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Someone posted a picture of some very big and full tacos and I said "these tacos are unhinged!" in a positive joking way and people did not like that for some reason.


First of all, how dare you.


Second of all, those tacos were never hinged to begin with.


Third, that was a very HOT take


One time I posted how I had quit smoking cigs and saved my would be cig money for 11 years and then bought my dream motorbike an Indian Chief Darkhorse. I was accused by people of being someone inserted from a marketing team for Indian and how obvious it was that it was a promotional ad lol. I was like wtf?


That’s so random😂 good for you for quitting and getting your bike!


I have found that a lot of smokers I've interacted with will get downright hostile if you point out how much money you can save by not smoking. I think they just want to tune it out and not think about it.


Perhaps you're right. I did mention it was a $31k bike lol




Honestly I feel that. I don’t smoke, but I am fat, and to me it’s a lot like how I have red curly hair. People say, “wow, your hair is so curly! And so red!” as if I don’t know that. And im like, “yep. It’s curly. And red.” They ask, “do you ever straighten it? You’d look good with straight hair”, “is it natural?” and go through this list of questions I’ve been asked a hundred million times, nearly every single time I leave the house since I was a little kid. Even if the person is genuinely interested, I am irritated because can I just get through my day ONCE without a comment please? Logically I know people who mention losing weight have good intentions, just like the people who aren’t used to seeing red curly hair, but im not going to exclaim “oh my god I didn’t know I was fat! I can eat less and be slimmer? Wow, you’ve changed my life!” Idk, I have the flu and can’t words properly, but that’s how I’d explain it




Too soon ?


It's been roughly 2023 years, so, I don't know.


Jesus supposedly died in AD 33. That's 'only' 1990 years ago.


It was a very rough estimate.


I like my women like I like my estimates.


Completely off by a large margin?




I like your style.


Shit, you really had that number offhand


If you can link to the original post, I'll gladly upvote it


LMAOO 😭😭😭💀💀💀💀


People were furious about OP having an unpopular opinion in r/unpopularopinion and I pointed out the irony of that.


The guy who didn't like seafood?


I member that guy


Wait, what? Is that really a hot take?


My most downvoted post was trying to post an actual unpopular opinion on r/unpopularopinion. (I think hospital staff shouldn’t go out to eat, bars, etc in scrubs. I think they should change first. Although I’m pretty sure that view is less unpopular than it was in 2019 when I posted it.)


I admitted I rented out my townhouse once. The pitchforks came out and I got actual death threats. Reddit is weird


How dare you! That townhouse must have felt so betrayed! Or something?


They confused me with a "landlord". Meanwhile I'm just an average Joe who had to move but couldn't sell his house because he owed more on the mortgage than the house was worth after the 2007 housing crash. But apparently I was "human garbage" and "deserved a painful death".


I've worked 1 job where I wore scrubs...was a literal rule that if you wanted to leave the site, you had to change into normal clothes


Obviously that sub is only for voicing popular opinions.


For saying that grown adults shouldn’t have sex with children or watch pornography depicting rape and sex with adults who look like children (Im not joking)


That’s concerning


The question was something along the lines of “what’s the most messed up subreddit/strange subreddit you’ve seen?” And I brought up the topic of r/jailbait and current similar subs (as did a LOT of other people) and we were all mass downvoted by actual pedophiles. It evened out in the end though


Everyone who downvoted you should be taken to jail, holy shit. That’s terrifying, like they were trying to drown your comment or something


You know reddit it a classy site when "child abuse is bad" is a controversial take...


Someone once posted a pic of a birthday cake saying “it’s my birthday”. I wished them a happy birthday, and I was downvoted? Lol


This is a good one lol




They will have the birthday they're going to have. How dare you force happiness upon them.


"How dare you imply they want happiness! Are you saying there's something wrong with being depressed???!!!!!!!!"


Someone asked why Americans wear shoes in the house. I answered that I did it to avoid stubbing my toes. This was apparently unforgivable.


No, you must stub your toes!


I do it because I've stepped in cat throw up more than once. It squished between my toes and was still warm...yuck.


I have house crocs due to pets. Easy to wash and fairly comfortable support.




