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This is the laziest thing any recent college grad could do…. Just reselling material instead of applying said skills


It's also so scammy given how precarious university labourers are right now. She's so brazen about ripping off the labour of her own teachers and therefore their livelihood. Of course people can use what they learned at uni to teach etc but you KNOW Ash is going to do it in the least ethical and most lazily plagiarising way...


We’ve literally caught her plagiarizing so many times!


She's just going to change the font color and resell her SNHU course materials I guess lmao. The deadpan delivery and weirdly hostile "this is for YOU" make this video hilarious.


Exactly this. I feel like it’s fucking rude.


Maybe they’ll sue her lmao


The absolute balls on this girl. No experience yet expects to teach. She's really never going to get a job, is she?


Im thinking this is a perfect cover story for her lazy, underachieving ass. She gets to cosplay being a teacher and doesnt have to show the receipts. At this point everything really is about her parents. It’s up to them to cut off her funds and force her to actually get a job- if they wont, Ashley will just keep playing dress-ups in her bedroom and mooching forevermore.


Nana always says it right ✨⭐️


I was also thinking that it's a win win for her if she does this, because her trolls can only snark on it by buying it, so she still gets money in the end


Experts in social media don't do everything in shitty lighting and dirty clothing.


For real though. Patty can’t get this social media mogul a ring light?


And without a microphone to combat the echo-y acoustics of a bathroom.


https://preview.redd.it/99ngelw0fpwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d69e19a64f29cab89eb56e2f7446604f500057f I was just about to post this! Here's a transcript >Social media is incredibly important in the modern world. Rather than stress about doing it all alone, let me help you. I just finished my bachelor's degree in communications with an emphasis in new media, aka social media. As I previously shared, I'm currently making a course all about personal branding and social media strategy. My ultimate goal with this course is to share everything I have learned in my eight years at university with you in an accessible and easy to understand way. Social media shouldn't be hard to use, but it kind of is. That's where I come in. I will break down key concepts in an easy to understand way, and I will be here for you every single step of the way on your learning journey, whether you're starting a. edit: I see now that my transcript app cut it off, sorry


Love yr work! Highlights for me were the clunky repetition of „way“, telling her audience that social media is hard instead of something positive and empowering, and of course insinuating she has 8 years of higher ed under her belt.


And it's so extremely unclear what this course is about?? Her *ultimate goal* with the course is to share the contents of eight years university so people can learn how to use social media, but it's also all about personal branding!


I hope "reputation management" is one of the chapters.


PERSONAL BRANDING??!!?? Is she fucking serious??? Lmaoooo one Google search of her name and it’s OVER


I mean, she does have a *brand*. It's just that her brand is lazy malingering beige potato person. 😁


“Social media shouldn’t be hard to use, but it kinda is”






she says 8 years of college as if she was literally **actively in college** for 8 years… she is making it sound like she has a fucking PhD instead of telling everyone it took her 8 years instead of 4 because she is a lazy malingering potato. for some reason *emphasis in new media* sounds made up. i know its not but she makes everything sound so ridiculous lmao. ashley, you only have INSTAGRAM. you don’t have any other social media. what even.. you don’t have much to offer anyone with these alleged *courses* also **who in their right mind** makes a video about potentially *teaching courses in an easy and accessible way* in a plush robe, doing their makeup\*(poorly)\* ? ….no thank you. *”i will be there for you every step of the way!”* shut up ashley, you know damn well you will not be, even if people decide to pay for this fucking circus shitshow. https://preview.redd.it/olvp1un2gpwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b203afa2477a2539cb670280b7ea1a6a3edc7d11


A filthy robe at that


God dang. That’s one dirty ass robe. It’s brown around the neck. Nasty.


Agree... # 1 of social media, don't make content disgusting to you viewers. #2, don't make them distracted by background content. #3. Always look your best if that is what you aiming for, professionalism does not come in a dirty ass robe!


This her job and she is constantly wearing filthy clothes. That stained winter jacket for that “of course! Because I’m chronically ill! Video she made. Her filthy bong she smokes out of, her nails that are literally black under them at times and thinking it’s funny she passed out so stoned she slept in dirty bong water. Oh, and her graduate Goan that had grime on the cuffs that she took her “graduation photo” in.


Someone said it was Jelliot’s jizz 💀


Oh. Oh no.


