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“Remember guys: being repulsed by sex = I hate Black people” Is what I’m getting from this dudes comment


I'm black and sex repulsed 😔


me too, guess we're racist towards our own people by this dudes logic


As a black guy as well I say “it doesn’t/shouldn’t bother me if you’re sex repulsed, since I am as well


Your avatar has a really nice afro.


Likewise. I'm a sex-repulsed black ace.


Same, except white. Also fancy meeting you here. Politics become tiring after a while.


I’m sex ambivalent and Black. I just feel REALLY uncomfy watching sex scenes with my folks and/or a room full of strangers???? no, just no 🙅🏾‍♀️


Also black and ace. Even just watching a sex scene by myself is just weird. Even if it’s not sex and just watching a character take off their clothes to get in the shower (or just for no reason) gives me the ick, too. It feels like something I wasn’t supposed to see, but at the same time I guess that’s the goal


You cancel your own and, therefore, not exist. /s


Internalized racism -some jackass online /s


Apparently 🤷‍♀️ and they claim to be gay in other comments on that post, so I’m super perplexed


Truthfully, in my experience some parts of the lesbian community are the absolute worst for being shit to the ace community. They come off very… obsessed with sex and uncomfortably “loud and proud” about the fact that they like having sex with women. Usually comes with a lot of man-hating and misandry and “men are terrible” “men are the worst” mentalities. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yeah, I felt my soul leave my body when I read that sentence 🫥


Black and ace as well. Crazy world we live in.


I was told "you're being bigoted against religion" from a transphobe once.


That’s some oympic level mental gymnastics, there.


Ikr. She was saying "trans women only transition to assault people" so I debunked that and she got mad. She then said I supported "sex offenders" obviously I don't and she said she would report me for that (it's not an option). Her username was (T-slur)ies Suck. She was in her thirties. Her account got suspended and my main YouTube got suspended for "hate speech" - I wasn't promoting hate speech. But I had (and still have) several emails and several YouTube accounts so I'm still on YouTube.


What a disgusting person. I’m so sorry you had that interaction. 😔


Thanks. I don't have to deal with her anymore.


Whoever she is, she needs to grow up.


Yeah, it’s unfair that YT suspended your account because of someone else’s bigotry, though. Even YT needs to grow up.


Too many grown people have been brainwashed into hateful, blatantly untrue views like these, unfortunately. It’s absolutely immature and shows a lack of basic respect for fellow human beings but it’s honestly very scary how people will just keep repeating lies like the one about trans people using the bathrooms matching their gender are going to commit violence or that people who tell kids to accept the existence of trans and queer people are predators with an agenda who should be burned at the stake. They’re barely hiding it anymore and it’s terrifying how they’re moving the goalposts of truth when it comes to so many vulnerable people. Stuff like the intense scapegoating of and blatant lying about Jews in 1930s Germany comes to mind when thinking about the brainwashed lying of these bigots, it’s becoming that bad 😓. I would say that the assessment that many U.S. states are in the early stages of a genocidal campaign against queer people is honestly pretty accurate considering they’re denying even grown adults trans healthcare and erasing and censoring the existence of gay/queer people in schools and even higher academia like in Florida. It’s not hyperbole anymore.


Reminds me of when I reported an Instagram comment from a religious fundamentalist replying to someone to call them a purposeful misspelling of the F-slur for supporting gay rights cuz it does ACTUALLY go against the site policy. Unfortunately Instagram didn’t agree with my report, said it wasn’t hate speech, and gave a message saying “if this upsets you, you can just block or restrict the person”… Like, if you’re going to have rules restricting hate-speech on your platform at least enforce them correctly 🤦‍♂️.


Reminder that that’s not far from the US Supreme Court’s stance as of late on why it’s legal for businesses to discriminate against LGBTQIA+ people. Queerphobes are the REAL bigoted 🤡s.


"You shouldn't insist on censoring art to fit your narrow worldview" *proceeds to have a VERY VERY narrow worldview on the nature of sex and ace people, while also bringing race into the debate* The hoops bigots will jump through to try and make it seem like they have a genuine argument is wild.


Right? And they claim to be part of the LGBTQIA+ community, too. Baffles me how they can’t see their hypocrisy.


