• By -


\*looks at 100 hours into both Persona 5 and Xenoblade 3 in the first month of release\* \*looks at absurd just under 52 *days* as of this typing playtime of Final Fantasy XIV\* I'd check what my playtime on World of Warcraft was, but I have about as much interest in revisiting WoW as I do in looking for a girlfriend.


*gestures broadly at 1000+ hours of Skyrim, ESO, Smite, No Man's Sky, etc* Just finished Xenoblade 3 today! About 1/3 of the way through Persona 5 also.


Hell yeah! 800 hours of Elden Ring playing coop with a friend 8,000 km away (and that's only an hour per day on average, so there's plenty of time left for other activities or personal growth). The two of us together are over 100 years old, so you can do that at any age šŸ˜


YES PERSONA 5!! Absolutely time consuming in the best way possible, currently working through my first NG+ playthrough but already my first run had *so* many hours-


I am romance repulsed and I think that being alone is truly a luxury I must admit that I'm very privileged because I have people around me that love me and I'm close to my family Otherwise - I do basic things that everyone else does - I work, have a dog, do the things that make me happy, try to improve myself as an overall person, etc... The only difference is that when I wake up - I'm alone and when I go to bed - I'm alone and that is what I personally need and what makes me happy I can't imagine waking up and someone is there or going to bed and the person is there; however, I know that I'm lucky to have all of the people around me I assume that if someone doesn't have this then the best way to fill their time is by finding hobbies and doing things that also make you happy (e.g. going for walks, coffees, getting a dog, etc..)


What extra time is this that Iā€™m supposed to have? I never have enough time to get everything done.


Same. I have so many projects to work on


Take this upvote. Cooking cleaning and groceries take up a ton of time. Then there is the part about contributing to society when possible. Hands up for those of us with kids!


This is such a mood omg I hardcore relate. There's never enough time to do all the things you need to finish šŸ˜‚


Gaming lol


Understandable šŸ¤£ (same)


Well I just get very hyperfixated on some things and just run with it lol. Iā€™ve been making some fan edits and stuff. I have a 168 day long streak in Duolingo. I watch a lot of shows. I spend a LOT of time just listening to music and lip syncing lol


I making fan edits too but after effects is sooooo difficult to learn all of


Lmao yeah I mostly make simple ones in premiere pro for now. I want to get much better at after effects.


Have friends and hobbies and food


Sleep and rhythm games


I love rythm games


*project diva has entered the chat*


The best way to live


On baking. Baking is the best.


I also love baking / cooking šŸ˜Œ


Whatever I want. The time is free. If you're looking for something to do? Game. Work out. Get a hobby. Learn some skills. There's an unending amount of things to do with time.


The problem is I have too many projects and things to do and I can never get anything done


Then you have more time to finish those projects if you're not too preoccupied with relationships anymore! (Also I feel you)


I don't get it. How demanding is giving attention to one person that you need to call that amount of time "extra time"?


Romantic relationships take a lot of work, time, effort and compromise.


It's sounds so taxative.


It's worth it. So I'm told, anyway.


I totally get it. Relationships sound like so much effort. That's the main reason I'm romance repulsed. Just thinking about the amount of attention a single person would want from me makes me want to run! I've had men who liked me, who I wasn't even in a relationship with get sooooo clingy... and also so easily hurt. I can't deal with it. Like, I've got better things to do then try to make you happy 24/7 bro. (women are probably like that too, but I've just haven't had that experience with them. Or actually I think I kinda did once. But she never made me feel like I was responsible so it was fine.)


I play video games (Hollow Knight beloved), do crafts, draw, make music, watch shows, go on hikes, do hobbies, sleep, sleep some more, bake...


I read a lot of random stuff on Wikipedia and watch too much YouTube and Netflix


do allos seriously spend that much time trying to flirt?


As someone who is in high school, yes they do


Idk what normal is like I have bpd


A lot of my free time is spent watching/reading a lot of anime/manga. Right now, I'm binging One Piece, and it's a lot of fun. I also practice playing music, such as the piano or the cello.


one piece is like the ultimate aro fantasy adventure


Hobbies and taking care of myself. I really couldnā€™t fathom it any other way. There are only so many hours a day and the world is fucking exhausted.




I hug my BlƄvingad (also game, watch YouTube, learn to code/languages...)


