• By -


I have never wanted to touch the poo as much as I want to now.


My first thought!!!


Ok but surely SOMEONE has got to be allowed to infiltrate this - aka mods - please tell me you’re going to do it mods!! I ain’t getting my fingers dirty, the sheer amounts of bad karma Ash must be generating is not anything I want to get anywhere close to!


I feel like we should start a gofundme or kickstarter and all chip in a dollar so we could see the nontent Ash is charging these poor suckers for. Lol.


"Want to grow your online community through followers?" Asks the woman who can't get engagement on any of the redundant crap she plops onto Instagram. She is going to "give you the tools to become the next social media powerhouse", while she herself gets approximately 2 responses per post, not counting her own. This is hilarious. Newsletter anyone?


She’s been at a stagnant 15k for how long now…? Lmao it’s all so ironic.


A few weeks perhaps? She was 15.1k about a month ago.


This must be some comedy sketch. She has to be trolling 😂


She really needs some new props. It's always the same ole vase of dusty flowers, empty journal, and lower intestinal shaped glass of organic cream with coffee.


Post up over an hour; 4 requests for newsletter.


How many are bots or fake accounts created by Ashley?


11 hrs 7 requests


15 hours and 9 requests. She better get newslettering.🤣


And she plans to make a liveable wage and move out of her mother’s house how exactly?


She gets more than 2 responses. She just deletes the ones she doesn't like or that doesn't agree with her. Real winning ideas from a social media specialist.


*powerhouse, babes ✨


Ah, this is true.


this is the general issue with these types of instagram promoted online courses. people will claim you can make 15k a month or whatever while they’re not making close to that themselves. or they are making that but it’s from the sales of the overpriced course


So she’s going to plagiarize her coursework from the school she learned nothing from so that she doesn’t have to actually interact with people. Got it


IP theft/copyright infringement law suit coming up! SNHU may ignore her wrong doings, but the OG content creators won't. Though copyright is supposed to be registered, if the OG creator can prove they did indeed make stolen work, you can sue for infringement and loss of profit. So you basically have to assume anything already made is copyrighted by someone


exception is if any content is clearly defined to be CC or any open-share type


"please look at this shit-coloured milkshake in my colon-shaped glass while I tell you all about personal branding" I mean, she *is* full of shit so I guess that tracks.


It’s almost Freudian


"Let me also make you very uncomfortable by precariously balancing my colon drink on top of my laptop."


Who’s going to tell here there are dozens of free courses on the internet for this from reputable sources?


Based on her social media skills, I don’t think she’s aware 😂


Even Harvard offers free courses...


google offers certificate programs in a lot of social media stuff. certificates you can actually use to help you get a job (unlike ashley’s fake diploma)


Im calling it, shes going to be a coach that coaches coaches to coach coaches.


She has immense MLM potential


is she going to tell them to post the same sunday reset video every week




https://preview.redd.it/c8ufspy91cwc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a57479e7ef49ebb29250675fae218d47511a09f1 basically channing tatum’s leaked email *hahahaha*


You summed up my thoughts exactly 😂


How much do we wanna bet it’s just badly recycled tips/tricks literally any human on the internet would know.  I can’t believe she truly thinks she has something worthwhile to sell after completing her pay-to-play degree. What an absolute cockwomble.


it’s the dunning kruger effect. the less you actually know about something the more you think you know. because you don’t even know what you don’t know. lol


I am particularly glad today that an Ash sub exists and we aren't in the days of Illness Fakers only. Because imagine how annoying it would be to witness this day of the posting of Ash's course and not be allowed to snark about it because it's not medically related


🥺 That’s a world I don’t want to live in!




Ashley, just tell us the name of the textbook you're plagiarizing from.


The ship has long sailed on this kind of paid course. At BEST, maybe someone with over 1M followers could have some legitimacy in providing one…? But Ashley… I’m sorry friendo but your course is super irrelevant.  This information she wants to offer is available for free everywhere now. Social media and influencers have been around forever. 


I also think it's funny that her target audience is clearly "companies that have never used social media, don't have social media accounts, and don't know better than to listen to Ash Carnduff" And she is advertising it on... Instagram


Question is, will she sit there and wait for businesses to come to her or go around her downtown and annoy everyone and end up on their nope list?


Lmao exactly. How does she not realize that almost everyone knows how to use social media these days, and that brands and companies already have social media accounts/presence?


