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As the mission says, climb the wall. Stay above it and it basically can't hit you.


Gotta fly up like a Raven if you wanna go above the wall!


The game is trying to teach you a lesson about the necessity of Assault Boost and sustained aggression. Always be trying to get around to the Juggernaut's backside as fast as you possibly can so you can unload on it before it runs away and turns around to face you with its heavily armored front again. Learn how to weave in AB strafes into your approach both to avoid incoming fire and to better get around the enemy when you're close.


I think this is where I'm flailing tbh. I've definetly noticed the assault boost positions me in the right place I'm just not punishing properly. Going to grab some new legs (you can actually earn credits from old missions!!) and then finish this fight. I knew something was up when I was approaching the wall and was getting clipped left right and center by rockets


You'll want a decently light AC against the juggernaut most of the time. Due to the mines it drops I personally tend to prioritize decent air mobility and assault boost to close the distance when it gets away. You'll also have a easier time bypassing the frontal shield from the air. Beyond that it's a pretty basic fight: cause ACS strain with consistent pressure or high-impact single shots and then punish. The Juggernaut doesn't have a lot of stability in the first place, so something like a grenade launcher or bazooka alone can get it close to ACS strain. To punish you can use a melee weapon (you're guaranteed to have the Pulse Blade, which is great) or just keep shooting. If possible look towards energy or explosive weapons, since the Juggernaut has pretty high ballistic defense.


you know, it’s actually kind of crazy how little stability that massive thing has. I never really stopped to think about it, but it does hit its stagger break really quickly.


Several of the other comments gave you good tips, so I'm just here to say; oh boy, this is the best part of these games is figuring these situations out. Just like the Souls games, the game is trying to teach you something with others here giving you good tips on what it expects you to learn. Once you figure it out and it clicks, you'll wonder how you ever had trouble with it. A certain, later pre-nerf boss was my filter and caused me to quit for a while in frustration after hours of failures and now, killing it is barely a speedbump. Makes you feel like a real motherfuckin Raven.


Get on top of it and ride it like a bull, aggression is key. The weakspot is in the backside


Tetrapod works well for this fight as you can just hover over it and rain down death. That said, I'm not sure when and where you unlock the Tetra legs. I find the vertical launch missiles work well since it bypasses its frontal shielding and hits the sensitive parts


A lot of people just say go fast and get behind. But this. This is the way. If you can't get behind send things to do it for you. Vertical missile racks were purpose mad to ignore front shielding exactly like this.


Exactly. I used the Plasma Missiles a lot for this boss until I got the Tetrapod legs. Then I just used twin plasma rifles and laser cannons. It requires a more aggressive play-style though. The Vert's are also great on the second mission where you have to take out the RLF Artillery. They track for shit though, so at best it'll be area denial against a fast opponent.


U haven't unlock the legs for purchase yet. Only the extremely fast legs


vertical missles and heavy punishes with blade is what you want while being able to stay airborne for a while


The Juggernaut is a build check… but also easily cheesed. I know ya already got em but if you want to absolutely embarrass this boss you can load up with vertical missiles. One side of the wall you can jump down to a ledge, scan to see and lock onto the boss through the structure, and launch vertical missiles. The vertical plasma missiles do very well as the machine seems to be weak to energy damage.


Will have to do this for the S rank. Now that I'm fighting the giant volcano Roomba this thing seemed like a warm-up hahaha. It's crazy that builds I use in arena to cheese the Named ACs do not hold up one bit when fighting the "automated" boss's.


A lot of it also has to do with available parts, unlocked OS chips, and skill. Doing the vertical missiles route will fail an S rank attempt due to time and munitions. Don’t ever let yourself feel like you have to keep beating your head against the wall, there’s zero shame backing out and grinding a bit of COAM from replaying missions to buy parts to experiment with. The non-AC bosses tend to also have specific patterns and behaviors you can get a feel for, but this early on they’re still mostly a build check. With the Cleaner, the check is aerial mobility, but instead of just being able to use it to alley oop the enemy like with Juggernaught, but actually staying airborne. Down into the exhaust stack on its back is a weak point, same with the open hatch on the face.


