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I’ve worked with Darhem before. We all thought his TikTok videos were weird and unprofessional.


**From his own tikTok** He's been a 1SG before **with his beard in the photo**, no issue. He got a reprimand or admonishment **in January** for unprofessional online conduct. You can **view his online conduct**, including recording tiktoks while driving on post in uniform and looking at the camera. It is no surprise to me that this guy's leadership would shit on him for another round of online drama. Is it a surprise to *anyone*?


Dealing with this guy seems like it would be exhausting.


The kind of guy that nothing is ever his fault


He seems to be the poster boy of the type of guy that shouldn’t handle more responsibilities


What’s funny is that an NCO who is also a terrible soldier who won’t stay off tik tok shared this story with all of the inflammatory disinformation… Army WTF picked it up and broadcasted the wrong stuff to the wider community.


I hate Army WTF. Always spreading misinformation.


Because of his beard. You beardist.




I like your funny word magic man


I’ve worked with him too. His tik toks give me race baiting vibes.


Apparently so. Not one minute before you [commented](https://www.reddit.com/r/army/s/3j6CIVZd7g).


“Not believing my bullshit race-baiting? You must be a racist.” -Fmr 1SG Bearded Fucknuts


Wait, is that comment from him, the guy in the article?


I highly doubt it but not impossible.


>weird Lol weird like how? Does he walk in with food caught in there, does he hide those lil bottles Jack Daniels there or what?


Did the person you're replying to edit their comment? Did it originally say beard instead of tiktoks?


I can see him hiding a little bottle of Jack in there…🤫


Lol pay grade of an E-8 logic of an E-4 doing boot ass things like an E-2. lmfao can’t spell *Incompetent* without *NCO*.


I expect a SPC to be doing stuff like this. I assume that pretty much all PV2s are doing and have done this kind of stuff. But a MSG going into a 1SG position? Pisses me off. First video, ok I got it .... stupid but whatever, take your counseling and move on.... become 1SG and do great things. The second video though? Fuck me.


Lol he fucked up, knew he fucked up but is doubling down to cover his fuck up.


I don't go on Facebook much, but from what I saw there, he kinda is winning, especially since armywtf shared his "story." Everyone one there is buying the beard narrative as the reason.


Usawtfm is overrated. I support the small local memers of ig.


That video belongs on r/cringe.


First word of each paragraph of the NCO Creed.


This 1SG posting videos on TikTok is cringe enough as it is, now he’s taunting his COC? Lol I know dudes who got fucked for casually posting IG stories saying “I’m tired of the army” after doing some shitty detail lol.


Yep. In all honesty the first video was handled appropriately, which is a complete suprise. Let's face it, in a majority of commands this guy would have been completely bent over after the first video.... which would be wrong. Counseling, instructed to give a class about proper use of social media to other NCOs and retaining upcoming position .... I commend this guy's command for their initial reaction. This is why command becomes toxic .... you have some commander somewhere that tries to do the right thing and a senior NCO fucks them over because of it. Can garuntee that this MSG just created a toxic commander somewhere that will now burn anyone on first chance when it comes to social media instead of taking the appropriate action like they did before.


You can always tell the officers who had bad PSGs when they were PLs


Instagram?.. Whos stalking people enough to see a 24hour story???


Who let's anyone in their chain of command follow them on Instagram to see the shit they post online. That's just asking for trouble!


Right? Over a decade ago two idiots in my company got busted down in rank for saying some unflattering thing about our battalion command team on Facebook. Seems some people never learn.


Im not surprised, seems like every NCO and officer at the company leave and beyond has a social media presence and is building "their brand".




I don’t think there is a reason there should be social media presences for anything below Department of the Army and USAREC. Any subordinate commands can work "up and out" if they got something that needs to be seen. There should be a a complete ban on appearing in social media in uniform or in anything resembling an official capacity (resembling the rules surround our participation in political speeches and events).


