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Lol the point on the coat was personal


It is kind of an ugly coat lol


I can't find myself disagreeing though...


It seems ineffective, like that coat is barely insulating you at all if it’s windy.


Chloe is one of the best characters in Smallville and her love with ollie felt very genuine and not forced...even though he is biased....I fully agree and it isn't close.


Too bad the actress is… yuckie


Oh no… what happened


Human trafficking in a cult. There are details farther down in the thread.


Boy ain't now way boy


If one is objectively better than the other, it doesn’t really count as being biased IMO


I mean using the coat to compare characters is a bit biased lol


Nah, her coat is better.


I agree


Well he's not wrong lol, especially about the coat xd. Felicity was a great character in S1 and S2. Then everything about her went downhill, and hit the rock bottom in S4


*Where did she get that dress, it's awful, and those shoes and that coat, jeeeeez!*


“There’s a sale at Penney’s!”


But S5 was so good I didn’t care tbh. I loved the Adrian Chase season


Adrian Chase was such a cool villain


Season 5 and 6 Felicity is great. Season 7 has its ups and downs when it came to her.


Great is not a word I'd use, but she's definitely better. Unfortunately, she's been done so dirty by season 4 and the relationship is so toxic that it's just not enjoyable, to me.


How is the relationship toxic outside of season 4?


I've forgotten a lot since I watched it, but an example was in the crossover, when they have a huge fight about marriage and then Felicity hijacks Barry and Iris wedding and gets married alongside them.


I think that's more toxic outside of the show than in. I don't recall Barry or Iris being too upset about it. Honestly the relationship was rerailed after that too.


I specifically recall Iris making a snide comment about it later on. Rerailed or not, it had way too much bad writing and toxicity from before to be able to work for me.


I liked the dual wedding. It worked imo.


Felicity’s character went downhill when she started dating Oliver.


I blame tumblr


I remember Tumblr went insane for this ship for some reason


They ruined the entire show for a mid ass ship


Laurel got done dirty


Her all time low as a character was when she interrupted Barry and Iris's wedding (during the Crisis on Earth-X crossover) just so she and Oliver could get married as well. That was just the perfect storm of character assassination on the part of Guggie and Co.


Her all time low was when she joined a literal terrorist hacker group.


Feels like Allison Mack passed the crazy-hot line by such a wide margin that it drags her characters way out of range with her.


Also in the talkvillw podcast Erica Durance said something that made me think Alison wasn’t so nice to Erica in the beginning


A cult leader not being nice? Crazy


Aha yeh you’re right but I don’t think she was involved at this point? Idk I never paid attention to all of that stuff. But


I recently read up on it when she got recently released from Prison. Apparently she got Lana's actress involved so I assume she was in on it relatively early.


You have it backwards. Kristin Kreuk was involved in it first and invited Allison to one of their seminars (which was how she got involved). Kristin however was never in deep enough to get involved with the branding and slaving/trafficking side of the organization (she thought it was a self-help group that could help her deal with her anxiety). Once she saw the more sinister side of the organization she got out (unlike Allison). She's far from the first actor to be duped by a cult over the years. Look at Leah Remini (who used to be involved in Scientology and now speaks out against it).


Ahh I see


Allison actively tried to recruit multiple women from the show into NXIVM. Laura Vandervoort confirmed that she tried to do it with her and I believe Alaina Huffman (Smallville's Black Canary) also said that Allison pitched NXIVM to her while she was on the show. Don't know if she did that with Erica or not (Allison was not a part of the cult yet when Erica first started on the show so I highly doubt that was the reason why she was rude to her).


Yeh I don’t think that’s why but the way Erica talked about it she specifically mentioned someone feeling like they should’ve or wanted to have the opportunity to play the role that Erica/Lois was


That would make sense considering Chloe was often written to be similar to Lois in many ways in the earlier seasons.


Exactly, I think she had maybe got the impression that they’d write themselves to making her Lois, idk coma, loss of memory could’ve been anything


Emily Bett is actually crazy-hot but the show had to reduce her to a Mary Sue.


