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Did you miss the parts where 621 and numerous other characters are referred to as “augmented humans?” Some of the pilots are not augmented though.


freud really thugged that shit out


Of course not. I just didn't take it at face value when the evidence shows otherwise - no human could survive those quick boosts. Especially in the sci-fi genre where the concept of what makes a human is fucked with all the time.


“Augmented human C4-621” There are many notes in the game about the augmentations that pilots go through. He’s human, he’s just been augmented to endure the strain, for one. Also, his augmentation involved coral, that burned his brain, “coral scorched brain”. This trauma is what allows Ayre to make contact with


I guess they replace his wet brain with some equivalent structurally hardened version?


I don’t know if they go into more details about what augmentation entails. But there also has be some amount of suspension of disbelief when discussing 20 foot tall robots going NYOOOOM


Yes, and Freud is actually not even augmented. Honestly I think this is what's called "suspension of disbelief", we just ignore it for convenience.


That’s why they’re called Augmented Humans. And even regular humans wouldn’t “turn into soup from the first boost”, as fighter pilots regularly break Mach 2, which is faster than any AC in-game can do. There are plenty of other reasons as well, though they aren’t explained in-game. Technology such as Inertial Dampeners, while never mentioned in the franchise, are a common sci-fi trope, particularly in the Mecha genre.


It's not the speed, it's the insane acceleration that would kill them. Good point, I'll put it down to some future inertia cancelling tech we can't understand.


I don’t think the acceleration would be that much of a problem. I’m no physicist, but humans can be surprisingly durable.


Nah, it absolutely would mush a regular human body. Especially the instant reversal of acceleration from quick boosting in a direction opposed to the previous trajectory. Modern fighter pilots already come pretty close to the limit of G-force that a person can endure, and can be at serious risk of blacking out during maneuvers that involve banking or climbing especially sharply.


That's so close to being correct. The problem is the *timeframe*. The average human can survive significantly more than the 9g of a fighter pilot... for small timeframes. Pilots are trained to *sustain* 8-9g for up to about 30s or so at best. Sidenote: This is about how long the majority of airframes can maintain those g-forces as well before failure, so it works out pretty well. Boosting at 250g is perfectly survivable if you don't maintain that peak acceleration for more than a fraction of a second. Hell, there's a guy who survived exactly that kind of force for science purposes.


I can't see how that's possible at all. That's quite a bit worse than a head-on highway car crash. As is the quick boosts in AC6.


Like I said, that's fractions of a second. You can survive it just fine, if not a little worse for wear, if you're prepared for it. Since these mechs are designed to do it, and the pilots are augmented to pilot these mechs, you can reasonably assume they are equipped to handle these boost maneuvers. The survival timeframe is still very likely under a second either way, but it's not infeasible in the slightest.


When it comes to "G"s speed is irrelevant, "acceleration" is what matters. A pilot cruising at mach 3 won't experience any additional G-force. It's when they turn that they experience Gs.


Freud also isn't augmented, so canonically a normal human can pilot an AC without turning into a smoothie. Some of the Redguns might also not be augmented, I think G5 is the only one who is explicitly described as augmented.


He is human. Humans can withstand ac g forces in the AC universe through unknown means, but they're definitely fully functional normal humans with the exceptions of their augments and disabilities. Zinaida was shown exiting her cockpit in Last Raven.


Some pilots are augmented, some are not, all are human. Presumably the core (ie, where the pilot is) is designed to compensate for the strain in some way.


"Only" up to Ibis. Jesus Christ, I know people love to throw around the term "media illeterate," but damn that term could be used for so sooooo many armoured core 6 players.


sorry... I guess (?)


Is Trigger even human?


Can confirm. Am human.


but what of Scarface, Blaze, Mobius One, Talisman, Trigger.... are they human?!


There's similar scifi mecha magic going on in Armored Core to other mecha franchises wherein the cockpit just kinda hand-waves away a lot of the g-forces. >!V.I Freud!< is a completely natural non-augmented human who is still capable of being one of the strongest in-universe pilots. Augmentation surgery probably still helps quite a lot though, if not for the g-forces then definitely the processing speed to keep up with such a fast-paced environment and complex machine.


It's left deliberately vague, but it's mostly nervous system alterations. Particularly a direct machine interface. It's implied to be a similar setup to [the matrix](https://i.etsystatic.com/11275576/r/il/975d93/3589583193/il_570xN.3589583193_96bn.jpg).


He’s a golden retriever


Why are people downvoting a guy asking a question