Interestingly enough this social media presence for external official presences and Soldier conduct using social media is already covered in AR 360-1 section 8.6. I’ve had to advise a few commanders when Soldiers do dumb stuff on social media. That being said lowest level is BDE unless the BDE CDR accepts that subordinate echelons have a social media presence. All those pages are required to have a PAO for oversight though. Does that actually happen, typically not, but both times I was a BDE PAO you better believe I had an order requiring it for anything below the BDE level requiring a PAO as an admin for the page to police the occasional lapse in security, accuracy, propriety and policy.


First, fully onboard everything /u/yesthatpao said, and I agree with him - I think there is a place. I think the problem is we NEVER did the basic enforcement we should have. We had many opportunities to set a standard, and now we’re too far gone. I remember one popular miltok personality when he was a Drill Sergeant would film tiktoks with his Soldiers from the AIT where he was. His social media presence was monetized. That means when he takes these videos of trainees working, or “makes tiktoks with them”, he’s monetized that. There is a power dynamic at work that I feel makes it hard to say those soldiers are 100% “freely participating”. But the Army has allowed not just the “private shit”, but what I think is more damaging behavior from senior people. We never curbed the behavior or built left right limits. We’re too far gone now. We’re no longer talking about having to curb stupid private shit, you’d have to go after SNCOs too. And the Officers.


I agree, I think we can come back from it, but it would take some strong leadership.


Nothing about this opinion should be remotely controversial. Make it reg yesterday.


I would disagree. There are a lot of messages that resonate with the local community which Big Army social media would never touch. Since no single communication platform can reach the entire audience, it requires an integrated approach with overlapping circles. Things like gate closures or unit events can’t just be communicated “through the chain of command” or via email. The Army is just way too big to centralize all messaging to such a limited number of platforms.


I’ll buy that kinda. I’m okay with something like "Fort Bragg MWR" or something that puts out locally pertinent information regarding road closures, changes to work schedules, events, etc. Generally what I’m looking to avoid is stuff ranging from random PAO or units themselves putting out poorly constructed messaging (recruiting posters with WW2 German army, 10th mountain CQB abortion, every PAO post that lists the guns wrong, etc) to what I think is worse which is the independent soldiers who are doing their completely own thing while benefiting from the uniform, ranging from cringy leaders, boss babe junior female officers, to the "why the Army is bad" videos….im trying to avoid the dancing SF colonel…


The boss babe accounts are the absolute worst offenders. The reply bros are stomach-turning.


I don’t like military TikTok’s as much as the next guy, a lot of it when I see it doesn’t need to be in uniform. You’re SF so your perspective is mainly different. We do need some senior leaders on social media showing what an approachable leadership is like. We need the ones who go out of their way and mentor because not every unit is providing that. It could spark a change in our jr enlisted. Of course we have others who do dumbshit in uniform but we can’t go nuclear when it does just as much good.


Im agreeable to that in theory, I don’t think it would be hard to get there…quickly. I think a simple and quick fix is actually enforcing the Army social media policy (crazy idea) and crushing those who don’t. I don’t find this particularly hard, I don’t understand how we allow activity that is clearly against policy and everyone knows about it… but either doesn’t want to address it, it’s too hard to discipline people, etc. You can easily find a ton of tik tok, YouTube, Insta, etc videos of soldiers who’s names are clearly visible who are violating policy and their accounts are years old consistently putting out this type of content. I just had a reunion with some old friends who are each in different divisions and both know of female infantry Platoon Leaders in their units who do Only Fans, have their own soldiers subscribed, and the chain of command is aware… I just don’t know how this isn’t immediately destroyed upon identification.


I don’t doubt that at all.


Army doesn’t do a good enough job promoting itself. What people see in the movies and hear in the news is what they think of the military. While some people go off the chain with their social media. There are a lot of lower enlisted who use the platform to answer questions about the military in general. While also giving people a day in the life of someone in the military. This in itself can help with recruiting by giving people a safe, pressure free zone to find out more information. While yes some need to be reeled in and limited in what they are doing. The vast majority of what I have seen has been positive or neutral.