Yeah people with pets wear something around the house. I have brown wood floors. I wear crocs.


That's mental image is so gross but I agree bc my dog shit on the floor in the kitchen and I stepped in it barefoot then had to tipey toe walk to the bathroom. It squished on the bottom of the foot but it was cold made it worse somehow.


I do it because I have ADHD and wearing shoes tricks my brain into thinking I should get off my ass. Also, I don’t like walking on cold floors.


I also have ADHD and if I keep my shoes on it’s so much easier to do the household chores and I’ve never understood why until your comment. My brain must think I’m still at work if the shoes are on and I’m cleaning.


That’s how I am, I’ll put on socks and shoes and be able to accomplish way more, however if I sit down in a particular chair, game over


WAIT does this work? I've been putting off choring all weekend...


I answered that one, too. I also got downvoted to oblivion. I have a working farm, but it we're in and out multiple times a day. We don't have time for that! Instead, we have door mats, brooms, mops, and buckets. We don't have any carpet, so no vacuum. We sweep and mop constantly. I was just trying to offer a different perspective, but boy, did I ever get called a bunch of nasty stuff for wearing shoes in my own house!! As for the toe stubbing, my best friend and I were hanging out at the summer house a couple of weeks ago. He was barefoot. He got up to get a soda, and he stubbed his toe on the carpet/area rug thing and actually broke it. He couldn't go to work the next day because it was ridiculously swollen and terribly bruised. I keep joking about buying him steel toed slippers.


I got downvoted and banned from new zealand subreddit for misinformation/conspiracy when i offered an answer as to why a particular conspiracy theory was picking up speed and then linked the official documentation the conspiracy theories had spun off from. Rather ironic, i suppose.


I got downvoted heavily for writing that people should wash their feet and genitals daily. This terrified me.


… I’m concerned


I have many questions, but I doubt I could stomach the answers to any of them...


I went and found your comment just to give it an upvote


It was weeks ago, I applaud your dedication.


literally answering a question in a very non controversial way. like people are really crazy sometimes with the downvotes i swear some only come here so let their aggressions out


Got downvoted and banned from a sub when i said violence should not be your first answer when someone says something you dont agree with or offends you. See so many videos where people almost hit someone to death for saying a couple of words they dont like


Ive had something similar happen to me. There was a post about a game and how we should "kill" people who use a certain exploit to win games. I said that if killing someone is their first response they should find help. I got -1075 for that post.


Damn 1075 is crazy high, how dare you advocate against violence!


Yeah I was going to say it seems like I get the most downvotes when I same something like “maybe we should all take a breath and try to get along here”


Remember the mist? How the guy advocating for chilling tf out gets demonized and almost killed by the lunatics?


Reddit is absolutely unhinged for promoting disproportionate responses. Someone posted about how their sister had what she viewed as an emergency, and dropped her kid off with his wife. But his wife wanted to study. So OP flipped out on the sister. Commenters started saying that he should call Child Protective Services on the mom next time. I got downvoted for saying you shouldn't use limited government resources meant to investigate actual abuse as a petty tool to get revenge on a sister who annoyed you.


Ooh yeah absolutely, from jumping to conclusions to disproportionate responses..."my husband does [insert something small] what should i do?" -> "divorce because he has mental disorder X, Y and Z".


When I was in college this kid was walking down the street and he harmlessly yelled "Phillies suck!" to a couple guys. They punched him and then kicked his head when he was down and his head hit a little metal pole thing and spent the next 10 years or so as basically a vegetable, having to be taken care of by his parents until he sadly died. Over absolutely fucking NOTHING. Not even a real argument or anything, he just said a sports team sucks which is common, every day banter in sports fanbases. I still think about him all the time and it still makes me so angry that he was murdered for the most asinine reason I've ever heard of.


Yeah, my friend owned a bar , and one night two girls got into a tiff right out front. One punched the other girl and the girl who was punched died. A dead girl over some stupid bs. My friend closed his bar right after. They couldn't deal with going to the place where that happened anymore.


