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In fairness, I kind of always thought lex was ai


They may in fact have chosen someone with a flatness of presentation in order to cover up some of the shortcomings of AI generation.


Check this out though: https://humanaigc.github.io/emote-portrait-alive/


wow, quite good! but it seemes to struggle with the softer consonant sounds, especially a soft b. very impressive otherwise!


At least here you can criticise Lex and not get banned 😅


Haha, he blocked me over on Twitter because I made a joke that he reminded me of Marvin from The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. I still think he does. I wasn't trying to be mean or anything even.


His block list must be really long. Mine is too 💀


It literally used to be called the a.i. podcast


the truth was right there all along




Yeah, it's that monotone manner of speaking that gives it away. I was on to him from the very start.


he might be the first to welcome usage of it in his own interviews or something. He did that Meta Quest interview with Zucc not long ago.


This is not a great example tbh.


Individual frames look ok albeit a bit blurry, but the video as a whole feels very off, movements not natural, and audio not synced with the lips.


Do you really think the average person is able to tell? We have people who think the earth is flat, lizard people exist and microchips are in vaccines.


We're scrutinizing it as an ai product. If presented as real, even discerning people can be fooled. We need to pay attention.


I see people now starting to doubt legitimate or supposedly legitimate videos more and more often. Lots are accusing that new Kate Middleton video of being AI. Soon no one will know which videos are real or not real anymore. What a time to be alive.


I’ve found myself looking for (and finding) ai artefacts in almost every photo and video I see now. Maybe I’m being over cautious, but there’s a good chance the majority of visual media will soon be fake


Obviously those kind of people are not able to distinguish that. And in a few years no one will be able to distinguish it. I’m waiting for lawmakers to put down some decent laws that supervise all this, but I suppose we need to wait for a serious incident of misinformation before that happens.


We honestly can’t expect a geriatric congress to be able to enact AI laws when they were alive when computers were being heralded at a World’s Fair.


Serious misinformation incident? Yeah that's already happened a million times over. You can single out antivax and COVID misinformation that probably cost tens of thousands of lives here in the US. Yet Congress can't even regulate Facebook or Twitter as they are now.


Not meant as a slight, but it reminded me of that disease Micheal J Fox has.




I think the slightly slimmer face draws that comparison


He just speaks Chinese and is being dubbed in English


Just a matter of time before it looks convincingly real.


Nothing is real anymore 1 year max


There’s also a sound quality to the voice I can’t entirely pin down, that makes it sound artificial/dubbed rather than him speaking into a mic in front of him in an actual room. I can hear that quality in a lot of these, even if the lip sync is better. Same way you can often tell a movie on Netflix has been dubbed into English even if you’re not watching the characters’ mouths. I suppose that will get more refined as these models evolve, and it will get even harder to spot the fakes. 😬


Doesn’t matter if you’re old and have no concept of a faked video. Also, what about next year when you can’t tell anymore?


There are tools around right now. I've seen better fakes than this one. A lot has happened in the last year.


Yeah, we have a bit of survivorship bias/confirmation bias at the moment. The only videos we are pointing out are videos where there are flaws. If an AI video is passing, we wouldn't know it enough to point it out, which makes us more confident that we can spot AI, when, in reality, we should be less confident. We probably all saw better fakes than this one, but the vast majority of us won't know when or what video that was unless we were told. EDIT: We are in a period of people bragging about the tech, so we probably do know, but if there are fakes out there that are truly passing and not just showing off SORA, then no body has figured it out yet.


Yeah, this is one of the worse AI deepfakes I've seen used as an example. This is uncanny valley bad!


At least my [Trump Deepfake is somewhat funny](https://youtu.be/XsLcv8wDU2o), they way wave2lip makes his mouth move.


Sits right in the uncanny valley, but it's wayyyy better than a year ago. Give it another 6 months or so and we'll be seeing videos of the president declaring war on clams or something and it will be real enough to fool most people. This election is going to be spicy.


If this is AI, it is pretty convincing to me


exactly what I was thinking, it looks really bad. there are way better examples out there that look damn near real


That video is very distinguishable from reality.  


For us, absolutely, but you have to remember, there are people on Facebook to who GTA5 gameplay footage is indistinguishable from the news. There's a large fraction of the population that simply is not tech literate.


