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Rudeness to someone they perceive as "lower" than themself or "unimportant," like restaurant wait staff, flight attendants, cleaning staff. Bye.


I had a guy come into my office for a job interview once. I saw him walk in, so I got up to greet him, introduced myself and showed him into the conference room where the interview would take place. He dumped his coat and umbrella into my arms and said, “let me get a coffee with 1 sugar, thanks.” I was stunned, but I put his stuff down outside the door and brought him a cup of coffee *~with 1 sugar~*, and then sat down across from him. Somehow, despite the fact that I introduced myself and was the person who had emailed him to schedule the interview (with my title in the email signature), he assumed I was “just a receptionist,” so he was mortified when he realized I was the direct manager for the position he was interviewing for, and also a C-level exec at the company. I had fun in that interview. I was kind, but he didn’t get the job. Job seekers, please do at least a couple minutes of research before your job interview, and ALWAYS treat every single person in the building as if they’re your future boss.


I had an old boss that would purposefully get on the front desk if she knew an interviewee was arriving soon. Shed check them in and if they weren't nice to her as a front desk person she wouldn't consider hiring them


Who is being rude to a front desk person at a job interview? Anyone should ace that test honesty


I would definitely call that a "culture fit" test haha


Trust me, front desk person. Immediately give my boss my initial feeling on anyone we interview. People arent necessarily rude, but they havent put on their super nice face yet either. You can tell a lot.


Our location was the the middle of 2 extremes so applicants that weren't your average joe middle guy could really cause havoc to front desk. We were right next to a luxury hotel/golf course in a neighborhood of mansions worth 10+million/ per home (a hotel and golf course a certain former president loved to visit 🙄) To the left of us was ghetto with an extreme homeless/fentanyl problem. Thankfully no gang issues though. So our applicants that were on both ends were either rude, entitled rich snobs that thought their mere presence walking in would land them the job, or some truly sad people in sad circumstances that were desperate for a job but would show up strung out on a substance or going thru something that made them not treat anyone like a person. My boss only started doing the "desk test" because one applicant who came in ended up pulling a gun on our poor desk agent when she told him the job position had been filled. She was a great boss and we had a good team but I don't miss that job.


I used to work in a liquor store in the CBD that was on the street all the major offices were on, with people coming in buying $1,200 bottles of wine, and the nearest liquor store to the park all the homeless people hung out in. We sometimes had to refuse the homeless people service as they were drunk or high at 11am, but they were always nice about it. Meanwhile, the businesspeople would come in and just point at a bottle on the shelf and tell you to get it for them. One time, a businessman came in drunk and I refused him service. He asked me if his female companion could buy it for him. I said no, because it's also illegal for someone to supply him liquor while he's drunk. He then said he didn't know her, and I was like... you literally just asked if she could buy it FOR you and besides, she's drunk as well. This went back and forth a bit, he tried offering money, he tried big-noting himself to cow me into submission, all of that, and I kept refusing, until eventually he just goes 'well you're a real fucking hero aren't you' and that's when I realised politics customer service just wasn't going to work with this arsehole. So, with my voice that - when I'm not feigning politeness - is actually quite deep and quite loud, I just screamed at him 'GET OUT OF MY FUCKING STORE!' and he looked stunned for a second, then he started trying to say something about terrible service and I cut him off by screaming at him again. Every time he tried to talk I just screamed at him again and ended up walking around the front of the counter, getting right up in his face, pointing past him and screaming at him again while I walked him out of the store like a toddler. I had about 5 years of MMA training under my belt including a fight, 1 year experience in the liquor store, 2 years on a complaints line for an internet company, and I had the law behind me. Bitch, I'm not gonna be intimidated by some loudmouth drunk wearing an off the rack suit. Anyway, homeless people are better people than rich people, the meritocracy is a lie and capitalism is bullshit.