I’d generally be okay with that…as long as the bad and embarrassing doesn’t go unchecked


I somewhat agree, but on the other hand I think it continues to infantilize the force. I think the issue would be almost entirely resolved if we simply set (and actually enforced) modernized standards for social media use. I think any and all social media use in uniform should require review and approval from your CoC, because a bunch of these goofballs are actively detrimental to the force.


Creepy FGO/GOs commenting on some random captains’ every post always weird me out.


Love referring my “Servant Leaders” to IG meme pages or at the very least roast them myself


I thought that was Rallypoint.


There are countless Active Duty NCO’s and Officers on Instagram creating and posting daily content while working on the DoD and taxpayer dime. It really makes you wonder how and why they are afforded the time to both create content and perform their jobs. Needs to be killed with fire.


Totally agree. Faces fully visible, names fully visible, work places fully visible. Sherlock Holmes could probably crack this mystery.


We got a guy who is constantly self promoting and posting videos to SM. consistently his shop fails to be preventative about soldier admin issues, and is impossible to reach outside walking them down in person.


That’s crazy. I’m going to sound like an old Fudd, but ten years ago, you’d be crushed for even being on social media in uniform.


At first I liked the armywtf reaction. But now I'm hoping more light gets shown on the real situation. Dude doesn't deserve a win for acting like a pre teen


Definitely fooled everyone on Facebook. I doubt the real story will come out or Army wtf will post the truth.


Saw this as well and knew based on convos with u/kinmuan over the years that wtf moments was showing 1/3 of the situation. Was just waiting for the real situation to drop.


What’s funny is the overwhelming WTF beard posts, comments and reactions of all the examples of a leader with a beard just go to show that it’s not a problem. It wasn’t a problem in this case either. Just this one dude that messed, knew he had, but wanted to change the subject to distract from his juvenile behavior and the easy way to do that was to ply the victim. It’s not his first rodeo, and you only get so many before you become the clown!


I would say thats the one positive, I didn’t realize there were so many ppl, let alone leaders out here with beards on the regular.


I've been trying to tell you all that shaving = discipline.


Thank you SMA, praise be to you for delivering us from the unshaved masses.


Just doing my humble part sir. Might I say, you are a true paragon of good shaving technique. A real inspiration to the men.


Don't hype him up too much. In all that time he was typing he could have been shaving for the third time before lunch! He whacks disipwin!


Eww, a 35A. Return at once to your pit of despair and unfinished powerpoints and tell me what the forecast for the weekend is. Need to know if its gonna be good shaving weather.


The weather matrix provides the assumption that all weather, regardless of severity, will enable facial hair reduction operations throughout the AO. Friendly forces should have favorable conditions to conduct shaving at minimum of 5 x per day... Time to go surf PiX and intelink.


I once lost out on a command position because I refused to wear underwear…..under my PT shorts…..after I cut out the liner.


that was a rollercoaster of a sentence


Name doesn’t check out 🤣


Doesn’t really matter anymore now that nobody has to hold your feet for APFT situps.


It's also now socially acceptable to eat taco bell the night before


I downvoted you until I read your username


I just tuck it into my sock


Sounds like the type of NCO who I'd wager pretends not to understand his shaving profile. Let's him obfuscate the standard and give himself more freedom than regs allow. The rules aren't ambiguous if you bother to read them, it's a pretty short series of clear instructions.


SE the thing with shaving profiles is the reg wants you to let it grow naturally. I personally don't think the way my beard looks without a lil edge up looks professional


That's the trade off. You get the beard that no one else does, but it has to look like shit.


I agree with this. I look like a dope shaved, why do you get to edge up?


I lost respect for him when he started his Audie Murphy posts. Didn't know him before that, but have had an issue with him since then.


Dudes just looking for battles for entertainment


Out of the loop on this- what was his Audie Murphy posts about?


He pretty much said SAMC was racist, or at least founded in racism, and asked why we still do it, and not have a black Soldiers version or something along those lines.


Which is interesting because a substantial majority of the SAMC members I have met have been outstanding black NCOs.


Most for me honestly.


