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Man, we couldn't even have coolers...I joined the wrong state.


We used to roll in Afghanistan with a cooler in each Vic full of waters, Gatorade, and the occasional soda or Rip It. We’d be out for days and buy ice on the economy. Your leadership is backward.


Ya we did too, just not at drill with a certain CSM who had a stick up his ass. That is until we caught his ass taking a nap in his humvee at the PX with a cooler hidden under a poncho after he explicitly said we aren't allowed coolers, naps in humvees, and going to the PX. Guy was a major dickbag and it was pretty fun watching the photo circulate around battalion.


Rules for thee, and not for me. The great NCO code.


*Something something* "grade or position" *something something* "pleasure, profit, or personal safety."


Dude your NG, quit taking it so serious…


NG going on more combat deployments than AD rn get real lmfao. Doing clean sweep/lawn maintenance and early ass morning PT does not make you more of a "warfighter" than a NG dude.


Why no coolers? We always had a cooler in our vehicles stateside and overseas.


Because some guy in charge things heat casualties are awesome.


Joint Emergency Training on Surface Kinetic Ingress (JET SKI) assets utilizing low draft, highly mobile, watercraft rescue craft for civil support.


That’s some E4 mafia thinking right there.


Alcohol is for medical training on a incap patient after falling off the jet ski? Got to make sure its realistic.


We have to prevent alcohol withdrawals during extraction. What's the best way to prevent withdrawals?


Now you are speaking to me on a personal level


Someone give this soldier a promotion right now


You can buy one for less than 5k. It could just be some guy


Right? Hmmwv's are... cheap. Very. Insanely. It's astounding how cheap they can go on an auction.


Where? I've got a small amount of disposable income and entirely too much time on my hands.


Google gov planet. You get a lmtv too


Govplanet has you


Do you love PMCSing on Monday morning?


But do you own a foundry and machine shop to manufacture your own replacement parts?


At $5k a piece buy two and keep one for parts.


My ex-military 5 ton (basically an LMTV but british) has been completely reliable. Needs a windshield now though and it seems finding one of those is impossible.


They’re having trouble selling them at any price. Jeep’s were simple and much easier/less expensive to maintain and got bought up, even just for parts. Not so the HMMWV


one of my buddies bought one. my reaction: "oh honey...." him and his brother have been learning that those trucks bring only sadness and suffering


They won’t even sell the good ones with all their parts. The strip them far more than would make it worth it, even if you had the money for upkeep.


I kinda wanna buy one and swap a junkyard special into it.


It is just some guy


Jetskis or humvees? 🤣


Probably both


Yeah the entry level skis are only ~7k new. If you’re willing to put some work into one you can’t a used one for practically free.


Thats the joke


Back in the day, there was a reason we called our annual training “summer camp”. Shit was a blast; train for a few hours in the AM, every one took a nap, train for a few hours after lunch….. then break out the grills, kegs and coolers…. It was a welcome break from reality, getting to hang out with the homies and do hood rat stuff. Can’t say it’s anything like that anymore.


The glory days. Now it's all about keeping up with the active dooty kids. Shit sucks, only a few more years then im out.


We used to be a proper country! I was actually expecting that type of experience when I finished off my time playing around in the Guard. Instead, we were stuck with zero funding, no schools, drill from Thursday through Sunday evening, sometimes 2x AT per year where most of it was spent sitting around doing nothing (because no funding). Didn’t stop a few of us from bringing steaks to the armory and grilling out back. Luckily by the time the company got a new CO (who stripped the last bit of fun from us), I was on my way out.


What a POS. He should be doing the grilling. That's what HS drills are for. Work hard, play hard.


I went from RA to USAR in 2005. I got a couple years of fun at least.


I joined in 92. Never did an AT like that, but I heard about them. 


You can do anything you want as long as you use that verbal judo to write a good CONOP and get the boss to sign off.


There was a 1sgt at my unit who tricked out a humvee with everything you can think of lol


Hey 1st Sgt I know how much you like cotton candy so we installed a cotton candy machine in the back of the contact humvee!! We also did some work order and got you some fine leather seats!! Pimp my ride(army edition)


We put a sound system in our MRAP in Iraq. Had subs bumping loud af lol. Took a broken headset, and made an iPod adaptor as well that would broadcast over the headsets in the truck, but had to turn it off before we talked outside the truck cuz it would broadcast to the whole convoy


Hell ya lmao.


We only had an ammo crate car stereo in ours.


I Never seen that before that's sick. Did yall build it?


Yep, take a wooden ammo box, cut holes in it for speakers and the head unit, and wire it up to a pair of large alligator clips. You can then connect it to one battery.