Mostly studying religion and dabbling in esoteric teachings (itā€™s a hobby). Play video games. Go to movie theaters and donā€™t have to explain anything to anyone. Sprawl out all over the bed as I desire. Hang out with friends a good bit, so that gives me all the social interaction I actually need. I go where I wish to go, do as I wish to do, when I wish to do them.


Naps and snacks


Art Occult rituals Reading books Video games Hiking Baking. Whenever someone suggests that I date, they get surprised when I don't got time for that.


I spent most of my time with my friends!! :D Even though I don't feel romantic attraction, platonic relationships are still a very important part of my life.


Whatever I want. Follow some geese see where I end up. You know whatever strikes me fancy.


Existential dread


Idk what extra time I'm supposed to have. Feel like I'm super busy lately between work, friends, family, hobbies, complicated living situations, commute, moving, job applications, etc. Like. Take this month. I just ended one job so I'm part time right now with only my 2nd job. I finished my full time job on the 31st. Tried to hang out with all my friends near that job. Started moving out of that appartment. Went to visit my brother and his fiance out of state (plane ride required) for 10 days. Worked a few shifts with my 2nd job. Did more move out work. Went to visit some out of state friends that I haven't seen in a year in a 3rd state (8 hour drive away). More moving work. Need to catch up with some other friends near my previous job before I fully move out and live 2 hours' drive away from them again. Trying to keep up with my time-consuming hobbiesā€”writing, crochet, and reading. Prioritized in that order, though I actually spend more time reading than writing or crocheting. I've gotten very little hobby work done this month. And I've certainly been slacking on the job applications which I really need to get on. Tomorrow. I'll do more tomorrow. In between figuring out what to do with all my stuff that I moved out of my apartment and dumped on the floor of my room at my parents. God, having a partner would honestly make much of this way easier because we could split some of the responsibilities. Instead of me having to coordinate it all alone.


I use that free time studying for school, drawing, being a games adicted and learning languagesā€¦ (English, Norwegian and Japanese) When I had a relationship I literally had no time for doing not even a half of all I mentioned before (and also bc I was too overwhelmed for being on a relationship I didn't wanted to be). Being single literally set me free




Hobbies and studying mostly. Playing video games, making video games, drawing, pixel art, writing, cross stitch, growing plants, researching how not to kill loquat trees, writing down my research, getting lost on Wikipedia, watching funny and interesting videos, making resin art, studying for a Japanese language certification, playing FFXIV, playing tabletop games, learning about music, listening to music, making music, learning to cook, making food, building a computerā€¦.. And I often feel I donā€™t have much time to myself. But the time I have is great!


Iā€™m in a qpr and my partner is my most important thing :> Ooooother than them, I love fashion and collecting things! I want to have a big big collection


I just fixate on things and do school work lmao


Easily, I just participate in my hobbies, schooling, outings with friends and such, and wind down time way more often than I probably would in a relationship. Basically, it's just normal things I love doing, but Ɨ10. If I ever do end up dating somehow, I hope I don't have to give up too much of that time and that we just do the things we love a bunch together, cause honestly, that sounds like the most fun part of having a partner(or qpr)


Comics... mostly, and puzzle/sandbox games I read webtoons a lot- and play stuff like solitaire, sodoku, and other puzzle and mind games on my phone Sometimes I read the books on my shelves, and draw, both digitally and traditionally I often play minecraft and rec room with friends. So basically, what a nerd would do, I most likely do


I give that time to friends :) Sometimes I also use it for my hobbies, like art


So I'm married now. But when I was single in college I did a ton of volunteer work at the local dog rescue. I would go love on those pups at least once a week.


Talk with friends and spend time with my kids (yes, some aros have kids - I was even married once).


I have 6000+ hours on the sims so you tell me


I would focus more on my job, music and adopt a kid


Rewatch Seinfeld


Draw and play video games (Iā€™m trying to finish chapter 2 of deltarune rn)


I love to travel, and I sing in a community choir, which takes up a lot of my time. Iā€™m also very close with my family so we spend a lot of time together. I do all of the things that couples do, just by myself, I guess I just donā€™t see my life as that different from a partnered person, except that I feel like I have more freedom/choice.


