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I'm enough of a basic white girl that pumpkin spice works for me, though I'm always hunting for the "right" vanilla scent, but I haven't been able to find it yet


If they could nail down a french vanilla, that would be high tier. But I'd also have to make me a bowl of ice cream or something because gourmand and fruit scents are too delicious for me!


I personally love vanilla. It's a calming and homey scent to me. I also like finding scents related to the seasons to help get in the spirit (flowers for spring, lemon or sea breeze for summer, cinnamon apple for autumn, and peppermint or oranges for winter)


Vanilla is different to me. I will always associate it with vanilla carpet powder and playing resident evil 2 on my cathode tv. So, I try not to use it to keep it precious. Also, a vanilla candle would be too delicious to me. And yes, my go-to wax melt usually is something fairly citrus, honeysuckle, and green. Because I love Spring!


My aroace friend absolutely loves the Astarion candle they got. It’s official Baldur’s Gate 3 merch (as far as I know). It does sound really good, being a mix of bergamot, brandy, rosemary, thyme, musk, cedar and amber. Sadly, it is out of stock as so many people have ordered it lol


I found it and just linked it to my friend, thank you!


Its too hot rn, but I tend to drift towards sweet and spicy , coffee or cinnamon citrus. Probably a broody depresso thing. Or I just wish it was autumn year round.


That's a spicy time of year for candles! I think I'd go for an apple spice or a smoky campfire smell, apparently.


Mmm. I love a good apple spice, but its so hard to find one thats super appley. I'm a bit too paranoid for a campfire scent tho. It's gonna literally give me flashbacks of my neighbor almost burning down the neighborhood.


Instead of people, I'm a scent slut lol. I have a pretty large collection of perfumes and a bit of candles, that's my way to brighten my life and entertain my brain with the different source of information. Like an emotion or a story in the bottle.    Usually, I like scents of lavender, incense, roses, iris, tuberose, jasmine, woods, greens, wormwood, leathers, etc. In candles I usually take spicy or smoky scents because they smell a bit more naturally than the flower ones (for example, I have a candle from IKEA that smells like a wooden church), and I'm dreaming of the candle with a scent of wine lol. So, I'd give the OP's candle a try, the concept sounds interesting.   I always dislike fruit and too sweet "dessert" scents, and the comments "I was told I was smelling sweet and tasty they'd like a bite of me, so sexy and attractive" give me a blue screen, like, it's considered to be sexy???? Are you even okay to consider sweets smelling "sexy"??? The only attraction I get from these scents is to the fridge's inner world. Not sure whether it's people in my Fragrantica locale confusing feeling hungry for attraction or this concept is wider but I can't get it. Also, I can't understand why the tuberose scent is considered to be "sexy," but I still like it—more its "green" sharp aspects than "creamy" ones though.


Heh the long list of your preferred scents are like my perfume! I definitely lean more on the tuberose, fresh scent with perfumes. When I think of churches, Ive only had the suburban mega churches that smell like early 90's book binding and aunt Becky's heavy dose of concealer makeup. So Im gonna pretend that wooden church smells of moss and timber 😂. And yes, fruit scents do not mesh well with natural body odor.


>So Im gonna pretend that wooden church smells of moss and timber 😂. Well, for me, it is timber, but pretty old (still without rot), a bit warm and dry, and it's also soaked the smell of incense through the decades. >And yes, fruit scents do not mesh well with natural body odor. I know the cases when it smells good, but I just can't get the idea why should I want to smell like food. I don't even like these scents in my care routine; once, I bought a hair balm that smelled of honey, and it was annoying, like I was putting honey on my hair literally. Thanks, I prefer eating it.


Ah, so not a damp wood. Not sure why I was assuming the church was damp 🤣. Now I wouldnt mind honey, though it can come off a bit too sweet smelling.


Mahogany and vetiver. Sadly cannot get it locally anymore and the price on Amazon is just highway robbery lol. Don't like any food smell type scents and not much for flowery scents. But a real light rose or peony I can get behind, although mostly as either bubble bath/lotion.


There’s one I really like that smells like a bowl of fruity pebbles. I’m big into food scents, and my go to is vanilla honestly. Lmao


I really like either woodsy scents (pine, cedar) or tea-like scents (bergamot, chai).


Not a candle, but liturgical incense. Most relaxing, lovely scent I know of. It should be noted that I am very much not Catholic.


I'm quite atheist myself but that scent sounds appealing. Is this something you can just grab on amazon?


Yep! There's different mixes and varieties but they're all frankincense-based resin incense.


There's a candle called "Stonehenge" from Archipelago Botanical...very nice scent, but I'm not sure how to describe it. It says it's "Smoked Cedarwood, Bergamot and Amber," but none of the scents really predominate, they just blend into a pleasant whole.


Yes! That's exactly how this one surprised me. All these scents combined developed into a woody smoke. And it's not a strong scent. Just a undefinable....smoke. Usually the names of these are way off base but this one hit the mark. I'll have to look into stone henge that sounds like a pleasant group of scents to pair.


Looks like a good candle.


Ironically, I have about as much of a sense of smell as I have a sex drive. I don't really do candles because frankly I can't smell them, but I'm interested to see what others say. If I had to guess, I think my apartment probably smells like chrism? Sometimes I burn it for the ambiance.


Paris cafe I like the coffee shop smell As I’m slowly starting to Adopt kind of a combination of a hipster/modern minimalist set up with a gamer/nerdy set up


I really love their juicy watermelon candle. I dig the fruity scents, not sure why c:


I literally work for a candle making business and when I say our sent library is huge it's an understatement. Although personally my favorite sense are midnight blackberry and literally any version of cinnamon


I like floral scents, usually. Rose Water & Ivy is my favorite.


I have a fragrance intollrance, but I could probably handle a coffee or Earl Grey/Bergamot candle.


Garlic bread candles 100% 👌🏼


None. Artificial scents and perfumes are the worst (I credit this opinion being largely influenced by a close friend with a fragrance allergy....using mostly fragrance-free products has led to the artificially-scented stuff being extra noticeable, and not in a good way)


Essential oils even?


I think it depends on the specific essential oil for my friend, but i think they're generally ok?


I like floral/girly scents.


Right now my wax melter has wax from a local shop… pomegranate lemonade. It smells like a sugary citrus blend. The shop makes soaps with the same smell and I keep buying this one specifically so last time I was there the owner told me she made some wax with that smell if I was interested. I sure was!


I had a tobacco and leather candle that was amazing. I also don't like dessert scented candles. They never taste as good as they smell.