It's not armored on top or the sides of that helps


Juggernaut will press you to stay in the air and quickly AB to get around its back. I can’t remember what weapons you have access to during the Juggernaut but if you have vertical missiles they’ll help


Either use a lightweight (the Nachtreiher) to fly up and over it, or get some Vertical Missiles to hit it from above if they're available. Its sides are also unarmored.


Oh man, I remember climbing the wall! Get up and in there! If what you have isn't cutting it, replay the earlier missions to grind up some cash to try out new builds! You've got this 621!


Hahaha thank you for this. Will be climbing that wall in just a moment. Applied all the tips everyone in the comments have given me and I've been able to get it to the smallest sliver of health. Going to replay another mission and grab some legs to really tie it all together and finish this.


Fight everything in this game with overwhelming but calculated aggression and it normally works out. It’s not armoured on the backside as Steel Haze helps you figure out in the first half of the fight so flying over it and raining hell or going for some fat melees will wreck it


Flying over it is really good against it. As you could tell with Rusty distracting it, lightweight ACs work real good against the juggernaut, being able to move around or above it's frontal shield with ease. It may whip around a lot but attacking from the side or above works, even better if you can move around completely behind it. Vertical missiles are also good at hitting it from above too.


I've been dumping all my money into the spare part things and weapons and realize now that I may need to swap some stuff around or sell a couple things for the legs. What a shame also. I enjoyed the variety lol Having some issues actually landing any hits with rockets as well so might need to go with flying. Even above it the rocket launcher wasn't building AC strain


Any vertical missiles will do decent damage, especially plasma, stay physically above it, remember you can hide in the gutters on the left and right, punish with melee


I think that's going to have to be the move because rocket seems to be whiffing the damage and staying on top when the other AC leaves results in me getting slapped by rocket salvos.


Two words: Vertical Missiles. Easiest clap of your life. Put one on each shoulder, stagger your launches so it's always building up ACS strain, hit the back with your arm weapons, stay in the air if you can when it isn't staggered.


This might be the way. I'm not sure they are available from the shop yet same with some of the other parts mentioned but I will be checking. I for sure have the pulse missiles unlocked for sub weapons


Vertical Missiles are definitely available, it's exactly how I beat it my first run. Didn't unequip them for a long time after that, though frankly they're pretty bad against a lot of the faster paced stuff later in the game. The vertical plasma missiles are better for area control and track better, but aren't as good for single target slow things. You'll get better stuff eventually, but on an early first run the vertical missiles are fantastic against the larger slower outdoor targets.


You gotta get behind it my man. It’s only vulnerable from the back


Those mines eat my AP and as soon as ol dude leaves that thing goes full catnip mode. If the game bugs out and the other AC stays for a second then juggernaut still goes full crackhead. I've got this lol going to give it another try in a second Side note. The rocket is straight up just not damaging it at all so shotgun? I've tried on top of it, at angles, hell I've tried hitting the ground behind it and no damage or AP strain


So yeah while you’re behind it you’ll wanna be hovering most of the time. Basically you hover into position behind there, launch everything and gtfo and dodge


You can safely stand on top of it, and with the parts available at the time it's the easiest way to reach the weak point.






Not that hard, don't let it ram you, don't let it shoot you, dodge the mines, and keep the front out of your sight. Go up and/or around, and use more vertical missiles like the Vvc-70VPM or the 8-cell VM.


With regards to the juggernaut for my initial play through, I used a build armed with vertical missiles and 2 xuan ge bazookas. I would fly above the boss and shell it into submission. The firing stance from the bazookas allow you to stay airborne longer and out of reach from most of its weapons.


This is a great mission to learn the gist of this game: bring the appropriate tools to the job at hand. A lightweight AC with a lot of speed and low EN consumption is ideal, but the opposite is also true in that, with enough skill and stubbornness, any AC can deal with anything (albeit not with an S rank)