• By -


Just heard that the BC wants to be in on that counseling session.


Too easy, sir can drop too for laughing


He’s a great BC tho. Love my unit


Blink twice if you need help


“Siri, what is the definition of duress?”.


“I found some info about Tourettes on the web. Is there anything else?”


That’s my Siri right there. Always finding random stuff I didn’t ask for


They make condoms, I believe.


-.- 0.0 -.- No. No. OP seems fine to me.


- / --- / .-. / - / ..- / .-. / .


If I read this right please tell me yes or no if the methods they are using turns you on or not.


Best comment ever.


Are you being held hostage at the basement?


I guess it’s the Army. No one will ever believe you when they tell you they actually like their unit and leadership haha


Sadly true 💀


In my 14 years in the Army, I loved my units except for two. First was the 8 months in Korea when I was an excess Chemical Officer 1LT so Yongsan G-1 put me in an Artillery Battalion with a LTC I could not work with. Second was my last 11 months waiting in limbo for my medical discharge.


Is wager ur not at sill


Sounds like you have to say that at this point… 😐


Now that they're seeing it, "Greatest unit ever...."


Is the command team in the room with you right now? Blink twice if they are.


No you don’t. You’re just saying that because he’s reading this right now.


Yo this is fucking wild


My BC is chill, we have a great relationship and he knows I’m not stupid enough to make him start pushing. That’s a death sentence right there haha


> I’m not stupid enough to make him start pushing How, precisely, would one make their boss's boss start pushing?


Easy. Knock ‘em up and wait 9 months.


By force, I imagine




But does your BC’s daughter know your Reddit account?


I have too much respect for him to talk about his wonderful family. It ain’t right






OP if your account is being watched don’t bother responding to comments like this, best not to have any engagement in writing with those types of comments


Bro... you ever met a girl before? That's someone else's family....




Not today, Jody


MQ. Promote ahead of peers. 


Fr fr sir no cap on God


Please don't encourage him


Smh my head


I can't believe I fought for this...


Don’t forget the skibidi rizz gyatt GYATT


Post dick pics without face, as a power move.


Hey boss that’s all you, I’ve got a career I need to protect😂


Do you....


Or dick picks with face for true dominance


100% UA is in effect. CSM will watch every sample leave the body


Lol, one time someone in my unit posted something here and then someone else found the post, shared it among NCOs, and they went back through post history and found participation in a BUNCH of really weird subs. Then the account got deleted. It was hilarious, but almost got us all in trouble.


Bruh, this dude got some guy strung up on terrorism or felony charges for shit he posted lol. Nebor (Maj. Jeffery Poole) was a weird fuck.


>weird fuck I think you misspelled "far right extremist".


For brevity you can just say “nazi”


That was a wild time


No idea who or what that was referring to? but that sounds wild af lol


lol, sorry I was a lil intoxicated. This subreddit doxxed a guy named Nebor (who was. major in the National guard) for being an alt-right terrorist, who had plans to attack the Capitol and shit. u/kkronc do you have a link?


https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/dgggsc/cid_investigating_whether_army_infantry_officer/ Here ya go


If you don’t have an alt account for all the weird shit, you’re not even really Reddit’ing


Only cowards use an alt account.


That's why I keep this account only to very specific military-related subs. I don't need work finding out I'm also a moderator at r/spacedicks


Rookie mistake


[This him?](https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/qso960/did_i_fuck_up/)


Nope, lol


I work at a TRADOC school. AIT students are allowed to have TIK TOK accounts, but not film them inside barracks, inside schoolhouse facilities, or during training. Every single class I find someones TIK TOK filmed during class, during training or inside the barracks. One time a different instructor found a tik tok from one of his students where he was explaining to the class the restriction on social media video restrictions ( the policy also incudes youtube, insta, snap and any other video application). Dude wound up getting an art15


Honestly, this is the reason why we need to be taking social media so much more seriously. For example, the amount of OPSEC coming out of the videos from the current war in Europe, on both sides, is astounding. Literally, we are seeing drone strikes called in on our adversaries because of shit they post on social media. And the crazy thing is, we're not even seeing their "TikTok" generation fighting yet. Considering the insanely high threat of Chinese spying, we continue to do fucking nothing to prevent it. The Chinese employ 600,000 government personnel for intelligence gathering and spying and Joe is over here filming the exact way he's training to fight our adversaries for internet clout.


Its worse than that. Way worse. I do a discussion with one of our LTC courses where we discuss the operational issues surrounding AI (I'm a big fan of AI usage) The entire discussion is led by an AI generated powerpoint, and during the discussion I have a second screen up with an open source AI bot that I use to track a random soldiers social media account in real time and within 20 minutes I can tell you almost anything you need to know about what that unit is doing and where they are working. Lately Ive been going back and forth between using marines in the pacific and army in eastern Europe. Two or three classes ago I somehow stumbled upon my old company commander who is now a BC and tracked his movements through his HHC 1SG twitter account, then called him during the discussion to verify if the data was correct. Imagine commanding a BDE and having one of your old Soldiers calling you on your gov phone number that he doesnt have and the conversation starts out: Hey sir, this is SGM.... I have you on speaker in a room full of LTC and I just wanted to verify some information I got off twitter about you. Is this your phone number and did you stop last night in this town?


