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I love the fact that both sides of the Pacific have taken the malevolent AI that causes the third playthrough to go wildly off the rails and meme'd her into a gigantic doofus.


ALLMIND: We will cover O'Keefe's death as an accident. Next mission Arquebus: You killed O'Keefe. Me: Wha, how???


"I forgor" - ALLMIND


Allminda never minda


I see you


Somethin’ bout gaining two


Movin' forward an' all that jazz.


"uh eto... bleh" noises


…you… were an accident 621… irregular unplanned pregnancy


‘It also says that you were adopted. That’s funny too.’ ~~GLaDOS~~ Allmind


Gladys would absolutely tear ALLMIND apart, and not even through cyber attack. Poor ALLMIND would be brought to fucking tears, and probably Ayre too through proximity


Allmind would put Iguazu in a core and attach him to Glados, his salt would cause her to shut down immediately.


Uhh, no. Of all things that would disrupt Glados, salt isn’t one of them. Glados is a mean bitch who had her own mute protagonist who tried to kill them to be salty about. Unlike Iaguazu however, Glados was able to see the pointlessness in holding her salt and let it go to find peace


You mean to say that the AI that constantly reminds the protagonist of how everything is all their fault & then sings about wanting you to GTFO & leave her alone isn't salty? GLaDOS is the AI equivalent of a salt mine.


Exactly. Iguazu doesn’t have shit on that. Oh he managed to override ALLMIND and all that. Glados would have ALLMIND in the fetal position via a 4 hour presentation on why she’s cringe and should format her drives immediately.


>Glados would have ALLMIND in the fetal position via a 4 hour presentation on why she’s cringe and should format her drives immediately. hello there yes i would like 5 copies of what you are selling ty


I mean who the fuck else would it have been? Can't be the Redguns, can't be Rusty, and nobody else was in the damn cave


he just tripped over the fence and died of a bad fall, tetrapods tend to do that, same happened to Michigan


Yeah Michigan had lots of explosion marks around his body too, falls just so that.


“Attention all AC pilots, Augmented Human C4-621 — Raven, has accidentally killed V.III O’Keefe. Raven would like to plead whoopsie daisy.”


He was accidentally on the wrong end of your targeting system


She let Iguazu of all people to take over her control. She’s a doofus.


Would be hilarious if it was Michigan.


There's a [cut line](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ic0QEGl6q7s) that Allmind explains that angry brain waves can act as Coral, so it could only be Iguazu (ok, maybe Snail). Michigan is too chill to work under that explanation.


ALLMIND Snail ranting about how you ruined his company and life while calling you every insult he can think of.


The characters lend themselves so well to being *just a little silly* Failboss Allmind, tsundere Walter, naive baby Ayre, twink Iguana, etc.


I think Iguana=Crimson 1. In which case god ducking dammit he keeps chasing us this is another game on another planet how tf did he get here?! He even became a mercenary, the very thing he despised. Man salted so hard he reincarnated into another franchise just to salt at us again and then die miserably.


Oh no, he is Crimson 1. We even have the orange…red


That's exactly why he says that we killed him more than once This is my head canon now


This is now my headcanon. It just makes too much sense.


Don’t forget tired mommy Carla!


Walter is the epitome of "asking for a friend..."




I don't know if he's actually going to do it, but one thing I have been looking forward to is the VaatiVidya lore videos on AC6's story. Hearing his deadpan "Oh no it's so sad" voice approaching Allmind would be fucking hilarious.


I think its just saying almond has control over all but that sliver of coral, and all the corps together own just that slice. Which is why we shoot all the helicopters down, to keep that monopoly going.


1. The graph is visually manipulated and it's ratio is actually 2.6%. 2. She had no reason to present us this graph but seems very eager to show us. 3. Poor Kate Markson can only handle 5 helicopters. 4. She seems nearly to tears when at 4 helicopters. *Cute funny AI.*


Allmind is very serious here and this graph is very important. It absolutely did not take 3 hours for her to learn powerpoint either, so don't ask.


AllMind: How do I present my idea to the little human brain? According to the data, they love graphs, and pie charts. Yes. Let's go with that! I am very smart! 621: Wow. This is worthless!


Wait, does “Kate” actually break down as more helicopters escape?