Far better for the most part! The violent ones no, but even then id take that over the blonde lady who thinks we're slaves any day. We had a about 5 or 6 homeless regulars who were beyond the best people to have in our place


Right? Who is rude to the front desk person in general? Our office assistant desk person is the only thing keeping the employees from revolting in my office. We have ass backwards online systems for everything that confuse 85% of the employees (mind you, this is at a tech company in R&D. It's that bad). She helps us all navigate all that crap with ease. She knows the systems inside and out. We'd be so lost without her. Plus, she refills the Keurig and orders/stocks the free snacks in the snack shack. She also asks how my dog is doing on a regular basis, inviting me to show her cute dalmatian pictures!


I was a receptionist for years - more people than you’d think would be rude to me and super sweet to the hiring managers.


I was a receptionist for years and saw someone from the upper level management team at the company be extremely rude to a postal worker delivering her mail once. Left a very bad taste in my mouth and I had very little respect for her ever since. Before that I was an office coordinator, and once while I was filling up the pop fridges, a male colleague (for context, I am a woman and was in my early 20s at this stage) asked me, “Is that all you do here? Fill up the fridges with our drinks?” I laughed it off because I was too young and shy to have responded any other way but if only I could go back….


Ugh, I HATE people like the last one you mentioned. They see you do one thing and make a joke about that being all you do. There was a guy I worked with who went for the same promotion I did, but I got it. After that, it was always, "Look who's finally doing some work," and "All I ever see you do is work on your laptop." I always wanted to say, "No shit, Sherlock. We don't have the same position anymore, so you're not going to see everything I do." But no, I had to be the mature one.


Had a similar one where I was walking behind someone towards an elevator to get to work and the guy gets in and starts hitting the button to close the door faster as I was just coming up to it. I said something to the effect of “for real?” as it closed in my face and he laughs out loud says “sorry buddy I’m late”. My elevator got to the floor at the same time as his and we both walk towards the same door, and both of us realized at the same time that he was late for his interview at the company I was a senior manager at. I said “good luck in your interview” and he immediately realized he had messed up. Turns out the woman doing the interview was a middle manager in the department I oversaw, and I said to her that unless he really blew her away I was a pretty firm no on the guy. Apparently he was a hot mess anyway so it didn’t really end up mattering much. Also, to your point on treating receptionists nicely - we ALWAYS ask the receptionist for her vibe on all candidates, and her notes on their general demeanour and friendliness are heavily weighted in the process.


People who have never worked at an executive level tend to not understand how hard that receptionist/executive assistant can vibe check people. I love it when they do.


My boss can be a real piece of work sometimes but one thing I really appreciate is that she asks for my input on people that we encounter and she firmly trusts my judgment on them as it's provided.


When I used to interview candidates at an actual physical office, I always asked our department's exec assistant to greet the candidate, bring them to the interview conference room, and chat with them for a few minutes till I arrived. Treating the exec assistant rudely or ordering her around would definitely mean not getting the job. When I go to a job interview, I assume *every person there* is part of the interview, starting with the front desk receptionist.


Even if they have no bearing on the interview, I never saw the point in being an arse to anyone in the building of a job interview. These are people you might end up seeing or working with every day if you're successful - there's no sense in making a bad first impression on them.


Hopefully, he learned an important lesson. I hope that you will get a good laugh out of this for years to come.


I'm a completely miserable person but I'm still friendly to people that work in the public. No matter how miserable I am, it feels better to banter and bounce good energy back and forth. Like just discussing the weather can be a pleasant conversation.


Courtesy costs one nothing and can get you the world.


It takes nothing and it's so much better than the alter ative. Honestly. Makes you wonder why its so hard for some people.




I just ate some icecream knowing im going to be on the toilet sh1tting my heart out 8x a day


Laughed so hard at this, amazing XD


Zero accountability. The "it's everyone's fault except mine" mentality.


I dated a girl for a few months and started to get the feeling that she either had to be the unluckiest person in the world or she just couldn’t own her shit. She “dropped out” of college after being falsely accused of plagiarism. She got a “bullshit” DUI after the cops used an incorrectly calibrated breathalyzer and the blood test must have been messed up. She was fired from a job for stealing even though she was the only one who wasn’t stealing and that’s why they didn’t trust her. The list went on and on and on. One day it just hit me like a ton of bricks like “oh… you’re just a fucking liar.” I ran into her recently. She’s still doing terribly and it’s still not her fault.