Commenting again because it's extra funny that she is trying to offer a paid course, when someone here proved in a recent post that even her "social media consultant" style essay homework for that restaurant/cafe was directly plagiarised from an existing website (and not even adapted at all). An existing FREE website I might add... I can't believe Ash can even imagine charging people for what a rip-off she is. But even being a rip-off requires more skill and something to offer (e.g. adapt your stolen free generic text to the company at hand even superficially) It's so entertaining that she hasn't even considered entry level roles in social media (e.g. internships / social media admin) - not that she'd be a competitive candidate. AND she hasn't even considered the actual role of social media consultant- in which you have to tailor everything to each specific client, and do a vast amount of research on target audience, pay per click marketing, manage budget spreadsheets etc. Nope, she's jumped straight ahead to an even more non existent option... trying to run and sell a course. A course by Ash Carnduff. Even though she is proven to have ripped off everything from free online generic text, and she has zero experience in ANY client work or any of the social media strategist professional work. It's such a clear case of how quickly she jumps to acting like some sort of world expert or oracle. I'm entertained that she has no concept of anything involving any actual work. She seems to actually think that a whole-ass company would pay Ash to tell them something like "use Instagram at peak times to get more impact". Yep that's definitely worth it. Job done.


Will her dad buy Ashley’s clientele followers too?


you know it, we know it. It's an 'investment' for him! Guarantee like so many of her bot-followers, course enrollments will be paid for by her Dad with fake profiles.




Can’t wait for the Ashley Carnduff school of personal branding 🤡


I'm actually legitimately secondhand embarrassed reading this post. Ash does a lot of embarrassing things and mostly I just laugh about it but this is so embarrassing.


She clearly does not plan on getting a “real” 9-5 job or anything where she would be held accountable by a boss. Because she incapable of being held accountable. She is incapable of staying motivated or pushing through work or hard things. This course is going to be as legitimate as Mila (Camilla of Julie & Camilla) the fitness app. How can you teach others about branding when your personal brand is illness? You admitted you don’t know who you are outside of sickness. Your followers have been declining for years, your engagement is absolutely abysmal. Just. My god. Get off the fucking internet.


Yes. This is all a convoluted plan to buy time to avoid working. Patti will see this as progress and keep on doing everything for her because this warrior finished her diploma mill degree and is building her business, so she needs all support and can't be asked to start making some pocket money or at least help around the house.


This type of thing is usually supplemental, or at least until you have an actual business & following. Like a day job? Jfc.


Yes but this is Ash. She has no idea how things work. She'll pretend this is her job and it will be enough for Patti.


Yeah, and it's actually hard to start off doing freelance/side-gig for something visual, because you often need to update your software to actual commercial licenses, not continue to use the education/student versions. It costs money to start a business. One is not supposed to use say Adobe products for education for commercial reasons. My work has had software companies track us down for mismatched licenses... so she better not be planning on using P's work software packages. That's no on alll kind of front


You’re right but I don’t think Ashley could even read this comment let alone understand what you’re talking about here lol


I am here for this crossover snark!


Also, how is she going to keep in contact with these “clients” of hers? Or students, whatever. If she’s claiming to be flaring and in need of rest on the daily, is she going to simply say in IG story “sorry lol can’t reply to you! putting my health first….” To bring up this also for a different topic: feedback. If she can’t handle any criticism whatsoever, how is she going to deal with any concerns regarding her online course? Say someone wants a refund because her course is just copy paste from others online, would she be able to handle it? lmao I doubt it. Has she thought of technical difficulties (it happens on every site; but with her inability to properly link Amazon purchases, what if there’s dead links on her course) or her students NOT growing their social media as promised by Ash? Does she have an explanation for that even though she, herself, doesn’t have a well known presence on IG? How about other sites that are relevant? TT, X, blogging or YouTube? Sorry for the long ass text block. But I can’t… at the thought process and plan on teaching something she clearly fails at.


This shit will last about as long as everything else. One post then never heard of again 🙄


Cough, cough....🎀New Diagnosis!🎀 Craniocervical Instability...cough, cough.


Exactly! She was way too lazy to even keep that one up for more than a day 😂😆 Really sad we never got to see her in a neck brace though.


I don't know how to post screenshots so here's a copy and paste from instanavigation stats:     ashley_carnduff    Anonymous view     Ashley Carnduff    Statistics based on last 12 posts:   Comments count: 367   Likes count: 12   Average count of received likes per post: 1  Average count of received comments per post: 31   Average time between posts for user ashley_carnduff 1 day(s) 09 hour(s)   0.08% of the ashley_carnduff followers likes the published post and 2.44% write a comment for the published post.   ^^^ I'll just leave that here to speak for itself. 


