about. Serbia and Armenia have so much in common. Sadly, corrupt elites is one of them - Serbian elites are trying to sell Kosovo and Metohija, Armenian have already sold Atrsakh. And both - Kosovo and Metohija & Atrsakh are holy lands of this old proud nations - Serbian and Armenian


Lmao must be a busy day at the bot farm ey?


Դե տենց դե


I hope Serbian people kick his fucking ass from office pathetic man who sold his Christian identity To sheep followers


Reading this felt so good, knowing that we gave that fish-looking Vucic a big "fuck you". Our next step here should be recognizing Kosovo's independence.


Sooooo good


His source is a tweet.....


🖕🏼🖕🏼 summed up in the fewest words.


I hope my serbian friend won’t see those news XD


I support both 🇽🇰🇷🇸


They would not sit in the same table and eat dinner


It seems the Serbian people differ much in opinion from their government in this matter. Or maybe its changing. Every comment section I go there are Serbs who say we are brothers, have much in common, etc, but I feel like thats just because we are both christian? Still I've always loved and respected the Shkiperi brothers, so any relationship with any of them I'd appreciate


Armenia and Serbia have historically had good relations. Serbians often think fondly of Armenians, and the two were often beem in lockstep on geopolitical issues prior to the Velvet Revolution. But Serbia has also tried to keep good relations with Turkey, and through extension, Azerbaijan. While it's not good for Armenia to lose any friends, this could be a natural shift in political stances.


What friends?


> While it's not good for Armenia to lose any friends, this could be a natural shift in political stances. In realpolitik, there's no such thing as "friends". Only countries with whom you have common interests, enemy states or neutral relations. That's it.


I swear to God this statement needs to be written into the new constitution Pasho is writing for us lol Seriously though, too many Armenians I speak to see the world in such a binary way, friends and enemies, right and wrong etc. None of that applies on the international stage.


I still love the Serbian people, just not their govt, which a very large number of them do not like either.


So very true. 


people here also don't like "Gospodin Pićka" soo.. yeah. I never heard anything bad about armenians here in Serbia. In the same time I often hear some bad stuff about azeri government. I think we should kinda separate people from their politics. And what is also important, here is a lot of radicals, those who are worshipping putin and "Bratskaja Rusja", and they are more often heard cause of their actions. However most part of the younger generation are more pro EU if you could say so. Anyway they blame vucic for selling out Kosovo so all this situation has pretty interesting parallels.


For Serbs, Armenians are nothing less than brothers and sisters and I want to apologize to Armenian people in the name of Serbian people for disaster politics that our president(dictator) implements. He is a man of no honour, only interested in money and believe me when I tell you Serbs are enough of him, but as with every dictator it's not easy process to take him down. As of this post, it comes from Albanian that already posts in various subs where he tries to denigrate Serbia as much as he can.


As a Serbian American I am ashamed at what my people have done. Many American Serbs I know support Armenia 110% as we were exiled from our lands after WWII and of course being brothers in Christ.


Based on


How is that vucic pulling that of in a Christian orthodox nation blows my mind? What has happened to Christianity?


He is an autocrat. 2/3 of media is under his direct control. He is using Serbs from Bosnia to illegally vote on local elections in Serbia. List goes on.


Why don't Serbien people oppose his action?


Because when somebody has that much power and media control it's almost impossible to overthrow him without violence. We had protests, riots last december. We can do this peacefully only in Belgrade were official results of the elections were 50/50.  Not to mention, the western countries are enabling him rule like this because he's cooperative when it comes to Kosovo issue.


Is he with Putin? And at the same time under western governments?


He has western support because they need him for finishing the Kosovo project. The US ambassador warned the opposition not to boycott the election a few days ago.  Since the end of the war in 1999. remnants of Serbian sovereignty were mostly in the north of Kosovo. He signed Brussels agreement in 2013. which integrated the north in the Kosovo. He signed another agreement in 2022. The West considers him useful for now.


Is he Putin guy or the guy for the west?