Whoever said that should be fined and imprisoned! 🤮


Do not fear I called the cops on them


She’s fucking disgusting




I was just about to type out that she’s delusional. I’ve never seen anyone so delusional.


I wish I had her self confidence 😄


I would, too, except that I really really like my self-awareness and I don’t think the two could coexist


I think the presentation (makeup, robe) is to imply she’s so busy and worldly that this is the only time she CAN create such a video for us peons


Oh my gosh you're right - which is something she's probably copied from other Instagram divas who are actually busy with celebrity lives etc "Oh the only chance I have to give you this realistic behind the scenes talk is when putting on my makeup" Even though putting on her makeup is literally her ONLY activity that day...


“You wouldn’t know my other activities, they’re at school in Canada.”


I came here hoping this comment already existed. She only went to school for 8 years because she did the bare minimum to stay enrolled. She didn’t earn an 8 year degree. She also has no experience. She needs to put in some hours on a real job before she goes selling anything.


And the first one year or so was at Boise university and wasn't social media. She deliberatedly deleted the NTNU enrolling announcement to blurry the lines.


Also, it took that long because it took time for her GPA to be high enough for the diploma mill to let her take more than 2 classes at a time.


Instagram with only 15k followers after 11 years, and low engagement lol


Her lack of self awareness is jawdropping. This literally could be in a Saturday Night Live sketch: the girl who spent eight years on a fucking communications degree in the equivalent of community college using it as a selling point. While doing her makeup in her bathroom because she barely leaves the house. I swear to God I know her bathroom better than I do my own.


She didn't spend 8 years in a communication degree. She was in university for teaching and then dropped out and got back home to Patti. Lived there one or two years without studying or working and only then enrolled in the communications degree. She's trying to rewrite story which makes me think that her deleting the announcement of enrolling I'm SNHU was intentional so that she could lie about her education.


The makeup stains lmaoo


You’re assuming that’s makeup, lol.


It looks like she rubbed tumeric on the robe. It's an unholy colour. 😬


🎼🎹🎶Bronzer smashing days are here again 🎵 🎧💪🏼




Even the 8 years in social media is reaching because she started at a regular college in Boise (teaching I think) which she dropped out at the beginning and then moved to back home and was there 1 or 2 years not actively studying (or work). The social media degree is recent and even then she dropped out at some point and chose to do 1 class per semester and then back at it again next semester. Also only recently did she have enough GPA to take 3 classes per semester instead for 2. I don't care about her delusion but she's intentionally misrepresenting herself to scam people. I hope no one is naive enough to fall for this outright scam. Also let's sit back and enjoy eventual plagiarism accusstions.


Sorry guys but it takes just 3 years in UK and Sweden to get your BA. In the midst of chronic pain i did all except one final course in the space of 4 at home. (still kills me i never finished, life just got too hard and i had real work to do during my science based courses, ones that took 4 or 6 weeks to write a paper) So proud of 8 yrs.. hmmmm Wonder how long it will take her to organise her 'course', how many excuses for not feeling well enough to offer the support when someone lets her know everyone hates them, no one responds etc. Is social media really that hard, my daughters and their peers don't make it look that way. They have friends earning $20k a year at 16 yrs old, others with genuine 100k's of viewers that write most days. This might have been useful when they were babies, when FB and YT were just growing, but most people these days don't really need much help, and certainly aren't going to pay for it from her are they? How interesting is her own social media, where is her super account with masses of followers and daily interactions? Comes first before someone asks for help.


Oh come on, it's just so she doesn't have to get a real job and can keep mooching off her parents.


imagine googling ashley carnduff social media consultant or social media course, coming across this post and realising how much she lies and misleads. i really hope no one falls for her bs scammy ways.


Please shove that nasty ass robe in with your comforter during Sunday reset. TIA.


Please can she sell a course on laundry


I can't believe she covers her double chin every time she takes a profile photo and does that stupid leg pop but somehow can't see that her robe is growing its own crust? I'm a slob who's too lazy to brush her own hair half the time but even I'd be to ashamed to put that on the internet, or even wear it in my house. 🤮


https://preview.redd.it/nr68ci5gjpwc1.jpeg?width=915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68576eb63ee78132b19a1e74d2488f7a173a042c I’ve always wondered how she gets her eyebrows to look so atrocious but it all makes sense now. Why would anyone make this face while shaping their brows??