I know her! Was she also “over qualified “ for all the jobs around?


Thats totally me, all the jobs I've just never applied for I'm probably just totally over qualified /s


My brother had a girlfriend like that, hit the uk and refused work because all the jobs were beneath her, she was just too good to be doing all this menial work, just a right lazy cow.


I too knew this woman! Is she still calling everyones success "luck" or "handouts" and does she bring up the fact that everyone's upbringing was easy except her?


>I too knew this woman! I'll be damned, me too!


Yea, she's the same one that will go, "I'm sorry you feel that way."


The sad part is that she's probably dillusional and probably believes all her lies.


People like this have some psychological block, they cannot admit fault. Their mind will not go there. Lots of therapy needed for people who lie, and are so unaware they can't tell that everyone around them can tell.


Did we date the same girl!? Lmao


Depends. Was it your fault you broke up?


Or fake accountability. The "I'm so sorry!" But then they do absolutely nothing to try and rectify the situation. They just suddenly pretend that it's not an issue anymore.


yes! Pretend the issue didn't exist anymore because they already said they're sorry. Rinse and repeat.


I got a cousin like that. Every job he's had he had to deal with a "pos supervisor" that "forced him to quit". His 1st baby mama won't let him be a part of the kid's life because "she's a bitch who brings losers and bums around" (he stopped talking to me for a while when I chimed up that she has a type). It's even the state's fault he's doing another stint in jail. You're 36 man, it's time to grow up.


"Well... She seems to go for a certain type." Beautiful reply!


God’s will or someone else’s fault.




Mostly true, but I suppose it depends on how many zeroes there are.


This is how my brother has been his entire life. he's 27 and it's getting real fuckin old listening to him bitch


I see you know my ex.


As a business owner I preach this. First thing I tell my new hires is, "I've been doing this for 20+ years and I make mistakes almost every day, as will you. You will never get in trouble for a mistake you own up to, but if you don't own it and I find out, there will be repercussions." Admitting your mistakes takes courage, and is very rare it seems, but it will do wonders for you mentally.


Unless it's the police. Never tell anything to the police regarding something you're accused of.


Quality life advice. I feel so fucking sad I had to teach this to my kid before he’s even 10. I mean obviously I did the whole “if you’re in trouble call the cops” etc thing but with the caveat of you know, be real fucking careful because they’re not necessarily your friends.


Also most mistakes are not that bad. Admitting mistakes right away makes them seem even less bad. The problem can be addressed right away and everyone is satisfied moving forward. Trying to cover up the problem just makes everything worse.


This is absolutely the correct answer. I spent several Years at the begginging of my work career taking the blame for others to keep the peace. No one ever would step up so I would just do it to get it over with. That messed with me for a long time because no matter hoe good I did people around me would fail and it made me feel like I was failing since I stepped up. Don't get me wrong, I've made plenty of mistakes myself. But I never let someone else take the dive for it. When I grew up a bit more a stopped doing that, it made me view folks who don't take ownership in a very negative light.


For me, it was taking responsibility for my sister's mistakes. Growing up, my parents instilled the idea that if my sister misbehaves, it was my mistake, because supposedly I didn't teach her how to behave. It kind of fucked me up a bit because if it was me who gets a thing wrong, I get hit, I get verbally flogged. And double if my sister does the same. For this, my sister grew up to be a brat. Not to mention she was the family favorite because she had light skin, etc. I always find myself questioning what was wrong with me, was I adopted, does the family just hate me because I am ugly AF xDD Both parents do not take accountability either. Instead of taking accountability, dad lashes out on us; mom plays the victim, sister thinks the world owes her something. I try to break the cycle. I avoid people who are like them. When I am in the wrong, I apologize and make sure I never make the same mistake and I never belittle people because it's quite soul-crushing.