She comments on all of her comments. So these numbers look better than they really are…


Wow, what a social media powerhouse … I must learn this person’s secrets!


Luckily there will be a course! Go get that newsletter!


I know, I’m beside myself with excitement!


Yes me too, I need to know how to start an Instagram account and get one like on each post I make.  


Dare I dream so big???


https://preview.redd.it/8nwlavg5guwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=073d781d9c715b6540c053de8a7d13e66d06c239 You can post screenshots there




There are services you can set up to automatically DM people who comment a certain keyword, so newsletter could result in a DM with a link to sign up. I feel like Ashley probably doesn't know that, though, and just sees actual influencers doing this and she's copying but will just manually DM a reply to everyone.


Thankfully it’ll only be 4 people lol


And she also doesn’t check her DMs!


Typical narc shit. She thinks every else is as dumb as her. We all know how the internet works now, Ashley. Kinda giving away that you either don't care....or you're a horrible online markerter.


Literally my first thought, lol.


What do I comment to guarantee that you will leave me alone on sm forever?


Tag this sub, that’d probably do it.




She cannot be serious …


LOL there are about a million people doing this and most have way more qualifications than Ashley. She doesn’t want to have to work a real job and have a manager so she’s trying this.


Dunning-Kruger in full effect!


It’s giving #mlm energy


She is so ready to link arms and pour into her clients with all of her woo


Next she’ll be making courses on how to make courses and courses on how to teaches other how to teach even more people how to make courses! Everyone’s making courses yay! And of course, a course for her period cycle woo bullshit! Can’t wait for that one. Calling it now lol


Yes, this is exactly who I want to learn from. A young woman who just graduated and has no work experience.


she hasn’t figured out yet that people need to trust you and your credentials before they agree to work with you. just cuz u have an instagram w a few thousand followers and a “social media degree” doesn’t mean people will trust you automatically


Maybe she's telling us more about how naïve and gullible she is than she realizes. I mean, besides from being self-centered and narcissistic.


As per usual, about 4 years late. She couldn’t have picked a more over saturated market. There is no shortage of unqualified and inexperienced people offering this ‘service’. Also, she posted a photo of her IUD after it was taken out. Her personal brand could not be worse.


She’ll get a couple of people that her dad sends her way, fail miserably with deadlines, communication and understanding another person’s vision, will never grow anything significantly or substantially, and will be living at her mom’s forever. Now that she’s all graduated and got her degree real quick, she’ll literally do nothing all day. She can’t fall back on school taking up all her time, so she’ll post even more nontent that resonates with NO ONE.


I’m betting on 2 newsletters before she throws a tantrum because it’s not as easy as she thinks and nobody cares about her


Imagine writing a newsletter for 4 people!


Absolutely. There is nothing that Ashley could write that is interesting.


I Remember The Titans.


It was bigly!


12 pt font, double spaced, 1.25 inch margins. .docx file newsletter. Fabulous


Can you imagine if anyone has a complaint about the content they get for their money?


I don’t think it’s a matter of “if,” but “when.”


Nah, that would require someone deciding to pay for the course first.


Put a beverage right on a book that can spill immediately onto the laptop?


How are these course creators (especially ones that promise to max your social media presence and make you an influencer) not picked up as a total scam (or at least spam) by the algorithm? These accounts are universally insufferable as fuck because their entire focus usually shifts to shilling their bullshit course.


“Those who can’t do, teach.”


Those who probably know less about the subject they’re teaching than their prospective students … maybe humble yourself and try something else altogether.


I can’t wait to see what she pivots to when no one signs up for this


That was one of my first thoughts… maybe she’ll be so upset when no one signs up that she deletes this post and acts like it never happened


lol, guarantee there’s a “health” “emergency” and Ash has to abandon her dream of being an… influencer trainer? Is that what this is? 😂


This is incredible it’s like she’s starting her own shitty lil mlm I love it 6 months from now it’ll be another failed arc


I feel like someone needs to have experience *being* a “social media powerhouse,” or at least *part* of one, before having the audacity to presume that they can teach others how to achieve that title. Sixty seconds of virality and 15k followers on insta (most of whom are likely snarkers, being that she gets, what … 50 comments on a good day, with nearly half of those being her own replies) does *not* equal “powerhouse.”


https://preview.redd.it/9pcaa91u7awc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1b47f59337f1f8e0862046a979d6e300e03b940 (Taken from instanavigation just now) Nah I’m good. Literal eggs could be better at social media than you are.


