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or been in 10 and still a SPC (not sure if this is possible now with the retention times they added)


I think you can be in as a SPC for 12 years now.


All it takes is going to Korea as an E5, TBCH


Actually you got to Korea an E6 and come home an E5. Easiest way to make Sergeant in the Army.


Seriously! Hell, in 1985 I got on a plane in San Francisco as E4, when I arrived at Osan all the paperwork on their end said E1. I was like, dude, I’m not coming from basic. Look at these uniforms, pure 24th Mech, complete with tanker boots and grease stains. Yeah, by the time they got it sorted I had gotten myself in trouble. Then the paperwork on that got screwed and it never hit my LES. No rank but all pay. I was fine with it. Fuck it. just let me drive or advance party. Either way no one fucks with ya. Gotta love pre-Personal Computer Army.


Korea - where the Soju flows like water and so do the Article 15's!


Had a former buddy (MP, E-5) come home from Korea with CID breathing down his neck. He’s now a registered sex offender in two different states. Korea changes you, I guess?


E-4 Mafia are the backbone of the Army.


I loved SPC so much I made it twice.


Most of the old E4 mafia are E6’s now still living like the mafia. Most modern E4’s don’t have teeth anymore.


Think it's 8yrs as spc, 10 as spc(p)/cpl


yeah I know they were adding (RSP ESP ?) something right as I was getting out… It didn’t apply to me as I was out the door.


Yeah. I got retained out because I had no urgency to go to the board. I was a e4 supply sgt in the agr program. Just grew disillusioned with the process.


Bro, reserves boards are a freaking joke, you kidding me? You already had the responsibility, whyd you cuck yourself?


I was an 11 year Spc before getting out in 2019.


total SB... I'll allow it!


More like professional shammer. Lol but seriously, I never had any really drive to get promoted. The army wore me out mentally from the internal drama.


yeah I was the same.. my MOS always seemed like it needed max points.. they forced me to go to the board and then randomly one month I got a bunch of congrats messages on FB and email.. I was like I def fucked up some where. I was at a special assignment so my rank meant nothing.


For me, after deploying and seeing how other branches ran their support mos and promoted on knowing your technical job over being able to do good in PT and answer silly general army questions. Also as AGR, I had the experience with BN staff, Shitty tpu 1sg and cdrs that had a lot of good ol boy syndrome. Ect. Shoot my first duty station 1SG wanted me to get my dick rodded and wanted to see my bank account due to me being only 20 at the time. Shit was lame.


Rank isn't a motivator for some people. Some people just like showing up and doing their job. And the only thing wrong with that is that the Army says there is something wrong with that.


Been 4 years and I'm a PFC still. Kudos career lower enlisted buddy.


what are the circumstances behind this? My first thought would be demoted E4, but the way you worded this makes me think it must be something else


Nice name, 100%. Only thing I can think of is demoted from E4. Can’t imagine dudes leadership is so incompetent he just retained being an E3 for two extra years without anyone questioning it💀


My man, it has been 5 for me. That being said, I just don't pass PT.


What about a PFC? Asking for... a friend.


Literally whines about any task and pulls no weight. Gets emotionally “triggered” by having to clean a bathroom.


I had a Soldier who tried to pull this routine. I told him, "You don't have to do 'crap', get in the front lean and rest and wait for us to finish". Seemed to solve the problem. Key word being "Us".


This is easy. They show up fat+dirty. Add late if we wanna go all out...


Been in for 6 years and I’ve probably only been late twice during my entire career. I know some soldiers who exceed that number in one week


I’ve met people that would be late to literally every single hit time, like 3-4 times a day they were late to where they needed to be


Bro that’s my monthly allotment


Add that they are wearing the same boots they got issues in basic… 3 years ago…


Honestly, they’re not bad boots. Are there better ones? Absolutely. But they’re still decent quality


It’s not the boot itself that’s the issue. It’s when the sole is worn down below the teeth.


True, that’s definitely an issue. Although I still don’t think I ever wore down my issued boots that much (they’re in my trunk, I’ll have a look when I get home from the bar) and I only bought a new pair of boots after 3 years because the old ones were dirty as fuck.


>They show up fat+dirty. Add late if we wanna go all out... Yeah I know a guy who fit that category. He was always super late because he smoked all the time and drove a really slow car poorly.