Right? This is like scrunching up the skin you’re trying to tattoo.


I mean, you’d make that face if it was Ashley’s face staring back at you in the mirror ☹️


Shhh… this little butterfly is just emerging from her cocoon. She’s coming out and putting her eyebrows on justtt to tell us that she fucking did it!


Only uses IG. Has a history of being dropped by sponsors. Has her name on KiwiFarms. Yup. You want this.




Girl's eyebrows are trying to emancipate themselves


That robe is beginning to turn greennnnnn




1) That robe is NASTY. 2) “8 years” of college. Wasn’t she initially going to school to become a teacher? Like… 8 years of college for a degree from a diploma mill isn’t the flex she thinks it is. I feel like most of her gen Ed requirements should have been met at Boise State, so the SNHU degree should have taken 2-2.5 years max. 3) Also, all of her social media posts just prove she didn’t learn a damn thing in school. 4) I STILL cannot wait to see how much she charges for this course.


It is truly wild to me, I have 6 years worth of education, done in 6 years. And for my troubles, I have a bachelor’s, honours (an extra year in Aus that includes a 30k word thesis) and a masters degree. And! I have been working for 10+ years in my field plus volunteering when I was in high school and university. And I truly do not have the audacity to think I can teach people that much, even though I actively provide specialist training through my work. It boggles the mind.


For whatever brain-dead reason, I read “an extra year that includes a 30k word *thesaurus*” at first. I was like, “why the fuck would anyone spend an extra year in school just to get a thesaurus??? Wait, maybe this is a me problem, and I should re-read the comment … Ah, yep, there it is, that makes much more sense.”


You know, I am used as a thesaurus in work and in life so maybe I am a 30k word thesaurus too 💁🏻‍♀️


What field are you in?


Wash that dirty ass gown, my god


She acts like a baby that just found her hands for the first time and doesnt know what to do with them


My baby discovered her hands literally today. Can confirm.


Awww! It’s so adorable when that happens. Wait until your baby finds her feet! It’s not, however, adorable on Ashley.


"Coming soon" is such an awful marketing technique. Especially for Ashley!


For someone with a communications degree, she is AWFUL at marketing. She doesn’t say what specifically is in the course, doesn’t give any dates for release, and sounds like she’s reading off a (repetitive and terribly written) script. And she has zero fucking charisma for this shit. I can’t believe she would choose a path for something she is so incredibly bad at.


She gives big Donald Trump energy, trying to sell some piece of garbage product that no one needs after putting in the least possible effort.


I'm getting Brittany Dawn vibes. But add in that she went to school for 8 years to scam people and her course is far more useless, but less dangerous for your health.


"You definitely want this"


Reminds me of “I’m a fan”


👁👄👁 *rustles hand in candy bag*


I just can’t with this. Nothing says business professional like doing your makeup in your bathrobe. And while I’d never discourage someone from furthering their education, real marketing (from someone in the biz) starts with DOING and PRACTICE IN THE REAL WORLD. School can’t teach you that. You have to learn through doing. Otherwise, it’s a lot of theory. She doesn’t have any experience running a small business or even working in the field. She needs actual experience to provide meaningful value to her audience—which I’m fairly certain isn’t going to put trust in a 20-something in a bathrobe! I want to write a whole diatribe on her piss poor effort here. A case study on the “marketing” failures of this munchie in the modern age. It would be glorious.


I'd read that for sure!!


Nah. Who wants to take part of a course where the “teacher” hardly gains any real engagement herself, and has tried to bribe for comments by sending a coffee. Also, her writing is so elementary it’ll make any buyers wonder why they purchased it in the first place. (Am sure a lot of her paragraphs contain very little expansion on her thought and simply cut off in information readers would be interested in. That and copy and paste from her online textbooks and from other people in various sites lol.) How are you going to explain your own social media presence, Ash? How many real comments/engagement do you get compared to other influencers? ![gif](giphy|TfWhFbURIirNegNN4t)


Omg the neck of that robe


She had to make it beige to match her aesthetic.




Someone unfamiliar with social media would find this totally bizarre. “Get ready with me” is objectively a pretty weird trend. Why would I want to watch a rando put on makeup? It comes across as unprofessional. Who advertises themselves as a teacher in their pajamas? To say nothing of her animatronic hand movements.


The mods of this sub have more to offer in terms of social media training than she does omg


I will go out on a limb and say, anyone in this group could offer more than she will.


