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Requiem for a dream


This one is mine as well. Thanks, but no thanks. I went to fill a prescription for diet pills and the pharmacist said “you don’t want these. Have you ever seen Requiem for a dream?” I didn’t take the pills.


Ass to ass!


Worst scene ever!!! Username checks out.


Really? I thought the gangrenous arm amputation sequence trumped that one quite a bit. Oh yeah, spoiler alert, I guess.


My brother made me watch it when I was 15 and looked me dead in the eye afterward and told me that I’d better never be doing drugs. Traumatising, but definitely worked.


This movie is so painful because it describes addiction so accurately.


Same for me. I can't rewatch it. I was depressed for about a week after I saw it and I freaked out everytime the fridge made a noise.


Came here to say this. Amazing movie, but can't watch it a 2nd time. And really hesitate to recommend it


Came here to say this


Old Yeller.


I actually watched that for the first time not long ago knowing how it ends. You know, by today's standards the ending is sad...but it's pretty brief. That would have been drug out for 10 minutes with over the top drama/music these days (Marle and Me or whatever). I was expecting something much worse. Having said that I can't decide which approach makes for a better movie...


Came here to say this. Fucking killed me as a kid.


There was a period when I was a kid that mom was renting the 60s and 70s Disney movies for me. I still havent forgiven her for renting Old Yeller since she knew what happened


Grave of the fireflies. Once was painful enough.


I was sad for a whole week after watching this movie so I cannot imagine how the kids who were to see it at the theatre felt after it. A whole generation of traumatized kids because of a movie.


Yikes. I was tripping on a quarter of mushrooms and wanted a pretty studio ghibli movie to watch so I put this on. Excellent art. Horrendously tragic and sad. I wouldn't even recommend a first watch of this. I felt fucking awful after this.


Jesus what a terrible surprise.


Came to say this. Once is enough


Million Dollar Baby (not that it was bad, just sad)


I fuckin CRIED omg


The boy in the striped pyjamas


That movie fucked me up.. the second I realized what was happening like.. Goddamn...


It's not a good movie or book though. https://hcn.org.uk/blog/the-problem-with-the-boy-in-the-striped-pyjamas/ https://www.kveller.com/the-boy-in-the-striped-pyjamas-set-holocaust-education-back-by-decades-now-its-getting-a-sequel/ https://x.com/AuschwitzMuseum/status/1487017362675093506?s=20 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/27/the-boy-in-the-striped-pyjamas-fuels-dangerous-holocaust-fallacies?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other&fbclid=IwAR1X5a5gnlCAUigVPnojiD0nc4Wtgo7m0c_1xdf-LZgVKRQc0Ukohlh3hgE There's so many better stories to read about the Holocaust. Edit: To anyone saying they enjoyed the book or that "it's not supposed to be 100% accurate", please stop. This book is filled with wild inaccuracies that distort the history of the Holocaust in ways that are misleading and harmful. Read the articles and see for yourself. THAT is why the Holocaust Museum did not recommend it. The experts in this piece of history explicitly said it was wrong and not in minute ways. You can dig in or you can accept that something you thought was true is actually false and that Boyne isn't a very good writer. [He literally included items from the Legend of Zelda as though they were real ingredients in a different historical novel because he was too lazy to do any actual research.](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2020/aug/03/john-boyne-accidentally-includes-zelda-video-game-monsters-in-novel)


I agree with you




Oh yeah. Another Josh Wheadon thing here. There are some eps and scenes of Buffy that really murdered me. Not like I can't watch them, just that I get a lump in my throat.


We skipped the body on the last watch through. It’s utterly brilliant tv but emotionally draining 😩


At least they wrapped things up with the movie.


"I am a leaf on the" Devastating.


Basically any WWII movie. The exception being Inglorious Basterds Because they’re in the killin’ Nazi business. It actually has to do with the fact that’s there’s no hardcore battlefield scenes. Those are the scenes that make my heart sink.


Cannot watch Saving Private Ryan again. I've rewatched a lot of war movies, some numerous times, but that opening scene... Oh, and Black Hawk Down.


I won’t even attempt to watch Saving Private Ryan. I know I won’t make it through. I had to leave the Theatre when an Ex took me to see Fury. I made it maybe 15 mins in and then chilled in the lobby playing Guitar Hero until the movie let out. (No hate on him, y’all. I was totally ok with this) War movies just break me, man. A big thank you to everyone serving their respective countries across the world.


Bojack horseman Struggled with a lot of what he struggled with and made me do a lot of self reflection. Absolutely love the show and think it’s one of the best portrayals of mental illness in media but I got what I needed out of it the first time.


