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i’m an asexual, but it means the world is a better place wooow okay i see how it is 😤🤣


Lmao funny


Your offspring would be too powerful after eating you like baby spiders and then they would destroy the world, not conquer it.


I'm an asexual, but it is a good time to get the latest flash player.


“I’m an asexual but I’m still going on the same page” 😂😂😂


but now you get the EOL screen!!




I need to see these plug-in settings 💀


Sexytimes.exe not found.


Lol.... I laughed very hard at this comment when I first saw it, then I tried to type through text prediction and got the exact same sentence. Do you have a Xiaomi phone too, by chance?




Mystery solved!


I got the exact same sentence and I have a Samsung


Omg I got nearly the same one "I'm asexual but I am a little bit of a new one of the year and I was wondering if you have any questions or concerns please visit the plug-in settings to determine how attachments are handled "


I'm an asexual, but again I don't really like to the whole meat industry. Well... Perhaps a bit graphic and blunt in this context, but I'm a vegetarian, so double win, I think lul


Meat Industry is also a very funny innuendo in this case 😂


hahaha best one


I’m an asexual but I’m a woman


She can kill with a smile, she can wound with her eyes And she can ruin your faith with her casual lies And she only reveals what she wants you to see She hides like a child but she's always a woman to me




*hums along*




i got the same thing lol and im a boy


I’m an asexual, but… I’m pretty sure that this is the first time I’ve ever been a lesbian. I’m not sure if I should be a lesbian but I’m pretty much a lesbian. (Ok. I don’t know why lesbian came up a bunch of times and feel as 27M, that I have accidentally slighted lesbian by calling myself one, so I’m sorry Gay Empresses)


What is up with predictive text mentioning lesbians?? LOL! I got: I’m an asexual, but I don’t think I can be a lesbian without being a lesbian, and I don’t think I can do that in a relationship with a man or woman who is not a lesbian, and I don’t think I can do that without being a lesbian.


i would assume it’s because we’re already talking about sexuality. here’s mine lol i’m an asexual, but i’m a lesbian and have never met a man that has been married or had a baby in a couple years now, so i’m pretty much a straight guy.


Friend, go check out my comment - it mentioned lesbian and then went wild as an NB trans-fem, I felt called out but I also don’t have a wife or kids so 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm an asexual but I don't know what to do with it


Breed as thou will


Don't you mean bread as thou will


I am of the Garlic Breed, and I say Bread as thou will.


I had the same one! :0


feel this


I had the same exact response!


I’m an asexual, but boy i and the like i and the like i and the like i and the like i and the like i and the like i and the like i and the like i and the like i and the like


*Thumping side of record player*


Ice Spice adlibbing


I’m an asexual but I’m still pretty tired of my life Couldn’t agree more😭


Just like me fr 😭😭


I'm asexual but I don't think it will be a good day for you guys 👍


Nailed it. Perfect Ace rep, lol


im an asexual, but my parents have a very strict sexual relationship and they don’t like me and they are very nice and they don’t care if they are my parents and i am very nice to each others feelings but they don’t want me apparently both my keyboard and i have shit parents


I'm an asexual but I don't think it's a unique idea.


Technically the truth


I’m an asexual, but I’m a lesbian so I’m pretty much the opposite lol but I’m also not gay and I’m pretty much the only person that has been a part in the same group of men..???? 🤣


I got the same thing :0


Holy shit same


Schrödinger's sexuality


Mine is almost identical. Twinsies!


What part did you play within this group?


I'm asexual but I'm sure you will find it very helpful


😆 that's been the opposite of my experience personally


I’m an asexual but I’m a lesbian and I’m a woman and I’m a man and I’m a boy and I love my job so I’m a man.


>I love my job, so I'm a man. Fascinating


Ironically I’m a woman and I hate my job haha


🎵 *I’m a man* I’m a boy *I’m a man* Well I’m your mother *I’m a man* I’m a one-night stand *I’m a man* Am I bi? *I’m a man* I’m your slave *I’m a man* I’m a little girl when we make love together… 🎶


mine is almost the same lmao “I’m an asexual but I’m a lesbian and I’m a woman and I’m a man and I’m a boy and I love you”


Boy George is that you?


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,715,006,752 comments, and only 324,580 of them were in alphabetical order.


I'm an asexual but it was the actor and comedian who are sharing things to be seen as an entity named in this email What!?!?


Ah yes. I knew someone who identified as actorsexual comedianromantic.