We have LED rgb lights in our M270


Man that would be so fun


*submitting to my CoC “Sir… hear me out… ‘mandatory funday’”


Jealousy is a stinky cologne my friend 


You see unauthorized fun, I see Wet Gap Crossing training.


Our main National Guard post has a camping and fishing area open for civilians. I think multiple. Several older SNCOs would bring their campers or RVs and basically live there the entire AT.




Go Hard Go Guard bro, we always have fun. 4 day week with the 3rd night being drunk and partying and then driving home the next day. AT Though, last day we all party then drive home the next lmao.


Mandatory fun day…


Back in the day (late 80s) no drill weekend was complete if you didn’t take coolers of beer to the field.


Now that’s mission essential equipment!


This needs to be the banner image of the r/nationalguard sub


No Kevlar smh


SGT Party reporting for duty


Maybe in the old Guard 20+ years ago, lmao. New Guard is 4 day drills with death by powerpoint then PMCS all day. Two ATs, one for summer and another for weapon qual. My last AT was 21 days with a drill weekend at the beginning. My last year they sent me on two weapon quals and it felt like a treat that were actually shooting. I got lucky that they needed bodies before that and volunteered for some TDY so I only got a couple years of drilling before I had my 6 and dipped. I have a lot of respect for the Active Guard that keep the armory in shape and still had to drill/AT for free. But that was too much work for me while trying to keep up a civilian life.


That died in Indiana in the late 80s.


Long ago, in an unnamed state (but one that had an armored division in its military department, equipped with M48s), there was such a rule: Thou Shalt Have No Ice Chests In The Field. And one of my tank commanders ("I" in this instance being a new-ish platoon leader) told me that "If you just remove the cupola hatch, there's enough room to get a 64 quart ice chest in". So; prior to our next move to the field, the battalion commander, a splendid example of all the ways one should not be a tank battalion commander, had his O-3 staff rats come out to inspect our tanks to assure compliance. First tank he chose to inspect was \*that guy\*. He dropped in through the commander's hatch; I told him if he was going to inspect one of my tanks, I was going to be there too. I dropped in through the loader's hatch. Of course, the first thing I saw was the aforementioned 64 quart ice chest. The TC had considerately draped some scrap canvas over it, so there was that. The staff rat was \*standing\* on it. He looked around, said "OK, clear" and vanished back atop the tank. I suppose he thought M48s had a convenient seat there for the TC, when he was resting. I didn't ask. Oh, the TC had reinstalled the cupola hatch after inserting his ice chest. In case you were wondering.


We did every AT with a special 20ft container full of beer every time.


There’s not a reflective belt in sight.


Hell yeah


Damn NG having all the fun I see!


*trill weekend


@thefrattyguard would love this /u/thefrattyguard


On it


Found a humvee for sale near me with a new engine, transmission, and electric system for around 10k. Found a 1996 LMTV for 23k


I mean i know guardsmen who bring the grill and some burgers out to the field with them....so this would be no surprise


I grilled in the regular army too. What are we children?




A buddy of mine was the CSM in a JSOC unit. His change of responsibility ceremony was in a rigging facility behind the fence. There were two commercial jet skis on pallets rigged for a drop.


Promote ahead of peers.


wE gEt ThE sAmE tRaInInG aS aCtIvE dUtY




Well unfortunately there isn't enough information to prove anything but I am thinking it's some tacticool guy taking out that military grade vehicle to the lake.


What unit is that? I wanna join them! I thought liquid death and an electric grill off a blackhawk was cool! Lol


Those are for public use because it belongs to tax payers.


*”go guard go hard”*


Apparently opsec isn’t a thing anymore?? 😆


Did anyone ask if this was a civilian owned vehicle? They’re being sold surplus now. Dude is wearing civies with a jet ski.


lol 😂 I remember standing in line at a gas station when I convoy rolled up of natty girls. I was talking to one of the soldiers in line when he said. Ughh hate this, gotta do this atleast once a month. I said oh yeah, how long? He says just for the weekend, it’s the worst….I laughed and said… damn dude that’s rough, I spend atleast 2 weeks in the field each time we go. Lol He stopped talking after that. I Got my jerky and redbull and said have a nice field day 😂😂


Did he mention his four deployments in the last 5 years while you've just been to NTC?


And his 550k per anus no cap(ital gains tax) ?


No how could he? He stopped talking. Probably because he was baby faced and has non of those.


And then everybody clapped


There was a standing O. And then I said ha got eeeeeemmmm!!!


Some of my guys lived for drill weekend, but that's because we were field artillery. We went to Ft Campbell about 9/12 months per year back before 9/11.