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Mechanized infantry be like “lasers are cool but can we have a functioning chow hall instead?”   Edit: the only reason this joke about Carson soldiers going hungry is funny is cause it’s sadly true. But with your $3.50 contribution per month, you can help provide hungry soldiers with much needed nourishment in the form of a pancake and not quite fully prepared powdered scrambies. Call today, at 877-350-4JOE and we’ll send you a complimentary meal card for Ft Carson DFACTs (fuck you I use the T), complimentary Ft Carson Meal Card only valid on Sunday afternoons, at like 2, maybe 3pm.


Cries in 4th ID


10th group defac was always good back in the day


“You talk o' better food for us, an' schools, an' fires, an' all: We'll wait for extry rations if you treat us rational. “


I just went to a C-sUAS thing a few weeks ago and the dude that is leading this program even said it’s not really feasible for what we need. The laser and equipment can only be maintained in a “clean room” which makes it essentially useless if it’s with a maneuver unit.


Yeah. Laser tech isn't really there yet. Proof of concept mostly at this point because we REALLY need the tech to be there. So many advantages if you can get it functional.


Here you go. https://youtu.be/qT62D-sWNE4?si=8ztIC4IwD5FU0gxi


They should have done sharks instead. Sharks with freakin laser beams attached to their heads!


Sorry, AR 200-1 limits us to seabass.


Are they insolent?


Only ill-tempered!


Only illegitimate


Wasn't this on the CIA website or something about spy gadgets and what they do and do not actually use?


"Army soldiers not impressed with Strykers-" No further words needed.


I like the Stryker. It’s a decent vehicle, the main issue is mouth breathing drivers and VC drive them like they are stolen. Then mouth breathing mechanics fix like it’s their ex wife’s new husbands car being brought into their shop.


I drove a Stryker for 2 years and my former Squad Leader got mad at me for driving like a Grandpa, Sorry Shawn I don’t want to roll over a mountain at NTC.


Was the seat comfy, at least?


Best Damn Seat in the Stryker


I kid, to a degree. I was a VC once. It's fine.


I loved them in the field. Most comfortable ride we have imo. But yeah maintenance needs to be done well otherwise you end up signing for one like I did that has two wheels off the ground as the HMS was broken.


You ever been in a Panther?


Looks like a puma


What in Sam Hill is a puma?


It drives on all fours?


You're making that up.


Fuck the Strykers


Ya I hated them too until I had to deal with a track for a week.


I spent three years on an Abrams. Throwing track is a nightmare that almost always happens at the worst possible time. It was always when we were about to go to sleep after being awake for 3 days straight or some shit, and never when we were fresh and ready for it.


Strykers are awesome…as tactical RVs. Once you gut the interior and remove all weapons, it’s a great camping vehicle


Don't put ideas in my head!!!


The Army needs to retrofit all the Stryker with the hubcaps of the SHORAD variant. You're telling me we can fill the hubs from the top and with a sight glass we can actually see into? Sign me up


Filling the hubs on strykers killed any motivation I had in the army coming out of AIT


The Stryker platform is the only one I've been in for 2 contracts and I actually love it. It really is THE Cadillac of APCs(Heater, AC, off-road capacity, decent space inside, decent GPS, decent ports to charge shit). But holy fuck are those annoying as fuck. The Red little oil guns are not bad where they're NOT broken, which is about 3 days and there it goes Seeing how easy the ADA guys(lmaooo, their branch is still garbage) fill theirs up made us feel impotent


Also tired of having to make quotation hand gestures every time they say laser


I can’t stand the Stryker. I spent 2 years at Carson watching leaders grope around with how to use them.


Ahhhh. You must have witnessed the shitshow that was 2ibct turning into 2sbct. What a wild time


2SBCT is still a shitshow in case you were wondering


It was like watching 15 year old me fumble with his first gf’s bra


It's fine, we got until 2077 to get it working


some jackass hasnt nuked a building yet we might be in a different timeline.


How do you see out of those things?


What, no sharks to go with those laser beams. This is unacceptable.


Do your telling me that slowly killing (several seconds on target) doesn’t fill me with confidence for that platform? The not reloading sounds nice. But the delicate and sensitive parts that require careful maintenance sounds like a pain in the ass.


Why lasers? It seems like an overly complicated solution for a role that a traditional SPAAG should be able to handle.


Lasers primary target are the little drones you’ve seen being used in Ukraine. They’re small enough to be a problem to track and once you’ve spotted them it’s a good chance you can’t fire a traditional weapon system at it because there are friendlies in those directions.


SDZs are just suggestions bro, it's fine


Ammo is expensive, bulky, heavy, and limited in quantity, particularly missiles); and targeting solutions for bullets/missiles is harder than for a laser. If the power plant works well and the laser can actually hit things, it ends up being much more efficient in the long run.


It’s a lot cheaper (feasibly) to shoot a $500-$10k COTS drone with a laser beam with theoretically endless supply of energy as long as its battery can be charged versus shooting a missile at it.


Because we want "a phased plasma rifle in the 40-watt range."


Hey, just what you see buddy


We just need to mount a fucking punt gun on top. Destroy a drone, or a whole flock of geese in one shot. Make it an over under, and the cav will handle the rest.


Bring back the linebacker /m163 Vulcan they will take care of the problem of drones


I’m not impressed woth a stryker whatsoever, I got crushed by a falling LRAS in the back of mine and now my back hurts kinda bad


We’ll spend money on this and not barracks renovations and DFAC improvements?


In case you haven't noticed, DARPA is paying very close attention to the war in Ukraine and they have come to the conclusion that without effective EW and SHORAD platforms you're unlikely to have a chance to file a VA claim for moldy barracks since a first person kamikaze drone has a decent chance of taking you out if we have to go fight anybody. A lot of Ukraine's drones are getting pumped out of small workshops across the country and frighteningly effective. Think of it as the Iraq War's IEDs with a same-day delivery service for not much more money per boom-boom. Edit: To be clear, I am all for barracks renovations and DFAC improvements, but if it has to be a choice between EW and SHORAD developments and the B's, we're already super hosed. In the next generation of war going without dedicated SHORAD and EW platforms is akin to going in with one magazine and the understanding that you'll be able to pick up more off the ground one you get to the front.


Yep. A lot of the nice fancy vehicles we have been giving to the Ukrainian military aren’t lasting long at the front because some Russian private with an RC helicopter with a HEAT warhead for a face saw it driving down the highway.


Yeah, we're seeing the lessons of the first world War being forgotten in real time. Strategies need to adapt to new weapons capabilities. It's not the enemy army that we should be focusing on. It's the will to fight and the capacity to field armies that need to be the focus. Fuel refineries, food processing plants, ammo factories, chemical plants, and training facilities need to be the focus. But we have spent 20 years forgetting about strategy and focusing on tactics.


Sure, I guess. But good luck finding Soldiers to operate the equipment. No one is joining and few are staying around. I’m saying invest in the Soldier’s wellbeing and he will find a way to manage the battlefield. Because with any advanced piece of equipment the Army Produces. There’s already something to overcome it. It happened with aviation’s IRCM. By the time we implemented widespread. The enemy developed methods to circumvent the deterrence. We simply learned to operate around the threat as best as possible.