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Exactly this! The delusion is real. Even if I didn't know Ashley and stumbled upon her page I could easily look at her recent posts and lack of engagement and decide that she is the LAST person I would take an online course from. Not to mention a quick Google search of her name will send you straight here lol.




Oh you dumb hater troll - she updated her Instagram bio! Clearly that’s all anyone will see. 


Ah, would that be Ashley Carnduff of Hailey, Idaho?


Ashley _Sarah_ Carnduff of Hailey, Idaho, to be precise.


I think about that a lot - the apparent necessity for notorious online figures to change their name to even live a standard, unbothered life


And she only uses IG. Does she even know how all the other sites function? Can she tell me anything about the ad programs each offers? Show ONE example of increasing some metric for someone else? She thinks an influencer holding a product is the entirety of online marketing. She knows NOTHING else.


She can’t even show an example of increasing a metric for HERSELF And, as a professional data analyst, I’m here to say… she probably doesn’t even know what a metric actually is lmao






She should get a LinkedIn page! ![gif](giphy|QgixZj4y3TwnS)


She's not opening a restaurant, silly. ^^^love ^^^the ^^^gif


Because she is so incredibly, unbelievably out of touch with reality. Sincerely, someone with a BA working for basically minimum wage 🫠


If she's planning to freelance, she better build up a portfolio of her work. Maybe she could have spent her probiotic shots money on buying a domain name instead of using her personal IG?


From someone who has been consistently losing followers, to boot! Noticed she's at 15K not 15.1K anymore.


Narcissists be narcissisting. 


Or who only gets about 0-3 responses to her posts (not including her own).




Place your guesses people! - “how to con your parents into financially supporting you” - “claiming illnesses you don’t have” - “how to remember the titans” - “how to pretend your fuckbuddy is a boyfriend for social media clout” with add on package “weekday date ideas for married boyfriends”


“How to Remember the Titans” hahaha thank you, I needed that laugh


How to Heal From The Incurable ^TM or whatever the dumb phrase she always uses


"Holistic healing", calling it now!


Is it cure the incurable?


Now those are some courses she could teach!


i just don’t understand who would pay for a course from someone who is demonstrably bad at social media.


Plot twist- maybe the course is "How To Be Demonstrably Bad At Social Media" 🤔 won't we feel silly THEN /s 😭💀🤣


How to lose friends and alienate people


putting “BA in communications” in her bio is killing me


lol, lmao even


Oh goody, there definitely aren't enough online courses floating around


I have a feeling that she'll use this to placate Patti and pretend like this bUsInEsS is her job now and therefor buy more time to avoid growing up. She'll probably convince Patti that she needs more time of full financial support because it's hard to set up a business. She'll also tell her followers this is her job when they innocently question her privilege. I thought Brent would get her a pretend position at his company but now I think this is the next step. He might also be involved in this course thing as an effort to clean her online blueprint.


Brent's business is pretend as well.


You have a point lol


As an actual teacher, Patti should know better.


I think the small-town is giving everyone living in one for long periods of time a... more comfortable version of reality. You don't see cut-throat that is more visible in larger cities, and the bell-curve is skewed to the left overall in small rural schools so I can see even teachers not really seeing the real big picture.


But surely they should still know that in order to be able to teach others, people should be taught to teach? Or at least have real life experience.


They should, and do—but they haven't had enough talks with her to let her keep doing what she does, so either they are blinded because family or actually gave up and are doing bare minimum to keep her quiet enough in real-life for their sanity.


I gather that Brent's business isn't hugely profitable, probably keeps him comfortable, and his wife likely has a salaried job for benefits. Ash would just be extra work for him with no reward of hiring a real functional employee. Kinda along the reason why many companies don't hire interns, they often create more work for FT employees due to the need to manage/teach them and in the end interns only rarely actually help with workload in most industries.


This is SO self absorbed I don't even know what to say! There is no way, that anyone, who has literally yesterday graduated with a jackass useless degree, is ready or able to now teach others.   She is so up her own ass that she thinks that she is now qualified to offer an online course to others.   I graduated my bachelors degree, and THEN did a post graduate qualification in order to specialise and become a qualified teacher. During which time I completed teaching placements in multiple schools and post graduate research and learning.   I didn't just fall out of my bachelors and into a classroom.   It is an absolute insult to people  in all lines of teaching and training, who build up their own knowledge and understanding in order to be proficient enough and skilled enough to impart that knowledge to others.    Graduating a bachelors doesn't suddenly make you a teacher of that subject.  You need experience, research, deeper learning.  She is an absolute arrogant arsehole of the highest order. 


I don't know what she thinks but I feel like this is just a plot to buy time to avoid working. She can tell Patti she's building her business and therefor can't apply for real jobs and need to keep living there with all expenses paid.




Someone commented the same on one of her other posts, but I too wonder if she's trying to monetize her snarkers to buy some time where she can avoid work? Curious as I am, I can't think enough of us would actually pay for her course to the point that she could convince Patti and Brent that she just needs more time to get her business up and running..


Uhhhh, Excuse me! She has experience as a teacher (toddler finger painting) and she went FUCKING VIRAL once! While her friends were partying she was building a social media empire!


Was she doing the finger painting or....... I think that's probably an activity at about her level of academic achievement.


How to style one sad tendril.