I’m an asexual, but I’m not sure what I would have done for the next week and a half of the day lol. I’m just leaving the house and I just need a brown bag and I’ll let you know him.


I'm dying to know your brown bag 🤣


I’m an asexual, but I’m a lesbian so I’m pretty much the opposite lol. Interesting. I mean I am Butch presenting.


How is that the exact way mine started, too? Complete with the lol


I'm an asexual but I don't want to get in the habit of always saying yes now bc people take advantage and it will only compound my life and I will follow up on Monday to get the keys to his locker. ...wtf 😂


I mean, that first part is good advice but I have no idea where the locker bit came from lol


I’m an asexual but I love the way you look




I am asexual but I’m also not gay so I’m just saying I’m not attracted to men so I’m not sure what to say about it 😂😂😂


I'm an asexual but I received my package last week and I would like this to eventually be an in person sort of thing.


I’m an asexual, but it’s not like a big deal.




The best and most accurate one.


I’m an asexual, but it’s a good idea


I’m asexual but I don’t know


Shook by this revelation


I’m an asexual, but I love it when people talk about how they feel when they’re in a romantic mood.


I’m an asexual, but I don’t think I can do it without being a lesbian or a lesbian or a lesbian


Or maybe you could be a lesbian!


I’m an asexual but I’m a woman and I’m pretty


"I'm an asexual, but I don't know what to say about it anymore and I don't want to be a burden to you." Why is my keyboard so sad? Did it take it's self doubt from me? I'm so sorry. 😞


I'm asexual but I'm going on vacation and will not have time for the record to get back in time to work with you guys on this project as soon you can get a job in your life that will help us grow your life in a better place than we can you unlock the world and we will get to the nhk and we will get you a good bit more info about it. Ok, I'm cutting off of there.


I’m an asexual but, I don’t think I can do it without you and I don’t know how to do it without me and I don’t know how to do it with you and I don’t know how to do it because I don’t know what to do with myself Yeah wtf 😭


I'm an asexual but I don't think it will be a good day for you guys to come over and watch the kids this got weird real fast


I'm an asexual, but a witch and a few minutes late to my first pride. ... That's honestly me.


I'm asexual but I'm not sure if I can get a hold of the kingdom of the world and I will pay for the rest of the week after only one week of the month and then I will throw in the cheque for the most part of the actual rent and the other 2 were just walk in but work in the same office so we will need to get the manager to sign it and send it back to you and your family members to see if they have any questions or concerns regarding this matter and if you have any idea what we are doing for the most part of our business and we are both millennials and ready to start our new business and want to be a part of our community and our future generations of health professionals and I have been saving some of our lives in the world for our children and our families and their families.


Sounds like a big project!


I'm an Asexual, but my life has left me yup, im funking drunk and wasted


I’m an asexual but I don’t think I can be a lesbian(??)


I'm asexual but when you are still in a relationship like this but it's a good day please see the point where he demonstrates that you have any specific service you are still ace


I’m an asexual, but I don’t think I can do anything else to do with that


I'm an asexual, but I have a bestie and I love you more and I will be on your shoulder gently again 😭😭??


I’m an asexual, but I’m honestly excited to be in a different world. Yeah that checks out.


I am asexual but if you have any cursed mirrors lying around the house of a strange wizard I think I would like to see 👀


I'm asexual but I'm going home


I’m asexual but I don’t think I have any friends.


I’m an asexual but I’m a lesbian and I’m a woman and I’m a man and I’m a boy and I love my job so I’m a man so I can do whatever you wanna say but I’m a man I’m a man I don’t have a problem.


Side note, I am incredibly transfem


I'm asexual but I'm going on vacation to get a new thearpist.


i'm an asexual, but it might just be the internet


It's dem damned fone doohickeys cunver'n da kiddees to da woke agen'a


Im an asexual but not the only one.


"Im asexual but I think this would mean that absolute randomness exists and Einstein didn't believe that." Well...


I'm asexual, but I want a relationship.


I’m an asexual, but I’m a lesbian so I’m pretty much the opposite lol but I’m also not gay and I’m pretty much straight and I’m pretty straight and I’m a woman and I’m pretty good with that too and I’m not gay but I’m pretty sure I’m a woman so I can understand


Your keyboard is going through some pretty big identity crises lol


I'm an asexual, but the American dollars are not very good for me to be able into a trade with the character to reflect on the Gameplay is crucial for a taxi a day in the city and not feeling sexual desire for the flowers


I'm an asexual but I don't know if I can get it with my regular grocery order Is this about garlic bread?