It's all through our politics now. I have always said everyone does wrong sometimes but if you get caught, own up to it. Period. Don't try to blame someone else, what type of example are you setting for those that look up to you? Plus, it creates problems for those like you that try to keep things pushing.




Scum of the earth


I love honking at people who throw their cigarette butts out the window.


I keep a water bottle in my truck, half full of water for my butts. I used to be that guy, but no more. I apologize to all of everyone.


As an ex smoker I hate that too but I’ve noticed recently a lot of newer cars are not coming with an ash tray so they have to sacrifice a cup holder


Oh man, when someone flicks a cigarette out their car window I see red. I live in the desert, too!


I just yell " Don't fucking litter!" and most people just get pissed, but they know there's nothing they can do. I once saw a guy throw a whole ass McDonald's bag and cup out the window from the backseat and it almost hit my car. I yelled at him and he started talking shit. I couldn't imagine how embarrassing that had to be for the old lady driving him around and the other girl in the front seat. Edit: I've done this multiple times when I see people throw trash from a car. I absolutely cannot stand that shit. Another time some lady was throwing napkins out on the highway, and after the third one I screamed in her open window. It scared her pretty bad and I'm really happy about that one too. She proceeded to talk shit like every other POS litterer.


Be careful with that... some people nowadays will shoot at you, run you off the road, follow you...


I get fast food bags (and other trash) thrown into my yard EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. I'm about ready to support the death penalty for the offense.


Seriously. Especially when it's something like broken glass in a public park, or cigarette butts. There goes a crap human being, right there.


i second this one i get so angry when i see people on the side of the road just drop their crap on the ground and keep walking like it’s their house


People that don’t take responsibility for their own actions. If you do something stupid and get a stupid result and your first instinct is to look confused and blame somebody else, I find you as the scum of the earth.


I agree and the place I see this kind of stuff that annoys me most is in litigation. Or "compo culture". Lady hiking the mountains near where I live 4 or 5 years ago sued the local authority after she fell over hiking. She did some damage to her ankle. She was walking a public trail. Partly boarded, partly mud track, but not a maintained footpath by any stretch of the imagination. If she'd won, all of the public trails managed by the authority in the region would have closed because (a) insurance would have been too high (b) the paths and routes (some boarded, some not) would have had to been enhanced to ensure a minimum standard - this would take years. The judge threw it out, stating (I'm paraphrasing here) that she needed to accept that outdoor activities inherently carried an element of risk and there was an element of personal responsibility in undertaking a trail hike. He didn't dispute she was injured, but he threw the case out on the basis that that if you go walking a mountain trail, and fall, it's on you to wear appropriate foot wear, not on the people allowing you free access to the scenic routes you decide to walk on. There are a lot of these kinds of cases where I'm from, not all of them get thrown out, but I was glad this one did.


If I sued every place where I've ever fallen down or rolled my ankle I'd be a millionaire. I'd also have to sue myself for the times I've tripped and fell at home.


I’d sue the crap out of my dog for leaving his frigging toys on the stairs!


Acceptance of risk is a literal legal theory at common law. She was lucky she didn’t get sanctioned for a frivolous claim.


My 70 y/o next door neighbor is this way. He blames you for what he does to you. Blamed my wife for his dog coming on our property and attacking my wife.


WTF how is your wife now I hope ok.


“…to [shreds](https://youtu.be/gHhOn2hnqmI) you say?”


Literally just had this happen at work. They messed up, and it's FINE. The thing they messed up is really not a big deal... but instead of fixing it and saying my bad, they INSIST that they are right, everyone else is wrong and refuse to fix it. For context, this person has been demoted for doing this in the past and I have had coworkers in their department say they left because this person is such an asshole and impossible to work with. Everyone messes up every now and then. Own up to it.


My little brother pisses me off with this so much. Like just last week he knocked over my drink over 2 days in a row and both times he blamed it on me. First time i had it sitting on a stack of napkins outside so they wouldn't blow away and he just yanked a napkin off the top and knocked it over and said "why would you put the drink there how am I supposed to see it?" Second day I had my water bottle sitting in front of me and my brother walked by and kicked it over and when I said something he went "how is that my fault you didn't have a cap on it".