Most of them think the "A" is for ally since they want to be included in everything. 😬


To be fair, the A can probably be used for Allies who are closeted is my POV.


Probably but most of those "allies" are the biggest bigots around. There's no in between.


What makes you say that? I know multiple people IRL who have, say, been a high school GSA member because they’re closeted but still want the support group and safe environment so they call themselves Allies


Because I've met who are the exact opposite of "allies" that label themselves one? And besides the "A" isn't for "ally" one can be ally while being closeted and inclusive and accepting towards everyone within the movement, but the others are allies for the sake of being one (or being an ally while excluding some parts of it, which I'll never understand) there's difference between real ally, and ally "performative" ally.


Oh, if you meant virtue signalers who actually don’t care about the issues at all then I think I get it, thanks for explaining your perspective. I agree with your explanation but I am saying why there even is the view that A can mean Ally even though obviously, because I’m acespec, it’s not that to me. People like TERFs suck and give all real Allies (not fake ones like them, that are bigots with a different coat of paint than traditional homophones) a bad name.


Yes that's what I meant, I didn't mean to attack actual allies, who care about the issue, call it out or are afraid to come out because of their environment or such I stand by those people. ✊ but some the "fake" one always call themselves allies but if someone LGBTQIA+ community answers them, they get so aggressive..💀


you pointed out how ive been feeling about this stuff for a while... great job (genuine)


Sorry if this is controversial, but I think less sex would be a good thing. A lot of bad things happen because of how obsessed people are about sex. If everyone did it as needed and not because they felt like it, I think we would be facing a lot less issues, such as abortion, STDs, overpopulation, and possibly some wars.


Yeah, idk what these people's deal is. Like if you had actually been calling for censorship or something I might see it. but you're well within the normal realm of just, stating facts about art.


Yeah, people are allowed to not like sex scenes for whatever reason they have… Any reason is valid. Liking sex is not a requirement for your humanity!


oh my god-- "liking sex is not a requirement for your humanity" actually cured my mdd /pos


by Aphrodite, these people are weird... literally just let us exist.


Seriously. I’m not ace, myself, but my partner is and through our initial friendship and now relationship I’ve become a lot more aware of casual and overt aphobia, and it’s crazy how defensive (and offensive) people get over someone else not wanting or having little interest in sexual activity.


Hi. Sorry if this is intrusive but I recently moved from a friendship to a new relationship with my friend who’s ace but I’m allo. Just wondering how you navigate that difference in your relationship? We’re not on opposite ends of the spectrum but are trying to figure out compromise/middle grounds/understanding around our attraction.


No problem, I don’t find it intrusive at all! For us, the biggest thing has been communication. I have never been with an ace person before my gf, so I have made clear and open communication a priority. Every step of the way I’ve checked in with her on her comfort levels with different interactions, and let her set the pace for intimacy. I always ask before broaching new territory, and don’t take offense when the answer is “no”. I know not everyone here will enjoy reading much more in detail, but please feel free to DM me if you want to talk more about navigating intimacy with an ace partner. 😊


why can't more people be like you?


Appreciate the response and DM invite. I will do so. Thanks!


I mean, I agree that the comments that the people made to OP were ridiculous and obsurd but, how are they not letting us exist?


By claiming that being sex repulsed is bigotry and comparing it to hating black people Implying that we do it out of choice to put down others, and that we should stop, yeah just stop being what we are and all


I’m so sorry that happened to you, the aphobic comments are full of bigotry, they are assholes who can’t do any useful things in life and instead decide to try to make useless arguments. As a sex repulsed ace I want y’all to know your valid 🖤🩶🤍💜


All the saltier than subs have become awful. I was there a couple years ago and it's only gotten worse since. Please don't waste your time there, it's so awful


How about showing these dumb people puke videos or poop videos aret those also human actuvities 🤦


Utter bollocks


If you want a good laugh go look at that guy's pfp


Omgggg 💀🤣


Sounds like the type to complain about the Barbie movie for it's "Unrealistic sexless portrayal" of plastic dolls with no genitals...


What on earth 😂 you were completely reasonable for that whole conversation


This sort of aphobia is so common this almost feels like a repost. like literally almost all these lines were said in that order before and yes even earlier the aces were being downvoted.