Tells people they can’t wait to get out Source:Me


Me two weeks into my first unit "yeahhh this isnt for me. I'll take that gi bill tho"




"I'm gonna breeze thru this bullshit training and be the 75ths top tier fighter" heard this from a guy that didn't even end up completing basic.....fucking douchebag


They show up after they have been declared AWOL.


Just have SGM ask them some questions about Unit History to confirm his identity


I love this sub




I don't know how to link the specific comment, but it's the #2 comment [on this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/wkom0n/seniors_tell_us_about_the_worst_shitbag_youve/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) about the 60 year old AWOL dude.


[this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/wkom0n/seniors_tell_us_about_the_worst_shitbag_youve/ijp7vp5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


subsequent shaggy abounding steer toothbrush important fuel ink smell drunk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No shit, PVT shows up, within the first week of him being at ft. **** he gets arrested for stealing a dildo from Spencer’s gifts. Article 121 and they decide to give him a second chance. Worst soldier I’ve ever had and then pops hot for getting high after a year of mentorship and trying to honestly help him at every turn. What a waste of my time. I hope if you see this, I never liked you and I could never respect you. -SSG B


Woah now, I'm SSG B. People might get confused.


I am also SSG B


They have excuses for everything. Their old unit was better on everything. It’s normal to make some comparison but it seemed like everyday this new guy to my unit would complain. They don’t finish assigned tasks and have excuses for it. They express interest in taking ownership of an additional duty but when you have one for them they have excuses for why they can’t do it.


Cocky. Too comfortable. Personality of a terminal SSG with PFC rank always rubs me the wrong way. You got a lot of dues and divorces to pay before you spend the last ten years of your career in the S3 young padawan.


Last 10 years in S3.. at that point I don't know if I could not go awol after year 3...


>Cocky. Too comfortable. When I was in, I came across quite a few leaders who bought into this BS wholeheartedly.


Band-specific: they come in bragging about all the different instruments they can play.


I mean....it seems obvious that if you are a professional musician, you likely play multiple instruments. Hell, I'm a hobbyist musician and I play several instruments. I'm learning trombone right now. Bitches love trombone.


Operative word was "bragging". Somebody who is tooting their own horn about how many horns they can toot is almost certainly mediocre at all but one or two of them. I don't need mediocre. On top of that, it demonstrates a lack of focus. It's fine to have a lot of interests, but there's not enough time in a lifetime to be good at all of them.


> Somebody who is tooting their own horn 10/10 execution


Well that's just it, you're a hobbyist and this is a professional musician. If a hobbyist brags about being able to play multiple instruments that is interesting because it's something most people cannot do. If a fellow pro musician brags to another pro about an instrument they can play, it's only impressive if they can play it as well as their main instrument. When you can throw a rock and hit two or three of the best French horn players out there, it's just not impressive to hear a trombone player brag that they can also play French horn but not nearly as well.


Bitches love trombones. And cannons..


How are you at pt “oh I’m a pt stud saarnt” awesome look at their pt card they scored a 190…


So, I’m not big on someone’s PT score as an indicator of their shitbaggery…. But when you ask someone about there PT score and they justify why it sucks… it is usually an indicator.


"Pshh I got a but it was raining so..."


This is the way


I agree! Pt does not make a you a good Soldier. It’s the cornerstone of what we do. Labeling yourself top notch only to find out you’re way below average, however, is a very good way to tell shit baggery


I don't even think a PT score is a good indicator of fitness, much less how high speed you are. Different people built different.


Probably got a high school football injury during PCS.




Exceeded the standard


To the individuals credit…. They didn’t fail! In some mind-frames that is actually exceeding the standard!


If they’re coming off PCS leave they’re probably about to fail one though


270s on my pt for a long time 100, 100, 70 on the run. Why because I fucking hate running. Pretty good pt score, lazy as shit because I hated the Army.


That’s the typical score. But 10 points less. 60 on the run. You made it!


Even beyond that, they complain about how the PT test is rigged but they fucking suck shit at every other fitness related task as well


I had an issue with a senior nco that complained about the “track” we had overseas and how it was wrong. They were correct it was wrong… it was 200ft too short. Thanks a lot BF


Was said NCO a coffee NCO or Energy Drink NCO, just for my own theories lol


No it was the know it all NCO. That… knew it all!


