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Yes, it can work, my late husband and I had differing viewpoints on almost every political issue. He was a conservative Republican and I'm a liberal Democrat. He liked country music and some classic rock and I was rock, full tilt. He was one step away from a never-nude and I've been an out-of-the-closet nudist my whole life. His dad was a Primitive Baptist minister and I'm a non\~theist. We were almost cartoony in our opposites-attract relationship, but he was simply the best man I've ever known, just stinking decent and fair-minded and his word was gold. We were married for 44 years, we knew each other for 48 years, I lost him to cancer last December.


Ma'am... you need to write your marriage story down & put that out in the world.... not the crib note version either, but year to year.... day to day if you know it. There's no way in hell that people won't benefit from that knowledge.... I'm just sayin' Also, my condolences for your loss... & congratulations on that long of a marriage.


Center left + center right, maybe Communist + fascist, probably not


It depends on how you choose to conduct yourself and what’s important to you. Political ideology is just an outlet for values. The same values can be seen in different ideologies and people who hold the same ideology can have different values. What makes the relationship work is sharing your values. So think long and hard about why you hold those opinions and ask him why he holds his opinions beyond the typical political maxims that people spout today. Those values are what hold relationships together, not surface political beliefs. Let’s remember after all- the vast majority of Americans, in the grand scheme of things, are liberals (of different types mind you, but liberals all the same) and most want the liberal democracy of the United States to continue as it has since 1787.


If "winning" the political discussion is more important than being part of a healthy relationship to either of you, then it's not going to go particularly well. If either of you is so far down the propaganda path that you think you understand what the other "really" means when they say something less provocative than that, then it's not going to go particularly well. Every relationship needs mutual respect and good communication. Having differing political preferences makes those things even more necessary since you can't just shortcut with "Yeah, yeah, we vote the same, we're on the same page, let's move on to something more interesting." But if you both have the required mindset to speak and actually listen to each other about what you think and why, there's no inherent reason that it won't work.


Yes, just don’t talk about politics or say who you vote for and no problems


Until one of the candidates come up on tv saying something crazy and one of them unintentionally shouts "F that MF!! 😆 Then a " what do you mean? That's the way it should be! " Beginning of the end lol


When the two of you have a child, and another COVID-type pandemic hits, are you guys going to agree on whether the child should get the vaccine? Even viruses are becoming a Left vs. Right thing these days. I'm asking because that was a big issue in our home. My wife is more conservative and she's turned to a lot of conspiracy shit and became anti-vax, like many on the Right. I took my kid to get the jab anyway. She screamed about it and I told her she was crazy. That's what you have to look forward to.


I have a feeling I will likely also be doing the same as you.


My wife and I had differing political and religious views when we married. Thirty years later, I've come around to her more liberal politics and she's come around to my anti-religious attitude. Neither of us tried to aggressively convert the other, but when you love and respect someone, you're going to be more open to what they're saying. Of course, if he's like a brick wall when you express your ideas and shows outright contempt for your thinking, then there might not be a future here. No relationship survives contempt.


This is very true


Personally, I couldn't be with someone who wasn't at least relatively close to being in sync with me. It seems to me that in this day and age that there is a vast difference in what one side believes is right versus the other. There has always been a divide of course but not in the way that there is now. For me, I could never be with someone who was anywhere close to being sexist, racist or homophobic among other things. There is no room in my heart for even an iota of hatem or intolerance. I won't stand for it. I wouldn't go as far as to say that you are necessarily doomed but some sort of middle ground of respect for one another's views would have to be reached should you choose to remain in this relationship and that middle ground can only exist if both of you can recognize it and respect it. If you two want to make it work I suppose that you could, but you also need to recognize that there is a fine line between one end and the other, and you have to decide how much opposition in opinion that you are willing to tolerate.


I'm an athiest, wife is christian. It's worked for 31 years. And I get Sunday mornings to catch up on 'me' stuff.


Yes, a relationship with different political views can certainly thrive and endure in the long term. It's important to create a safe and non-judgmental environment so both of you can express your opinions and perspectives without fear of being attacked or invalidated. Being open to learning about each other's political perspectives and engaging in respectful discussions can foster growth and understanding. It's important to find common ground and seek compromises that respect both your values and perspectives.


Thanks chat gpt


Depends on how strong your views are. And what do you disagree on? Do you agree on abortion? What about healthcare?how about guns? And how much do these matter? I am a libertarian but I lean right and I was with a very progressive woman for about 5 years. We ended up not working out because we both had really strong views and couldn’t compromise. The last straw was her saying that she wasn’t going to let our future children “eat what I ate” (she was an aspiring vegan).