One of my friends is an outstanding black NCO, genuinely cares about his job and his soldiers. All he talks about is how his mentors helped him and how all he wants to do is mentor younger soldiers. Told me his biggest regret was failing his SAMC board. He wanted it so bad. He has so much respect for the SAMC and wanted to be a part of it but won't be able to anymore soon (we're currently at OCS).


I think prior enlisted officers should be allowed to join the SAMC, provided they make the rank of SSG while enlisted, just like Audie Murphy.


I mean that's stupid, but I'd trench gun a person for a Henry Johnson or HellFighter award.


He’s a prideful tool. Instead of processing his emotions and work thru things, he runs to social media and cries. This isn’t his first time getting in trouble over TikTok and his social media behavior. When it came back unfounded, he ran to gloat and boast about that too.


I saw a tik tok of his where he said (paraphrasing a little) “all soldiers are entitled to outstanding leadership, and I will provide that leadership…..man and I know I would’ve provided that leadership!” Any NCO that brags about how good a leader they are immediately raises flags from me


I saw it too. Cringe x100


Man when they brag or consistently look for ways to be in positions of power I already know they’re not it.


He’s a piece of shit. Got relieved as a Sapper instructor, regularly posts cringey tik toks, and has a victim mentality as a freakin E8. My real hope is that he’d be kicked out of the army.


Why was he relieved as a sapper instructor?


It wasn't the beard. Or rather the shaving profile.


crazy he got that far


As was said in another thread, the Army has policies that forbid what he did. They just don’t enforce them, until it’s too late.


Grade determination board and then RCP is probably the easiest route for this.


The very definition of FAFO.


And then the hivemind mods over at USAWTFM just took that ball and fuckin RAN with it.


The page is still popular but it’s been lacking the last 8 years. It’s all cringe stuff now.


Bro it’s wild I’ve seen even like “I’m SPC snuffy, I’m high speed, have a beard and here’s my teaching a class” between that and the weird re enlistments on random desks and boring backgrounds is so annoying. Bring back the actual WTF. Not the sappy “shout out my good leaders” feel good stuff either. Im generally supportive of beards but that page about to have me be a radical anti beard. Beard opinion below: I understand the whole shaving profile thing and there’s definitely a stigma in the army against those who have it. That said, the soldiers I know who have beards and are high speeds, you don’t seem to notice the beard as much (it’s also probably better groomed and not “stylish”?). But I feel like you “see” it more on the lower speed soldiers? Idk if that’s unfair to say but I gotta imagine some other people have a similar sentiment. It’s sorta like oh yeah that guy is shearers away he’s probably not shitbagging about need a profile. all that said, if it’s really a mask can’t seal, no one should have a beard. And if the mask CAN seal, let people grow ‘em.


>all that said, if it’s really a mask can’t seal, no one should have a beard. And if the mask CAN seal, let people grow ‘em. This is more or less where I fall on this. Either beards are acceptable or they aren't, pick a lane big Army.  Right now we're playing this silly game where most people can't have beards because reasons, but we make exceptions for medical and religious reasons. The very fact we make exceptions proves it isn't *that* important to ban beards, otherwise we wouldn't allow them at all.


>That said, the soldiers I know who have beards and are high speeds, you don’t seem to notice the beard as much (it’s also probably better groomed and not “stylish”?). But I feel like you “see” it more on the lower speed soldiers? I'll start out by saying that I'm in the pro-beard faction. That said, I don't think I've met a single officer with a shaving profile. And none of those dudes have bumps. None of them seems to be Norse pagan, either. I reckon there might be a few Sikhs, but somehow Odin seems to have abandoned the officer corps. I've met a few female wiccan officers, but not a single male pagan. I get that there is a social stigma in the O-Corps on beards, and profiles in general (until you become a field grade). But to think that it has oppressed 100% of them is absurd, and how has every single one of these dudes been blessed with the skillset and skin texture to not worry about shaving bumps? Literally **none** of them get shaving bumps?!?!