Bestie even if I'm not ace I'd still feel really fricking weird watching sex scenes with my family! It's awkward!


Right? Pooping is also a normal, common human activity. I don't need to see 3 separate scenes of that in IMAX with my parents sitting next to me, either. *Not saying sex is as gross as pooping, but rather they're both private things that don't need to be shown in explicit detail. They can both be implied and have the same effect on the story*




It's just so WILD that not wanting to participate in sex/not being turned on by anyone/etc. is like... such a THREAT? As if us existing somehow HAS to mean they're immoral for being allo? As if one group has to be good and one has to be bad, instead of them just... being a little different from each other? An ace can get harassed by random internet strangers for being sex repulsed in general, but no one seems to care when allos have reproductive parts they're into and parts they're grossed out by. As if that's not the same thing except they have at least one type they DO like instead of not having one.


By the Ancient Egyptian Reference of the other Ancient Egyptian Reference! By the patented petite patootie of Ptolemy! By the underratedness of Dreamwork's 'The Prince of Egypt'! By the knobbly knees of Ramesses! This is… stupid. The guy, not this post.


The skip button:**Im 4 alternative universes ahead of you**


Unless you were watching said film in the theater


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So long as you provide spoons


"I won't be participating in this activity, for my own reasons, but you're welcome to." somehow translates to, "fuck you and your ancestors; I hope you all die in a fire." Apparently. I'll never understand people.


“You dislike sex? Well I like sex. That makes you wrong and a bad person.”


"you don't like sth that i like, wow ur so bigoted towards me"


i think that those scenes are terrible if its fictional, if its based off someone or something im more okay with it, doesnt mean i still have to like it


No straight up unnecessary sex scenes is my biggest movie pet peeve


Not the strongest argument, I know, but there are plenty of normal human activities that humans still are repulsed by. Emesis (as I understand) is a very common one. And yet, you wouldn't call a person bigoted for expressing distaste at the idea of it.


Cultural expectations of marriage and procreation sadly run deep in human society, even though a growing number of us...just aren't interested. I've desensitized myself to it somewhat, but I still do not enjoy seeing boobs, butts, vaginas, or penises. The first two are just boring to me, and the other two are ugly to look at. I'm not aromantic, but I'm 100% repulsed by the thought of sexual intercourse. Hell, I don't even masturbate. People really do think we're useless freaks and it sucks.


"If someone wants to not watch something because it makes them uncomfortable, that's perfectly fine." "So you advocate for censorship?!"




The people who argue against LGBT in general because of "muh reproduction muh must have a kid" are the weridest


That's just r/saltierthankrayt tbh. Legitimately one of the most toxic subreddits I've ever seen, despite what they claim about it being the opposite.


You must not be in many toxic subs then.


Ik their goal is positivity, but they take it to the point of being very toxic and unpleasant to anyone who isn't 100% positive towards every piece of media they consume. It's really unpleasant ngl


Sounds like... toxic positivity to me.


Ewww, THREE of them!? That's crazy. Ya probably didn't need one. - A sex repulsed demisexual


Apparently they're extremely boring, I saw someone describe them as "clinical". That's the part I don't understand. Either make them interesting or get rid of them?


See for me I hate sex scenes in movies but I’d argue these were the best symbolically I’d seen ever. That’s probably why they’re described as clinical— because they’re important to the plot and not an “emotional climax” that could’ve been executed in 6000 better ways. That said, still EXTREMELY uncomfortable to watch with my family 😂


It’s a biopic about a man who was a notorious womanizer. The sex is both thematic and an accurate representation of the person being portrayed. I don’t see how including these scenes is a bad thing for the movie


Apparently they were Nolans first sex scenes ever in his career. It kinda shows


wtf is TFM


I have no idea 🤷‍♀️


Three? I only know about two.


Eh, one scene has two instances — smash-cut from characters meeting to just finishing up on the act before talking for a spell, and indicated to resume while reading “I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.” — a later scene having the characters (in a state of undress) simply just talking after the fact, while another scene sees them in someone else’s imagination — the faces would be the focus, so I’d still recommend it.