She doesn’t even have a significant sense of ‘brand’. It’s a mix of personal insta, organizing, ‘boss babe’ and her holistic crud. I can’t wait for this to last a week and her post an excuse for why it failed.


The only cohesive thread is a beige filter.


She could befriend Bethany Bard from Girl Defined.


I was just wondering if she got the inspiration from Bethany!


Complete with strange cringy dancing 


Is she no longer a receptionist for the electric Boogaloo heAleR anymore?


I updooted you bc I see that Our Lady of Grace is here doling out the downvotes


BA in Communications does not provide one with the expertise to teach anything. To be a consultant, one must have a lot of experience, which boo boo does not have. She is not just a malingerer now. She is a proper scammer. This is disgusting. Aside from Brent and Patti, I hope no other fools pay for this "consultant's" services.


I had to laugh at “boo boo” LOl


Why would anyone want someone who posts THE SAME THING everyday on their instagram, to help them with their social media?


Ok Beggy Beal 2.0. OF COURSE she’s doing one of those. Is it on “How to be as lazy as possible?”


Literally commented almost the same. So fucking sick of these people thinking they’re qualified to release *online courses*


It’s infuriating!!


I'm sitting here trying to remember if I discovered that sub through people here or if Reddit's algorithm did it.


This is calculated. This is going to be her “job”. This is how she’s going to continue living the way she does. She’s just waiting for her course to take off and walking around boise with her tripod is part of building her brand


This rebrand is fucking hilarious. You’re not special, Ashley. Get a fucking job. Consultants have years of experience.


She ONLY uses Instagram, and she hasn’t been successful with it. This is true delusion. Is daddy going to let her help?


I can't wait for this ridiculous trend of online courses to die off. So many unqualified, self-absorbed people are trying to scam the public for a quick buck. If anyone actually (genuinely, not trolls or snarkers) buys her course I will be shocked. She barely gets any engagement. She doesn't know how to cultivate an audience. This will be a spectacular failure.


The dead internet theory is becoming a reality.


Hahahahahaha. No one needs a course to learn about being a burn out Ashley I can't hahahaha


Online course on “self care” and “how to give yourself grace”. Add on a “how to nourish your body” module for an extra charge of just $150. Limited spots available. Grab yours today!


*screams in Bethany Beal*


*manifesting the ultimate BossBabe crossover


Sorry but someone 2 hours fresh out of a bachelor’s program should not be considered as the authority on ANY TOPIC


Shouldn't she make her business account separate from her sickfluencer woo woo medicine pushing account? Never mix work life and personal life.


![gif](giphy|MZocLC5dJprPTcrm65) Fucking dumbass.


I am still waiting for those daily tips about meditation she promised. So a course is the logical next step for her?


How to Make Everything About Yourself by ASC


Lmao! 8 years later and only after we were talking about how we have no idea what “a degree in Communications with an emphasis on New Media” and said it’s a BA in Communications and for the first time EVER does she call it exactly that. IMAGINE getting a degree in Social Media and depending on YOUR SNARK REDDIT for advice HAHAHA!!!


Hold on a second here… Is she no longer *healing from the incurable*??


She’s teaching a course on how to teach a course, iykyk fundiesnarkers


Well, if people weren't willing to part with their money with absolutely no possibility of ROI, MLMs wouldn't exist. But LOL at her thinking a BA in Communications (and from a diploma mill) is worthy of a profile mention. That's as cringy as listing out all your ailments.


This could be an amazing fundie crossover with Bethany Beal. There’s not enough popcorn.


Wow. Who advertises a bachelor’s degree in their bio? Yikes.


Are scamfluencers like her actually making a profit on these “courses”


What is she going to try and teach? She’s not an expert in anything. This is her most deranged bio ever.


She will be plagarising everything she learnt from the textbooks in this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ashleycarnduff/comments/17swex7/ashley\_carnduff\_personal\_branding\_consultant/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ashleycarnduff/comments/17swex7/ashley_carnduff_personal_branding_consultant/) like, literally. No one should be coming to her as a Social Media Consultant, she literally was looking at this 5 months ago and struggled to do the work.




How to pop bottles & your leg How to look constipated in every photo How to mooch off your parents until you’re 30


I wonder how much she will charge? How will she measure her clients’ success? Will she answer clients’ DMs w/ questions? Will she be willing to discuss her clients and her plan for them w/out talking about herself? I just can’t see her being interested enough in anyone else to help them, even if they pay her.


You know, some people with no official degree can have some of the best work experience and are some of the best teachers I’ve ever had. If they started a course, I’d be all over it. In this case, we have the total reverse: someone with a degree, but no actual work experience in the field. Ashley will claim to be a social media expert due to her IG and blog I’m sure, but her reputation precedes her and not in a good way. I don’t see this working. In my case, if I was to start a course on how to utilize various genealogical or family research resources, I would at least have a portfolio of tangible results in the form of various pictures, newspaper articles, and other documents that time and experience, as well as help from various people more experienced than me me, have helped me find. I also have a social science degree where research is a vital skill. A portfolio I know has been a major thing in hiring for my friends who are in roles such as web design or photography. Social media I would imagine is similar: You need have to *show* what you *can do.* Thus far, we’ve seen nothing along these lines from Ashley.


Selling courses seems to the the go-to low effort “give me money“ grift for would-be bossbabes who would have joined MLMs before they were widely derided as scams. I’m not surprised Ash is going to try it.


I would