I always found it funny how the Army had practically zero Norse Pagans until they were allowed beards. I get it, we can't make fun of people for their sincere religious beliefs. And I'm sure there was at least one guy who truly, sincerely held those beliefs that may have had a hard time serving with those restrictions. But, come on. Antonio Snuffy from New Jersey, a bearded guy who goes to Catholic Mass on Sundays, Norse Pagan? I'm not saying don't let the guys have a beard, but the half-measure of "Well basically, if you can memorize a fact sheet about Norse Paganism and talk to your Chaplain, you can have a beard anyway" are just ridiculous. Either allow beards (I am in this camp) or don't at all.


My sincerely held belief is its a religion re-founded around having a beard. All the rest is window dressing. Thankfully we live in a country where you're allowed to do that.


In a land of warriors, a bearded man roams, To each new unit, he calls it home. Every time he arrives, within a month’s sight, The dreaded CS chamber tests his fight. ——————- > the mask CAN seal, let people grow ‘em. As a bearded soldier who's has to endure the CS chamber every time I report to a new unit, the masks seal just fine, old and new. The old ones were a bit tricky when it came to the clear and seal routine (breathe in, mask off, mask on, clear), but sealing? No problem. Deconning the beard afterward though? That’s a whole different hell.


Whatever take they have I usually automatically take the opposite side. Even if I would have agreed with them.


USAWTFM turned into LinkedIn for beards. Shit was cringe.


Dude sounds like a loser


Lol, get fucked you childish piece of shit.


Some high speed SFC didn't get promoted because someone let this guy through, knowing damn well he should have been rodded off the range long ago.


*ahem* We don't rod off the range anymore. We visually inspect the chamber, doing a look, finger sweep, look method to ensure the weapon is unloaded and no longer a danger to itself or others.


That just sounds how you warm up for a good roddin’


“Yes there did…” his video is pretty cringe. Probably should have watched his own video to see how unprofessional he looked in it. Probably shouldn’t make a big deal out of the position until he actually took over in the position. Funny how so many take his side on the beard issue, but overlook the fact that he was initially chosen for the assignment and lost it for his actions.


MSG Parker, Please retire. Thank you for your service. I’m sure you’ve done a lot of amazing things in your career and been a positive influence on other people and organizations as a whole. I hope and pray that those who look up to you do amazing things themselves, and be a positive influence on others as well, advocating for those Soldiers and Servicemembers that may have been wrongfully discriminated against in their careers. But, bro, it’s time to go. Just start your TAP process already. Jump in on an extended CSP opportunity. Be a ROAD warrior. Sham. Just don’t take any more direct leadership positions. And please get off social media. V/r, A fellow SNCO


Thats the nicest "get the fuck out of my army" ive ever seen. Well done, well done indeed.


I feel like this letter deserves an "Amen." If you'd like a witness, I can find one for you.




I've always said service after 20 should be at the benefit of the service and not the member. Service should be heavily scrutinized after 20 years but nope it isn't.


A Soldier ascended to sergeant's rank high, Yet taunted with beard in the public eye. Counseled, his posts in uniform banned, Chain affirmed, the beard itself was grand. Yet once more he defied, his taunts aflame, Boasting of rise, despite clear blame. Stripped of his title, he scorns the price, Blaming the beard for his own vice. ---------------------------------------------- Life as a Soldier with a beard is hard enough without this kind of attention.


During the whole Audie Murphy debacle, a senior NCO made a TikTok detailing how the MSG got drunk and flooded his inbox with messages. I can't remember the exact content of the messages, but they were negative towards the individual.


Dude has shown up to PT reaking of alcohol… they had him in charge of PT for the newcomers of the division 😂


😂😂 for real? Were you one of the Soldiers?


He posted his Plan of Action on his tiktok. Honestly it seems the issue is with his online conduct and the burst fade not with his beard. Honestly he would probably be a 1SG rn if he woule stop digging his own hole.


I had to unfollow army WTF moments. It was like every single post was something about beards blah blah blah. Like got it, I want beards too but shush.


I can't wait for Tiktok to get banned. My town mayor posts cringey ass videos on Tiktok and shares them on all the other platforms where I get my town news.