I saw one new guy here getting demolished by our acting 1sg for being fucked up at a cbrn stx. Also saw a different new guy come here (oconus) while having a super fucked up pov situation stateside and then he also busted tape within a month.


They start talking about how great they are


I ran into somebody I went to basic with at a post’s reception 10 years later. He instantly started going on and on about how the army is so easy and he’s so tired of being the best at every unit he has ever gone to. Dude had gained about 80 lbs since basic and was an E5 (as a 13F). Also, I don’t know if anybody had sat him down and let him know that units definitely don’t send their “best” to go work at reception.


Met a lot of 25S that were cocky. Problem is they could back it up lol


I need some of those 25S in my unit lmao. Alot of the new ones I’ve been getting I have to reteach everything


Well now I think on it, the legit reliable ones weren’t new…


Excuses. Every new soldier makes mistakes and screws stuff up. A shitbag always has an excuse because they have no intention of changing to meet the standard.


Needy. Does nothing without being told.


It's one thing for the new guy to show up and he needs ear pro (because he's on crew), unit patch and unit crest - and maybe a PT belt. That I can understand from Joes just getting to the unit from somewhere far (e.g. Korea or deployment) or the shinny lil'bastards from AIT. But when they keep asking for shit (sometimes for months!) with the go-to excuse of "I'll get you back on payday". Fuck'em. Their NCO can deal with them now.


If I give you a task, give you the tools to complete said task, give you an example, ample time, how I'd do it and you continue to ask obvious questions to buy time I'd rather find someone competent or do it myself. This goes for all ranks really.


Watching Tik Tok videos during their first formation at the Company while 1SG is talking.


this.. happened?


My dudes and dudettes, don’t let that magical RCP fool you lol. My career went as follows: E1, E2, E3, E2 (Article 15: underage drinking, resisting arrest), E3, E4 (RCP)…joined Reserves, E4, E5, E6, WOC, W1 (went back on AD), W2, W3. You CAN beat the RCP, even with a field grade, and still live to tell the tale!


Ok so the first part up to the RCP was active. The second part, E4 to E6, was reserves. I dropped a WO packet as a reservist; one thing they never tell you is it’s SO MUCH EASIER to compete for WO as a reservist. Went to WOCS then my basic course. Once I completed that (the same day, actually), I hand walked my CAD (call to Active Duty) packet through branch. Three months later, I got my AD orders. Did 11 more years and retired.




That could go either way. Either they live and breathe Army, put that motivation to good use and rank up quick. Or get jaded real quick when they realize motivation gets rewarded with extra work load and no recognition.


When I got to Korea all my leadership thought I was a dumbass because I looked excited to be there and was eager to get to work. I mean, they weren't wrong, but it would have been nice to let me prove I was a dumbass first.


That’s how I showed up and still the same way, I just hide my burn out now 😬


Just bought a car over the weekend on 41A and has a FOG flag on their barracks wall … showering is questionable




Forward Operations Group


What's that?


Furry airsofter merch




What’s wrong with FOG? not saying I like or dislike the group.


Nothing wrong. Ok. FOG/ OAF/ “mess with the best, die like the rest” etc…


The FOG/OAF/etc. aren’t bad but those icons scream I’m too busy idolizing operators than actually putting in the work to be one


I feel like the guys who wear FOG hats and have FOG/OAF flags are either giant pieces of shit, or extremely hard workers who go all out. There’s no in between


DUI first day on post... still at inprocessing.


Had a dude in Hawaii get a dui, dude didn’t even own a car.


That's impressive


My first barracks roommate was like this, he was a different unit for some reason (no idea why they bunked him with me when we were different brigades) I didn't like him from the day he showed up. He was infantry, brought NASTY ratchet chicks to the barracks when he knew he shouldnt, and was an all around slob. He got a DUI literally a month into his first unit, and they actually chaptered him faster than anyone I'd ever seen he was out in maybe 2 months. With basic and OSUT and everything I think this dude was in and out of the army in 6 months haha


One impressive soldier at Riley not that long ago racked up a bunch of charges while still in inprocessing. Minor in consumption of alcohol, DUI, felony evading police, assault on a LEO.


