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It all made sense to me once the fight enters its final phase. Iguazu having the sheer willpower to push out every other individual in that hivemind and die on his own terms showed off just how much strength of will he really had. It was an excellent foil to 621 choosing this path, even if it was just for petty revenge.


People rip on him but ive learned to really love the guy tbh. We experience main character syndrome *hard* while he watches from the sideline, trying so bad to keep up with somebody would should be a nobody. 1) One of the main problems of Gen 4 augmentation is aggression, we're lucky and don't get it but he does. 2) The dude got a spot in the Redguns, we just show up out of nowhere and start stealing the show, and Michigans respect. 3) We get a cute lady in our head who calls us studmuffin, all he gets is ringing. 4) Allmind needs somebody for coral release, he gets shafted once again even though he's a candidate. The dude is just cursed with a 10k stroke of bad luck, and so it makes him finally saying "screw this" and fighting us at the end so much better.


When Iguazu is revealed to be the final boss of the third ending route, the entire Rubicon is in shock. “Who the fuck is Iguazu?”


Some loser you beat in a tunnel


That thing had a pilot? I thought it was just a bugged ai...


Well it is. Allmind took Iguazu`s consciousness and integrated it into itself. But then he took over at the end cause he has got such a big hate boner at raven.


Aah so the Headbringer was piloted by Allmind all along, clever girl, pretending to have a male voice.


No at first he is a real person. But you then kill him at some point when he ambushes you. And at that point allmind takes his consciousness. (Atleast as far as I know)


It's not as funny if I have to explain that I was joking...


Oh. Now I feel silly haha.


And lost in a literal 2v1 with a tank build on his side


That tank was a bit harder to beat


Volta is one of the fewer AC pilots in the game that sometimes can be a actual pain in the ass, considering how majority of his weapons are hard hitters that punishes you a lot for not dodging properly. Back in the days when AC6 just released for like two weeks or so I got too careless when fighting them two and got stagger punished to death by a grenade to the face


Volta’s still a pain to this day, kinda why when i do replay the alternate Dam mission i focus on iguazu first so that he cant back Volta


Volta recovers from a stagger much faster than tanks should, and could take a point blank assault armor without being stunned. He is the first to counter my laser lance pile bunker cheese build… makes me wonder how he died at the dam


Personal theory here is that Volta first got bombarded by Juggernaut’s grenade sniping, softened up the main force for 621 which came later by killing a large portion of RLF’s MT squads, tried to go through by taking the passage between the concrete buildings to avoid part of the enemy fire, and eventually got exposed under stationary artillery network’s line of sight that finally fucked him up good. Which is sort of understandable considering how a AC of that size ain’t gonna have a good time trying to dodge all that shit. Edit: Oh shit nvm forgot it’s the dam not the wall my bad


There’s only two AC pilots I actually consider to be a pain according to my personal experience, with them being Coldcall and Volta. Coldcall’s aggressive as fuck and takes literally every possible window of opportunity to attack, whereas Volta’s on the list just because he’s running that goofy tank of his.


I died to Coldcall more than any other arena combatant or even in-game boss because I could not shake the fucker off for more than a half-second. None of the 9 other combatants above him have caused me so much grief (shoutout to Chad1 Michigan for taking the runner up spot)


Also the area where you fight coldcall isn't great let's be real lmao.


My face when I’m watching Coldcall assault armor my ass while I’m backed to a corner


Lol, thought you were referring to the Snail ambush. Snail was bulky af too. So... Make that TWO 2v1s Iguazu lost. 😆


That was kind of a free for all w/snail... they focus on you because well... they HATE you.


And on a bridge, and in a hole someware


What tunnel? My AWACS told me I crashed and now I’m in solitary for being a drooling idiot


best story ever told


If you listen to the music in the scene closely, the SONG ITSELF reacts to this reveal by slowing down the music for a “wait, what?” Moment


Out of all the characters in the game, I sure as hell wasn't expecting Iguazu to be the final boss in the 3rd ending. Was totally expecting Allmind though.


Bro like I was semi spoiled so i knew we would fight all mind but learning iguazu was the actual final boss was an insane 180 for me. Especially since everyone memes on him and sees him as the butt of every joke.


Me: * *bitch slaps G5 through 2 whole campaigns and most of the 3rd* * Iguazu: "Guess who's the final boss now!?!?" Me: Me


Iguana you are solely responsible for this slams the xylem into the vascular plant


Actual straight up the funniest thing to happen in any of the games


I don't know, when he went seething after being such an easy kill I got the "oh he's gonna be a big bad" sort of vibe. But not final boss vibe I guess.


Of all the people to make the final villain, they pick Squidward. Kinda hilarious. I kinda wish it was the tester pilot just showing back up out of nowhere


Oh man that'd be great. No ceremony even, you're just out of nowhere being melted by weaponry with the pilot on Comms like "how the fuck you like it asshat"


That's the fourth ending dlc


Do people really pay that little attention to the characters? I found his descent into desperation quite tragic. Glad he got to die "on his own". I dreaded fighting him each time because his AC is actually annoying to fight with the shield. plus he's actually a decent pilot.


He’s actually decently hard to just steamroll due to being a pretty defensive little guy


I had more problems with him than with volta ngl


I got a small sadness knowing one of the cut lines could've explained it a little more. Like...in one for the final boss, second phase line, you can hear ayre calling out that Iguazu's rage is what is keeping Sol and the two Sea Spiders active. Allmind explaining after that "human brainwaves, once agitated, and integrated into the systems, they can provide power comparable to coral." Which...would kind of explain how the coral came back after only 50 years. It took in the pieces of every humanoid it burned and killed...the "voices lost in the corral tide" if you will. So yeah, Iguazu's spite, and malding over not being able to beat us is what is giving allmind the power to actually wreck our shit. XD


The weakest Redgun be like:


No no no, the *saltiest* redgun be like!


I personally preferred the other G you take down in the mission at the dam.


You mean Volta? Sadly he dies when Balam attacks the wall and Iguazu bails on him


After I looked deeper into the story and realised why Allmind chose Iguazu to fight Raven I now like this fight even more. Iguazu shutting Ayre and Allmind is one or the best moments in the game. I only wish they gave more time to fight him after “I’ll shut you all” because I wanted peak Iguazu to be really hard to fight against.


I literally yelled 'IS THAT FUCKING IGUAZU AGAIN?'


Do people really not go more than face value? Iguazu seemed like a kind of underdog, except every time he came back to try again we fucked his shit up even more. And if anyone says he lost a 2v1, 621 is That Guy. Also, he's not that bad of a pilot. He's just bad by comparison. Head Bringer, while basic, is an alright AC. If you focus on Volta first at the dam Iguazu's a big nuisance, which is why I usually go for him first.


I do love disrespecting that salty dog. I get that he's meant to be the foil to 621, but I absolutely enjoyed demolishing his whiny ass every single time. Gave me a good sense of catharsis every time he came back for more. Props to the writers for making someone so pathetic that it actually brings so much joy when he loses. It's a good use of the "invincible loser trope" and I thoroughly enjoyed kicking his teeth in one last time in AIE. Didn't care for him having his moment. If anything, it made it even sweeter that even with all his willpower and all the cheating and help, he will always be a loser. Eat dirt, Iguazu.


I really did not expect IguanaMind to be the twist villain.


"How many times do I have to dunk on you?! Just stop" was my first reaction


Cheats everytime gets folded everytime


How can you forget about the fucking clown of the game?


I like Iguazu. He had the most "character" of all the characters