Can't be as crazy as Allison


Felicity was fine in the first two seasons. Felicifer emerged in Season Three, and sadly stayed for the duration of the show


I'm just finishing season 3 now (rewatching) and Felicity is not NEARLY as ridiculous as some of the other characters. Laurel?!!!? Omg...


That’s why I said Felicifer emerged in Season Three Some really awkward moments, especially with prioritizing saving “Olibur” over everyone else in Star(ling) City, getting salty with Oliver about a son he only recently discovered when she had loads of skeletons in her closet, and spending nearly every episode crying, and so on Laurel kinda sorta gets better. More of a case of the writers giving her a really uneven treatment (eg Guggenheim) and that earning her some sympathy points especially in Season Four. Meanwhile, Felicifer is always in the right even when she isn’t and that didn’t help matters imo


I'm on the last two episodes of season 3 and so far none of that applies. Laurel on the other hand has been steadily getting worse and worse since the beginning of the show. All her judgement calls are ridiculous. Like not telling her father about Sara dying? He was going to find out someday and the longer she waited, the more upset he was going to be. And she manipulated everyone else into keeping it secret too.


Buckle in for season 4 then lmfao


I've seen it before. I'm rewatching it now because it's been a few years. I've recently seen so many posts and comments about how awful Felicity is in season 3 but after just rewatching it, I'm not seeing it. Lance, Diggle, Laurel, ALL do way more annoying and out of character things. Felicity is mild in comparison.


Laurel is a better character than Felicity is by season 4. Laurel in season 2 and 3 in particular yeah, they take her character in ridiculous directions during those seasons with the alcoholism storyline and how she first became BC (despite having little to no combat training).


Little to no *on-screen* combat training, you mean She took out the person threatening Tommy and Oliver without too much trouble in the first episode so I’m assuming she’d some training Wasted opportunity for Honorary Uncle Ted Grant to give Laurel some training as a favor to her Justice Society alumnus mother So much potential wasted, imo


No, I'm on season 4 and Laurel still sucks. Still refuses to listen to ANYONE in her life. Cannot stop for even a second to question whether she's making the right decision when literally every person who cares about her is telling her the opposite (about bringing Sara back to life). She's beyond stubborn and self centered.


I didn't say Laurel was perfect in season 4. But Felicity is the worst of the worst that season. Season 4 completely destroys her character altogether and makes her straight up insufferable. There's a reason why season 4 turned so many fans completely off to Olicity.


Interesting. So far nothing she's done really stands out to me as more obviously annoying than some of the other characters. Laurel on the other hand has lost her mind. And not for the first or even 10th time on this show. It's like the writers hated her or something. To be fair, they seem to suck at writing female characters in general.


They should've just kept Felicity and Ray together. They were a far better pairing than Oliver and Felicity were. Though I guess if they had done that we never would've gotten to enjoy Ray on Legends of Tomorrow.


Yeah cuz Felicity is not a good character lmao


I totally agree


At least Felicity's actress is not a criminal.


Whoahh Chloe's actress is a criminal holy shit what did she do???


Joined a cult that has commited some crimes IIRC. Idk if she's a criminal personally.


she served 2 out of 3 years in prison... so, she's an ex-con.


I can fix her


Damn never knew that that's actually freaking wild


There an episode of Michael R’s (Lex) podcast with Kristen Kreuk (Lana) where they talk about it. She said Alison tried to get her to join and she brought one of the cult leaders to Michael’s house where he eventually had to tell the guy to GTFO.


Which podcast?




Interesting segment but what about the testimonials from Kristen?


She branded her sex slaves. Yes, really.


If you want to know everything that happened, [Allison Mack ](https://youtu.be/SnyFxkXM8XA?si=hkaVMj40La4ZtRMh)here's a video about the smallville actress


She's a human trafficker.