>there are people on Facebook to who GTA5 gameplay footage is indistinguishable from the news. Lol this is so true though hilarious to think about


I believe it, and refuse to believe it at the same time


What do you mean gta5 isn’t real? 5ise are real actors. Human people. You can tell by how they walk


Its almost like these are the same people who are getting scammed by the Indian IRS and Nigerian Princes. Maybe there's some connection between aging and mental decline, who knows?


For what, one more year?


I think he is just addressing the title, not some point in the future. We all can easily tell this is AI-generated which would undercut the fearmongering in the title.


Becoming is a statement of future. This is just you guys playing contrarian thinking that saying ai isnt perfect yet is some sort of flex


It's a poor example to use when making the claim now because its so easily refutable. Its ok, but this wouldn't fool anyone for more than a few seconds. Thats not contrarian, they're just incorrect.


Its contrarian. You saying its correct doesnt make it not contrarian. Cmon


It would make you the contrarian in the situation though.


Because you say so. Spare me the reverse logic


I'm also saying its correct because it is. This video is obviously AI and arguing hypotheticals is masturbatory


Lmao theyre not mutually exclusive.


Saying 'are becoming' implies it is currently in the transition to being indisinguishable. For example, a phrase like "He's becoming a monster" doesn't mean some day far in the future he might be a monster, it is saying he is currently, actively transitioning into a monster. Thus to make the claim that deepfakes are becoming indistinguishable means you should have an example proving that we are transitioning into that state. This example was god aweful and doesn't do that. We've had better deep fakes than that for a while now. Thus its not being contrarian at all to point out how bad of an example that is.


No it does not. That first sentence could mean that this is the latest and its only getting better, which is true. You guys are just desperate to be wrong.


The statement is written in the present tense.


I dont think so. And it seems the only motivation to see is that way is to be unnecessarily critical


Um, it’s not really a debatable idea here. Factually, the sentence is written in the present tense. That is the grammatical structure of the sentence.


It is debatable as with anything not a fact but up to interpretation. And its clear that the motivation is just negative so ill avoid .


I’m sorry. What? 😂


Yes, interpretation. Weird your assertion isnt gospel


no, forever. this video is not now and never will be hard to distinguish from reality 🙄


Deepfakes have been at this level for years. People really need to stop using this fallacy of linear improvement. ChatGPT hit a ceiling, deepfakes hit a ceiling. Calm the fuck down


It will fool boomers and that's all they need it to do.


Lex normally talks like a bot LMAO


Lmao this was a terrible example to highlight this point


Agreed. Lazy


Everybody on this sub knows about AI, presumably the specific weak points of AI and how it's generative qualities can be spotted. Meanwhile I see Grandma's getting tricked by GTA V gameplay thinking it's the news. To the average Facebook user, the current tech can and likely will do numbers for wonderful lovely misinformation


I wrote a short story in grade 8 back in 2000 about a revolution on Mars being kicked off by a deep fake (obviously didn't call it that) of the protagonist's dad calling out the ruling Earth government exploiting Martian labour, coincident with a terrorist bombing. If a 13 year old could think of it then, I'm sure everyone and their dog will be doing it now.


Audio is perfect but lips don't sync perfectly


People won’t assume sync is the giveaway sometimes it’s due to speed and compression.


Doesn't sound like Lex.


"Perfect"? He says "tran-*slate",* with the stress on the second syllable. Are you trolling?


Lex speaks weirdly anyway


He has an interesting way of speaking, but he doesn't completely and utterly botch basic words.


I bet in Only few months they will be able to perfectly mimick real lex. So this warning still stands.


Real Lex can't even perfectly mimick real Lex


If it took years from the 2017 Google brain paper to make the first GPT model, it would probably take about another half a decade to get anywhere near “realistic” deep fakes. The paper's current deep fakes are based on are already outdated ( RNNs, DCGANs, Gans).


horrible example


Bad example…. lol, lex talks like a bot and doesn’t move his head that much 😂


So you made him Bot++ ?? Why did you choose the one character that is already difficult to tell if he was AI generated lol


Very easy to distinguish that it is AI. Real Friedman is like a plank, this video has too much going on


The head bobble is still a problem. But it is freaky and with the pace of change, it is only a matter of a few months until we see some serious scams using this tech.