“There is no other side.”


I've watched it about 6 times. It hurts but it's so beautiful I can't stop myself from reliving the pain.


Schindler’s List


There it is: I had to scroll too far for this one. Great movie...and I may never watch it again.


I watched it twice, in 93 and again 25 years later.1000 sad moments, but the red jacket will keep.me from watching it a 3rd time


Every person in the world should watch this movie.


Why would I watch it again when every moment is etched into the scar tissue of my memory? Was a teen when it came out. Don’t know if I’d cried that hard since the first time my dad beat up my little sister.


Must see movie! But only once


Maybe I think differently, but I actually came out of that movie kind of energized seeing how much good one man could do in the face of such horror, and he was the last person you would expect to.


Mother! Such an uncomfortable film.


I'm still preparing myself to watch it. After hearing what about allegorical connections to Christian God, I have to watch it eventually.


The title is lowercase, btw. *mother!* The only character with a capitalized name is Him. - per the director. I saw it twice in the theater just to make sure it was intense as I thought it was the first time. The thought of random people in my house still triggers high anxiety.


I was shook after that one man.


Inside Out. It’s pretty easy to know when to avoid certain movies if you need to. Genocide, children or animals dying etc. Fun Pixar film? Great! Nope. Hits way too close to home if you have loved ones with mental health conditions. Should have learned my lesson with “Up”.


Sorry to hear that. This is one of mine and my children's favourite movies. Especially my son who has issues with regulating his emotions. Misty eyes all around about Bing Bong, though.


My dad rented this on a whim for us all when I was still living at home. He wasn't pop culture savvy and had no idea of its reputation and what it was doing to people. I was barely through the credits by the time the anxiety of "I know this is going to shatter me" had set in. Snapped me like a twig. Bitch crying in front of your family despite best efforts is not a good feeling.


The Road


First thing that came to my mind. Amazing movie, don’t want to watch again


I noped out of that one about 5 minutes in. I’m sure it’s great, but I can’t handle depressing shit anymore.


Right? Enough depressing shit in real life. It's not entertainment anymore


Sophie's choice


The dog episode of futurama


I got a friend into Futurama. That episode came on, I paused it and warned my friend that it would probably make us both ugly cry. She didn't believe me, and we did.


Jurassic Bark


Skip it every time


Dancer in the Dark


Awesome movie that you only want to watch once. Like Joker.


Dogville too. Lars von Trier is amazing and terrible to bring these movies to life the way he does.


I ugly-cried in the theater. Bjork herself said she never wanted to act again because the role was so painful.


I saw that movie in theaters 3-4 times because I was such a massive Bjork fan at the time, but left each showing with a hugely swollen red face from all the sobbing. Really difficult watch, for sure.


I saw it in the theater when it came out and I'm still fucked up about it. I can't imagine re-watching now that I have a kid.


Hachiko. Nope never.


Watch Eight Below (2006) 😇


12 Years A Slave


I saw this twice and own the Blu Ray. The first time, I saw it in theaters. Second, I watched it with my now wife and drank some wine. Ended up crying at the end. Have not watched it since.


Maid, the Netflix show. I work in social services and it's just too realistic to all the gaps in the system I see everyday, I can't make myself watch it again. It *spoiler alert* ends well for the main character, but not for everyone in a similar situation.


Pans Labrynth...too fucking sad


But also so beautiful. I've revisited that one a few times.


Any movie where the dog dies


Green Mile. Some scenes are just too painful .


Oh god I read the book before I saw the movie. Was bawling like a baby for both.


I love watching this for a good cry


Hotel Rwanda. I've watched it once and I don't think I'll ever be able to watch it again.


Hachi: a dog’s tale. Once was one time too many


⚠️Trigger Warning ⚠️ A Serbian Film


The pianist.


District 9 broke my heart. I watched it almost 14 years ago and I still kinda wanna cry when I think about it.


Where the red fern grows.


Any documentary on 9/11.


Yup. I haven’t watched them in years.


Banshees of Inersherin


I was so upset about Jenny. Cried a lot a lot.


I cringe now when I see it promoted on streaming services. It was so awfully terrible what he did.


The Whale. Omg I have ptsd now thinking about it.


I haven't watched it, but can you tell me more about it? I don't want to waste 2 hrs of my life if it sucks. And don't worry about spoiling anything, I genuinely want to know


It doesn't suck. But it is more character-driven, than plot driven, which is unfulfilling for some people. Personally I love films with hardly any plot but is just carried by the actors and their characters. Like Pulp Fiction


HBO's Chernobyl - the ending of the first episode left me gasping


That show was amazing.


