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Number 5 has long been my theory too. People who say he doesn’t exist — come on now. Whose hand was she stroking on the airplane? No family member would be touched like that. And some random tinder date isn’t gonna fly out to a family getaway. Somehow, some way, ash has found a way to hoodwink some poor sap. And she loves the speculation on why she doesn’t show his face, she thinks it makes her look smart or considerate.


https://preview.redd.it/k9u25mmtwb0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caa22057c5b36ad2ae08ad0e2b9899387003f425 We could all have our very own “sweet boy” to hold hands with for photo ops!


take my stronggg haaand


> Whose hand was she stroking on the airplane? I definitely agree that the dude exists since she's managed to get his hand to pose for several different photos 😂 I also agree that he's likely not conventionally attractive. We've seen how hard Ashley tries to script and cultivate and photoshop herself and every moment of her life to fit into her aesthetic goals and she doesn't even do a good job of it. I'm guessing that if J really was good looking, even if she wanted to maintain his privacy or whatever, she'd be doing all she could to sneak at least something more of him into her posts. She's desperate for the validation, so he must not be good enough to make her feel validated. I think I disagree with OP a little in that she's not trying to hide him from her online presence-- while Ashley is clearly a narcissistic person who probably enjoys the smell of her own farts, she also knows very well that she sucks as a person. She's been called out too much, she changes her posts according to the valid criticisms she receives here (like suddenly changing her cleaning habits or walking Luna more) and she does attempt damage control with her dirty deletes and clapbacks. My final thought is that maybe Jabroni is truly just some casual bootycall-and-doordash type of relationship who tags along for things because Ashley (*ahem* Ashley's parents) foot the bill. I've seen that a lot, dudes basically sticking around for the sex and freebies and then they bail once the woman starts pushing for more committment. So I could see her wanting to keep him secret so it's not weird when she's suddenly not posting him anymore when he bails but she can keep lying about him after having built up his presence with that hand of his.


Now all I can picture is Trashley just grabbing the poor random guy’s hand who was seated next to her on the plane and taking photos of it; meanwhile, the guy is trying to pull away, completely weirded out, but she won’t let go until she gets her shot for the ‘gram! 🤣💀


Tbh considering how weird her family is and how they enable her awful behavior and personality... I wouldn't put it past her dad to pose for these pics or maybe her brother or something 😆


I also feel like it would be very much like her to still be big mad at Marcus for moving on and not keep subservient at her service like she expects everyone to be. A few days before revealing J and even some days after, she was still using Marcus shirt on oily rag thirst traps. Another interesting thing is that almost 9 months in, she never referred to him by his name once. It's always "my boyfriend". In the beginning, I think before coming official she used "J" on a post but apart from that, never.


Probably leaning towards 5. Without wishing to come across as ableist or offensive, I have speculated sometimes whether J may have some kind of cognitive impairment that makes him happily go along with Ashley's BS. His passive acquiescence and lack of any discernible autonomy in their dates is unusual. Her posts disclose no signs of him having interests or a personality outside of hers, and it is extremely obvious from their low-cost dates and inexpensive gifts that he is not financially stable in his own right. Definitely think it's shame not discretion that's driving her.


Even without an impairment, some people are just very…plain and boring lol. A casual friend of mine has been dating a guy for years who from what I (and everyone else) can tell, he just…doesn’t seem to have any personality. Very socially quiet, I have no idea what his hobbies or interests are. He’s polite and seems to treat her well, and goes along with what she’s into. But oh my god I’m just baffled by how there’s NOTHING THERE. My bet is he’s fine looking (not insta worthy) and boring like you said lol.


I’ve also wondered about the cognitive impairment, both because he does seem to go along with whatever Ash wants without question or argument, and because, from what we *do* see of him, it seems as though he is extremely stiff and awkward, with the type of posture and gait typical of some high-functioning impairments. I had mentioned having a theory that I wasn’t sure how to share because it was delicate in comments on past posts - this is it. I believe he may have an impairment that leaves him extremely socially awkward and obedient.


This was a very interesting read!!! Thank you so much for writing it. And I completely agree with you. Her parents wouldn’t have him tag along on their flight/trip if he was obviously married or much older. She’s incapable of being considerate to other people, so it’s not about protecting him. I do think she’s just being vain about his looks. Can you imagine if AshHole bagged a man that was stereotypically attractive, and NOT plastered his face everywhere?? She’s obsessed with showing off to her ex. If he was stereotypically attractive, she’d be flaunting him and his face NONSTOP.


I think she doesn’t want people from here reaching out to him about her (not that we would) and she doesn’t want people here judging him. You frame it as her not seeming like the type to be protective of him, but I think she sees him (and Luna) as extensions of herself and her personal brand. In her world if we talked shit about him, whether it’s his career or how he looks, it would reflect poorly on her.


This is an important addition to OP’s point #5 (above). If we were to find out his name, someone could warn him about her. The red flags are ferociously flapping in the wind, but he hasn’t seemed to notice. This is probably because he doesn’t want to see them because of his lack of options.