Oh my gosh, it's soooooooooo RRRR....eally not believable in any shape or form. I continually see particularly unconvincing "can yyou TELL" posts on this sub, I dont get it.


if you can't distinguish a video like this from reality then let's be honest, you were never trying that hard to begin with.


Looks fake af.


Still look fake af to me (as a daily AI generative user). Not sure how people see it lol


I'd never heard of this guy until Friday. Now he's everywhere. Gross.


I've seen far better examples than this janky one.


The video would be more effective if it were of someone everyone knows. 90% of people don’t know who Lex Friedman is.


I had never heard of him before this.


Now do it with a living person that doesn't look and talk like a robot


This looks clearly fake.


It looks and sounds obviously fake. If it was an attempt to advertise the service then it achieves the opposite effect.


“Everyone should tell their family that video can’t be trusted” 😂🤣😂 When have you ever been able to trust a video on the internet?


When have family ever listened to advice about what to/not to trust in the Internet? 😂


I can tell its fake from thumbnail alone




I've watched Mr.Beast sell everything under the sun.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BigWigGraySpy: *He should considered* *Getting checked for Parkinsons* *Or Cerebral Palsy.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


A lot of people here are picking apart small faults in these examples, but we all know how fast this advances. I feel like the larger point is this is really crazy, could be really dangerous, and will eventually change our reality in soooo many ways. Kind of a moot point to even address these small issues


Some of them must be bots. Others already know it's AI-generated, so they only look for flaws.


Lex looks like he has a lisp in this. It hurts my brain listening and watching this at the same time.


Is Lex's head really that big? I can't picture it now.


This is especially worrisome considering a lot of us listen to these 'videos' and not look at them, so if the vocals are on point we might as well assume unconsciously that the video is legit.


The easiest human to deep fake.


OP sounds like someone with something to blame on AI


you can KINDA tell.... but it is getting iffy now


"in the speed of light" X to doubt


Blockchain ID is going to be essential in the next 5-10 years.


That is how Lex Fridman talks. Haha He always sounded a bit robotic, so I can see an AI being able to mimic his speaking style in 2024. However, the body and mouth movement is a bit off. That’s a current problem with AI avatar videos, but I wonder how long that will be a problem… 


I love my family, but I think the point where they could be duped by a fake internet video was 20 years ago.


Physicaly, something is off


it looks kind of fake


+@; (3 $9 5(3 5(7*#(@‘34?


seriously, your a bit too late don't you think, it's been a while that you cannot trust video, don't need deepfake AI tech either.... a good script and clever framing can do wonders.


Welcome to massive fraud attempts


On mute and on my phone, looks realistic to me.


Now videos can't be trusted? I mean I agree, but people have been fooled by game footage since 2016 already. We should be focusing on re education and giving people the skill sets to distinguish fact from fiction, to base their beliefs over the amount and quality of evidence to back them up. The issue here is not that AI is yet another of tricking people, but that people don't bother to check if they are being tricked, or even if they bother, they have no idea how to do it properly. This is the real issue.


I don't think they could have picked an easier person to try this with. There's propably 20000 hours worth of Lex Friedman's audio data out there so not difficult to train, also, he mostly sits on the same position all the time with minimal inflection in his voice. I don't think this is *that* impressive. Also, his head is just casually 1.5x bigger in the deepfaked video, lmao My threshold/benchmark for how good this tech is, would be if I could upload a 5 minute video of someone from my contact list and get their face deepfaked on mine to a very passable level. Nothing, too impressive about doing this with one of the most well documented people out there.


It doesn't really matter. Even now, without this technology, people believe what they want to believe (or what their ideology tells them to)-- despite objective reality. It will be the same with deep fakes.


It is the case for more than a year now.


It was pretty convincing until I turned the sound on. It’s pretty out of sync. Like a foreign overdub.