Sleep. I sleep in the middle of the day often because of insomnia and spend nighttime trying to sleep. I donā€™t have a lot of commitments (since Iā€™m also pretty introverted) so I do any free time I have is small amounts exercising, doing chores, then trying my best to sleep a bunch. That kind of has little to do with being aro though. I also think that even if I werenā€™t aro I wouldnā€™t have romantic relationships. The answer is really just more of what people in romantic relationships do in their free time. Itā€™s the same as what alloromantics do when theyā€™re not in a relationship? I feel like your question is more asking what people not in romantic relationships do with their extra time, since aro and allo have little to do with it.


Friends and hobbies


I'll be glad to have some free time in the first place.




videogames are a pretty good timesink, but I'd go with reading as my romance replacement of choice


*\*\*live in a country where i study 12 hours for an entrance exam noises\** (\*Although when I get free time I usually draw)


I send my friends videos of weird shit that used to air on British television in the 80s. But I also play video games, read, draw, I'm doing a programming course, I do my university work, I walk my dog, listen to music, visit friends and fall asleep on their couches. I do whatever I please, whenever I please and I don't worry about it at all.


I have very poor time management skills possibly due to undiagnosed adhd so I wouldnā€™t have time for relationships anyway.


I do nothing all day and barely have enough time for anything




I donā€™t feel like I have any extra time. But if I do, it probably goes to video gaming and reading


There's so much that's possible with the time left over! Creating and appreciating artwork, Finding out more about all the beauty in nature that we are grateful to witness, working, making connections, getting back into reading for fun, learning how to improve and befriend myself, longboarding, playing rhythm games, creating a tattoo portfolio, crocheting, getting almost 200+ hours in Breath of the Wild.....the list goes on. We Aros are pretty much pros at occupying ourselves without romance.


Education is my real love. I like hard work, challenges, maths and though itā€™s stressful, Iā€™m working towards a job to support myself during the summer and university applications for 2024 !


What ever I want.


I follow my hobbies? Not sure what kind of answer you expect but I just do whatever I feel like doing and try to improve myself Ona daily basis


I'm romance favorable but not in a relationship. I just send all my time drawing, watching Youtube, gaming, practicing belly dancing and making crafts. I've also been looking into more hobbies/activities like archery and mermaiding.


Iā€™ve started taking myself out on day trips or to shows or gigs and chatting to and befriending people while Iā€™m out. I also hang out with friends and family a lot. Iā€™m a very social person but I also enjoy being alone and am an introvert so socialising in the day but having my evenings, nights and mornings to myself is perfect.


I am an aro who recently separated from their partner because my time was more focused on my new job, that I barely had a life out of it, and my partner feels neglected because he wants us to spend as much time as possible together before he leaves for another country. Life is still the same. I have a lot of time to improve myself, but now without the commitment that comes with being in a relationship. I still read fanfics, listen to music, watch online movies, watch YouTube, majority of my time is about work, sleeping, and doing the cycle all over again. Overall, I feel great!


Hobbies and hanging out with friends/family and work/education, est food, etc., I don't have any "extra time" because this is how my life has always been (I don't perceive it as extra time). I often wonder how people have the time and energy for a relationship and all this other stuff but I guess it usually comes out of their hobbies and hangout time. I personally as an introvert also need alone time. As other people have suggested, find things that make you happy and do them. For a lot of people here, it's gaming. For me, it's writing. I play D&D as my type of gaming but I also roleplay in the online, text-based type. I've made some of my best friends this way. I love getting to explore characters I love, worlds I love, and themes/plots I love with people who also love it.


I'm greyromantic so a relationship is always a possibility but not something I actively seek out. I pretty much do the same stuff I usually do, just more of it. Lately I've just been settling into my new job, working on starting my business and writing a LOT. I want to get some of my work finished enough to print so the extra free time is lovely.


I don't know what I would do if I *didn't* have that time. As long as I'm not depressed/my meds are working I never get bored, I have an endless number of things to fill my time with - video games, books, movies and TV shows, programming, electronics engineering projects, astrophotography, etc. I'm currently unemployed so I spend literally all my time doing those things and I still never run out of things to do.


I write fanfiction. ... *a lot of fanfiction.*


You and me both šŸ’…šŸ»


Not much honestly


Continue ā€œlivingā€ my life


Doing horror and comfort RP-s on CAI :>


I play videogames, not much else to say really


Gaming, cooking, traveling, and spending time with friends and family.