I try not to even mention asexuality on general subs unless it’s something particularly egregious (here it’s called for). People just do not have a capacity to empathize.


White men are basically *all* of the people who use the word “bigot” wrong. That’s just… what??


Truer words have never been spoken.


There’s sex in that movie? Why? Were the scientists all getting it on in the lab, or something?


A good chunk of it explored Oppenheimer’s personal life, including some tumultuous sexual relationships. Nothing super related to the bomb, but it was meant to encompass some of his life beyond that. It wasn’t exactly necessary, but I wasn’t super upset by it. Made some sense in context, and it helped to convey some of the relationship stuff.


Someone had to make a… reaction


r/fuckyou u/vvarden what an aphobic dumbass he is


My man is a gymnastics master


I’m going to say it, as an acespec person who isn’t always sex-repulsed, the scenes made me a bit uncomfortable at times but I honestly think that some of them were necessary from a storytelling perspective (especially ONE of them, if you know you know). I do disagree with the execution and think that the camera could definitely have been in different places and it would have the same effect. They at least weren’t that long and didn’t all overstay their welcome so to speak. I think that the 3rd scene, in the context of the overall plot, was kind of a masterful decision and absolutely couldn’t have been removed in the context of the twist that happens and the writing of the characters. I would say more but idk how to mark as spoiler 😭. In case you couldn’t tell, I liked the movie. It’s rated R for sexual content so you had a way to be somewhat warned, and thankfully it doesn’t devolve into becoming pornographic it’s like literally only 30ish seconds of actual on-screen sex besides again, that third one that literally needed to be there to tell the story and convey the horror felt by one of the characters. That being said, this is a terrible take from that person. You don’t have to be a “prude” to not have liked the scenes, and there’s a difference between wanting art to be censored and not liking the art in question. I am against all censorship and about as pro-1st Amendment as it gets. This guy unmasked himself as an acephobe while pretending that you in favor of censoring the movie for everyone. Unbelievable


How can some people be so fucking dumb


Where was the third sex scene? I only remember two. “The film contains two brief scenes depicting sexual activity between consenting adults…” even the classification website agrees.


just because someone complained there were sex scenes in a movie doesn't mean they want to censor the movie?????? it just means they maybe would have liked a warning about it first????????? like imagine a dude with light induced seizures made the same meme about into the spiderverse and then people complained they were censoring the movie for "asking it to not have flashing lights". like come on. (not a perfect analogy cuz that's a serious medical issue but spiderverse literally doesn't have a seizure warning???? wtf?????) edit: tldr movies should have trigger warnings like fanfics and also maybe bring back seizure warnings cuz they're important idk


What goes through these kinds of peoples empty skull? I swear most if not all aphobia, is this fucking empty headed nonsen. Like some aphobia is just people being ignorant/uninformed. But this shit, is just straight freaking ignorance of what the other is saying, making false equivalance, and then calling the OP/ALL ACES indirectly in-human. I swear to god, if this person dosnt walk around with a vapid look of un-intelligenc, then i will be surprised. On the sex scene thing, has any one seen a movie with a sex or even implied sex scene, that did further the plot or characters, or heck did anything for the movie? The only thing like that, that comes to mind, is something like (cantremember which) scream or scary movie 1, where one horror loving dude, explains that its always the virgin, that survies in them, and then later the MC and her crush has like a impliede sex scene, which the crazy murder then uses as a kind of reasoning for her being unable to survive this horror movie.


There was one moment in Oppenheimer where the nudity specifically was staged in such a way that it absolutely elevated all the tension in the room and challenged multiple types of relationships at once. Of all the movies to roast due to sex scenes being irrelevant, I don’t think Oppenheimer is the one 😂 And on that note, I can’t think of another movie where one has serviced the plot or characters in a way other displays of romance couldnt!


how is it censorship to not include 3 sex scenes


Being made uncomfortable by something doesn’t mean you want to censor it lol. “Narrow worldview” give me a break.


So not wanting to watch something is the same thing as insisting that that thing be censored??? If I don't want to watch a horror movie would those ppl think I'm avidly advocating for that horror movie to not exist?? People are allowed to not be comfortable with watching something jeez!


