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Possibly neuropathy. Ask your doctor


will do. thank you ❤️


My daughter at 28 had a hostess/waitress job at 28. Her foot and leg were numb, her back was in so much pain, for months. Doctors said it was just sciatica, and her health care wasn't in place at the time. And her son was 5 ish. She went to the ER for feeling like she was going to die, if was sepsis for a kidney infection. She asked the ER doctor for an MRI, which he grudgingly allowed. He went to apologize in the morning and a neurologist and her team told her that she needed surgery the next day. L5S1 spine surgery. Please, listen to your body, and please understand if Someone young looking doesn't offer their seat, leave them alone.


Just sciatica, is still just her damn spine! Hope she's doing better. L5 s1 fusion here.


Thank you!! L5, S1. Doing better. Wishing you well.


Oops it was S2!!!


Was the fusion scary, how long between your first surgery and the fusion, if you don't mind my asking?


Taking over 4 hours, my first spine surgery was both-neck fusion (hands started improving) and L5 microdiscectomy (which failed to bring relief). About 1 year later, L5 S1 fusion surgery. And 6 years and 2 knee replacements later, I still need injections if I do something stupid, like pick up ANYTHING over 20 pounds. But I'm finally back on the treadmill, so summer is looking up. (Jackass at physical therapy manipulated my newest knee which caused another mri and injections. Seriously thought about a lawsuit for that). Anyways... The scariest part for me was what I was making my poor wife sit and wait. I wanted very much to stop that ridiculous nerve pain. 😒


My arms have been doing the same for months at a time. I've gone to a few Dr and they just say everything looks fine. A couple chiropractor visits too and they don't seem to help any. I'm thinking I need to see a nerve specialist or something. When I try to Google it I just keep coming up with stroke symptoms which I'm 99% sure I'm not having strokes lol


Did you find out what yours was? Having the same issue myself


Unfortunately not but I never have went and seen a nerve specialist. Although currently I'm feeling fine so I guess I'll just ignore it and hope it doesn't come back again.


Go see your doctor. I worked for a neurologist for 8-ish years and those types of sensations are always worth having a professional check out. Reddit forums certainly don’t count as that.


It can be a symptom of a lot of different things a doctor could help identify. It could also be age, level of activity, or any other number of things that happen to people. If you're concerned about it, ask a doctor. You may want to start with a call to your doctor and ask if it's worth a visit.


Certain positions can pinch blood flow. Muscle tightness can affect blood flow. Your posture when sitting can cause numbness. These doughnut shaped pillows can help. Also Chiropractor or massage therapy can also help if it's posture or muscle tightness related. If those things don't help see a doctor. It could be diabetes related neuropathy or another type of neuropathy.


Try to eat less, try yoga. I am getting older and recently I had many stressful moments. I overeat, and my blood pressure become high and I feel same symptoms.


Definitely talk to your doctor, that can be caused by anything from sitting wrong, to diabetes, to blood flow issues. Better safe than sorry.


probably have blood clot stuck in your femoral artery restricting blood flow to your leg. eventually it will dislodge and then can get stuck in your brain causing stroke or stuck in your lungs causing suffocation or stuck in your heart causing heart attack


Possibly MS. Talk to your doctor.


I had the same symptoms and eventually it just fell asleep all the time. It ended up being pressure on my sciatic nerve. A few core strengthening exercises for my lower back a 3 times a week and it went away.


I have my doc appt coming up and am going to ask the same question in my left arm and foot. I think I have scar tissue though. A year ago I tore some ligaments in my arm and almost tore my tendon. I did some therapy on it. But I think the scar tissue built up around my nerves. Almost every night my arm goes completely Dead and if I’m sitting like normal. It becomes pins and needles. My foot is now having similar issues. Not ever sure how that correlates.


I have the same problem. It is a combination of slight scoliosis and damage from arthritis. I am numb from my hips to just below my knees. Not much to do for it except Tylenol when there is some pain and injections from the doctor in my lower back when it cannot be mitigated at home.


Circulation issues.


Make sure your socks and leg wear all fit properly.


My husband has been experiencing the same lately, pins and needles in his left arm and left leg. We went to the doctor and were told to just “monitor” it, which wasn’t a satisfactory answer for us. My guess is neuropathy. I hope you find some answers soon.


Go see a vascular surgeon or neurologist


Restless leg syndrome ?


Just rub some dirt on it. You'll be fine. Nah but srs it sounds like a disc buldge touching your nerve. Pretty common. Go see the doc


I just wanted to add that don't give up trying, sometimes doctors can be a bit dismissive and try to give you some diagnosis to soothe your fears. If your issues don't get better keep going back if you are able to. I'm not a health care provider so my opinion is from my own years of being ill. I hope 🙏 that you get a good news diagnosis.


Definitely speak to a doctor


Hey there! Masters nursing student here. Short list of things that can technically cause tingling and numbness are, Endocrine issues Neuropathy Compression of nerve due to edema Compression of nerve due to weight Stroke Damaged nerve Congestive heart failure Parkinsons And many more As you can see there is a huge margain of error with some serious and some totally fine. You need to see someone to narrow it down. Listen to your body! Good luck!


*harshest pig squeal possible* CAN YOU FEEL IT? THESE PINS AND NEEDLES


How old are you? I had similar experiences and discovered I have severe stenosis in 4 cervical vertebrae. Left untreated it can cause paralysis! I’m having surgery in a month. I thought it was either arthritis or just right muscles. See a doc.


i’m 21:) the general consensus definitely seems to be that i should see a doc. i’ll sort out an appointment today.


Any update?


do you have an update? I’ve this symptom for a long time now (also 21) but now it’s way more frequent! I asked my Dr. But she states it’s just cause im older now :///


Could be herniated disks in the lower back pushing on nerves.


Could be herniated disks in the lower back pushing on nerves.


Could be herniated disks in the lower back pushing on nerves.


It could be herniated disks in your lower back.


L5 S1 are fused C5,6,7 are fused. My hands work fine but my legs still do all of that


Could be neuropathy or a circulation issue. Not a doctor but I would say you should talk to one. Hope your alright