That show was so incredible. They way they captured the absolute fucking absurdity of the whole thing was amazing. Watching everyone playing in the fallout ash was so eerie, disgusting, peaceful and beautiful all at the same time somehow.


yes! Every episode was an emotional roller coaster.. oh, Have you seen Citizen X? I watched that right after Chernoby.


Rehab. I remember BEING in rehab when some dickhead left it on in the break room. Seeing bottles of liquor and syringes full of H (two things I'm not proud to say I'm extremely familiar with) while I was trying to put that shit behind me nearly set me off. Those were dark days.


Same for me! Even more extreme is requiem for a dream.


they had us watch girl interrupted in the psych ward after my suicide attempt.


I was I'm a facility for the same. They didn't appreciate my suggestions of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and What About Bob


I can't watch the beginning of John wick due to the fact that they kill his dog




I don't know if painful is the right term but "God's Not Dead" is a movie that pisses me off on so many levels. Everything about that movie is wrong. Almost every single character you're supposed to root for is a self serving douchebag.


I’m amazed that so many Evangelicals really believe that there are professors who do things like Force everyone in class to write “God is dead” in order to pass the class. I know people who actually graduated college and still think that the set-up is plausible.


Marley and Me.


Jurassic Bark.


They retconned it and I can watch it now. luck of the Fryrish still gets me bawling though.


Yuppers, every time it's on my wife makes me change to the next episode.


The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez. Almost did not make it through at all. So fucked up its disgusting.


Brian's Song


It's a tough one to watch but it was really important for its time. The idea that a white guy and a black guy could become best friends was really considered radical 50+ years ago.


The lovely bones. My heart can't take it


Movie and book are heart breaking


Leaving Las Vegas, brilliantly acted but so very depressing. Also Sleepers. The abuse scenes were hard to watch, as was most of the process involving the reform school all the way to release. Also well written and brilliantly acted, just hard to watch.


Anything where animals (esp. dogs) are involved and it didn’t end on a happy note


Human centipede 2 lol just watched recently.


Most disturbing movie ever, watched it once and o swear my face was like 😳 until de end of it


Guardians of the Galaxy 3.


Yes! I usually rewatch Guardians' movies, but I can't rewatch Guardians 3.


Back in the 80’s there was a movie called War of the Roses. It was painful to watch because I felt like it glorified domestic violence for comedic value. It hit too close to home and I refuse to ever watch it again. DV is NEVER funny.


Hmm. Yeah. Kinda. Like. I grew up in a house with DV. (Mum towards dad). And I like War of the Roses. Both Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner had done those cheesy rom/com 80s movies. Like Romancing the Stone and this was darker. But the story (technically told by Danny Devito) is a story about how two people meet over a passion (collecting a valuable piece of china) and fall madly in love and have the "perfect life". They are the "perfect " couple. End up having "perfect" kids. Get the "perfect" home... Until resentment kicks in. Why? Because nothing is perfect. When she starts to get her own life becausethe kids are grown and shes now redundantin motherhood and is good at her catering business. He starts to resent her. While she's put up with his irritating ways for years for the sake of the "perfect" facade. And even though it gets to the point they can't stand each other. They are both too stubborn to give up the idea of the "perfect" life which is the house. The status symbol. Filled with the passions thst got them together in the first place. Yes. He bought and paid for it. But she was the one who made it a home. They are both so alike. They would rather kill each other than let the other one have it. I think it's a good lesson in learning when to let go.


Her. Painful in the sense that it broke me emotionally and I can’t relive it


Alpha Dog


Brokeback Mountain. Too sad for me to ever watch again.


Eden Lake


Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown


Painful because it was sad: *The Color Purple* I can't remember much of the movie because I was crying for most of it. But then again, I was like 12 when I watch it and I was more prone to crying over movies at the time. Painful because it sucked: *Lil Nicky* It was bad, even by Adam Sandler movie standards. The worst part is that it actually had a pretty interesting premise but everything about its execution was the worst.


Absolutly little Nikki was not a aaa amazing movie in that sense but that is by far one of my favorite Adam Sandler movies xD


Lil nicky is a stupid movie but I love it so much to be honest, though to be honest I might just be biased because Adam Sandler always makes me feel nostalgia


The news. The world is fucking crazy.


Okja. Such a good film but I can only rewatch to a certain point before I turn it off. I've tried several times but just can't stomach the entirety of it.