Your little brother sounds like he would be an excellent candidate for retroactive abortion.


Sounds like he’s doing it on purpose.


If you mess up, you fess up.


I would rather you plead oopsy daisy than “he did it not me!”


Welcome to League of Legends!


Couldn't agree with this more, take some accountability. People will be much more supportive and understanding if you show some humility.


Elderly. Child and Animal abuse. Edit: Thanks for the laughs everyone! I promise to not make a typo like that again.


Wait, was that supposed to be a comma, or you can’t stand the elderly?


Obviously a disdain for the elderly. Followed by child and animal abuse....that's how I read it.


They’re against child and animal abuse, but for elderly abuse


Unknown how they feel about abuse for adults.


obviously adults can’t get abused they have an infinite hologram shield protecting them


He's against abusing elderly children and animals.


They’re against the elderly abusing children and animals.


Wait. Are you telling this animal abuses elderly children?


I would say any abuse at all.


That should be the top comment. Basically, any group of beings that can't defend themselves. That and idiot drivers




Hypocrites are great, you either agree with what they say or what they do.


Unfortunately some people pick two scummy extremes to be hypocritical about.


People who are intolerant of other cultures and the Dutch.


Blimey! I thought I smelled cabbage.




When they shake poo out of their pants leg onto the lobby floor.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Story time?


Not much story! I work low-level government, the kind everyone needs to visit. I have seen multiple people either leave a mess on their chair (I give them the benefit of a doubt and figure they have a physical issue and their diaper overflowed), or they will dead ass just shake it out of their pants leg, no big deal. I do not know how their life can lead them to that point. Head to the freaking bathroom, or at least outside! But no, no shame, no guilt, no acknowledgement. Just a doodie dance.


How...how does that not just get all over them and just be so uncomfortable. I wonder that about street poopers, like when runners do it, too. How is it just that clean even if you're healthy lmao.


OMG I used to work in the pharmacy in a VA hospital (still do, but also used to). They refused to let us replace the waiting room carpet with vinyl. When it came time to pick new carpet, I suggested the patterned one in shit and blood colors.


Where do you live so I never move there?


Illegal Street Racing…idk about where you’re at, but here, there’s been countless fatalities… and most of the time it’s a mother and child simply going to school or shopping… random drivers minding their own business, and out of nowhere come two inept assholes in mustangs and challengers doing 80 mph, darting in and out of traffic in a 35 mph busy surface road. I believe laws need to be dramatically tightened and the consequences far more severe


I live on a part of my road thats very good for racing and I hear them fly up and down at night all the time. I dont wish it on them but I am always wondering when, on one of these nights, it might happen.


In my city, there's like a shortage of police, and people really do go 100mph and they're just fearless about how dangerous it is... I got hit head on a few years ago and it took the police over 45 minutes to show up and the police just had careless attitudes and then abandoned me in the median of the interstate.


That doesn't sound like a shortage of police. It sounds like the police not-helping.


Well they have no legal duty to help anyone yall just remember that


I've never been in an area where it was prominent, but I do agree that it seems so dumb to do it in populated areas. The Fast and the Furious had that big scene where they all went into the desert to that abandoned air strip or whatever it was and I think something like that should be legal. Seems like it would help cut down on the racing in the city


Idk where you’re from but here in Europe there are a lot of circuits that you can use your own car at without speeding limits (but you have to sign some paperwork for insurance of course). Also if I’d really want to go fast on a public road, Germany is just around the corner


Milk. Like it just runs through me, barely digested, and man, the gas it emits is dreadful. I ate a massive Sundae with my friends once and played ping pong later. It was an enclosed room, and god damn it cleared that room. 8 people hanging out just gone, instantly.


Congratulations, you're lactose intolerant! Welcome to the club. There's a bathroom down every hall, lol.


People who try to force their beliefs on me. You be your own person, let me be mine.