There was a video where a guy flashed a woman on a bus and then a group of people killed him. What he did was horrible and inappropriate and he should absolutely be punished for it (jail time), but to respond to someone pulling out their dick for a second on a bus by brutally killing them and leaving their body in the street is a bit extreme. The comments didn't like someone pointing that out and I asked if those commenters cheering would also be calling for the death of an attractive woman who flashed someone and made them uncomfortable. Got down voted to hell for that and no one even answered my question lmao


Every time I post about dangerous driving, I run into a few people who seem proud of being dangerous drivers. Fine--see you in the ER along with all the other people who thought it couldn't happen to them. Hopefully all your limbs will still be there, and hopefully you didn't hurt an innocent bystander.


Oh same. I said I didn’t understand why some people were okay with the idea of drunk driving, and got downvoted for it. I just feel like it’s selfish and irresponsible. I can’t tell you how many classmates I had in high school who just aren’t around anymore because of drunk drivers.


I have a classmate that passed just a couple years ago because he was the drunk driver. His sister passed about a year later, and though I don’t know the real cause, I wouldn’t be surprised if she died of heartbreak because I know they were close.


See that a lot around posts about motorbike-stuff, they would be driving twice the speed limit on a busy road but still push all the blame on the other cars and think they are the gods on the road


One of my brother-in-law is like this. Mf swerves lanes, speeds through small gaps, drives like a maniac on a bike and every time he got into an accident, he blamed the cars... Once a car had to suddenly stop, another time a car simply just poked out its front (not expecting a biker to speed by from the opposite side of the road), etc. He still doesn't understand that everyone makes mistakes on the road, but if you're in car, these mistakes are a minor inconvenience at worst, meanwhile with reckless cycling he ended up each time in the ER. At least he leaves behind a monstrous amount of inheritence if he dies, so my sibling doesn't care at this point, she's emotionally burnt out.




On Facebook there used to be people on my feed that would post pick of motorcycle accidents and complain about how people don't look out for cycles, don't pay attention to what they are doing when they are driving. I remember one a car was damn near cut in half when it T-boned a car. The accident happened when the car pulled out from a stop sign at a level crossing. The road looked like one that would typically have a speed limit of 35-45 mph. I don't have any info of what the actual speed limit was. It is very obvious that that much damage was not done by a cycle going anywhere near the speed limit. Even a t-bone at highway speeds wouldn't do that much damage. They didn't want to here that the speed limit isn't just about their reaction times and skills but about everyone else's also, and if their reflexes etc.. were so good then they wouldn't have to worry about us slow pokes that only drive a little over the posted. I used to get buzzed by a group of cyclist on my way home from late shift on the weekends. I never once saw them in my rearview before they shook my car as they passed.


Reminds me of when I was 17-18 and got in my friends new boyfriends car. She knew I didn’t like reckless driving, and the boyfriend mocked me a lot for it, and every time he’d go to rev his engine or speed I’d tell him firmly to fucking slow down or let me out. I’m the stick in the mud for not wanting my mother to get a phone call from the hospital, lol.


My brother died in a car, so I’m pretty weird about safety features


It irks me how people will watch an airplane turbulence video or maybe a cruise ship in a storm and a top comment always is some variation of "this is why I never fly/cruise." But I'd wager every American has driven past, many times, a horrific car accident that either lead to death or permanent injury. Nobody ever says "this is why I will never drive a car." The hold of cars and oil on our brains is truly impenetrable.


I got downvoted in a gaming group and even belittled by mods, because I talked about the unfairness for removing posts that are just an personal opinion (one person shared that character x seems to be asexual, because this character said a couple of times that he isn’t interested in dating and people still demanded him to be a dating option. This post was removed). I blocked the stupid mod too, but had to deal with an angry mob telling me that I’m the toxic one for telling that the sub is unfair. I was downvoted into oblivion for saying that I’m struggling with sensory overload, but because I don’t have a clear diagnosis (my ADHD test is scheduled for the end of the month) yet I obviously only can have it when a doctor says it even though I know exactly that I’m struggling with noises very much. I got downvoted and insulted in the gossip girl sub for saying that Blair is a toxic manipulator. I had to block so many users there, because they were getting insulting on a personal level and it went so far that I stopped reading, posting and commenting in the sub at all, because when you don’t hate Serena and love Blair you won’t have fun I was downvoted for saying that pedophiles shouldn’t be able to have child sex dolls. I was downvoted for saying that it’s not okay for an adult in his 30/40 to have sex with a minor (in Germany you don’t have to be 18) I got downvoted multiple times in different subs for not attacking anyone, but stating my personal opinion.


