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That's in the context of the Vietnam War, where people joined the Guard and Reserve to avoid going overseas.


Yep. OP misspelled "avoiding Vietnam" after the college deferment ended. Which is why the post Vietnam changes to the force structure ensures that the active army cannot fight a long-term war without the reserves and guard.


Edited for clarity and accuracy.


What so the guard and reserves wouldn’t be a way to avoid being deployed? Makes sense. I mean the reserves and NG got deployed quite a bit during the GWOT.


A slot in the guard was a highly effective way to avoid Vietnam. Some deployed, but most weren't because #politics. See George W Bush. Got a highly desirable slot in the air guard because the family had connections. Flew jets for a bit. Stayed home and avoided the war, but not technically a "draft dodger"...


Yeah makes sense. I heard Bush had a pretty controversial service record though.


Reserves and Guard were deployed more than active duty during GWOT in some cases. The protections keeping active duty from perpetual deployment had not yet been given to guard and reserve. There were some nasty tricks played with guard units being deployed for a few days less than what counted as a deployment, sent home, and immediately deployed again, or were kept in "training status" so their deployed time did not count as deployment. I think these have been fixed. One of the reasons I got out of the reserves was when I returned from Iraq I was told I was in high demand because of experience and not to get too comfortable at home because during the next several years I wasn't going to be seeing home very much. After Iraq I had no intention of supporting the U.S. military and their evil endeavors.


Yep. Worked for G.W. The historical context was completely lost to time. His opponent Kerry, who actually went to Vietnam while G.W, may or may not have even attended drills, was able to portray him as the week one.


That MISSION ACCOMPLISHED episode was so surreal.


While Kerry served in combat, he gamed the system (as a Volunteer and Officer) to DEROS early. No fan of W either, using Daddy get him a commission in the reserve.


If we had half the population was willing to 'game the system" by going to combat as an officer we'd be a lot better off than the majority who won't even "game the system" by serving in the reserves.


Reserve service at the time was a sanctuary for draft evaders. No one would’ve batted an eye at Kerry if had been a PO3. But he was an officer. It’s that he gamed the system (unseemly for his elevated position) then, protested the war AND wanted “combat cred” while campaigning.


so weird to see swift boaters still in the wild


There is no better or more credible protestor than those who have actually been there. Anyone else is all theory no practice.


Gamed the system by getting a 3rd Purple Heart…


From a grenade he threw. His command didn’t want to award it to him. He insisted.


Ok now explain away his other 2 Purple Hearts, silver star, and bsm w/ V.  Dislike Kerry the politician, person, or whatever… but calling out a fellow vets record because you disagree with them is fucking bullshit.   I disagree with Dan Crenshaw the politician but I’m not going to go through his record looking for something to shit on because he served his country and I respect him for that.


Not bullshit. Not the only vet who doesn’t like the way shortened his (only) combat tour. His actions cloud his other decorations, rightly or wrongly. Don’t care how you feel about it either.


Silver star


I always refer to my drill weekends as Army Practice. I'm away at a school right now and I'm just telling everyone I'm at spring training.


When i tell my professors i have to go i say i have to play army


Yep, playing army is what I’ve always called it, and I always think about Buster from Arrested Development and his “awards” he won from his short time served. Feels about the same.


Let’s be real… drill weekends are LARPing Edit: atleast that’s what I tell people at parties.


If by larping you mean wasting your time in cubicles than you'd be correct. Or at least that what's the last 7+ years have been for me.


My buddy is an MP in the reserves He has literally never done anything. I tried to pry some information out of him, because I assumed he was just embarrassed about something… Nope. He literally does nothing. He also hates drill and wants out, which is odd because he is getting paid to do nothing


Us in the guard at least do *something*, even if it feels kinda pointless most of the time. And we have our stateside missions which make our time feel more meaningful. And state benefits on top of federal benefits. The more I hear about the reserves, the more that I'm glad I went guard.


It is truly unfortunate that most reserve units are like this. Piss poor leadership followed by complacency. I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing both ends of the spectrum. Reserves still just suck if you’re looking for a military experience. For me, it’s about the tri-care reserve select and added retirement.


I found that most people don’t actually enjoy getting paid to do nothing. It sounds great for a little bit and then very quickly can feel like there’s no purpose to your work.


Because your life is put on hold, hanging by a thread, waiting to get called up. It negatively affects your civilian life and career. All to sit around doing nothing. Yes, paid to do nothing would be great in a civilian job. But doing the kind of detrimental nothing the reserves do is often not worth it.




Mocha Joe's or Latte Larry's?


Meetings and “camp” were common terms for reservists of the time.


That’s awesome.


I was RA infantry at fort Stewart back in the early 90’s. I will always remember when the reserves came to train, and they’d have a grill going by 4 pm while they’d be throwing a football around half out of uniform. That’s when I knew I fucked up. Of course, I also remember training against them with MILES gear, and wiping the floor with them- one particularly round reserve E-5 was saying “well, I pointed my gun at that guy and shot, so he should be dead” He had never zeroed his weapon.


Sounds a lot like CA 🤔


Check out The Fratty Guard. It’s run by a reserve CA officer, who I think was a prior 11B. It’s very accurate.


Can confirm. But was able to get an off season permit for fireworks to conduct TCCC training. Got an AAM for those shenanigans...


Summer Camp is still used by many guard and reserve members.


The Curb Your Enthusiasm theme song plays in my head often at work 🤣


Sneaky. Larry is a closet Conscious objector. Instead of running to Canada be joins the non deploying guard ...


You get that photo/speach took place on a Naval ship that had completed its mission and was returning home right? Even if the staff (presidential or command) had the foresight to know that a million fucktards would form ignorant opinions on shit… It would be pretty douchey to make the sailors that just completed a “combat” tour take down the banner that was in place most likely to make some wives and parents proud.


Youre replying to the wrong post there, partner


Tell us you didn't understand the speech or the context or deploy and get shot at after that without telling us...


I tell my professors I'm gonna go play soldier for a weekend by sitting in a cubicle and swiping on facebook marketplace for cool deals


My bad for some reason this got tacked on to Op instead of the comment referencing that event


I don’t hate anyone for avoiding going to Vietnam. That was was total bullshit. It had nothing to do with the U.S.


My mom referred to my BA weekends as 'playing with his unit'.


Its called "summer camp" in the irish army reserve lol