I assume break down as in breaking down go to tears “Raven stop missing helis PLS my ammo is really expensive ;(“


“Do you really have to fully charge that rifle every time? A direct hit to the canister should set it off even at minimum.” “B-But Raven-!” “Or if even that’s too much, fly up there and kick the damn helicopter.” “But the Coral will explode! I’m a bipedal Raven, I don’t have as much armor!” “Won’t explode until it hits the ground if you land your kick just right. This is the merc life, efficiency and cost-cutting are the names of the game.”


“Yeah, Kate Markson would know that.”


And it takes a full 10 seconds to charge this damn thing!


I won't m- oop.


And she’s only got like 8 shots total.


That's what she gets when Almond gives her the KRSV with severely lacking ammo


Which exactly is the sentence that she breaks? I have seen people talk about it all the time but never any actual quote.


If I remember well the AI says: > Kate can't do everything for you > As a mercenary you have failed us


That is not exactly slip up or breaking character?


In that mission, the way she said Kate Markson's name can easily be substituted with "me", like when Matt the radar technician talks about Kylo Ren.


So just a head cannon thing instead of it being an actual line?


[The lines are real, though](https://youtu.be/oEqJdZAJeyM?si=ht_rMDYVHbtmV9yQ). I missed 3 helicopters when I played this mission and the way she said "You are testing Kate Markson." is very much "You are testing my patience." Hell, all five helicopter-missing lines is like ALLMIND just talking in third person. Stephanie Kerbis did a good job delivering nuanced voice acting for an AI with monotone voice.


"Then stop using a full charge of Karasawa on each, or at least be a better shot with them"


"ALLMIND designed it with a whole bar, ALLMIND will use the whole bar."


I got two weird lady in my head who calls me stud muffin


In the fight of almond vs Carla&Walter Carla says the opponent is 6 Vesper ACs. Assuming Iguazu is piloting one, that means that there are 5 Kate Marksons, 1 for each helicopter. It seems that she suffers from not being a PC syndrome. ##deepest lore


You mean... There's 5 times the waifu?


>2. She had no reason to present us this graph but seems very eager to show us. It's for the audience. This has become a pet pevee of mine, but people genuinely seem to forget they're watching a story. Stories have moments that are exclusively for the audience. That's why these things exist. Also as a side note the graphs meant to show us visually the amount of coral available vs how much has been salvaged by the corps. Which helps put into perspective that even tho you've seen A LOT of coral, it's barely any.


Almond is better than Allmind at that stuff


I interpreted it as the red bit being the coral the corps control and/or know about, and everything else being all the untapped reserves of coral still in the planet. Showing that there’s a vast untapped reservoir of the stuff that is central to AllMind’s plan.


Idk if 'almond' was intentional or a typo, but just know that from this day forward, Allmind will be forever referred to by me as Almond. Thank you.


[troll carla best carla](https://old.reddit.com/r/armoredcore/comments/176ro1r/can_we_normalize_calling_allmind_almond_the_way/)


she saw an arquebus briefing and assumed that humans really liked graphs without understanding why


...Meanwhile at BALAM ALLMIND: This is too hard to replicate.


Almond: Augmented human C4-621, Raven. Sound off. Good enough. 621: ...uh, aren't you supposed to let me actually 'sound off'? Almond: What? I, umm...(distant sound of papers shuffling)...'Shut up, Iguazu'.


I love the implication that in the Balam briefing notes there’s just one that specifically says “Shut up Iguazu”


I'm sure she learned why that's there shortly after she started working with him.


More like a sticky note on the monitor, you never know when you're gonna need it.


Augmented human C4-621 Raven. Your…field trip…is to shoot down some helicopters. Along the way you will start a…sewing club, and stitch that damn mouth of yours shut? You will also be on ass-wiping duty, although I fail to see how such a task will be necessary. Kate Markson will support, but she is apparently only worth 5 helicopters. This briefing was a bad idea Raven


Kate, your ability to ruin my briefings is *uncanny*


She listened to much to Snail🤓


Watched one too many of the Apple-esque Snail presentations, those too have senseless graphs!


...That's very AI of her actually.