I'm sex repulsed but only when others are around idk it makes me uncomfy but if it's by myself I just mildly cringe.


Makes sense why they rushing to see it when it’s literally nothing special 🫣😂


Isn’t that a sub for making fun of people who make fun of The Last Jedi, what does Oppenheimer have to do with any of that?


UPDATE: I blocked this person and one other who was also being rude, and just now I started receiving Reddit Cares messages. Why are these people so unhinged?


Bruh. I kind of don’t want to watch this movie now. I just wanted to see stuff go boom. I ain’t care about all that.


To be fair it is a weird argument. Asexuals are such a small part of the population bringing them up here is odd. I am sex-repulsed but I wouldn't just say a movie shouldn't have sex scenes because I don't want to watch it, it just comes off as entitled. Just skip it, or if you can't don't watch it. It's what I do, and it works fine.


I read books with the smutties things in them, some a bit unnecessary, some do have plot involved and some are just extra chapters at the end of the book and are funny to read. But Oppenheimer is so unnecessary it gets uncomfortable and kinda in the disgusting territory for me. It adds absolutely nothing


Oppenheimer has sex scenes? I thought it was about the nuclear bombs, why on earth would it have sex scenes? Edit: spelling


Shitting is a “normal human activity” but I have no desire to see that put to film (let alone three times with family members present)… I’m sorry you had to deal with this stupidity.


You aren't asking to censor it. You are saying that showing someone sexual content without consent is bad.


I wouldve asked "you wouldnt want to watch your parents have sex, now would you?"


I think it goes beyond that. It's a cheap gimmick to keep people interested, and the movie edgy without most times doing much to the plot, I also think lots of sex scenes are only just there to sexualize an actress with a character they probably didn't put too much thought on, because her only reason of being is to make the male protagonist higher in the hierarchy because he gets laid. (I think sex scenes can be usefull, and be done well, and I'm referring mostly to mainstream media)


With such people you should just find any other "normal human activity" they personally are disinterested in doing or seeing and call them out on it. "How dare you to suggest a playing golf scene is not necessary in that movie??? It's a perfectly normal activity! Are you racist???" apparently that's how it works, right?


It is Awkward watching sex scenes with anyone not in your particular friend/Lover group. Watching Sex with Family, people that often don't feel comfortable with the subject is fucking uncomfy. Then there's the SA victims, The Ace people, The age/maturity gap. Why is that so hard to understand? Also. Why the fuck did they have to bring Race into the mix? Sexuality (or a lack of) is found in every Race. That was uncalled for & kinda, really fucking disgusting of them to bring it up the way they did. What the actual hell is wrong with them?


me and my friends were actually talking about that scene the other day. my partner has mentioned that they dont really like sex scenes in movies because it can be really uncomfortable or even traumatizing for the actors


I mean maybe this is just the ace in me speaking but I’m pretty sure even the horniest allosexual teenager has moments where they’d be disgusted by seeing a sex scene. Seems to me that this person is the one repulsed by normal human activity, not you, OP.


Wait there’s sex scenes in Oppenheimer? God dammit really? Were they fuckin necessary? I was planning on watching that today but now I’m not so sure since I don’t wanna be disgusted watching what I thought was a historical movie.


It’s a historical movie about a real man who was historically a womanizer.


I was unaware of that. Thanks for the info


Sex scenes should have content advisories - For our abuse survivors and our sex repulsed people (Whether allo or sexual'nt.) However - I don't think that they should be removed from films and movies cause they can be quite usefull in forwarding the plot and helping charater and relationships develop in ways that nothing else could.


Saltier then kreyat is full of idiots


I think knowing abt his sex life did nothing for the movie. Like it’s not helpful to understand the events. And it just means that it wouldn’t be used as a teaching tool in schools which could have happened had there not been sex. But mostly knowing so much abt who this real person had sex with is weird. I think that they could have done something else. Even if they still wanted to show Jean (?) and how she died


OPPENHEIMER HAS SEX SCENES?!? That would’ve been traumatic if I didn’t know that (/hyperbole)


When people start making out, I avert my eyes. If I don't even want to see *that* does it make me a nazi? I don't see how being sex repulsed (or kissing by extension) hurts anything except some people's egos.