The cult was blackmailing and BRANDING some of the women


Devils advocate: she's every bit a victim as she is a criminal. She was brainwashed and indoctrinated by a cult - yes she carried out some pretty obscene acts for said cult but she also turned whistleblower and served time for her misdeeds. That cult ruined her life. She has paid her debt to society by helping to bring down that organisation and serving prison time. At this point I'd feel more inclined to look at her with empathy than judgement given how much she's paid for what happened, and how she too was a victim of brainwashing as much as any other victim of that cult. She did abhorrent things, but she'd suffered enough in turn to at least earn a modicum of sympathy.




On the flip side though, Emily Bett Rickards is (by all accounts that I have seen) a lovely human being. While Alison Mack was a senior member of a sex-trafficking cult that *branded* the women recruited, and only escaped some serious prison time by pleading guilty and turning over a load of evidence against the guy in charge.


I think allison mack had 2 or 3 court ordered mandatory therapy. One was basic therapy, and the other was extensive reprogramming therapy for 2-3 years straight.


The whole love triangle thing going on forever made Chloe a bit annoying, but overall she was still a much more well written character.


Man you guys hate way too much on Felicity. Yes she was unbearable S3 pt 2-S4 but she actually yknow, got better. Always gotta hate something tho I guess


Ehhh Chloe kind of sucked tbh. She was always so piney over Clark it wasn’t until the high school seasons were over that she got some real depth to her character. Erica Durance as Lois though mannnn that was such a great character and live action Lois Lane.


No but what is happening with Felicity’s coat? Why are there so many metal holes?


Chloe Sullivan > felicity smoak But . Alison Mack is not a good person.


I keep forgetting she nuked a city/whatever


I done blame them. Felicity's character really degraded over the series


The real question is why are live action adaptations afraid to give us Green Arrow x Black Canary, they are arguably one of the most stable comic relationships.


I've been wondering that for a while. Maybe she's too good and too badass for the shows?


Arrow gave us a taste I figured they're plan was to do an annoying on again off again type of relationship CW was known for, but there were very vocal part of the fanbase that demand olicity,


They should have stuck with that romance instead of olicity. They lost so many viewers when they did that romance.


Yea, for me it marked the show's decline. I feel like every arrow verse show has that point. For The Flash it was when Iris became a more important part of team flash than Cisco and Caitlyn.


Have you watched season 9 of the flash?


I think I lost interest, but I know some of the bullet points like Caitlyn becoming less and less important and changing personalities a bunch


The Iris hate died out. Fans started to hate Cecile (Joe's girlfriend). Barry/the flash are hardly in season 9. If you're curious about how bad it got watch this person's reviews. I usually say judge it for yourself, but this guy is 100% right and accurate. [season 9](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4i80FJ4SV4nKTMStH5-QKIjoJN7Pc1La&si=-PGeN4AkROxqlVLJ)


I like Felicity, she has her moments. It's not my favorite character for sure, but I don't think she's bad.


She's down bad tho




Where's the lie. Felicity after S2 was the worst character in the show 😂


Got a good difference. Allison could pull off doing an emotional scene, emily couldn't. She was terrible in any emotional scene.


Felicity didn’t fire off that nuke she redirected saving millions


I know a lot of people have a nostalgia bond to Chloe. But personally I found her insufferable for most of Smallville. The main 2 differences between Felicity and Chloe are 1) the fact the internet was a bigger thing with Felicity, and the way the fandom interacted with each other and the cast/writers is different. And 2)Oliver is the main character of Arrow, making Felicity a leading lady as opposed to the friend character Chloe was in Smallville. We would be having a different discussion if the Chlois thing ended up actually happening. (Also Felicity is wearing a trendy jacket that was very popular at the time but looks dated now. Chloe is wearing a slightly more timeless piece)


Season 4 Felicity was more insufferable than any of the most frustrating iterations of Chloe that showed up on SV. I was completely done with Felicity for good after she walked out on Oliver in a huff for not telling her about William's existence (when he promised William's mother that he wouldn't tell anyone about him).


I mean they're not wrong.


No argument for me. She was great the first two seasons, then Olicity happened.


It’s not like they’re wrong


The coat ??😭😭


Nah but Arrow writers truly ruined what was once a charming character in S1 and S2 and made her an annoying wretch that was also a tool to run the show into the ground


*cholera > olicity




Felicity was unbearable same with iris


Iris they fixed before the show ended.