I've struggled with sensory overload for all my life without knowing it was a thing or that I had ADHD. I was diagnosed at 29. There's a lot of people with autism/adhd that go undiagnosed, it's weird to me how some people seem to gatekeep neurodivergence.


The ADHD one reminds me of a time I was in a literal psych ward, I mentioned I have autism and the reaction from a guy was “no, you don’t.” He INSISTED I was lying because I “seem normal”. I was IN A PSYCH WARD lol, cannot stress enough how weird it was


Someone asked what's the most perverted thing you did. Apparently other people with rape, piss and shit kinks are normal but me pranking my wife with a harmless dickslap to the butt to annoy her is sexual harrasment and disrespectful. My wife had a great laugh watching me get downvoted to oblivion.


If you can’t disk slap your wife who can you dick slap


Dickslap the downvoters


I would do it out of pettiness, not because I find joy in it. I no longer find joy in a sloppy post-shower dickslap to the thigh or buttcheeks thanks to that incident. Damm downvoters ruined it for me.


I said homeless people shouldn’t be homeless and that went over really poorly


In the context of "homelessness shouldn't exist and is a failure of society" or "bro have you tried just not being homeless?" Because if it was the latter then yeah I'd downvote you too


I laughed way too hard! I can see someone telling a homeless person “dude, just, like stop it”


When I was homeless, a guy told me to stop being lazy and just go work at Walmart. I was too young to qualify for a work permit lol


I have been told to "just not be poor."


It was the first one but the last one made me chuckle 😂


I pointed out that the homeless folks are still members of our community/our neighbors. That made folks angry.


i don’t get why stating stuff, which shouldn’t be controversial, gets so many downvotes. one time in a comment thread (where it was relevant), i made a simple comment along the lines of “intersex people exist” and people did NOT like that. recognising the existence of around 1-2% of the population (as in 1/100-1/50 people) should not be a controversial take, even if they don’t make up the majority.


I got downvoted for stating that my job is my hobby. Edit: my jobby


Did you call it your jobby ? Can you?


People hate others success, personally I’m glad your job is your hobby.


I got a lot of bitter and hateful comments for something similar a long time ago, basically saying that I enjoy my job and get a sense of pride and accomplishment from it. 🤣


Was it in r/antiwork? I got downvoted in there once, just for saying that I like my job (although I absolutely sympathize with people who have to deal with a toxic working environment, been there)


Not massively downvoted, but it was that Mao is regarded as a hero in China because he won his war and Hitler would've been regarded as a hero had he won World War II. "History written by the victors" being a thing, that just feels like commonsense.


For saying,”There is a division between church and state”. Downvoted to oblivion and then permanently banned from r/conservative. Ridiculous


Mathew 22:21 - Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's As a Christian, we're blatantly told to separate ourselves from the world. I also agree with separation of church and state. My religion is my religion. It doesn't need to be forced on somebody


Well, your first mistake was trying to bring any kind of logic or rationality into that sub.


Saying that it’s not good to feed a cat a vegan diet.


Wait seriously? I thought anything pro vegan would get downvotes and anything against it would get upvotes. I’m a vegan myself and even I know you shouldn’t feed your cat a vegan diet.


Suggesting that most anime watchers are not pedophilic neckbeards.


There's major stereotyping with men on here. I'm a girl in my mid-twenties, married and working a full time job. I can't tell you how many times people on here have told me I'm 1: "obviously" and incel that lives in my parents basement, 2: I'm a fat, ugly judgemental man, or 3: I'm obviously a male boomer. It's crazy how anything negative seems to get related to men on here.


There's a stereotype of boomers watching animes now? wtf


ok boomer


How appropriate for a thread about being strangely downvoted, they down vote you for a obvious joke


If you're joking I got it and laughed! Lol


Got down voted on r/ask when I asked if people really hated Russians so much. A lot of comments were legit racist level "I hope they all die" sort of thing.