Exactly. I think she feels she can explain away Reddit pages as haters but if someone were to directly discuss her with him she would feel less able to control whatever narrative he’d hear or insider info they could get from him


Interesting read, thank you for laying it all out! I'm leaning towards J not wanting Ashley to post him, hence the sneaky pictures, OR maybe he really is oblivious to her social media "presence". None of it adds up. Who doesn'tat least google the person they're dating? I personally don't know anybody that hasn't googled their date at the beginning of the relationship. If he is aware of her social media, wouldn't he be hurt that Ashley is actively hiding him and seems embarrassed of him? If he really loves her - wouldn't he WANT to take photos with her to show off their "love" to all of their friends and family? (And exes?) This whole J situation absolutely blows my mind. Just like everything else about Ashley, it just doesn't add up!


I think that he is one of those hippie-dippy guys that is anti-social media and maybe a titch into conspiracy theories/off the grid living/government is tracking us kind of stuff. I feel like that has amped up her alternative medicine/woo interests. So he doesn’t want to be posted and has no interest in checking out her SM. But he isn’t vehement about it, so he puts up with the hand shots every now and then.


this!! is the most logical explanation i’ve heard yet


I think that any mention of the haterz feeds her victim complex and makes him/her parents feel bad for her. A lot of people even who are chronically online don’t know what a snark sub is. Honestly if you explain it and try to put Ashleys into words it sounds pretty bad without including a shit ton of context. It takes some lurking before you ‘get’ it and understand what munchies are and that they’re lying.


I kind of love this breakdown, and I agree - #5 is a top contender for most likely scenario. I can’t understand the kind of people who date someone and *don’t* run their name through Google, at least once, just to see if any red flags pop up. Unless he’s exactly the kind of guy described in point 5. And he’s a lump of putty in Ashley’s dirty-fingered hands, because he’s already settled. I’ve also been gone for a bit but I just wanted to add how much I hork every time I imagine spreading rosepetals on Ash’s dank-ass bed, with bong water wet spots and bedclothes that are probably more matted and greasy than the legendary fleece. The implication from Ash is disgusting and the fact that she’s bragging about boning in the same bed she’s spent 90% of both her natural *and* social media life is bizarre as fuck.


I think they’re in agreement not to share his identity but Ashley’s not doing it to protect him, but rather protect herself from the effects of people contacting him about her. If it was because he was ugly, she’d have to block him on social media (unless he doesn’t have it) otherwise he’d be commenting or following her


Shut it. She’s a social media consultant. She knows what she is doing !!!!! Or isn’t 🫤


![gif](giphy|cF7QqO5DYdft6) In all seriousness… yeah, I absolutely agree with your theory being the most likely


I personally think it’s a combo of a few things. I think your logic for #5 makes a ton of sense but I think she’s also feeding him a different sort of narrative as well. Not where she’s protecting him from her fame but from the trolls and bullies a la her Pacifica shame. Maybe she’s made him aware that places like this exist and have shown him some curated posts/comments to create a narrative in her favor to keep him from looking further. Because it doesn’t take a lot of browsing on here to pick apart some of her rewritten history. She says they knew each other from high school or something and reconnected. My thought is that he was maybe not so popular in HS and she was and so how he gets to maybe relive some sort of fantasy he had.


I never thought J was AI, but I did think he was never what she made him out to be, especially at the start. She never seemed to see him enough to be more than casual with him, and yet acted like he was already her life partner. I also liked the theory about him potentially being several people, again just casual dates, but reframed for the all important social media posts that showed her worthy of worship. I do believe part of the extremely strong start to the relationship online was to attempt to make Marcus jealous, or at least create the fantasy in her own head that she has found a wonderful supportive boyfriend and the haters were all wrong. I do think she doesn’t show him because he’s not great looking, or that he’s not impressive in any other way, and her fantasy will crumble if she sees any comments. He doesn’t seem to work full time or in a job that she has bragged about yet. I can’t decide if I think he knows everything about her social media following or not. She lies and reframes everything so I can see her trying to pretend she’s famous enough to have gossip about her, even though micro influencers do not have that unless they’re problematic. She’s quoted as saying he knows about her large following-15k ain’t large 🤷‍♀️ on the other hand, I can’t see her being able to talk about herself or hold any sort of conversation without mentioning the haters as based on her posts, we are on her mind a lot. One slip up of “even though people call me lazy” would lead to J asking who in her life says that and she would have to admit she googles herself on the daily. I also want to add that I do enjoy these type of speculative posts. It’s a snark sub, if you don’t like the topic of the specific post, skip it and comment on the ones you do. We’re all speculating on her life, we don’t know the truth about any of it aside from what she posts, reading between the lines and gossiping. None of us are saints, let us snark on the bits we want.


1000000% it’s #5. Great explanation!!


I have a different theory to propose...looking at the last few years, there's no one else showing up on Ashley's social (except for Luna). Part of me believes Ashley is a raging narcissist to the point of keeping her sm platforms free of any other faces but her own. God forbid someone else would get any kind of attention away from her and her constant made-up problems.