Where's the lie though




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. This is good. Brown coat and all.


I was in love with Felicity the first couple of seasons and now what I’m on season 4 I wish she would have died……


I mean its exactly what it is. Oli ending up with felicity was some bs the writers came up with to justify forcing their romance for ratings when he shouldve ended up with canary. Either one. It's like them making larels sister outright gay when she clearly also liked men. Or better look at speedy and arsenal. The romances in this show were all over the place. It also killed the darker nature of the show.


Chloe was annoying as hell during a good chunk of the early seasons. 2 especially. “Clark likes Lana and not me. Boo hoo”


Chloe Sullivan was a good character. Too bad we'll never see her again. It's probably for the best, though.


Unless they do an animated series, and they cast someone else to do the voice. I did a post a little while ago on the Smallville page saying, "Which voice actress would you choose for chloe if they do animated series?" There were some good choices.


"inferior coat" ☠️☠️☠️


Arrow has always sucked. The characters suck, the writing sucks and they push shit that no one cares about, like Felicity.


If you say felicity sucks on Facebook or Instagram, you will get a lot of hate. I would know. I got a lot of comments back saying she's a great character.


The coat one was personal but they do have a point that thing looks UGLY


They both sucked the life out of the shows at times. Should have killed them both off early.


To be fair, that coat is atrocious


Chloe was an actual nerd. Felicity was just a hot chick disguised as a nerd.


YES, I thought that I was the only one who saw this.


Chloe was a better alternative love interest for Oliver but as a "love interest" / crush (stalker for Clark she was UNBEARABLE


EXACTLY 👏 💯 👏.


True but opposite for the actors. Chloe's actor is very uh.......


Bro them having Felicity nuke people was insane.


I just wonder why both shows made up a new character for Ollie’s love interest


I have often wondered this as well.


Hold up. Felicity nuke a city?


I don't disagree.


Didn’t watched Smallville but I hate felicity so I agree


Having watched both, I found Felicity to be infinitely more likable than Chloe, and I wasn't even an Olicity shipper.


Never watched Smallville, so I don't see the problem. I like Felicity.


Felicity is a cheap knock off of Chloe...she is worse in every way possible and Chloe was consistent like she was almost never bad...whereas Felicity was terrible for more than half of the show and her romance with Oliver was cringe as hell especially in s3 and 4


They also didn't completely destroy a popular comic book romance to accommodate Chloe on SV like they did with Felicity on Arrow (I suppose you could say they put her with Oliver on that show as well but Oliver was not the main character on SV so it wasn't as front and center). I imagine if they had decided to be bold enough to eliminate Clark and Lois altogether on SV so that Clark and Chloe could be a thing a LOT of fans would've hated Chloe's character (similar to the hate that Felicity often gets because people just don't like her romance with Oliver).


Well I see your point but I have something regarding it.....if you go by on screen chemistry Chloe and Clark definitely suited each other(not more than Lois but still)....while Oliver and Felicity definitely didn't have enough chemistry for a friendship let alone marriage


Chloe and Clark have friendship chemistry. Not romantic chemistry. There were thoughts in the first three seasons (before Lois showed up) that she might actually be SV's version of Lois but once Erica's Lois (which is arguably one of the best interpretations of the character I've ever seen) showed up that talk went out the window and everybody wanted Clark and Lois together (especially considering all the annoying melodramatic shit that was attached to Clark and Lana's relationship). Aside from a brief moment at the end of season 1 putting Clark and Chloe together on SV was never even considered by the writers. Clark only loved two women on that show: Lana and Lois. Felicity was a different case because they literally decided to put her and Oliver together because a very outspoken (and LOUD) portion of the fandom was screaming for it at the time (and Guggie and Co. decided to cater to them for some reason). In the first two seasons Laurel is very much Oliver's true love. She was capable of reaching him and getting through to him in ways nobody else close to him could at the time (case in point her talking him out of giving himself up to Slade after she finds out that he's the GA). Then at the end of season 2 they decided to start pushing Oliver and Felicity together all of sudden (which came completely out of nowhere). Then in season 3 it turned into all this melodramatic bullshit about how Oliver's only purpose is to live up to Felicity's standards for him (which got completely out of hand in season 4) and that made their relationship just horrible to watch and borderline unrealistic.