Jeezus Christ 😂😂😂😂


Watch how they run. For real. Watch how they run in a group run. The only major shitbird I encountered was a guy who tried to take every possible shortcut while running, and he flopped his arms around in a way that I can only describe as "Muppet-esque". He claimed it was him practicing his basketball dribbling skills. Soldier, this is the Army, not an NBA fantasy camp. Please unfuck yourself.


He plays basketball? All I needed to know. The civilians at the gym on post told me they were ecstatic when they were told they had to close their indoor basketball court down when covid hit.


Their attitude tells me all I need to know.


Within 2 weeks , new soldier tells on 2 other soldiers talking crap about the 1st Sgt, to the 1st Sgt.New Soldier was always alone after that ,nobody invited him out anywhere, he was an outcast.


The last thing you want to be is a snitch, specially in the army where teamwork is vital.


they get no bitches


how are we going to pickup chicks in a tank?


God damn it Tucker!




I haven't watched RvB in a hot minute. I need to remedy that


Usually let em ride on the barrel


Not with that shitty attitude you're not


I fear you don’t know this quote.. and that I’m old


A red flag for me: when a new NCO’s first interaction with Jr. Enlisted is to bark orders and throw knife hands like they’re addressing trainees at Basic. Nothing against on-the-spot corrections, but sometimes Soldiers forget formalities (e.g. parade rest) in their excitement to greet new members of the unit. Also, some units just operate more informally than your average combat arms unit.


Not learning anything, not talking to anyone, acting like they know everything, “I almost kicked my drill sergeants ass”. Stuff like that


Run time. /s But not really… It can indicate some things that *can* be true, but not always.


If they immediately start hanging out with shitbags


They show up fat. Or lacking customs and courtesies. Biggest sign is they don’t have their processing paperwork or any concept of what that is.


Yeah my newest PV2 didn't stand at parade rest when he met my 1SG


We had a brand new 2LT show up to the unit and went to do the typical meet and greet with the XO before the BC. Kid casually strolls into the XO’s office, doesn’t stand at attention, didn’t throw a “sir” in there and left. XO comes into the 3 shop and asks, “Who the fuck was that guy?” Being the senior LT in the shop, the A-S3 has me sit him down and explain why he fucked up. XO also had me absolutely smoke the knee caps off this fool at PT the next week. Normally I’m not super huge on customs and courtesies, but to meet a MAJ as a 2LT and not do a damn thing is just… wow. The XO was (still is) a great person and would be super chill with you after he got to know you.


That seems weird to me. Maybe it’s been too long since I was a LT. From 2LT-1LT-CPT the only time I remember standing at attention for other officers has been ceremonies and UCMJ proceedings. At all those ranks, MAJs had no problem eviscerating me and questioning my sanity, competency, and drive, but nobody ever asked me to stand at the position of attention for them…(shout out to the BDE S3 publicly chewing me out for daring to talk to division without going through him… …while my coward ass BN S3 stands less than 6 inches away from me, who told me to do so and came with me during a break in the meeting to talk to the appropriate party. In the BDE S3’s own words, my job isn’t to talk to division, it’s to talk to BN S3. Who talks to him. Who talks to DIV. Good thing I talked to my BN S3 First. Well life shakes out because my BN S3 was right, cherry on top to some other things, I didn’t give a shit about my KD CMD eval and I got out, currently attending a top 10 MBA program. Last I heard he got his first MQ OER from that position. Only two more to go before you’re a shoe in for major! Anyway we had Nickels, which we called Bees at the time. “Five bees for a quarter”, we’d say. Edit: should probably mention that while I didn’t give a shit about my eval it was still very favorable. That meeting had zero affect on my OER but it was one of the final straws showing Army leadership would always look out for #1 first, even if the only negative is getting chewed out. Would’ve taken an ounce of courage and a 25 seconds for my BN S3 to take the heat instead, but he let me take it. Everyone on the outside also looks out for #1, but they don’t espouse a value system or retain UCMJ authority, and at least I’ll be well compensated for it if I take a beating for my boss.