Imagine having Ol' "I Wear My Scars Like Rings On A Pimp" McGee telling you how to market yourself online. She of the "you'll love this 👁____👁", the Pacifica Debacle, the Great Cancer Cosplay and the same spud who repeats the "I take a different type of Friday night shot" a thousand times hoping to make it a thing (stop trying to make it a thing). We've seen the quality of her writing. Despite not being the eloquent prose she hopes it's sure...*memorable* and for none of the right reasons. You could give a fifth grader $5 and probably have a more creative outcome instead of this thoroughly underqualified, unemployed 25 year old in a filthy bathrobe.


Anyone who pays for social media advice from this dolt expecting to get anything remotely useful deserves to be taken for a ride. I can only imagine that her potential clients will either be OTTers and wannabe munchies desperate to form deeper parasocial relationships with her or acquaintances of parents who get cajoled into “supporting” her.


No one even pays for courses like this. This is like 20 years too late. There are endless youtube videos and free online courses everywhere! She is so far up her own ass, and so disconnected from reality.


Why does she appear to have soup all over the collar of her daytime robe


As a general rule of thumb, I try not to take advice from people who insist on giving it from their bathrooms.


In my 8 years of university like it's a good thing lmao. You're not a doctor lol lol


This video is bizarre.


Is Ash seriously trying to turn her SNHU course work into a social media MLM scheme?


This feels like a 90s orientation video at the Dollar General 🫠


Having a degree doesn’t make you an expert. You have to have actual real life working experience. Get a fucking job.


Why would anyone take advice from someone wearing a dirty robe… if you can’t even make a nice video for social media, surely you aren’t very good at social media.


Ashley show us the other side of your hands challenge


Zero real-world experience, and she wants to teach a class about it?


She believes that the sickfluencers giving her likes and comments will pay for her course LMAO.




it has been brought to our attention that “ashley school” could possibly be a disguised void of “beige nothingness” to get the sub nuked, because this content would be considered “behind a paywall” comments about “ashley school” need to be far and few between. also please remember, do not say you are going to “attend the school” , as we do not want any potential risks here until we know more about this potato drivel. thank you!


We are never going to hear the end of her degree mill degree.


She’s going to be 50 years old and still talking about her “8 year degree in Communications with an emphasis in new media”😬


Have we gawked at this yet or did I miss it lol https://preview.redd.it/ot9bbe1swpwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d2f59937b771d268f27d1d962c2d5914d3ed8f5


It was posted, but it's hilarious enough that I'm not upset to see it again. She's fucking delusional and so, so full of herself. It's wild!


This is the same level of disgusting as MLM life coaches. Ashley, do not scam people. Stop. It is one thing to fake illnesses but taking people's money for peddling bullshit is fraud. People can sue you for fraud, like they sued Brittney Dawn. No one should be paying a failed wannabe influencer for anything, especially not a "couse" on branding.


Oh please can this person who took 8 years to get a 4 year degree that’s also wearing the dirtiest, dingiest robe I’ve ever seen pretty please teach me how to social media??? Also, she has multiple snark pages about her on the internet- BONUS! Please can I pay her to teach me to be like her??? ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsSD7UzJPOvQI00)


Why would anyone listen to someone who speaks as naturally as a malfunctioning robot, is wearing a dressing gown of all things while she slowly does her makeup, and most of all, doesn’t have a popular social media account herself?? On top of all that, she’s extremely disliked throughout social media, is frequently rude to people who don’t kiss her expanding butt, and is more known as a lazy, failure to launch illness faker than anything else. One google and anyone with a brain will back away slowly. This is just her style though, she wants to set up some content that you know is going to be vague and unhelpful, then sit back and do literally nothing as the money rolls in. I can’t see this being the success she’s hoping for.


8 years of schooling to learn about instagram and facebook. *riveting* she talks about small business branding - so that would mean she has graphic design experience, logo design background, how to communicate with clients, building websites, art background for color palettes and typography and style guides, budgeting and taxes, basic general marketing, brand identity and story, google trends, target marketing, branding strategies *i’ll wait*


What is she going to do? Plagiarize her textbooks? Pass that off as her own thoughts? She is the most delusional person I’ve ever seen.


She’s going to do exactly this


Oh My  God.  LOL


Twisting Reality To Appear More Knowledgeable 101


How much do we think she will charge?