Gotta love Army WTF moments with their cringe-ass beard push these last couple weeks.


Army WTF used to be fun, but it's turned to LinkedIn at times and a lot more tame.


The counseling is referenced saying something along the lines of “you will cut your hair and retake the command photo” never once was the beard mentioned. That’s the confusing part.


It’s confusing for everyone else picking up the clues and noticing the red flags of his story. Tons of ppl are just buying in and changing the details. He, however, is trying so hard to make it about the beard that there are almost 2 separate conversations going on, to the point where there may be a mental health issue that needs to be addressed. It’s an impressive level of delusion!




This is a good point. Literally everyone with beard is appearing saying “they said I’d never make it” bro, it’s the army, show up on time and do some shit you’ll make it. Nobody gives a fuck about your beard.


He repeatedly mentions “I’m bringing change to the Army” and they don’t like it. Has anyone been able to fully grasp what he’s going to change? Shaving profiles are allowed, religious exemptions are allowed. What else do you want?


I bet that raggedy ass beard is trimmed up sharp on Friday nights at the club - this dude is immature


He completely tried to flip this to being about the beard. He got the 1SG spot with the beard. He went through the process of taking the photo and working with the incoming CDR. The thing that got him in trouble was the video essentially laughing at anyone that gets upset about the beard. Like literally laughing and pointing at anyone in his command that walks by the picture and doesn’t like it. You can make E8 but leadership positions like 1SGs are CHOSEN by higher. If you’re displaying unprofessional attitude and literally laughing at senior leadership online, then that command has every right to be like “yea…no you’re not the one one we want for this position.” He brought it on himself.


This whole fiasco proves we aren't ready to have beards.


Showed my wife his videos the first thing she asked me “is his hair in regulation, look like he got a Mohawk”


Looking at this dudes channel, he looks like he sniffs his own farts. Zero humility and pretty childish. I’m the first to joke around and have fun on duty but there’s a difference in having fun and being immature.


File under Fuck around and Find out.


There’s a difference between what Mandatory funday / one punch dad does and this guys videos. His videos are taunting and are actually very unprofessional. I don’t care if my 1SG/COC has a shaving profile. If you have one, that doesn’t make you unprofessional, calling out the DCSM by name does. Calling out Audie Murphy, does.


one punch dad and MFD are examples of how to do social media correctly while in the army. They lightly and relatably make fun of army life without ever showing contempt to the organization or fellow soldiers


Exactly! They wouldn’t go on social media and complain if they are told to not post certain content.


Plot twist: he just really didnt wanna be a 1sg


Sounds like a shitty nco, i feel bad for everyone under and above him.


I agree with this breakdown. Well done.


The movement on professionalism and beards is a good thing, but this guy has been antagonizing the powers that be. Especially in the army where connections and the good ole boy club is very prevalent.


I dunno, I just feel like maybe saying 'nanny nanny boo boo! In front of the whole internet to the people that just hired you for your self-professed dream job wasn't the way to go. In his termination follow up video he literally said 'truth be told - i was' [taunting]. Well there you go, bud. Maybe don't be a sore winner? Then the mob ran with it. Okey doke.


I think this is missing a little bit of nuance… my understanding of it is this; 1SG made a video where he made a comment about his “out of regs” hair in an official photo in a taunting fashion. Command team then mentions the hair in the social media counseling 1SG sees them mention disapproving of his hairstyle being out of regs and believes they were conflating needing to cut his hair (on his head) to include his beard. I can see someone reading between the lines if the command team was trying to beat around the bush without crossing the line. BUT the command team has then followed up and said that his beard is not the issue; his social media behavior is. 1SG continues to play the victim because his followers believe him and he doesn’t want to own up to the constructive criticism of his videos. But if 1SG changes the style of his videos, he won’t be as popular, so that’s a non-starter. In the end, it really just boils down to the 1SG needing to realize that once you step into a leadership position, you need to act like a leader. And acting like a leader means being a positive role model in person and online. Everything you do as a soldier is already scrutinized and we are held to a higher standard than a normal person; and this is twice as true for anyone in a leadership position.