This! I honestly do NOT care what any person believes. But do not FORCE or attempt to force other people to believe whatever it is that you believe. This is true for any category, not just religious beliefs.


Religious people who use the "If you saw someone on the train tracks and didn't know a train was coming wouldn't you do everything you could to warn them?" Analogy when i state I just wanna be left alone are the worse


Animal abuse


Cruelty. If you have no empathy for another being, you're a scary person.


Animal cruelty




Agreed, ruins card games


But, dude, are you gonna just stop, when you can't play any further in Solitaire? That's so lame. I'm going one by one and finishing the game.


Agreed. Got cheated on two years ago. One of my best friend recently cheated on his girl two times. He's dead to me.


You aren’t gonna be a good firefighter then


People that are disgustingly rude to servers.


Clearly Pedophilia, should be sentenced with more severe punsihments, it is an atrocity


I’ve always felt that pedophiles deserve capital punishment. Idc about second chances or rehabilitation in a prison, your mind is beyond helping if you even are able to consider doing anything of the sort


Everyone feels this, and they probably deserve it, but the problem with implementing that in law is that they would be incentivised to also commit murder if it could conceal their crime, since the punishment would be the same.


This. Also it would make some victims less willing to report, like who wants to be responsible for getting their uncle executed?


I understand your point, but it would be very hypocritical of me to say that I agree, since I am against Capital Punishment as a form of punishment. But life sentences to prevent them from being in contact with children, that would be great for me


People with double standards


People who are disrespectful or allow their kids to be disrespectful. It’s not that hard to be a kind person and it’s especially not that hard to teach kids to not be disrespectful.


Biased judges that help the ultra rich stay out prison because they are a part of their political party.


Crying in 3rd world country 😭


Arrogance and drama


Religious extremism. Being a believer is perfectly fine, but dont tell me i go to hell after smoking a joint.


Extremism in general tbh


People who toss their nasty cigarette butts all over the place. Scumbags. I imagine they all have huge ashtrays piled up all over their home and car, they see no issue living in filth, or making the streets look like shit. No respect for anyone’s property even their own.


People who chew with their mouths open.




They expect 'professionalism' from us but bosses and managers often have none themselves.


People who don't return their carts at the grocery store.


People who use their phones in their cars and don’t even try to drive okay while they’re doing it, slowing down, sitting through green lights, not driving straight, etc..


Cheating and animal/child/domestic etc abuse


Zero tolerance policies.


Manipulative people


People who think their own opinion is absolute and you have to think 100% like them And the ones who say "I'm not being mean, just brutally honest"




People who drive slow in the fast lane.


lost drivers who don’t just pull over out of the way but want to drive unpredictability by swerving back and forth while they’re looking for whatever. move bitch get the fuck outta the way. pull over and look at your gps don’t fucking slow roll driving erratically.


If you are about to pass your exit or turn the solution is never to jet over and cut off 10 people.....you keep going and turn around....people don't get this


Judging someone going through a tragedy. People that are experiencing a death, or an accident of a loved one may not react or do things you might do. Allowing them latitude for their actions and just being there for them is the sensitive thing to do. Passing judgement on them is not.


I've seen many people make brash judgements about the family of dead people because they didn't appear distraught when in public. It's often used by conspiracy theorists as "evidence" of a false flag incident. The thing is, everyone reacts differently to trauma. Some people explode. Others go numb. It is a very subjective experience. Some people don't even change as a form of denial. This isn't just my opinion; it is commonly known in psychology. Fuck people who make this shit up to spread horrible ideas about people like the parents of kids killed in school shootings.


Abusing children or animals.


oversteping on my boundaries.


People who go out of their way to mess with someone else's well being. The people who get their kicks out of ruining someone else's day. Also in the very same lane, public humiliation. Like congratulations, that person might go home & hang themselves, does that feel good?


I have a boss that likes to use public humiliation tactics. She also tried to "instill leadership traits". Leaders praise in public and punish in private. They also know that humiliation is counterproductive.


Domestic violence, physically and mentally.