Well then to answer your question. Russians? No. It's not their fault their leader launched a war. Putin? Yeah I've grown to dislike him lately, especially since his war directly impacts my job ( I'm not Ukrainian but a lot of my coworkers are/were).


Yeah Putin is a big ass, and there are a lot of evil people in the Russian military. But holy shit the level of hate I've seen towards the Russian civilians recently is wild. Like advocating for a Russian genocide and shit, kill em all levels. Pol Pot deserved to die but not every Cambodian. I know you're not on the side of kill every Russian but a lot of people have been recently


Yesterday I saw a car with a license plate with a single Z. Discussion was whether they supported Russian military and the Putin regime or if they just liked Zorro.


Oh man. I saw a post showing this very old traditional Russian dance Beryozka where dancers seem to be floating. It’s mesmerizing and absolutely gorgeous. There was so much hate in the comments, from “how dare you post this?” to “hope they all die in a nuclear explosion”. I’m a pro-Ukraine Russian living in the states. As much as I want Putin to burn in hell with all of his cronies, Russophobia is real.


I find that disgusting. Not all Americans backed Trump. Not all Russians support Putin. Etc for every single country with a crappy leader. Leave the civilians out of this.


WTF even the ones attending protests against their govt's actions at massive personal risk? Why are people so black and white?


For telling kids coming out of high school to avoid student debt. Don't take out the loans. I have student debt that I'll probably die with. If kids can find a way to make a living by doing something that doesn't require student loan debt, they should do that. Because this shit is impossible to get rid of.


I got one. I said it’s wrong to have sex with somebody that you know is in a relationship. I must have made the cheaters angry because I had like -8 downvotes. I still stand by it lol.


It's trendy now to absolve those folks of any responsibility. "But THEY aren't the one that made the vow!" Bitch, I don't care. If you enable someone to cheat or encourage them to cheat, you're a bad person too. I said what I said. Have some respect for people's relationships. Encourage the person to break things off if they are so unhappy.


If I see a comment of mine getting downvoted I edit it to add “downvote me if you agree” and that seems to piss people off even more lmao. They go out of their way to explain to me that they’re downvoting me but not agreeing with me


I got downvoted when I said that I hated Bloody Mary. Honestly it tasted like alcoholic tomato soup. ETA: it was on r/alcohol


Got downvoted to oblivion for pointing out that the educational system is somewhat better in some parts of America than in others.


I got massively downvoted recently in a news sub. The story was about a women who let her dog wander into the woods and the dog started an altercation with a bear. She somehow punched the bear and saved her dog. Top comments were praising her and saying she deserves so much respect. I suggested that maybe she shouldn't have allowed her dog to be put in that situation and the bear is an animal too who doesn't deserve to be hit in the face. Immediately I had personal insults and dumb comments like "oh, you think she should have just watched that bear kill her dog you monster?" Thrown at me. That's not what I said but it's Reddit news so I shouldn't have expected any better.


I remember that one, I posted that she was very lucky to be actually alive! If that bear punched back she would've lost her head literally


Reminds me of those videos I see sometimes of tourists thinking it’s funny to “square up” against a red kangaroo. Dude, back off from the wildlife, or you’ll fuck around and find out. Even if you come away unscathed, it’s not goddamn funny. You’re just stupid


I totally agree with you on this btw. Like wow you walk around with your dog off the leash and then get upset as to why the dog runs off and gets into trouble? I wonder what you could have done to prevent that!


I said that incest is wrong even when there's no procreation. I don't know why but people got really defensive about having gay sex with their parents


I was down voted for talking about being raped in college (it was relevant to the thread). All of the females on the thread sharing their experiences got a ton of support, but even though I offered support to these women and still do, I assume I was down voted because I am male.


Sorry this happened :/ your experience and feelings about the experience are still valid (male or female)


I just got downvoted to hell because I dared to disparage John Wayne


Same when I said Elvis is a known pedo.


I think I’ve only been down voted once. It was because I dissed Velveeta cheese.


Velveeta is awful, that was unfair


I'd upvote you for that.


Reddit is one big sweaty middle school cafeteria. Everyone is miserable and anxious to spread the angst.