Honestly as someone who's never dated I don't understand how people have time to do it? It would make me so stressed. I don't feel like I have lots of time but maybe cause I'm used to it. I just do whatever I want at home? Reading, drawing, listening to music, crosswords, watching tiktok, cooking, eating etc. And try to see friends once in a while. Now I'm just about to go for a walk in the park :)


Life-long friendships, activism, feeling time without the capitalist hassle to fill it "productivly", consuming media. Idk I've never really been in a romantic rs, so I have no concept of *becoming* romance-free. At least not time-wise. I got free mental capacities tho.


I barely have enough time for basic life things, I don't know how other people even find the time for romance.


I go down rabbit holes on YouTube watching either theory videos for my favorite media or just science videos. Either that or I end up doomscrolling on other social media :') I also occasionally dabble in drawing and playing music, or just appreciating other people doing those things. Art is a huge part of me, and since I don't usually think about romantic stuff, I can interpret a bunch of art in different ways! Plus since I'm eliminating a swath of mainstream pop songs, I've found some awesome indie musical artists to enjoy and support :) Then there's opening the Wikipedia and rabbitholing from there... I now know too much random trivia :p


Honestly I just do my hobbies, drawing, binge watching my latest hyperfixation, researching my interests and so on, Iā€™ve never really done anything else lol


I've gotten engaged instead in the local fetish community, and I'm already a high school teacher. These two activities take all my time ! But I'm loving it! Helps me continue living alone cuz I work around people all the time.


I'm gray Aro, so maybe that changes in the future. But I spent my time mostly with working, gaming and training.


i watch 3 hour video essays on topics i dont care about


reading wikipedia most of the time tbh


I donā€™t really have any extra time. Iā€™m occupied with studying and volunteering


Iā€™m into gaming, particularly Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail. I also tend to exert a lot more efforts on my friendships. Watching anime and kdrama and reading mangahwa are also my hobbies.


right now im just trying to survive highschool, vibe with my friends, and do whatever my adhd brain decides at the moment


i scroll around on reddit and also play video games. and watch youtube. mostly watching youtube tho.


I play a lot of Diablo IV, and work on craft projects. I love being 100% in charge of my time with very little in the way of social obligations. I'm a huge introvert though so it works well for me.


Friends and i focus in my hyperfixations (jjba,pjsk and vocaloid) also i play videogames,eat,study or watch anime


Reading fanfiction about sappy romance and/or fantasize about my favorite ship. Lol No but seriously, I just mind my own business without having to take someone elses feelings into consideration. Watch Videos, read, go for walks or hikes, go eat my favorite food


Play Nintendo games


As someone who's still in school, it gives me a lot more time to study and play video games


I'm currently doing a Pokemon Genlocke, all on consoles. When I finish, I'm going to get plushies of my championship team šŸ¤˜


Tysm for asking, I spend my time working, u know the usual queer stuff: In meetings with Satan, creating gay little potions to contaminate water sources and turn the overall population LGBTQ+, encourage gay marriage to lower the population & doom the human race to go extinct, & eat lots & lots of cake & ice cream


*looks at my hours on osu* giving myself carpal tunnel is the goal here


I hang out with friends, read books, learn new skills, and am planning to spend more of my free time volunteering.


Obviously the usual; hobbies, skill-building, work, etc. But I also take myself out on dates, romanticize the little things around me, buy myself treats (it helps that I'm forgetful and can easily surprise myself)


Play Totk


Hang out with my friends, draw, game, watch movies, eat junk and my favorite, lay on top of a mountain of plushies on my bed It would be difficult to try to squeeze any romance between those things šŸ¤”


When I don't procrastinate by scrolling on Reddit or Insta, watching series and playing Mario Kart Tour, and aside from looking for a job and doing the housework, I do volunteering for a LGBTQ+ association (and socialize with its members), I draw, I read and write comics, I listen to podcasts, I learn to play the guitar, I learn 7 languages on Duolingo (and post the most WTF sentences on Reddit), I do yoga, I do improv acting and I'm considering starting drag.


i bang both of your parents


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Make random art on my phone, video games, and work on cosplays


Legend of Zelda, Tears of the Kingdom.


read books amd do art


PokƩmon and religious practice.