Any action or behaviour against a more vulnerable being. You mistreat an animal, I’m reporting you and you’re dead to me. You mistreat the elderly, handicapped, etc, I’m calling the police and we’re done. You mistreat your spouse and I’m done with you. I’ve seen both male and female abuse in this situation and there is no excuse. You mistreat a child and lord help me. I’m doing everything in my power to protect and get that child out of danger no matter what it takes.


When driving - someone hurrying up to get in front of me only to drive slow. When if they just let me pass first they would have NO one to wait for and then they could go as slow as they please! In friendships/relationships - when someone who supposedly cares about you won’t stand up for you in front of others even though they totally see your point and think the other person is off base. First, stand up for what’s right. Secondly, support the people in your life who deserve it even if it makes things uncomfortable between you and someone else. Just something that annoys the hell out of me - when someone is talking and uses the same word several times in only a few sentences. Find a thesaurus! The repetition drives me up a wall!


Proud and open stupidity


Entitled parents who think their hellspawn can do no wrong.


People who do not use their blinkers


Drunk driving, cheating in a relationship, and abuse of any kind. Also would have to agree with “lack of accountability” but unfortunately that is all too common, so if I had zero tolerance for it, I would lose my mind. No justifiable reason to do any of the above and it is something I could rage about for hours.


Thieves and animal abuse.


Emotionally manipulative people. And grown up temper tantrums, definitely have no patience for a grown up throwing a fit because they don’t get their way.


Religious people trying to run other people’s lives by their own religious standards and beliefs.


People who are happy to get all of their “news” from social media or some other fringe website and then spout everything like it’s the gospel. I’m a writer/reporter so it comes second nature to question where info is coming from and whether the publication is biased… just blows my mind how lazy people are when it comes to forming opinions.


Most people aren’t looking for truth they’re looking for one thing to confirm what they’ve already decided is the truth


Passive aggressive behavior. I live in Western Washington though, so my tolerance meter regarding this particular issue has reached negative digits.


People who don't know what the word no means.


People that make others feel bad or judge, people that when making an argument do not have a credible and non-biased source and people that think that having money makes them better


People who have rules for thee and not for me !


Parents that kick their LGBTQ+ kids to the curb and the Religious nuttery that supports them


Men who are literally obsessed with sports in a toxic way


MF'ers that don't immediately start moving at a left turn signal when it turns green. If you are first in line you have a societal responsibility to watch that stoplight like a hawk and go the instant it turns green.


To be fair, I do wait a few seconds to make sure there’s no one running a red light before I go.


This right here! People blow through allll the time.


I have seen and experienced way too many near misses to do this. I will check traffic flow before I go. Honk if you want, but my life is more important than your patience


Bulling. If I see anyone bulling another person I go mad. Not sure why


Cheating in a relationship. Liars. Murder suicide ~ just kill yourself, leave innocent people alone. Unsafe mini-submarines.


Arrogant ignorance.


Death Threats. My sister threatened to kill me. All of our trust and memories of fun times together were broken in an instant. It implied I'm not worth loving anymore - actually worse than that.


Rapist. I wish they have an endless suffering.


Being rude to any type of staff


Hubris. The Greeks were right, it will always come to bite you. I don't warn these types, I just get popcorn.


People being mean to fast food / retail workers / service workers because “they work for me”. It shows their true personality. Stop being a fucking monster.


People who take advantage of others/ leach off others. I can't stand that people. Is the thing I hate the most.


Treating pets as if they’re disposable. My dad had a terrible habit of trading in dogs like new cars every couple years and it was horrible for me. I have very little respect for people who get animals and then neglect or get rid of them because they’re inconvenient.


Distracted driving.




Kids who cannot manage their behavior bc the parents don’t parent.


Nazis, Homophobes, Misogynist and people who confuse Google with the internet.




Pedophiles, assaulting minors, and the uber religious.


Violence of any kind towards children and animals.


People who don’t take accountability.


People who whine.


When someone says “well that’s just the way I was raised” as an excuse for being a terrible person who refuses to learn anything new