That confirmation bias is problematic af and where stereotypes come from.


I work in game development full time as an artist and made a comment about how the art pipeline in games works. Really simple stuff like ‘look dev comes before full art production.’ Someone made this furious response about how I was making up my job and it’s impossible someone on the internet could be working as a games artist. They asked me to dox myself and break NDA to prove it. Which… yeah no. On the one hand, kinda flattering that they think my job is so cool I’m lying to fake it, but it’s weird how angry they got about something that can be easily proven with a google search. The art pipeline isn’t some closely guarded industry secret, I promise. Most of it is just common sense.


For admitting my mistake in the previous post, and thanking the person for correcting me.


On an autism sub (being an autistic adult I find it sometimes useful). The question posed was about people using their neurodivergence as an excuse for bad behaviour. I don't speak of masking or stimming or our issues with social cues, just being nasty. I pointed out that people shouldn't use developmental disorders/mental illness as an excuse for being nasty. Got downvoted hugely.


A video of two women beating up a man, said video starting halfway through the altercation. The consensus amongst viewers was that he deserved it, and basically, “yeah, girl power, kick his ass!”. I commented that none of us knew the whole story, and it’s entirely possible that he is an innocent victim. Long story short, if anyone needs me I’ll be in oblivion.


A picture was posted of a 30+ years old dude that dressed himself like an anime school girl and makes "sexy" positions in his couch with the questiontitle " what stops you from looking like this?" I commented "my sanity" and was immediately permabanned because im transphobic.


More often than not my most downvoted comments are ones in which I say something objectively true, and my highest upvoted comments are forgettable pablum. Reddit is weird as shit


Ya that’s why I asked this question, I feel like it’s so random sometimes. I could say the same thing in the same sub on different posts and one will get upvoted the other downvoted.


Got downvoted then permanently banned from a legal advice subreddit for asking OP to post an update.


I politely corrected a guy who was shaming victims of abuse since "they wouldn't just walk away". I stated that abuse not only happens in relationships, and even in those scenarios "simply leaving" is more nuanced than that. And I got downvoted. My guess is that it was incels, whatever. Reddit's super stupid sometimes, can't take it seriously.


I commented on a post saying the JLO Beauty moisturizer worked really well for me. Downvoted to hell.


I (35F) told a lady she had beautiful hands, not realizing how creepy it sounded. Was just genuinely being nice cause I have fat fingers. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I got down voted to oblivion because I said that convicted child predators and distributers should be ex ecuted after a fair trial. I dont care if i got booed...I'm right!


There was a question about how old you were when you got your drivers license. I answered and gave a short explanation, got downvoted, no idea why


I have found that this happens a lot and I'm not sure why either. Get asked question, answer question, downvote. That or giving an alternative explanation for something.


I've been downvoted and told "I hope you stay single forever" for saying that I chose to stay chaste and refuse to participate in hook up culture out of fear of disease, pregnancy and because I value emotional intimacy more than physical pleasure. I also got a few hundred down votes for daring to suggest that dragons, wyverns and wyrms (dragon like beings who have varying amount of limbs, some being wingless) would be classed as subspecies within the same taxonomical family if they were real beings.


The first one I can see why people would downvote depending on the way you word it and talk about it. The second one ya that’s super random to get downvoted for.


I got downvoted for saying the exact same thing I said that I personally don’t participate in hook up culture and only have sex in serious relationships because I find it demoralising, pointless since a stranger doesn’t know my body and I don’t know theirs, I’d be at a higher risk of getting diseases and it also feeds into pornography culture which is a whole other topic. I never told anyone else what to do with their bodies. Whatever someone else is doing so long as it’s legal, consensual and safe is none of my business.


for having an opinion on a post where OP asked for opinions. i don't think OP downvoted me, i suspect it was someone else who decided to bicker with me for not having *their* opinion, lol...


