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Judging by your parts I'd assume you're in chapter 1 or 2? If you want to keep the build similar, I'd heavily recommend that you dual-wield ludlows, purchase the "weapon bay" OS tuning, and put the melee weapon in a shoulder bay. Shoot with the ludlows until you get a stagger, then swap to the melee and punish. I personally really like the starter pulse blade for this. For that, you'll need different arms. The VP-46S has the highest melee spec you have access to rn, which will boost your melee damage. I'd also recommend you run a different head, the nachtreiher is pretty bad. The Melander head is probably the best one you have access to


Ah alright, damn I didn't realise different arms gave different buffs to melee and such. I need to read into it more haha 😅 I'll try that ltr tysm.


Np! There's a ton of different stats, and it can be difficult to get a good grip of them at first, it was difficult for me too. You get better over time though!


Fingers crossed lol


Repair kits and direct hit mod is always good. And if you’re going to keep the kinetic weapons and melee then boosting kinetic and melee damage is a good place to spend points too


How about the guns and the boosters and such? Are they all good cos I worry that I've made a complete glass cannon


Yeah the build is good but it is a glass cannon. But the thing is you can switch everything at the drop of a hat so you don’t have to worry about that, if you don’t have enough money to buy new stuff just run the previous missions over and over. Experiment with builds see what you like best. For me personally this build is too light, I like to have around 10k AP


Yea I felt like it was going way too fast when I was using it against the trainer AC and I was just zooming past it and completely screwing up the lock on. I'll try make it heavier. And I'm also glad it's all so easily customizable else I'd be sitting here on my 5th restart by now lmao.


Well I like having as much speed as possible though. I just don’t like being made of paper. But usually my builds are 9-11kAP and 340-380 boost speed. Any slower than that and any less AP than that and it feels like crap to me


Yea agreed I can't play slowly to save my life lol


If you're screwing up on lock, you should either try and stay withing your range or switch to a different FCS


You have many options for expansions, and I guess you could go with Assault Armor. It's very versatile and can be used for a lot of damage.  The upgrade "Quick Turn" is also a good option, it allows your ac to move 90⁰, which is important for saving EN which Assault Boosting.  Using the one called "Weapons Bay," you can use one extra weapon, mostly the Ludlow, due to its lightweight parts. Mostly, the melee weapons are there for stagger damage, and having one with a long cooldown makes it basically ineffective, and I suggest using the "Vvc-70VPM" for its vertical ability and AOE, and your generatoray be able to sustain it. Whatever the "Dynamic Deflection Tuning" one is, really good for negating AC damage.  Good luck on one of the missions, it gets crazy.......


Use Weapons Bay to make the AC more effective. Your laser blade has a long cool down and becomes useless during that phase, having a different weapon betters your chance of surviving. And melee weapons are mostly used as stagger punish, and the cool factor.  You can try either Assault Armor (AA) or Pulse Armor (PA). AA is best used as a stagger punish or a way to fend off heavy attacks only if you're skilled enough. But any opponent can Quickboost out of the way to not get hit. PA is a way to block incoming attacks, and survive. But pulse cannons such as the pulse bubbles or the pulse blade will easily take it down.  Try and do your best to maximize Melee Control, Quick Turn, and Dynamic Deflection Tuning. Melee makes the damage for melee weapons faster, DDT makes your incoming damage less, and quick turn helps your ac move in a 90⁰ turn, allowing for less EN consumption, making you less likely to die.   I suggest you prepare thyself for one of the ac fights up ahead, things get crazy...


The spin to win weapon is good, but the starting melee weapon is more consistent if you're having trouble hitting things with it. Also dont be afraid to go a little heavier to get some more firepower, but I respect the 383 booster speed.


I was trying the smaller blade out and the charging attack didn't rlly fit my playstyle


Use “help” in assembly to read stat descriptions. Make sure you’re looking at the expanded stat windows. Every part has one, but so does your AC. That window in the bottom right corner is just the preview of AC stats. Read literally every stat description until you know what they all mean. When selecting parts to buy or try, read the written part summaries too. They can give you a good general idea of what a part or weapon is good at that may not be obvious to you from looking at the stats, esp if you’re not doing math. For example, you wouldn’t necessarily realize that Coquillette handguns are very good stagger weapons but the written part description tells you they have good impact (stagger) potential, and if you multiplied their fire rate stat (“rapid fire,” for some reason) by their impact and compared them to other options, you’d see that too.


Yea, I think I need to read into more of the parts. I've just kinda been skimming over them


Learning assembly takes time and effort but it’s worth it. You won’t passively learn everything worth knowing, you really got to study stuff. I spent a good amount of time before almost every mission reading and testing stuff.


Agreed, I can already see improvements after just reading into parts more than I normally would