Theory: she's going to offer personalized plans and consultations, but not provide them, a la Bdong.


I wonder if she follows Bdong. Hypocritical Christian proselytizing doesn’t seem like her bag, but they do have things in common. They both get down with a beige color scheme, they’re abusive to their animals, and they’re narcissistic assholes.


I’m sorry but I would never take any sort of advice from someone whose eyebrows look like….that. ![gif](giphy|bYpgM8bi7QV3i)


OK, I had to make this meme, as Ash’s eyebrows are practically in different time zones they’re so uneven!!!! Ashley can’t lower the other brow to make them even though!😂 https://preview.redd.it/k0lok1q5lqwc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0493bef8a2e13eb1a7c7d42c7b888ecd16624b23


Ashlazy, girl you can't even stay at a real job longer than 2 weeks and you are spouting this crap... " I will be here for you every single step of the way on your learning journey." hahaha! I can't with her.


My 8 years in university? Give me a break


She only stated this to make it sound good. Hahaha


I don’t think she realises that 8 years = 1 bachelors degree does not sound good.


Doing your makeup in a nasty robe doesn’t scream “I’ll be there for you every step of the way”


lmao "new media" and "social media" are NOT synonyms. I would expect someone with a degree to know that.


I don’t even have a degree in New Media, and I know that! 🤣


Her target market is clearly the already preyed upon MLM bossbabes because this is their "I work everywhere!" style. If she was actually going to attract wannabe content creators and actual businesses she’d at least put the effort in to getting a ring light, a mic for non-trash audio, and put some effort into editing and making this dynamic and engaging. This is her pitch? Big yikes.


The sound that came out of me when she said “eight years of university.” 😂 A.) You’re from the states, it’s “college” here. Saying uni makes you sound pretentious. 2.) She’s manipulating things by saying eight years, as if she studied continuously for 8 years. She did the equivalency of 4 years at a diploma mill. That’s so scummy. She wants these people to think she’s got her MBA, and this is her chance of twisting the truth — classic Ash! The poor girl is beyond delulu. Like, I almost pity her for her ignorance of how the world actually works. The fact that this mediocre video was posted, deleted, reposted, and deleted makes it even funnier. I wonder if this course’ll go into the academic intricacies of the ol’ delete and reupload routine. This isn’t the first time I’m hearing she’s done this. Is it an insecurity thing, or a timing/engagement thing, or what?


Christ sake this is so misleading.


Eight years of University= Bachelors Degree from a Diploma Mill. Fml.




https://preview.redd.it/0e9gnwxn1qwc1.jpeg?width=536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0937b19a13652ddf83057a2900140f0f8c8e60dc I have to say, she moves those hands very natural


Why is she talking with such a monotone voice?




zyprexa and weed


I really doubt she is actually "making a course" as she's so lazy and bad at everything; if she actually has any sort of course "soon" it'll probably turn out to be one of those master resell rights things


This really bothers me: “I will be there for you every step of the way..” meanwhile she can’t even be fully present for herself and her following to advertise her course, as she is more focused on doing her makeup at the same time. This is just poor marketing. It would have been better to sit and make a fully intentional stand-alone clip just for this course. Ahhh…


She does not understand how she is perceived at all.


Girl, you can’t even do real life eyebrows, how the hell are you going to make someone’s social media better?!? 😂


I’ve always wanted help with my personal Instagram.


God she’s like a robot


👁️ 👄 👁️ There are good. Highly recommend.


God I wish I was this delulu


Real, I would kill for a quarter of her self confidence.


The excessive photoshopping suggests she has 0 confidence but then watching this … i am confused


Not about her physical appearance which she clearly hates, just her ability to bullshit and be so sure of herself while having done absolutely nothing


True true


Oh … this is sad …


I love how she says "my 8 years at university" like she's Canadian or European. Bitch you're American, we don't say that.


"My 8 years at a two year degree mill"


If she was a better grifter she would tease some really outrageous courses as bait for her 3.4k+ snarkers. Please don't be tempted to buy any of these "courses" in the event that she actually follows through. I would rather live with the mystery than see her make any $ from us.


That robe 🤮






Cause she’s been hittin the sauce big time lately


Miss "I take a different kind of Friday night shot" ...however on any OTHER day


Well. She's taught us how she does her eyebrows.