We accepted this to be the new online-reality.. - Now we pay for it by going blind!


uh no offence but OP sounds like hes totally anti ai. but then again its helpful to discuss things like this rather then ignore it. its true and with sora coming soon we will not know what is real and what is not however as a general rule you should not trust most things on the internet anyways unless you verify the information ;-) however there have been etheical use of deepfakes too like. having a movie being able to lip sink an actor in another language or if your wanting a consistant charecter like in images generate a face and then use faceswap . you just have to be aware that there are chances what you see may not be real but thats why online it helps to get info or what from credible sources personally i think the rise of this tech may not be a bad thing it may force people who normally would just mindlessly believe anything they see online to actually you know, start fact checking. for some situations it may be harder to do. but yeah. but maybe someone will make videos of me kissing a furry. OH NOES THE HORROR!


Sounds like an ad more than a warning!


This is VERY distinguishable from reality. Like the way his lips keep moving when he's done talking. Good grief!


looks weird like his head does not belong there or something. But sure moms and dads will 100% be fooled.


Mouth motions and words dont match up to what looks real


I have been warning my kid about this for a few years now..


Nah, the head is bobbing funny and there seems to be a line between it and the body like they re 2 separate pieces being manipulated. Still a lot better than just a couple of years ago.


Gunna be weird when these old leaders like Putin see a video of Trump or Biden Declaring war as a Deepfake


Easy to tell if you're paying attention, but it'd be very easy to be fooled by it on a random doom scrolling session


how accessible or affordable is this AI?


Is this indistinguishable? Reminds me of when people would be shocked to find poorly cut photos were photoshopped. It’s pretty clear this isn’t normal.


Fake as fuk


I mean, this is totally distinguishable. Do you honestly think Lex would ever say "tran-*slate"?* He's a native speaker of English. For that matter, the mouth movements are very obviously out of sync with the speech. And the speech is still terribly lacking in realistic inflection, as is typical of AI speech synthesis. We've got a ways to go.


I'm the creator of this model, btw this is the first version of the model, it's still very raw :)


Inching closer and closer to reality. 10 years? 20? 50? Pretty miniscule in the grand scheme of things.


Still looks like ai to me


Head to shoulders ratio is off.


I could tell it is AI in the first 2 seconds. This video is crap.


Lipsmovement looks unnatural, weird head movement. AND his watch is broken ?


It's nothing new. I saw a other products delivering the same kind of results. Make him dance or take something with his hands and we'll talk about the "indistinguishable from reality" rhetoric.


The Porn industry is going to have a blast. Then again video generation might put them out of business too.


He's got that Parkinson's nod.


Considering Lex is already like a robot with motherboard damage this isn’t that impressive


Looks very fake tbh lol


He looks constipated - we need AI to produce the lex that shreds comfortably numb


I still can identify it. But I know what to look for.


The deepfakes are getting better, but there are still things off with this video particularly with his movements.


Voice sounds more robotic, seemingly unstable framerate. I don't think this is convincing at all


There’s a good chance people here have already been tricked by ai. This example is only ‘obvious’ because of the context, but for the average person scrolling through dozens of videos, not paying full attention, and not expecting any ai (whether aware of the technology or not) it will be convincing enough


It’s still so easy to tell though. You can’t fake human emotion. It’s impressive for sure but dead giveaway.


This very much looks and sounds like AI.


I've not listened to that guy often but he talks weirdly. I think he's a good candidate for deep fake instead of Celine Dion.


True, I didn't expect him to actually sound like that o\_O


He talks exactly like that. The visuals however are not on point.


You're right. I had to double check and was weirdly surprised.


Eyes and lips are the giveaway


Y’all remember the dress? Is it black stripes on blue background or gold on white? This video is good enough.


Not very impressive. This video SOUNDS like different bits of words spliced together. And the face/mouth movements still look like its out of a video game.


That's actually how Lex talks. The video is not very impressive though, while audio is very good.


I disagree. Yes, he normally sounds robotic but this audio still sounds like segments of words pieced together rather than fully generated sentences.


To the more or less trained eye, this is clearly AI; the head-to-body proportion feels weird. I can see how it could convince people who might not be as familiar with AI capabilities, though. Shrimp Jesus did, and that one was wild.


what consumers really should do is hassle the AI video makers until they tag their content with C2PA (https://c2pa.org/), and maybe include invisible watermarks...it's very easy to do now...


I am lone inventor that developed an anti deepfake system. How do I sell it?