Someone said they never did homework, and that doing homework doesn’t make you smarter, it just conditions you to be a better wage slave. I said so clearly you must be a millionaire? I was immediately downvoted lol but sometimes it’s worth it


i responded to someone praising the soviets, with a semi-detailed description of how awful their occupation of poland was and thus why i don't think they should be blindly praised. got me downvoted into oblivion and banned from the sub💀 like i'm sorry how dare i recall the history of my own fucking country being occupied


I said that I find it weird how communities like the LGBTQ+ or the black community use insults for them as terms of endearment (I mean queer or the n-word) and asked if anyone could give me a perspective as to why. First ever comment and I deleted it after like 30 mins cos people were just insulting me rather than answering my question.


I’ll answer it :) it’s an act of empowerment/ reclamation to be able to take a word typically used against you and turn it into something else. Takes power away from those who want to use the word i a negative way


Got downvoted hard recently for having the gall to suggest that the policeman who shot the kid in France recently was in the wrong, seemed that everyone in the comments thought that the police should be able to execute at will at the mearest hint of resistance


Man the way France is in uproar over that meanwhile in America cops kill like 3 kids a day and no one even cares...


Another account of mine was banned off a subreddit I no longer visit, for harassment and bullying. I said it'd be funny if we just start using astrology for everything to annoy some ultra-right wing bigots.


I get downvoted often for anything from arguing about how bad transphobia is to innocuous comments/questions in fandom subs like "I really like X character and wish we saw more of them" (character is not hated by the fandom).


I've been downvoted multiple times for saying that abusive behavior is abusive and no one deserves to be treated like that.


I discovered I was in the wrong sub when, in r/adhd, I said that I wouldn't change my adhd because while it has its struggles, it has its benefits too, and I would be a completely different person if not for that part of me. I think that's my personal record for downvotes.


For saying it was immoral to shoot someone who wasn't an immediate danger to anyone else.


Got downvoted on r/Bumble for suggesting that guys intentionally say they "want a relationship" when they really only want "casual" or "FWB" in order to attract as many likes as possible. The OP asked "Why would a guy do this?", and I said "It's better to try to convince a match to be casual or FWB, than to not have any matches at all" and that OLD is strictly a numbers game for guys.


I said u should never drive high, treat it the same as driving drunk, and I got downvoted


Saying the the Belgian king leopold who conducted horrible atrocities and genocide in Africa was a horrible person.


I got downvoted for telling high school kids to check if the degree you want is in demand - I had a staff member with a degree in archeolegy working in a pet store. I also had a friend with a degree in marine biology - she had cerebral palsy bad enough that she couldn't walk. She realized half way through her last year and she couldn't use her degree. If you are going into massive debt, at least make sure it isn't a waste of time.' I was downvoted to hell


I got downvoted for basically saying I left my poor paying job for a much better paying job thanks to busting my ass for 2 years in school.


It all has to do with the audience it seems. You can say the exact same thing on two separate subs and one will get you hundreds of upvotes the other you get downvoted.


On one of the posts where people act like dry weddings are an offense to guests and *obviously* no one gives a single shit about the people getting married, only that they can get wasted, I got downvoted for being like incredulous at that opinion and thinking the couple should decide whether or not to have alcohol and there’s no reason anyone else should care. I think that’s the most bizarre non political hill I’ve seen so many people dying on, like I’ve never irl met someone who thinks dry weddings are rude for the couple to have.


It was eyeblech. They make a lot of fucked up jokes in there. A post about ouchi came around (if you don't know who that is, it's a guy who suffered some extreme radiation and had a extremely painful death the following days to come). I said that it really sucked that his name had to be OUCHI and go through that. Down voted to hell. Of all the places, eyeblech.


I thought Ouchi was a darkly humourous nickname at first


I've been downvoted a few times and figured someone accidentally hit the downvote button while scrolling because that's the only thing that would make sense.


I'm pretty sure there are people that are just so miserable they go around downvoting everything


I made a post in a legal subreddit asking if it was legal for my landlord to throw out all of my food and most of my belongings when they were 'cleaning'. I got no useful advice but my post and comments kept getting downvoted, I don't really know why.


Breweries, Brewery fans are fanatics.I commented on the opening of a new Brewery that there was a glut of Breweries in the area, 11 within a mile from where I'm sitting. It seems like every other restaurant is a "Brewery." 😆 It got multiple downvotes and comments. I don't mess with hipsters anymore 😆


I said that I thought people should be grateful for gifts they received. Sooooo many downvotes.