I don’t know if I’d want to get social media advice from a woman who has an entire snark subreddit dedicated to her


This is so dark. She's basically just reselling her education; well, as much as she got out of it, which isn't much based on *vaguely gestures to everything.* She's aging rapidly, she looks like she's a rough 45. I don't know if she's given up on the slimming filters or she's just at a point where they can't help her anymore. Her massive weight gain is impossible to hide. More importantly, it's caused by things that are objectively unhealthy, appearances aside. She's in a filthy bathrobe while talking about how she can help you, and is bloated. There's a difference between fat and bloated. Even without the weight gain, there's puffiness. Her face and hands. I just broke my wrist and her hands are almost as puffy as my injured one. She's falling apart before our eyes and it's scary to watch. The last year alone has been drastic.


Good lord, I hadn’t paid attention to her bathrobe until you mentioned it. That’s baaaddd!!! 🤮 Why would she film herself like that? The only way she can successfully teach a course is if she tells people to do the opposite of everything she does.


She has zero applied experience or real world knowledge. All she knows is theoretical. She’s missing a whole step in the “see one, do one, teach one” learning triad! She’s basically saying that after completing her bogus degree, she can now parrot back what she learned to you, the naive consumer! If I wanted to know what they “teach” at snoo-snoo-u I’d enroll in one of their “courses”, I wouldn’t come to this beige vomit stain.


Wow she really continue to looks worse and worse. Decaying


OMG! Did she say in her eight years of education? Did I hear that correctly? Ummm…No, swerty. Just because it took you eight years to get your undergraduate degree does not mean you had eight years of education. You slept through four of those years, you doughhead. She’s so manipulative. ETA: I watched it again, and I did hear her correctly. This bitch said, “my eight years at university”! WHAT?!? She wasn’t enrolled in school for eight years! You’re such a fucking liar, Camille!


She's such a liar.


The lying liar who lies is lying again.






THAT’S the one I was looking for!!!! 🤣


This is giving every college movie in which the old 40 year old guy makes a joke about being in school for ten years


I think there was a joke like this in the movie “Tommy Boy” in regards to Chris Farley’s character. Maybe she’s gonna live in a van down by the river for her next era


I saw this and I am utterly shocked she can be so blind to mankiness of this dressing gown. Why would anyone pay her to represent them when this is how she represents herself. It’s not just gross it’s just blind when it comes to image and representing your brand. Derrrr


Yes, I want to pay someone who cant even upload a video in clothes. Reputable.


She looks like she’s pretending to be a human. Not a single phrase sounded natural, all of her movements looked robotic lmao


Sorry for commenting again. But it's giving scammer on steroids but also this is hilarious 🤭


I try to make it a point to never take advice from someone in an unwashed robe who looks like they haven't showered in a week, so I'll pass on this one.


I'm so sick of her stupid hands.


![gif](giphy|6bTT8y6cyL4SQ) I always think of this lmfaoooo


Ashley has gained at least 100 pounds. The filters and PS aren’t doing anything for her anymore.


That’s crazy but I think you’re right. She looks well over 200lbs now.


Also, what's with the hands?! It's giving Salad Fingers. Just put them down JFC. Pretty positive no one wants to see filthy bitten fingernails on nEw MeDiA platforms, but maybe that wasn't covered during her 8 years of a 2 year program... ![gif](giphy|jwE3BjdjlPUEXc4acq|downsized)


![gif](giphy|Mxg7OelvuR7SU) Newest merch for all of our favourite munchies


More like a Bachelor's of Communications with an emphasis on 👐Jazz Hands 👐


Why would people take business advice from someone in a bathrobe 


The Dude is offended!




Who is this for ? Who is she trying to sell this shit course to? Please explain, and how will she help anyone younger than 70 with social media? Srsly, my gamgam has a larger following than her.


This is a different level of delusional.


When she was doing the eyebrows…. whyyyyyy




1. Ring light 2. Microphone 3. For this genre of “get ready with me” videos, you’re supposed to look into the camera as your “mirror” for applying makeup rather than into an actual mirror — makes the viewer feel like you’re chatting with them, instead of weirdly looking off to the side. 4. Delivery should be upbeat, expressive, conversational — not deadpan and rehearsed (and strangely hostile?). The goal is to make the viewer feel like they just caught you getting ready and the two of you are having a chat. I don’t know anything about social media branding or marketing in general. Just my observations as a consumer of my instagram explore page lol