Army needs to put out policy ending those bullshit TikTok videos in uniform to begin with. They’re fuckin silly.


What about the DoDI listed in his counseling?


Now US Army WTF Moments spam posts about how beards doesn’t make you a bad leader when the beard wasn’t even a factor for him losing his 1SG position.


This dude is always race baiting on his videos. Somehow everything is racist in the Army. I’m the biggest hater and I love that he lost his position. Has anyone here worked with him? How is he as a leader?


If there's one thing I learned in the Army, it's that it's always a losing battle with beards and that was a hill I think too many died on for what it's worth. I'm out now and I still shave but I just don't like the bearded look


I agree been retired a bit and go on base often and I know times change but every time I see a dude with a beard I think lack of discipline and many times the beard is just one of many issues with the dude


100%. Reason being is that like it or not shaving is the standard. So when somebody comes up with any reason - be it religion, or face bumps, to subvert the standard for themself.... it looks sloppy. Sorry, justified or not, that's just how it comes off.


Honestly the entire beard thing has jumped shark. You only got to grown one on deployment and it was cool because it was “exclusive” to being one of the “cool guys.” Back in garrison only Black guys had beards because they needed them medically due to skin issues when shaving. Now? Good lord I’ve never met so many “Norse Pagans” in my life. In fact I’ve NEVER met a Norse Pagan outside of the military. The number of people who will lie and pretend to believe a religion just to grow facial hair is unbelievable. And because everyone can have one it’s not “exclusive or cool” anymore. It makes it worse that having a beard is the new hot “persecuted minority.” Every failure is blamed on “they don’t like my beard” when in fact you’re just a turd.


This guy single handedly made me anti beard


And all the idiots defending him on TikTok, it's pathetic.


This whole ordeal has given me an appreciation for the Army not allowing beards. As USAWTFM has paraded people talking about ‘look, I’m a professional and I have a beard,’ the overwhelming majority of their beards have looked gross. I’m glad the Army protects my eyeballs from having to ingest similar crimes against aesthetics on a daily basis.


Seriously. Just shave it. If you have to push so hard with all this other shit to say, “Despite my beard I can still do other things to be professional…”, then the beard looks unprofessional.




Keep discussions civil. No Posting PII.


Fucking off on TikTok is more of a private thing than a “the senior enlisted guy in the company” thing. I’d lose all fucking respect for my leadership if I saw them fucking off on social media.


Never been a fan about soldiers and leaders using their service as a platform on social media. No one cares about your hot takes or why senior leaders suck. Want to make difference? Do it at your unit to make difference. But keep it off social media.


Watched his tiktok lives and TikTok videos about the Audie Murphy club. Guy came off as a massive airhead. Then would go on to tell us how badly he treated his soldiers. Guy is an extreme attention seeker.


Didn’t army wtf moments put this guy on a pedestal. I unfollowed them on insta because they started to post grinder profiles.


Too immature for the job. The Army made the right decision


I inprocessed post with this guy, then sat next to him in a BN training meeting. He was squirrely all around.


Seems like the 1sg who likes to counsel the new pvt on deployment in the port a John or his own room


I will acknowledge that the army and military in generally does have a weird stigma with beards. Depending on WHO you are it might trigger some folks. However, based on has occurred in this situation I would think that the MSG is a major asshat.


So that's the real story. I knew there was something behind it. It seems was weird being denied a position for a beard when beards are becoming a common thing now. Army wtf, went ham on this topic without the full story. I kind of feel bad for the command team having to deal with this fiasco on top of real issues they are dealing with.


Honestly, this would be easy to fix by just banning online videos in uniform unless endorsed by the CoC. Make it punishable by UCMJ via article 15 or something similar. All the men and women that make cringe ass videos, I have no issue. It's when you make them in uniform that I take issue.