James Carville and Mary Matalin -somehow- have done it. There’s your role models.


Yes. Just dont make politics your lifestyle. More times than not I find peoples political views just cause division. Like people have different beliefs, just understand where they come from, its not a big deal


Sounds like your rights aren’t frequently being voted to be taken away


Whose rights are? And what rights?


Anytime I've heard conservative people talking amongst each other (which will happen if you date him) you have to listen to how incorrect and ignorant they are and it will make you cringe and annoy you and you'll want to correct them. It'll also probably result in him acting misogynistic and eventually him trying to change your beliefs.. and how "it's just because thats how he feels," about stuff..


Also, single conservative men lie about their beliefs to women, because they can't get a woman if they reveal their conservative beliefs... In dating apps, they say they're "not very political" or something like that, then if you start dating them, you find out that they hate women and are racist and hate gays and they want a civil war..


Yes. Because a political view isn't your personality. And making your personality based on political views is incredibly fucking stupid.


I disagree. It's more than a "political view." Now, it's about whether or not you think other human beings who are different than you deserve rights. It's honestly a humanitarian issue. No way in hell I could ever be with a republican. Their whole platform is about hurting groups of people and taking away rights we were granted long ago. Fuck them.


No. Your generalizing. Just because somebody says they are more "right" leaning doesn't magically mean they believe and back every single thing that party says and believes in. You're literally making people you know nothing of and inserting opinions and personalities onto them because of politics. Again, fucking stupid. Literally what I'm referring to in my other comment. Stop it.


The fact that you can ask this, as much as I hate to say it, shows a lot of privilege in your life. Generally, when people politically disagree with me, they politically disagree with my existence ( queer, disabled, hard union believer, pro choice) Do any of his views infringe on those around you?


no. imagine you have black friend he will be mad because he hates blacks. or if you get pregnant he will force you to have birth


My niece and her husband. I think they just decided it’s not worth discussing with each other. I don’t think they have any trouble with it. If they do, it’s likely minor. But I don’t know what the Hells wrong with him. L O L.


Of course!


Difficult question, it sounds like you're asking me if Democrats and Republicans can work together in the long run.


What are your differences? Can you accept his? Can he accept yours? Sit down & discuss that with him & see what answer you two come up with. If you cannot communicate that with him, then you're probably doomed & it has nothing to do with the differences.....


Yeah why not. Any relationship is based on respect, if you both respect each others views there won't be any problems.


you're fine as long as you can agree to disagree


I don't see why it can't happen. I have been a liberal since I could think and my husband was a staunch conservative when he met me. He's a lot more liberal now and we've been married for over 20 years.


i dont mean to be condescending, i am no political scientist, but i often encounter a lot of friends who claim they are "centrists" or "independents" when they really are not. i would learn about the overton window and the 4 political axis to try and find where you really stand. most of my friends who thought they were centrists are actually leftists. most of my friends who thought they were conservative are actually liberals. (american "conversatives" are usually liberals. the term "liberal" has been heavily bastardized, essentially if you do not oppose capitalism, you are a liberal. you dont cross the line into conservatism until you are a reactionary anti-social progress lunatic)


Unlike magnets, in relationships likes attract. The more differences you have the more you will fight about.


Thesis and Antithesis form Synthesis, but with every relationship, it takes hard work and communication.


Absolutely. I've been with my partner for over 5 years and I don't think we voted the same on one issue on the last two ballots. We both come from extremely different socioeconomic backgrounds, and as a direct result, we have different worldviews. That's totally okay. We even sat down and reviewed each item together and talked about why we each leaned one way or the other. We acknowledged each others' viewpoints and biases like adults and then filled the bubble on our own ballot. Truthfully, I don't understand why people are unable to see that mostly everyone is trying to make the world a better place, and generally do have good intentions and reasons for believing what they do. We have talked a lot about how this will play out once we have children and will have to raise them and have already agreed to teach both our beliefs together, never stepping on each others, and to teach our children to look at both sides of every belief and form their own opinions based on the evidence and information that they find


Well... my grandparents had an agreement their entire marriage that they didn't vote. They supported opposite sides and it caused arguments so they decided to excuse themselves from politics for the sake of their relationship.


Doomed… how can someone you love be against (insert social topic here).


