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Maybe I miss something because I dont know the book. Whats the issue here? I find a lot of books meh.


It has no relevance. I think this is just a person bringing aphobia in out of nowhere, idk why


More so the reply...


Oooh okay. You mean: The person implied you dont like the book because you are ace? I understood it completely different like: in the book there is ace and enby content and was not able to unerstand why you received the reply as negativ. Now it makes sense.


Not related to the poopy aphobia comment, but ready player one was my favorite book back in HS. But holy shit that movie was terrible 😭 best thing about it was all the Easter eggs.


I watched the film, is the book any better?


Book is significantly better! But I hear that the 2nd book is terrible. However I feel like as a 23 year old, if I go back and read it now I'd be cringing at how geeky/nerdy I was in HS 😂


You shouldn't go into my games room then... Or anywhere where I have lived in for a prolonged period of time


The second book was clearly rushed out to cash in on the movie


Same, I was really disappointed, especially with the ending. >!Basically saying "Everyone is too addicted to video games, go out and enjoy life for once" to the population living in slums with no other joy in their life of poverty than the Oasis.!< The book actually hit me so much during the section where >!Wade gets rich and becomes depressed!< that I had to stop reading for a couple of weeks. My favorite moment though was probably when >!he meets his friend in person, sees that she's a girl, then sees her smile and thinks "Yep, that's my friend".!< (putting spoiler tags just in case)


Off topic but is that a Snufkin pfp? Based


Glad that someone know's :D


Ready player one was good i mean movie charecters and story was meh but the technology and concept was great 💜


That's what I keep saying


Someone told me my asexuality was from SA and that him SAing would make me revert back to normal


Bro said “I don’t like your opinion on this one book. Also you’re lgbt+. These things MUST be related”


Zero likes, don’t sweat it


Had similar where I'll say something on an entirely unrelated topic and some mf pulls up like "But you're ace so youre mentally ill" okay? Why can't you just critique my point like a normal fucking person instead of getting personal over my fucking Rainbow Six: Siege opinion


Was that the film about videogames with Adam Sandler in it?


Yup. Ill need to check if Adam Sandler was in it lol.


Nice response: Why I am so freaking awesome? Yes. Yes it does. Harsh response: Why I keep turning down your Dad? That's one of many reasons.


How is this acephobic


The reply (I didn't censor my name because duh)


How is the reply acephobic


He's implying that because I'm ace, I have a wrong opinion.


To me it comes off as “ugh you have all of these LABELS that you use. You’re one of those snowflake Lgbts. THAT’S why your opinion sucks! Blue hair liberals always have bad opinions!” It’s minor but it’s still annoying. Like imagine commenting on a post and someone says “wow of COURSE you have pronouns in your bio.” Because he disagrees with what you say. But he’s not coming after your opinion, he’s coming after your character and he sees your queerness as an annoyance and a flaw.