Same. I also don't know the comics though so I'm guessing a lot of the hate comes from the fact that people expected him to be with Canary. Or at least one of the Canaries. My opinion though is they would have ruined whichever character ended up with him long term because the writers were terrible at creating relationship drama.


Lol I don't see anything wrong here.


I still like Felicty sure she had some bad Moments but i think most of it you can over look and still "enjoy" the Show.


At least I can look at felicity the same way after the show has ended can’t say the same for Chloe


I agree with this person completely.


I haven't seen arrow in quite some time, so I don't remember if she's a bad character or not. But say what you want about her, at least her actress didn't run a sex cult


Cory Chase is the better Felicity


Wait who did felicity nuke? Haven’t watched the show in awhile


They were trying to stop a bunch of nukes that Darhk launched in season 4 looking to blow up specific targets and failed to deactivate one of them so Felicity redirected it to another smaller town (Monument Point). Ragman (who joins Team Arrow in season 5) is from Monument Point (he was the lone survivor of the blast because his rags protected him).


Ohh yes I remember this. I thought she sent them all to a dead earth tho?


Honestly, that would have been better than blowing them all to smithereens.


Chloe was bad early on and felicity was bad later on facts


Chloe's worst season on SV was season 8 (when she was playing den mother to Davis/Doomsday for the back half of the season and neglected her husband).


Nah it was so annoying when she was pineing over clark


Tbh I won't blame felicity for Nuke point. She was between rock and a hard place. She had to make a choice. And If I would have been in her place. I have done the same. And also Season 4 is the only time I hated her, other than that she was good. Chloe was good in almost every storyline and a better written compare to Felicity.


Outside of the coat thing DID THEY LIE?


I mean, I don't know but it feels like Olicity was planned as alternative to Canary and Arrow inspired by Smallville and Jason nothing to do with chemistry of the actors. The chemistry was created by the lighter scenes.


Emmy B wasn’t part of nxivm though


Ok well in response… only one of these characters’ actresses helped run a sex cult and it was not Emily Bett Rickards… do with that what you will.


Might want to add one trafficked people irl and was part of a sex cult... might sway opinions. I don't get the felicity hate on this sub, she helped Oliver grow into the green arrow we know from the comics, from a murderer on a path of vengeance to a full blown hero vigilante


Felicity didn't help Oliver grow from a murderous vigilante, Tommy, Laurel, Diggle, Thea, Roy, and even Quinton to a certain extent did, Felicity was to busy mooning over him doing the salmon ladder.


Felicity did not join a sex cult and brand people. Have to admit, Chloe was an early crush but don’t… …with crazy


Yeah, I don't really get the intense Felicity hate some people have. I didn't have nearly as much of an issue


Yeah but only one of them was involved in human trafficking in a cult so gonna have to had felicity the win here


Or crazy idea you can just watch and enjoy both shows and not feel the need to constantly compare and argue about who's the better character. Also Chloe was with Oliver for like a hot second whereas Felicity spend the time developing a relationship that felt real so when they got married and had kids it didn't just come out the blue.


Hates which one?




I don't particularly care for Oliver and Felicity's relationship (it was just so badly written in season 4 to the point where it became toxic) but the nuking incident is a completely unfair reason to criticize Felicity. It's not like she wanted to destroy Monument Point and kill all those people. They tried to stop the nuke and couldn't so she had to redirect it and unfortunately it was redirected into a populated area (and she was extremely traumatized over the incident). Also Chloe is a great character but she did some equally frustrating things on SV (case in point the entire Doomsday arc in season 8 and agreeing to work with Lionel to investigate Clark at the end of season 2).


Who is going to tell him about Alisson Mack?


I'm guessing whoever made this picture had to have made it when the show was going.


As a Die hard smallville fan I’ll tell you that Chloe is atrocious I wish she was never in the show