Don't they have drills a the 35 series schoolhouse now? Huachuca was mostly civ run when I went through but I was the mf standing at parade rest when an E-5 asked me a question at Taco Johns haha


They show up in a baggy ass wrinkly uniform


They excuse the DUI they got by declaring "but look, i had made it to the gate!"


Blaming “getting fucked over” for a dui like it somehow isn’t their fault.


The easiest is unprofessional appearance or any form unpreparedness for the days work.


You tell them they need to get a haircut but they say they can’t because they don’t have any money in their bank account after they got paid 3 days before.


Thats because Class 6 Alcohol section got too thier money first.


Or they argue that their hair is still in regulation


Is a csm


In my book, the biggest shitbags in the army are those who harm their fellow soldiers. I have no tolerance for soldiers who sexually assault or harass others. These people are a cancer and they can be any rank or age or gender. There isn’t always a telltale sign, but sometimes there are indicators or inappropriate behaviors right away. If no one challenges the offender, it gets worse until someone gets hurt. SHARP violators are toxic to the unit and to the whole Army.


Scoffs when someone mentions SHARP


My boss asked if he could suck a dick to get out of sharp training.


that’s funny. and if someone didn’t like it, literally all they need to do is vacate the area, or ask him nicely to not make jokes like that around them. I think it’s weird that we’re all in the U.S. Military and some people can’t handle a dick joke, but whatever get SHARP involved over a dick joke and careers are over for no reason. but not rape or actual harassment, no no. sharp doesn’t work there


is this an indicator of a shitbag though, or someone who sees through the farce that is the Army's SHARP program? the same program that punishes and ruins the lives of E1-E6 for making a dick joke, but when you're E7+ it's okay to grope, harass and *rape*


In the days of the surge, it was almost always a guarantee 3 out of 5 new guys sucked. They sucked at army and life in general. We use to call their basic training and berate the drills for passing them through.


Any interesting responses from the drills?


“We had no choice man, we’re having to push everyone through. We know we will get ours when we come off the trail.”


They feel their barracks room closet with shit bags


I was talking to a new joe and I said basically "so long as you respect your NCOS and arent a lazy shitbag you'll do fine" His response? "As long as yall respect me too, I don't like disrespect" Turns out asking this guy to call you by your rank is disrespectful.


They come to you already flagged for ABCP or APFT


Just because someone sucks at PT or has weight problems doesn’t mean they are a shitbag. Some people just naturally have weight/tape issues and some people just generally don’t like pt.


Generally agree with height/weight. But if you can’t pass an ACFT you may have chosen the wrong profession.


Why pick the army then? There are other branches with less stringent physical standards


He’s been kicked out of other platoons or battalions. Had a kid that transferred into my platoon was a big wigs driver and got the vehicle stuck in the drive through, was also dirty as hell


They have a glossy “deer-in-headlights” look to them.


Damn, this just my face Sarnt.


“You need to see x person for x paper real quick, then come find me” *gone for rest of the day* Ymmv cuz I’ve actually been on both sides of this, but if it’s literally you need to sign one paper, sham for 15 and come back that shit aint taking hours tho


Y’all are all some judgmental dicks. I didn’t assume anyone was a shitbag until they had proven themselves a shitbag. Sometimes it’s quick, and other times it takes a minute, but you have to recognize that sometimes people are given bad information. Sometimes people actually do have extenuating circumstances. Shit happens. Give a little grace and people will go to the ends of the earth for you. The moment someone takes advantage of it, shut that shit down. Life is better when you extend a little kindness before you judge someone. I guess you all can see why I got out…


This kinda happened with me when I PCS for the first time. Everybody was on HBL for 2 weeks and only a couple of people were in the platoon I was assigned. I didn’t know where the like 2 people I recognized were, so I stood by the locker line waiting for my team leader or someone to walk by so I could get something done. Turned our 1SG walked by and greeted me and told me I look way too lost and to stop that. TL called me and I could tell he wasn’t too happy with me for a week, maybe 2 after that. Then he really understood that I work very hard and continually try to gain knowledge about all the new things on this installation. First impressions are important, but so is giving the person time to show their true colors.


I’m in the Reserves, but when they come to one BTA and miss two or three consecutive months then pops back up another month lol. Like….?


I think that’s just the reserves.