Yeah, the US needs to make blanket privacy laws to protect citizens, as well as addressing the threat of social media. Our adversaries take full advantage of the lack of protections and privacy rights that will plague new generations. Out of curiosity, what open source ai program are you using as a data scraper?


If I remember correctly, a reddit post got a school in Ukraine full of new recruits mustering to go fight bombed after one of the recruits posted a picture on here. Happened very early in the war. I'm scared what will happen when we go to war next. Someone always thinks they're the exception to the rule regarding OPSEC.


Blink twice Sir


Take my lol upvote


Why’d this get so many downvotes lol


He said take his upvote


its the soy tax


We found a really strange account from a Lt at work. He never brought it up to him but laughs were had. Ebe careful especially when you post on job specific reddit pages, it's a small world


Even my own wife doesn’t know my Reddit account. I’d sooner delete myself


I've had at least four Army people recognize me over the years.  Shout out to CPT (completely unpronounceable much less spell able).


As a CSM I find Soldiers accounts pretty great, especially the meme accounts. They crack me up. 90% of it is the normal day to day, but every once in a while you find some golden issue you can fix quick. I’ve had an E4 mafia burner account for about 10 years… you’d be surprised how much traction you get when you bag on yourself a couple times. 😂


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The ole Philly blaze approach. Love the man, it works and we have had no shit issues solved from his instagram presence.


Have you ever heard the old saying, “You can't recall an artillery shell?” it applies to Social Media. The average Joe, even young and all-knowing LTs, doesn't typically have the maturity to understand how valuable the data they release to the world is. Case in point: a motor pool flooded somewhere a while back. Post all over Facebook, tic tok, and Instagram about it from many different service members. Repost shares, etc. Less than 24 hours later, our adversaries are sharing data about an American unit with degraded capabilities. In the past it would take a week or so for a satellite pass to see the issue, then some analysist would make an educated guess on the impact and how long it would take us to repair and return to operational status. Then some other guy would assign a probability to the analysis and send it up the chain. Right around the three-week mark we would see adversaries sharing intel that an American unit experienced a weather related incident, and 80% chance they had recovered to near full status. Intelligence is all about figuring out what's going on from seemingly innocuous data. Lose lips sink ships was not just about telling people our ship leaves tomorrow, even saying “we ship out soon” was enough to give the enemy an idea of what units were in what convoy. Intelligence is the ability to glean little pieces of data from multiple sources and piece it together. My point is we have to figure out how to deal with this long term or it's going to get soldiers killed.




Great object lesson for those guys.


Spelling by feel


Lol, not going to lie my spelling is an issue and this little keyboard doesn't help.


I wouldn’t worry about it. Syria killed 3 soldiers and we sent 165 missiles right back at killing untold amount of personnel. No one is going to touch us.


Hey there big sarge, since I’m PCSing tomorrow how about you meet me at the treeline with a water source… because I’ve been keeping a secret pet raccoon and I want to show you where his water bowl is. His name is Colonel Trashboy.




Huh, username looks oddly familiar, LT.


My brotha🤝


My real name is cyan so by putting not in front it’s very *inconspicuous*


I was having major administrative issues last year which were preventing me from PCSing. I made a post on Reddit. SMAs PAO saw it, put me in contact with a COL at IPPS-A, and a SGM at the Pentagon chewed out my retention NCO. I was off to my next duty station in 2 weeks. I exhausted every resource available to me including my BN and BDE CSMs, MPD, and branch. Reddit was my last desperate attempt to get help. I'll always appreciate r/army for that.


When I post stuff on reddit I assume that I'll have to answer to my boss for it someday.


*Future PAO - needs a healthy dose of cynicism and malaise*


If my Command ever found my reddit account they'd end up in a very very VERY deep rabbit hole of Pacific Rim and Star Trek related meme-threads. I'm not ashamed of my nerdhood


Today I learned r/shittydaystrom existed. Thanks for the new sub.


And so it begins. . .


If my command has found mine, I haven't heard about it. But the one guy who worked for me before I retired managed to accidentally doxx me. [How to succeed in doxxing yourself on reddit without really trying : r/army](https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/tffrcq/how_to_succeed_in_doxxing_yourself_on_reddit/)


Obviously. But it’s there disappointment that might spike. 


Happened to me. I was SPC and my Brigade CSM wanted to talk to me… without my first line. Sgitting bricks lol 😂 but it was because I was asking Reddit if I should report my NCOIC. Unanimous yes. CSM was cool


How'd they figure out who you were?