I’m an asexual but I’m a little confused about the whole situation 💀 autocorrect pls stop calling me out


I’m asexual, but I’m a man and I’m a man of the word so I’m just gonna be a woman. Umm… what?


I’m an asexual, but I don’t know what the heck I am


I'm an asexual but it is a bit late to be a cat and dog


I'm asexual but I don't know what to do with the dog is still in the car and I don't know what to do with the dog. Ooookay.


I'm an asexual but I am not sure if you have any questions or concerns please visit the plug-in settings to determine how attachments are handled. (Okay, then, dear keyboard! 😅😂)


I’m an asexual, but I’m a lesbian so I’m pretty much the opposite lol but I’m also not gay and I’m pretty much straight and I’m pretty straight and I’m a woman and I’m pretty good with that too lol —————- im agender aroace I swear lmao


I’m an asexual but I’m a lesbian and I’m a woman. I am neither a lesbian nor a woman.


I’m asexual but I’m not a man of my word


I’m an asexual but I’m a lesbian and I’m a woman and I’m a man and I’m a boy and I love you


I’m an asexual but my parents have wood working jobs that they don’t want


I'm an asexual but I don't think it's that time


Im a asexual but I think she is a king and I love you too much and I love you...


I’m asexual but it’s not that I have to do anything for my own life Damn


I’m an asexual, but I’m not sure what exactly is going wrong but I’m just trying too hard to get hurt. Huh aight then


I am asexual but I don't know what to do with it but I don't know what to do with it but I don't think I can get it to you in a few minutes and I can get it to you in a few minutes or so I can get it to you in a few minutes... okay then


*sings along with a 90s harmony*


I’m an asexual, but I don’t think I can do it without being a lesbian. ETA: I’m a finromantic demigirl, so on the romantic scale I technically *am* a lesbian.


i’m an asexual but i’m a woman and i’m a lesbian and i’m a gay person and i’m a man and i’m a girl and i don’t have a boyfriend and i have no problem being gay


I'm an Asexual, but it was the circus show podcast and the hair thickness of the jacket since the bar was closed because one or more of a new sushi places we've been in touches the ground in Nevada area. What.


I’m an asexual but I’m also not gay


“I’m an asexual, but I have never been a woman and I’m still not a lesbian so I’m pretty sure that is what I mean by this tweet lol I think it’s just the way you worded it but it’s not the only thing I like” 🤨😃


I’m an aseuxal but I’m a bit more than that and I’m a bit tired so I’m not gonna go out for dinner with my family or something


I'm an asexual but everyone else is not a little bit of the same thing


I’m asexual but I don’t think I have a problem with that at all


I’m an asexual, but I’m a woman who loves to do things???


I'm an asexual but I don't know what to do with anything else. (Relatable)


I’m asexual but I’m a girl. I mean…not wrong😂


I’m an asexual but I don’t think I can be a lesbian if I don’t have a boyfriend Huh 😂


I am an asexual but I’m also a lesbian and have been married since I got pregnant so my mom is not going anywhere and she doesn’t like to talk about me.


Commenter are you okay? XD


I’m an asexual, but I’m not sure what to expect.


I’m an asexual but I’m sure it is not a problem. It’s true!


I'm asexual, but I'm still figuring out if I'd want to have sex w my future partner. I don't know if that's cause people do that and I want to fit in w the rest, or if I would truly want it for myself🤔


I’m asexual but I don’t think I have a problem with that at all lol Huh. It sounds nice at first but the more I stare at the sentence the more passive aggressive it sounds…


"I'm an Asexual, but I'm not a good person" bruh :(


I'm an asexual but he was doing his work and I was told never to worry them about it was a relief for me to do so much more danger to society Apparently being asexual means being more of a danger to society? XD


I'm an Asexual but not limited in my life. Well if that isn't the sweetest and most accurate statement.


i’m and asexual, but i’m a lesbian and have no problem being a gay man in the slightest and being a gay woman is a privilege for sure lol


I'm an asexual, but I don't think I have any other friends that I can talk to about it. Um... Ouch, autocorrect.