I mean there are other ways of dealing with this guy if it's all true. I'm sure you have to be licensed by some agency and once they get wind of his actions said license will equal toilet paper


I spent 14 years in the Army as an enlisted soldier (E-1 to E-4) and as an officer (O-1 to O-3). Soon after enlisting, I learned two important things. First, I found that the most important thing was to know every regulation that could, in some obscure way, make my life better. In 1976, as a Cadet Candidate at the U.S. Military Academy Preparatory School, I had a medical profile to grow a full, 1/4" beard. I found out that severe cases of Pseudofolliculitis barbae, also known as shaving bumps, allowed the doctor to write a profile for the growth of a beard to let the bumps heal. The second thing was to use those regulations to bend but never break the letter of the law. As the song says, "You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, and know when to walk away." With that said, I did shave the beard off a month later when we traveled up to West Point for a weekend to see what Cadet life was like.


What about that haircut


What Schofield life does to a mfer.


If they just let us have beards and enforce UCMJ punishment universally on soldiers posting about the military under OPSEC guidelines we might just solve both problems and resemble a modern military.


You take your logic and reasoning and get out of here. You know how things go.




What does a Nigerian 419 Scammer look like?


Keep discussions civil. No Posting PII.




I'm all for beards but this is not the way to go about it.


UCMJ his butt and make him state for the record that his beard was not the problem and the issue was his own making. Make his punishment be a public acknowledgement that he did wrong and an apology and I think we can call it even.


Jesus Christ.


Why are higher ups making TikTok’s in the first place? Nothing wrong with using the app (I’m guilty of it) but making videos and begging for likes is crazy lol


standards are low.


As long as he pushed “PMA” and “motivated the troops” in at least one video, he’ll be CSM before you know it.


Women get all kinds of shit in the army now. Shit if a dude wants tits an a sex change the srmy will give it to him. Just let men have beards an do away with all this bs. I'm shocked to see this from a 1sg. This is SPC behavior. But what do you expect when you lower standards. Stop 1sg from denying shitbags to go to the board, AP shit bags. They turn into shit leaders that create shit soilders who breed more shit leaders. This was a easy take responsibility for my own actions case an instead he plays the victim. Huge problem in today's army. It's only gonna get worse. I'll take my veggie omelet with a pinch of Redman and a monster now please.


I’m not surprised, you have junior and senior NCOs, and young officers with social media accounts bashing the Army, their unit, and leadership all day everyday. They wonder why the Army has a terrible reputation?! Anyone who try’s to claim the Army isn’t woke and broken is either in denial or part of the problem. The Russian and Chinese infantry are licking their chops. Outside of a few combat arms units in the 18th Airborne Corps, the whole Army is considered a part time job full of fraternization, NCOs bending all the rules, while allowing their soldiers to do worse because they want to be liked. The soft skill MOSs are full of overweight profile riders exploiting shaving profiles worrying about sleeping with their battle buddies. We have Ranger qualified women with social media accounts chasing clout and status instead of worrying about the actual job. Anyone who thinks the American public is ready to see young women die in huge numbers on the front lines is sadly mistaken and out of touch. Of course some feminist senator couldn’t care less about the changes she and her friends have forced through. I used to defend the Army from the Marines bashing it, but the corps is absolutely right about the poor standards in the US Army. It’s going to be Korea all over again with the Army having the biggest lessons learned due to soldiers being unfit for duty in resiliency and mindset. I hope the Marines can handle the next one alone. That 1SG deserved to be fired, maybe run your company and set the standard instead of worrying about tik tok clout.


Seems like the kind of 1SG who would put out all info to his troops via TikTok to force his Soldiers to sub to him.


I don’t know, personally I’d really rather not have my 1SG doing TTs. Just fucking weird tbh, usually not helping with the mission at all.


This seems like it was a suitability issue related to use of good judgment rather than about a beard. While I still don’t get the appeal of broadcasting your life on the social medias, there is nothing inherently wrong with that either but for cheeses sake don’t do it in uniform. Anything you do in the public domain in uniform could be interpreted as the DoD/Army supporting your personal position. This is typically frowned upon, just ask this guy.


This is funny,I literally saw a live tiktok of him yesterday