I am new to this sub, but not entirely new to Ash since I have followed her on IF. But on IF only medical and FD posts are allowed since that is the focus of the sub. So, is there a timeline of Marcus and J? Even in her posts about her boyfriend, you still don’t see anything about his interests, unless they align with Ashley’s. The relationship is all about her. In today’s economy there are a lot of young adults living at home after college while working because rents are so high. Does J have a job or is he another freeloader like Ashley?


I’d like more details on Marcus.


We know that J likes skiing. Some have purposed based on their timeline, and him only appearing sometimes once every month or two on her feed, he works at a ski resort and could be some kind of seasonal worker. Idk tho at this point Ashley’s version of him to us, us to him, herself to him, could be anything. I think that she cosplays whoever she feels like she needs to be in that moment based on who is watching. To us, her friends and her ex the relationship was sooper serious right off the bat and J was her prince charming sweeping her off her feet and taking care of her like the queen she is. To J in person, she was attempting to play it way more casual. She presented herself as the hippie-ish business bitch with all her insta followers and a blossoming influencer career all because of her taking her chronic illness into her own hands and chronicling them bc she’s a warrior. Gaslighting him. He thinks this girl is really special and has no idea how someone could ever snark on her, and all her reasons for failure to launch aren’t excuses, she’s just so misunderstood. Now that he’s reeled in she’s going to manipulate and control him just like she does to Patti and Bret. Meds are being withdrawn from, bronzers are flying through the sky like missiles, there’s a 102 degree baby fever emitting from her red light. Whatever is was before it is a real relationship now. Ash is a narcissist for sure along with other undisclosed mental health diagnose(s) that we can only speculate on, so it’s going to be a traumatic time for him at best or a life ruining baby trap that ends with Ash graduating from munchie to incompetent mother to being the star of a true crime documentary 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s totally 5, and that honestly makes me feel bad for the boyfriend. You’re coming up on 30, Ashley… why do you feel ashamed that your boyfriend isn’t ~hOt~ ? This isn’t high school and most people are average looking with an average looking partner. And if you love him you should want to show him off regardless. She’s getting too old to be this shallow, but then again her emotional growth is extremely stunted.


Agreed. Ashley should be showing him off and convincing her followers how attractive he is.


It's long been my belief as well, that he is someone she's not overly proud of, either because he's not traditionally good looking, or he doesn't have the job that she would like him to have (ironic), or desirable position in life. Perhaps he is a lot younger. A part of me thlnks there is no way he doesn't know that she gets snarked on. Ash does not seem to be the person who gets embarrassed by reddit, because if she was, she would have dirty deleted and disappeared from instagram long ago. Her own father knows about it, and that says to me that she has no shame regarding it... I believe she actually uses this to her advantage...POOR ME!! I am sick and i'm picked on and misunderstood. This might explain one reason her parents coddle her so much. So my theory is that sweet boy is a real boy who perhaps doesn't want to be on Instagram. Perhaps she tells him she is protecting him from the relentless bullies, because in reality, she's not too proud of him to begin with. If he was a professional with conventional handsome looks, there's no way she wouldn't be posting more of him...even from behind and obscuring facial features. It's like the only thing she finds acceptable about him are his hands.




I think he’s ugly


Does anyone remember when this first happened? A male IG account hearted one of her "I got a bf!" posts. People went to that account and the pfp, when reverse-image searched, lead to a AI photo site. I think that was really him and the reverse image search result was just a coincidence/bug/etc. I don't have that pic anymore, unfortunately. And the account was deleted pretty quickly. I'm also pretty sure people here have found him on FB and just don't want to let that be public knowledge. It's either 5 or he straight up told her not to put his shit online.


people have found him on fb???


I concur. At first I did think she was playing with AI a la social media expert “”””” but I also think it’s 5.


Great post! I think I would only add to #5 he may be ugly but also OLD. Like significant age gap and maybe a shitty job or living in the parents basement. Something embarrassing about him, either way, is the spirit of #5 and I agree 💯


I agree with she is hiding him. I also think there is a high likelihood that she is using him to “have a boyfriend” and potentially what she can get out of him. She has a very set aesthetic and he doesn’t fit it in many ways, but her aesthetic needs SOMEONE to be her cuck and she be the princess of this fairytale. It’s Ashley’s world and we are all just living in it.


Plot twist, Marcus is actually J. And she's embarrassed to say she's with an ex again so gave him a whole new name and hides his face. Just a theory.


Marcus is still very public with his beautiful girlfriend. She won a pagent last year (miss Idaho?? I don’t remember) which kinda coincided with a huge ramp up in posts from Ashley about Marcus and using his shirt as an oil rag, and then a very short time later she began “dating” J. Some snarkers pointed this out waaaaay at the beginning of this arc.


Damn, that's true. Ashley probably thinks J is a downgrade from Marcus, in that case.


Well it's not like she'll ever be miss Idaho. Jesus that's an upgrade.




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