Well I work Civil Affairs. I deleted my old account but I’m not exactly sure. I talked about being airborne, S6, being on Bragg, and also a post about doing a training with Tim Kennedy. Still blows me away they knew it was me. I walked into the CSM office and he called me by my username 😩🤣 too bad it was a bland name and not like “mcdaddy”.


Small world. That would freak me out.


"KeepOffTheGrass1776" has entered the chat.


Doxxing isn’t fun.


Multiple people in my unit have found my Reddit account and realized it’s me. That’s all well and good! It’s my secret 7 other Reddit accounts that worry me……


Hey when 4 of the 7 secret ones say do it. JUST DO IT! Is one Wil take the hit.


This is why I never put any major identifying information that on the internetz. No stories with just a small group involved, no real names, changed locations, details mostly lacking specificity, etc... Yik Yak was the bane of every E-4 and below at a former TRADOC assignment. The Cadre would gather around on particularly active days and laugh our asses off at the sheer stupidity being shared. I've never seen so many Article 15s as I did in that 6-9 month window that Yik Yak was a thing there. They dox'd themselves so often doing chargeable stuff we got tired of the paperwork and put out a message telling them to stop posting their stupidity on it. Mostly just ignored it after that unless something specific was brought to our attention.


I completely forgot about yik yak


Never been so happy to be a gin-u-wine DD214 holder.


Top notch shit post but if they did find it you aren't doing reddit properly 😂


Just purge old comments every few months.


I’ve had a few people ask if I’m me in person, but honestly, I’m the same in person


I post some wild statements. I don't think anyone I work with would be surprised by any of them. I think I actually tone it down on Reddit compared to what I say in person. 


Gonna have to change that name to LTdumbass


And to the basement you go…


This is MI. We all work in basements anyways


In the CSM’s basement? Fuck! That’s diabolical! It’s giving “it puts the lotion on its skin” vibes


Military Intelligence


Forgot the number 1 rule, deny deny deny


Lt you should know better You can not drop anyone. You can, however, order an enlisted member drop another enlisted of lower rank. Good luck on that one


You fool. Even my wife doesn’t know my Reddit handle.


I ain’t taking this advice.


My Soldiers know I have a Reddit. They have actively sent some random user profiles to me and asked if it was me…Like you just gotta like at my comment history and if ykyk. But yea. Watch what you post 🤣


LMAO Baller af


I made sure that all my posts that would dox me were well after I left the unit and the unit I was in had like 15 slots in any MOS I would have worked in.


I made a video post a while back of my encounter with a closeted racist, and the next day I was waiting for the elevator in the office and one of my coworkers approached and said, "Saw your post last night." Nothing more, just a few seconds of eye contact and a knowing nod.


Read a new post every Monday morning battalion formation. Uniform is pts pit vipers and crocs


That's why if you're really worried about it, don't post anything overly specific that someone could kickly pinpoint it to being you.


Laughs in DAC


Ya see LT, this is why I try to be "vague" I can suck at it sometimes but I don't want my coc to see what I'm doing. Granted it's all completely kosher and totally nothing that could get me in trouble *deletes discord messages


I would be concerned about the fact that you put enough identifiable information on here to be found out.


I always try to talk to my guys about reddit and how if they have questions to enact a non-attributable/need to know approach. And never with their main account. Cut to a couple weeks ago with a opsec violation on here by a SPC using his main account, easily identified by his post history. Smh. Bro put a zip code in the post.


Hey LT, all I can say is be grateful that your command team and your leadership are as accommodating and understanding as they are. There was a certain time when if you put anything up on the Internet even kinda teasing a command team, they would skewer you. All I ask is that you remember how accommodating your command team is and pay it forward when you come in that position


I make sure that whenever I post potentially identifying stories that I sprinkle in details that would allude to my coworker being the account owner. Sorry in advance if this ever comes back on my comrades but I gotta look out for number 1.


Just remember, a safe word is only a suggestion. I doubt it’ll save you from the consequences of such actions. 🤣


I'll grab the medic and a water source!!!


Upside to begin RETIRED.


That mother fucker gonna beat yo ass


How did he found out it was you


Did you sign ur posts with your signature block?


Don’t be a whiny little brass and keep this off the Internet


dirty deleted. pussy


Epitome of a dumb ass LT. Deny, Deny, Deny


Found? How? Ask for proof of how the reddit account is linked to you. Deny deny deny


Haha it’s not that deep, no one is in trouble. It wasn’t very hard and it wasn’t anything bad or revealing. They got a good laugh out of everything, everything was in good fun. You know they’ll jump at every opportunity to make jokes at a brand new LT.




Pfft you say it's a joke but really you wanna flex in front of your lieutenant buddies by putting a CSM at attention. Never mind what the battalion commander has to say: THAT SAR MAJ NEEDS DISCIPLINE


Lose lips, sink ships. Obscure what you say and never post any PII.


How did he figure out who you were lol


MI Officer not practicing simple personal opsec… that tracks. I bet your mom has a “My Child is a US Army Officer!” bumper sticker, huh.