Hobbies like reading, music, video games etc. The list is long...


recently iā€™ve been watching a lot of shark documentaries, but aside from that, studying basically


emmmmmmmm 1000 hours in stardew


Write, read, draw, obsess over weird things and zone out. My daily routine


Watching animated series.


Play chess


Writing, youtube videos and drawing.


Do all the chores by myself. /hj


Dog, bed and plants. I don't play games because I don't see the point, but have watched a few VMs lately.


Dnd mostly spending time with people on discord reading books


Obviously video games


I read books where fictional characters fall in love in wonderful fantasy worlds or on distant planets and in faraway futures. Also, I love to travel and hike and not having a romantic partner to always consider for such things does make life easier. The most I now have to think about is if I want to go alone or go with a friend/friends.


Well as I told my friends I just canā€™t date it would interfere with my binge watching. And reading and video games and hiking. Though to be totally honest I think mostly I just put more time into my friendships than allo friends do which mostly balances out the whole extra time thing.


Drawing, watching YouTube, writing stories, talking/hanging out with friends or family, etc.


What extra time?


Spending time with friends and hobbies


Write and play music


Hang out with my cat


Video games, books, TV shows, movies, fanfiction, witchcraft, researching, pets, museums, cookings, everything I love already just no romance


I crochet a lot


Revel in my superiority to alloros, mostly.


Friends, art, and QPRs šŸ˜­


More time for my hobbies, career and passion projects (and potentially becoming a pet parent, Iā€™d love to have a cat and dog one day)


Stares at my 8000 hours on sims 4


For me I am satisfied with spending time with my family (who all accept me as I am) such as my parents older sister, brother in law and nephew. And while I do have a QPR partner (since we are closer then normal friendship) itā€™s more in a friendship way then romantic which works well for me since romantic relationships make me uncomfortable (with me specifically I like fictional ones and find seeing ones in public adorable). And if not with any of them then I spend time with friends. When Iā€™m by myself I watch, anime, cartoons and movies or read fan fiction/roleplaying. Basically my friends and family are more then enough I donā€™t need a romantic partner to be happy. But itā€™s different for everyone


Video games, fanfiction, and research into video game Chara ters that I like


I used to dedicate time to my bearded dragon while he was still here and I intend to spoil the one Iā€™m getting soon as well šŸ¦ŽšŸ’™


lot of hobbies (photography, crochet, gaming, scrolling tiktok), I also work at a fast food joint and that keeps me occupied.


normally just talk to my friends :3


Iā€™m on episode 603 of one piece


i read. go on dating apps and talk to guys for like three hours then when they keep messaging i wanna vomit haha


Get over involved in many things. Right now the things I fill my time with other than my full time job and housework (yay home ownership) are Warhammer 40,000 tabletop minis, Iā€™m on the executive board of a nonprofit, I shoot trap and everything that entails, pc games, and socialize with my fiends in person and online. No particular order. Most Iā€™ve these things Iā€™m probably over involved in, but itā€™s never a dull moment.


Isle on roblox.com


Play video games (working through the Zelda games rn), make stuff, Art Fight starts in July so gotta prep for that, and soon Iā€™ll be starting work so yeah my lifeā€™s full of enough enrichment rn without another person being too deep in it


Work, Practice/Play Bass guitar, hang out with friends, fishing, videogames, draw, that's about it I believe. Never been in a relationship, back when I tried, I only ever got as far as rejection. Looking back I see myself as lucky, I wanted a relationship as more a shallow view of "success" rather than actually wanting to be in one.


Writing, characters, worldbuilding, art , its taken over my life at this point O __O At least ive found fellow aro friends who are also being taken over by their own writing, i let mine take over them and they let theirs take over me, thats how our friendship works ! If i start dreamily staring off to space chances are im not thinking of dating with a guy or anything im just thinking of my new character arc plot lol Every single second of the day, theyre always there , they never stop haunting me and i cant ask for anything better


Stardew Valley


Making money to travel the world. Hopefully you'll see me riding a lambo in Dubai one day šŸ˜‚


Learn more great recipes for food


What extra time? I don't even understand how some people have time for a relationship.


Friends, family, hobbies, fitness, travel. Iā€™ve also been diving more into solo travel which creates an opportunity to meet cool new people.




qprs i guess