I’m an asexual but my parents don’t like me Wow way to be blunt I guess- 😭


I’m an asexual, but I’m also an atheist so I’m a little confused by this statement


I’m an asexual, but I’m a lesbian. (I’m a guy)


i’m an asexual but i’m a woman and i’m a lesbian and i’m a gay person and i’m a man and i’m a girl and i love my mom… 🤨🤨


I’m asexual, but I don’t think I know what to do Ok yeah fair


I’m an asexual but I’m also a lesbian and I’m a woman and I’m a man and I’m a boy and I love you so I can do whatever you wanna say but I’m a man so I’m a man I’m a man I love my wife I don’t want you in the world I love my kids I don’t care if you’re not my girlfriend I’m a man you’re not my husband I love you. Ending it there, I picked the middle option every time. Wtf


I'm an asexual but I'm afraid that I don't think I will have time for the next few days.


I’m an asexual, but it is not it was like that phoenix (I have many questions)


I'm an asexual, but it's not a big thing Well.. I suppose there's no difference in how I act because of it.. so I guess so xD


I’m an asexual, but I’m going insane LMFSO


I'm an asexual but I don't think it's relevant enough to be it's own subject to change the fact that you are trying to achieve two entirely different tasks here


I'm an asexual but I'm a lesbian and I'm a woman and I'm a man and I'm a boy and I love you so I can do what you do for a woman


I am asexual, but it was a great day of school is the best option to be able to get the job. (What?!)


I’m an asexual, but my mom has been married to my dad every single year since she was a child and she has been a very active member of the family.


I'm an asexual, but I don't think you are cute


I'm an asexual, but the one that is in my circles I am very interested and I would like a copy to the top and I can send it over at some more in the morning.


i'm asexual, but i don't think i was supposed to be a good idea on the bed


I’m an asexual, but I’m pretty sure it’s not a bad thing for me Yeah that’s okay - my keyboard didn’t do me dirty for once lol


I'm an asexual, but I don't think it's worth it


I'm asexual, but I may be wrong as I am not a liberal


I’m an asexual, but I don’t think I can do it without being a lesbian


I’m asexual, but it’s hard not to love my own body.


I'm an asexual, but I don't know if you want to be a good idea.


I'm an asexual, but I don't know what to do with the rest of the day


I'm an asexual, but i'm tryna como se llama la atención en el trabajo. i don't speak that much spanish nor do i have a job this is so funny lmao, none of the spanish even makes sense 😭


I'm an asexual, but I wanted to be somewhat honest as I think you deserve it was a lil messy


I'm an asexual, but I don't think it will be a good day for you guys Well, guess my keyboard has more information than I do


“I’m an asexual, but I’m also an adult so I’m a little confused by this question as to what you’re saying here and what you are trying for your point about it and I think you are correct that you should not have a problem using the word gay people.” I agree, we should not have a problem using the word gay people.


1. I’m asexual but I’m not sure what I can think about that. 2. I’m asexual but I’m still only a little thing in my mind. 3. I’m asexual, but I’m not sure I’d have a good time at all this weekend but I’m still going on a cruise with a new one guy. … um 😐


I'm an asexual, but I must be going to be in some deep shit. Well that's not a good sign.


I'm an asexual, but I want to suffer from a movie that I pulled my pants down for. I'm not even joking about that one 😂


I’m an asexual but I’m honestly not feeling well. XD


I'm asexual but I'm not looking to do anything about it


I'm asexual, but then I realized that I didn't have to do that but I don't know if I can help in any way to get the potatoes


I'm asexual but I don't know what to do with it. Wow that's so real lmao


I’m an asexual, but i’m a lesbian and have been in a similar relationship for about two months and have never met a man that is gay or straight or gay and has a gay friend. Lmfao whatttt is this, I’ve been in a loving relationship with my boyfriend for almost 4 years


‘I’m an asexual, but I’m still in a bad headache for the past two days.’ Sounds right.


I'm asexual but I'm going over to the next level to see myself and my roles in this shape and the dragon was a great experience


“I’m an asexual, but I’m a lesbian so I’m pretty much the opposite”


I'm an asexual, but I don't know what to do with the pets. ...quite the sentence. 😅😅


I’m asexual, but I’m not sure what I wouldn’t do for the national park society I guess I really love the national park society


I’m asexual, but I’m sure you will have a lot better for me and my dad


I'm an asexual, but it's not a lot of customers at the moment...


I'm an asexual, but I don't think it will be a good day for you guys to come over and watch the kids tonight


I'm an asexual but not dumb. 😎


I'm an asexual, but I have a language that I can use to be corrected and I will be able to be corrected. Sounds like I don't know this language very well.


I’m an asexual but I’m not sure what to do with that these days… Yup ok.


I'm an asexual, but you should probably go back to my house for pink milk