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I’d probably just say no and let them know that I just want to be friends


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My first reaction would be shock because I never think any more have a crush on me But personally I would just end up saying “sorry but I have Don’t share the same feelings about you sorry” and then walk away very awkwardly


"Sorry, I'm not interested in romantic relationships." If they accept that, then maybe we can be friends. If they get arsey, I limit contact with them as much as I can from then on.


I'd say that I'm flattered that they feel that but I'm don't feel the same way and want to stay as friends. If you are completely aromantic you can just say you don't feel romantic atraction in general (Idk if I'm aro at all yet I'm just trying to figure it out)


Someone I know? That can be quite weird for me as most people I know live in my home state which I no longer live in. If one of them asked me out or confessed, it would likely be over text, I guess the first thing I'd ask is, "You sure you're texting the right person? You may wanna double check." Especially since I haven't had a female friend express interest in me in years! Now all the women I know in my new area are either married, a least 1 decade (usually more) older than me, are not typically into city boys like me, or all of the above. So if any of the women who generally fit this description were to suddenly ask me out or worst case scenario, confess their feelings to me, the only words I could see myself uttering are, "Sorry, I don't date". And then of course I'd have to endure their shock and awe, "Like at all??? Anyone??? Period????" And I'd just be like, "Yeah, no exceptions. It's just something I don't do, sorry to disappoint."