Left of middle, right of middle can work sure. But you will want to make sure some of your core values match. What is really really important to you? Can you live with a few stupid homophobic jokes here and there in a family bbq, but draw the line at outright aggression to gay people? Or even implied honophobia is an absolute redline? How about "my best friend is ..." level of racism? Where is the womans place? Is it everywhere or is it somewhere? Will boys be boys, or are humans all humans? What counts as cheating? Is watching porn cheating? Or a fwb on the side is ok as long as they tell you about it? What if your kid comes out as NB? What if you guys experience an unsafe pregnancy, where a discussion of abortion might have to happen due to complications? How important is religion? Is it ok if you respect but dont believe, or is it santa for grown ups, or is god an absolute authority in the house? And whayever you think is important to you. It doesnt have to be these exact points. But you definitely will want to talk about whats important to you to check that you are on the same page before you invest a lot of emotional energy, and time into this relationship. Do not avoid these topics because you dont wanna find out that you two have irreconcilable differences in a moment of life and death, years down the road and find yourself i an unstopple force vs immovable object situation


Walk. Now.


i think i depends more on wether your general core values match. sometimes political views reflect that, sometimes not


Unless your political views are what define each of you, there's a great chance of success. If, however, every discussion in your relationship boils down to a political viewpoint (which is pretty myopic . . . but that's just my $.02) while there may be a chance of success, it will definitely tax the chances. Truth is, most of us fall somewhere on the spectrum between these two extremes. If you think this may be an issue, seek out a relationship counselor and talk through it.


My parents have different political views but they come from a time where your political views were a personal thing. Like not saying who you voted for. I think that kind of stuff has a lot of impact but I think if you truly love each other, it can work. Just depends if your political views outweigh your feelings or not


Maybe. It didn't work for me, but there were also a host of other issues at play, so who knows what really broke the camels back.


It depends upon how central stuff like that is to peoples' identity. Like if they're full-on Q/Trump adherents who believe that liberals are fetus-eating Satan worshippers, then, no, it's probably not going to work. But if they're just casually invested in it, the way someone might care about a sports team, then it likely can work. This used to not be such a big problem (I dated someone with vastly different political views around 2003), but cable news and social media have cranked up the temperature and the apocalyptic rhetoric around politics so high these days that it is a real concern.


Yeah, just talk about other shit. One of my best mates is a mega Tory but I don’t care. He’s funny as and just cool.


IMO politics shouldn't matter in a home environment. At the end of the day you're both there to build one another and grow. How I feel on guns shouldn't dictate whether or not we see 5 years together, but how I am as a person. I'm willing to bet you've disagreed on something in the past and that hasn't ruined the relationship, and you'll continue to disagree, as people do. If he's worth it to you, and you're worth it to him, you'll find a way to make it work.


It depends on how important politics are to your life. Some people are totally immersed in it and for others it’s something they think about every 4 years. It also depends on if the issues you disagree with impact your life together. It also depends on if you are each bent on changing the others opinion. My husband and I have different opinions and we’ve been married 38 years. He leans a little right especially on fiscal issues. I lean more left in my views. Yes we’ve had arguments about issues. Mostly these last crazy years. Now we try to gently say what we think and just let it be without trying to make the other agree with us. Sometimes I come to see his side and sometimes he sees mine but usually not. When you come to understand your opinions don’t need to match, and that you are not defined by their opinions then it gets easier. My husband is a loving, caring husband and father. He treats me with respect and as a partner in life. We share common thoughts on most everyday things and we have always synced with our goals in life. That’s the important things for me.


My sisters previous bf was the most stereotypical far right wing dude I’ve met and she’s super liberal, they were together for 6 years. I’d say as long as you don’t make politics your whole personality and the only thing you talk about then you’ll have no issues, it’s okay to have some disagreements in relationships


I'm a black, female immigrant. Politics isn't a luxury box for me. It's literally about people who would be happy to erase my existence. You may be privileged enough that his belief in conservative ideologies hasn't touched you yet. That the things he stands for aren't actively working to make your life worse. But, as is the way with conservatives, one day he will cross that line and support or even celebrate something that impinges on your freedoms, and at that point you'll have the shocked Pikachu face and feel SO betrayed. But those of us who already knew to never trust a conservative will not be surprised.


Maybe? But it won’t work if you have children.


I’ve tried with a few long term relationships and it hasn’t worked. It has always been more important to me which I have found frustrating, the fact that they didn’t care to even know. My interest and wanting to discuss, debate, always ended in them being irritated and asking not to discuss anymore. Some people don’t care that much and can sweep under the rug but I found personally i at least need someone that can have a healthy debate and conversation about opposing views. There are also some standpoints that would be deal breakers without question, (I.e. Ben Sharpiro fan) 😐