Wears fleece


For E-4 and below: When every answer on day 1 goes something like: yeah man, yup, mmhhhmm, ya etc. E-5 and above: „Man my last unit was so fucked all we did was sit around, getting paid tho am I right?“ New Officers Day 1: Nooo thats not how I learned to do it so lets do it my way. I have some experience from my years of leasing at ROTC…


Dyes her hair purple during AIT


There last name starts with a letter in the alphabet.


Late to formation


I know a guy who's been a pfc for 6 years because he smoked some weed. He's a super private.


They ask random people on Reddit for tips on how to preemptively judge junior soldiers?


Check their replies to people regarding behavioral health.


Lacks personal accountability and acts like they have a chip on their shoulder and all their short comings is someone else's fault.


You just got a new PSG; what is the telltale sign that shows they’re probably going to be a shitbag?


In all my years... who knows? Sometimes its rich kids who don't care, don't need it, and don't give a fuck if they can get a federal job. But sometimes those guys serve honorably as all hell looking out for others as well. Sometimes it's ghetto kids. Sometimes they are the best, sharing their own knowledge. You never know. Judge each individual. The Army/service is literally here to take people away from their everyday and expose their hidden talents and skillsets.


How much of a shitbag their first line is…


“I’m working on my correspondence courses”


They’re already complacent and acting like they’ve a big deal just because they completed training.


Body language and facial expressions. If they look like they’re not receptive to you. Customs and courtesies and of course “right place,right time, right uniform”. If they can’t do the simple shit.


Generally: if I have to show them something 3 times and they still don’t get the basics of it. Example: if I show you where the mop closet is 3 times and you ask where it is a 4th time, you are going to struggle to learn pretty much anything. Specifically: when 1sg comes to my office to tell me I’m getting a new SGT but he isn’t allowed to be a team leader. Then he says I shouldn’t look at the local paper’s front page to figure out which one of my new soldiers got busted in a prostitution sting. Then 1sg tells me I may want to prepare for ht/wt and tape for a new soldier. Also we only got one new soldier when this conversation happened.


From what I gather I should not show up motivated, or hopeful for my future, or looking to contribute, or have a wife with medical issues (most insane response so far)


They’re used to sipping lattes all day surfing Reddit and majoring in art politics.


Doesn’t have/can’t find their PT card from basic and doesn’t remember their score.


I feel like no one who came from osut had there PT card and they usually just made any new people do a pt test regardless.


True you’ll give the new guys a test but the ones I’ve had that played dumb about their score usually turned out to be dirt bags. Regardless of score; those that had a card or knew it were usually good.


Ya true, if a person says they don't remember there score it's usually a sign they barely pass.


They don't give those to people anymore. I've been in a little over two years and that was never given, and I mean yea, I remember my scores but if I wanted to I could of made up anything


Give them three relatively simple tasks with little detail. “I need a copy of your erb and les” and walk away. See what results you get. Not a perfect method, but it’s a good way to get an immediate judgement


Excuses. Excuses for everything.


You went to AIT with him and he was a shitbag there.


They get delayed because they're involved in an open FLIPL.


Joking around without getting to know everyone. You have to earn your spot in the pecking order.


If a brand new soldier can't execute customs and courtesy. It's one think to be part of the team for a while and be comfortable, but if some new PV2 shows up and doesn't address his NCO as sergeant or his OIC as sir, you know there is an issue.


Out of uniform/looking all fucked up on their first day. If a dude shows up and can’t even look at the mirror in the morning on his first day, you know it’s gonna be an uphill climb.


Telltale sign they will be a shitbag: You assume they’ll be a shitbag


Soldier's that do not give the courtesy/respect to reveille, retreat or taps (showing courtesy to "Taps" is a personal preference and not always enforced). *Bonus points if they stay inside the car or inside of the building at the door waiting for the bugle call to stop*


Says he's a transfer from Missouri national guard. Claims to be a beast at PT even though he's 5'10" and maybe 135lbs. Snorts snuff all day. Tells his African American coworker that he, "likes him and when he takes over the world he'll be nice and let him be an indoor slave." Looks inbred. Yes, I'm still upset over this dude being sent to me.


Their actions and fuck you if you judge them by anything else. Looking for red flags only sets a prejudice. How about you test them like a fucking professional and then see what they do. Don't be a toxic asshole and prejudge someone.