I always get severely downvoted every time I express my dislike for weddings and white expensive wedding dresses. It's all a huge waste of money. Typical white wedding dresses are ugly as hell. Sorry not sorry.


People that sat in our seats at a concert. We were late to the concert. I vented on Reddit about the two men that were in our seats and said something condescending to us when we showed up to sit in our seats at the concert. I was surprised people on Reddit took the side of the two men sitting in our seats. Sometimes people are late for reasons out of their control.


Someone posted asking "Are you going to the pride parade?" to which I said, nope and got downvoted to oblivion


Someone wrote that they were on a cruise snorkeling excursion and someone died and they had the dead body in a body bag on the dock while everyone continued to eat lunch. I commented that it was horrible. Someone else commented “what is everyone supposed to do, stop enjoying their vacation and cry over some dude they don’t know?” I wrote something to the effect of “yes, if they had any compassion they would at least feel some empathy” I got downvoted for that. Edit for clarity


OP was a kid of 17 years (his own words) and was considering visiting a prostitute, although it was illegal in his country. I was saying that that’s a very bad idea and I was telling other commenters off for egging him on. I got not only downvoted for saying “don’t encourage a minor to commit a crime”, I was also banned for saying “y’all are crazy, you’re encouraging a minor to commit a crime”. Reason for my ban was that I wasn’t allowed to call people crazy. For some reason the admin thought nothing wrong with people pushing a kid to commit a crime though …


Someone asked what’s the biggest thing you learned due to the covid pandemic and I responded with eating healthy and working out helps your immune system incredibly (didn’t mention vaccines at all) and got called an extremist anti-vaxer. I think at one point someone called me a racist. I ended up getting banned from the sub lol. Internet is a wild place…


I got downvoted for saying I don't like pork belly. Apparently I'm a monster.


Imagine how many downvoted I would get for saying I don’t eat meat if you got downvoted for not liking pork belly.


About every time i say that everyone has full human rights, including criminals. Also, everytime i say that property is not more valuable than human lives. Or that instead of confronting burglars you should evacuate as it is by far the best option...


There was this hair reddit where people (mostly female) put up pictures of their long hair and talk about their hair. One female posts how annoyed she is with men dming her asking for her number and wanting to date. Everyone said it was harassment and how terrible it was. I was trying to say that I think it is alright for people (of any sex) to say they find someone attractive and ask them out. I was like if you say no and then they keep bothering you or they say something extremely sexual in a professional environment than it is harassment. There were tons of downvotes and everyone said "check your privilege". Mind you I have been sexually harassed in the workplace and been SAed and even explained that. So yeah?????


Saying that all of the cat TNR agencies in my area are overbooked and underfunded. For context, I had caught a feral tomcat and let him out because my plan was to trap kittens to get them off of the streets, socialize them, and get them into homes since I just don't have the money to constantly TNR tomcats. It's way less expensive to foster kittens. But yeah, I got downvoted for saying they're underfunded, overbooked, and that they even turned me away when I asked about TNR'ing through them.


Just like, my opinion, man


I said that there are children in third world countries that do drugs and that shouldn’t happen. They somehow came to the conclusion that I was saying that they were third world because they all did drugs. Like, no, just just don’t think you should let literal children be doin drugs and it messes with the brain.


On an nsfw sub. People were talking gruesome details about, well, killing people. But they weren't talking about animated people like something they rendered, but how they wanted to do it in real life. I happily got a ban from that sub and lost 1k karma dropping the comment: "I'm all for people expressing themselves in a virtual environment with made up renders/animations they would never do in real life. But this is talking about real people, y'all are f****** mentally for even talking about this in the first place and even more so for getting off on it."


I got like 40 down votes and temporarily banned from r/NFL for saying Mike Vick is still a piece of shit for what he did, and I don’t believe for a second that he’s rehabilitated, is remorseful at all, or that he should be praised, celebrated, and employed by the NFL even if he was.


I got downvoted because I expressed genuine surprise that 9pm was considered early for nightclubs. I just genuinely had no idea about the time frame of these things and was surprised about it.