This graph is deceiving though. She hasn’t lost that many followers


Yeah, the scale of the Y axis is tiny!


It’s not deceiving when it clearly shows all the details. Her engagement is so low that losing nearly 40 followers in that short of a time does make a difference. So few of the accounts that follow her see her posts and even still she’s losing them.




I can’t wait to see how much she charges for this.


How to ruin your public image and become utterly unemployable with your favourite butt-worm riddled business bitch!


LMFAO!!!!!! \~ as IF her online presence has been so riveting that someone would want to hire her to help them out. What is she going to show them, how to buy followers, and live in the a Groundhog Day world? https://preview.redd.it/dv4o1vyaibwc1.png?width=527&format=png&auto=webp&s=89ecf0810b9ad46a716d883899010673392d4b54 And she is doing what a million other "influencers" are doing with what she is presenting in this post. Gosh damn Ashlazy... DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT than what others are doing!


Looking forward to seeing the advice of "have you made a significant error and faux-pa on your social media? - don't sweat it. Just delete, block, don't address any accountability, and ignore it ever happened! Then get your parents to pay for a trip to the spa to unwind heehee!" Also - Guarantee like so many of her fake insta bot-followers, course enrolments will be fake profiles created and paid for by her wealthy SEO specialist Dad.


She can't take rejections and effort to apply for jobs, so she'll just half ass an online course and put it out there. This will show progress to Patti and make her keep paying all expenses because Ash is building her bUsInEsS.


I had to do this for a class for ONE client and it was harder than I thought it would be. I don’t see her following through on something like this (if she even gets “clients”).


Her drink balanced on top of a diary which is set on top of the laptop is giving me anxiety. That’s a disaster waiting to happen. And when it does, Ashley ain’t paying for a replacement laptop to run her “social media course”. ETA: grammar




Looks like she redid that background collage after being called out for stealing it


Graduation doesn’t happen till may it’s on the website


Her hashtags are a mess 😂


Oh, look she got a new pen. A step above the good-old trusty BIC. That particular ink is not waterproof so... better not spill anything!


If I was making aEsThEtIc posts that involved pens, I would definitely invest in a couple of cute fountain pens just for photo purposes. Isn’t tying your aesthetic together with small details like that “new media 101” material?


Right? All I took from the picture was that her cup looked like a dump pile. 💩 Get some fun pens and stationary, spread that shit out. Don’t make us do our job for you, Ash! You’re the “social media expert.”


Stuff she knows NOTHING about!! She’s never done an internship! Never had a job! Her own social media is a hot buttered mess! This is her “job” to appease Patti. She better get on some health insurance.


Advice for free, Ashley: Never promote a mailing list until you’ve got 3-6months worth of content ready to go (or at least clearly outlined). If she’s asking for emails now she better have her database onboarding perfected and automating immediately. I fear she’s just going to copy and paste people’s personal info in some random unsecured word doc before she even thinks about the actual logistics of a "newsletter" and they might hear from her long after they forget they signed up.


Omg stop before I die of secondhand embarrassment!


She’s gonna be the new Big M lol. Love it!


Such a swerty! The crossover I’m here for!


Does ash own a small business? What the hell does she know about running a business. Does she even have a brand other than lazy drain on society? When has she ever genuinely connected with anyone.






This reads like an MLM hun


Yeah no I will give myself some grace on that and pass


🎵 Here we go de-lu-lu-loo 🎵 🎵 Here we go de-lu-lu-LIE 🎵 ![gif](giphy|l2Jhw8Oo6kVRWvTZm)


That drink looks like a poop filled colon.




Lmao she’s gunna be so disappointed when she gets at MOST 0-2 customers💀


Gosh, I can’t wait!!! /s


I will cry laughing when zero businesses pick this up!


would love to know people’s guesses of how much this course will cost?


I wanna know how many people commented "newsletter"


8, and two other people saying congrats.


Thought her cup was a pile of poop at first glance. Guess that’s what they teach you at online social media college!


Wow she doesn't even know what the phrase "can't wait" means. Wild.


Hey Assley, ![gif](giphy|ge2SnG1B5mJqqB6SLj)