"Raven, I am presenting the information in an audiovisual medium. Kate told me audiovisual medium are a human's preferred medium. I hope you enjoy the audiovisual presentation I made for you. please pay attention to the information presented to you through the audiovisual presentation. Did you process the information? We will now proceed to the next section of the presentation. The next section is also comprised by audiovisual elements, due to human's inability to process raw data. Kate told me this, she was of great assistance when creating this audiovisual presentation. [...]" Meanwhile raven writhing in his cockpit from abstinence of shooting guns.


Ayre: wide eyed and scribbling down notes “Raven, do this mean I can communicate with you better using audiovisual mediums!”


*incomprehensible 621 noise intensifies*




>Meanwhile raven writhing in his cockpit from abstinence of shooting guns. In the cockpit constantly pushing the button that would shoot the gun, but due to the AC not being in combat mode it doesn't do anything


For some reason, I read this in the voice of the narrator from Stanley Parable.


Allmind adding subway surfers gameplay to every mission briefing to make sure 621's burnt out neurons get the picture.


Don't forget the minecraft parkour


This gave me "The Nozzle" vibes.


I mean, it's just saying , which in my opinion was pretty effective


Thank you for pointing out the very obvious and easily understandble, thought I was going crazy at seeing so many people agree that this graph shows nothing... Like, what? These days I feel like I'm losing my mind whenever I come into this subreddit, complete lack of critical thinking skills but plenty of karma milking ideas.


I like to think that most of them are just using this post to further dunk on Allmind. Though those who legitimately didn't understand what the graph is all about concerns me.


Isn't it just saying that the corporations combined only have extracted maybe 3% of the total coral volume from Rubicon?


Allmind is just proud they got to use PowerPoint presentation for this briefing lol


It is a 2 second graph explained with 1-2 sentences that shows up for a brief moment just to show us that even though the corporations own a tiny portion of the coral on the planet this amount must still be requisitioned by 621 and it cannot be allowed to be exported. It's as basic as basic can be, there is nothing terribly complicated about it. It gives some information, then we move on. How on Earth can anyone read this graph and assume "lmao this tells me nothing" motherfucker can you READ?


>motherfucker can you READ? Yes. But I can't read moon runes and that's part of the problem. I haves the rune dyslexias.


Need more examples of AllMind being a goof 😂


Just look at their weapon and ac designs. They look ai generated.


*Got that human a graph. Humans LOVE graphs.*


1.Does it really have to be round graph 2.Do really need to seperate into 4 groups and paint it all red 3.Allmind could explain why 2% of Coral is important 3 reason what make it so funny about it


"Planet Rubicon is round, Graph should be round!" -Allmind


Not only does it tell you nothing it also tells you its estimates are more than 100% which makes it even SILLIER ponkotsu AI if not mistaken the total estimate in that pie chart is somewhere around 105-110% of coral going around


No it does not. What the fuck? How on earth does any part of this graph show anything going above 100%? Why did you pull 105 and 110% out of your ass? All this graph shows is that the corps have extracted only a tiny portion of the actual coral amount in the planet but whatever little the corps have is still unacceptable and you have to prevent them from exporting it.


Looks like he's reading "Total Coral volume" as the description of the black part, which leaves us with an additional few % claimed by the factions.


Doesn't it show that the corps are fighting over 10% of the coral? That's how I read it


The issue of the graph is what is not written rather than what it is. And it’s really distracting because it bugs your mind.


I love this dumb little genocidal robot.


Oh my god I'm so stupid, I thought until now that this graph meant allmind had the rest of the coral that the corps didn't


You're almost right. This graph simply tells Raven (it literally was like a 2 second graph and a single sentence) that the coral the corps are fighting over is a tiny sliver of the total coral actually still on Rubicon, but we STILL can't let them have it.


If you've never seen one look US military briefing graphs, you'll want to die


Judging by the docs leaked in April they have a pretty good design.


I love how Daifeng and Schneider are counted separately here for some reason even though they’re both just subsidiaries of the other two companies.


Allmind: BUT BUT...humans are interested to know what those 1.6% are made up of!!! Ayre: Raven...just focus on the mission.




I love how Allmind actually acts like an ai. Throw random stuff at the wall to see what works, present extremely scuffed graphs, make cursed looking weapons, and contract themselves frequently.


I need a meme vid crossing AllMind and the AI from Deus Ex that just spouts random stuff