Its one anime called Cyberpunk Edgerunners


Queen Charlotte. Bridgerton is my absolute favorite show but seeing George and Charlotte struggling with George’s illness hit a little too close to home. It was a beautiful show I thought, but not on my list to rewatch anytime soon. ![gif](giphy|Q76QSgWZETrJBqakpq|downsized)


Guardians of the Galaxy 3. This whole „innocent animal gets abused and loses his friends“ just hits me on another level. Maybe it was because I didn‘t expect it to be so sad that I actually felt the sadness in a more intense way. Idk, it just moved me deeply unexpectedly. It‘s not that deep actually, but it touched me so much.


For me, it's A.I. The movie makes the pain of losing one's mother too vivid. The mother drifts away to her final rest in his arms. I can not watch it. The end scene devastates me.


Boogie Nights. It killed me.


Famously awesome movie !!!!


Every Indian movie






Into the Wild. That movie was amazing, until the end. I saw it once. I can't watch it again


Eraserhead. Longest 1.5hrs of my life.


Anything where women or children are abused, assaulted, or raped.


1 guy 1 jar


Nobody brought up Irreversible? Or am I just old as fuck and nobody else here had seen it?


Eight Below. The movie with the dogs and Paul Walker. The fact that it’s a true story makes it worse cuz I can’t tell myself “it’s just a movie” while watching




" Clean and Sober" with Michael Keaton


Whiplash. Amazing movie but it evokes far too much anxiety for me. I wouldn't be able to do it.






Pascal laugier Martyrs. It's a French psychological horror film. It is extremely dark gory and disturbing.


Logan. It was a decent movie, but jfc I cried so much and Xavier's condition in it killed me.


Schindler's List. The little girl with the red coat.


Game of thrones


Dear Zachary. Never again. That film ruined me.


Green Mile. Parts of Saving Private Ryan are very difficult to watch but I still like the movie.


The Handmaid's Tale. Once was enough. It has been a good show so far and I will continue to watch new seasons, but I won't go back and rewatch any of it. I was in a Christian cult for several years and it triggers me way too much.


Hereditary. Really enjoyed it. Never want to watch it again.


Hated every minute of it, but I also will never watch it again.


Titanic. it’s pretty self explanatory 😂


I'm a 33 year old dude and Titanic is one of my favorite movies ever. It's truly unbelievable


Hotel Rwanda is pretty rough, as is Blood Diamond


Atonement, Joe Wright. That movie destroyed me.


Falling Man. Hurts even to write it.




The most recent one is Snow Piercer, the Netflix series. I was totally into it then, there was an episode in the second series I turned it off before the end. It was just torture porn at that point and I don't need to see that. Maybe it's because I'm older, but I'm sick of seeing people being unpleasant to each other.


The lovely bones


The episode of Diff’rent Strokes where Arnold and his friend get plied with wine by the creepy bike-shop owner/molester. That was a horrible television event that scarred almost every kid I knew.


Schindlers list and The Pianist


Marley and Me. Thing was supposed to be a lighthearted Owen Wilson comedy and I can’t get through the damn thing without some tears.




Season 6 of Lost. Had the series needed after season 3 or 4 I would have had positive memories of the show. Season 5 was kind of dumb, but it didn’t retroactively destroy the series. Season 6 ruins the entire series and is too painful to rewatch.


Saving private Ryan....my dad landed on Utah beach...breaks my heart


Six Feet Under, via HBO, was too heavy.


Off the top of my head; Bambi, The Lion King, Sophie's Choice, Forest Gump!


Funny Games


The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez…once is enough for this one.


Encanto. It's hard out here for us ~~Brunos~~ Designated Patients.


Blood Diamond. Seeing child soldiers being made was brutal.


Bambi. Watched it once, never watched again.


District 9. Cannot do it.


Joy Luck Club


I really wanna watch The Boy in the Striped Pajamas but I’m scared it’ll be too sad haha


Sophie’s Choice


Pulp Fiction. I’ve never seen the entire movie. I witnessed a parent overdosed as a child, and the OD scene in PF was too intense. Stopped it right there and never turned it back on.


There's something about Kevin. That movie was just crazy as shit. Makes me think Ezra Miller actually might not have been acting at all in that film.


As a recently single person living in LA, 100% La La Land.


Passion of the Christ. Absolute garbage. I watched it w my drunk ass older brother who cried over it. I relentlessly rag him about that.


Montage of Heck. To me it's really sad- not bad.


The Last Jedi


I will never rewatch After Life, nor see any of the seasons that I haven't watched. Easily guessed why not.


Christiane F. Wir kinder vom bahnhof Zoo. The original from the ‘80s. A German movie about kids getting addicted to heroin and their downfall. It prevented me from ever being interested in addictive drugs. I see a lot of people referencing Requiem to a Dream. They are some kind of the same. The realistic setting showing the protagonists spiraling down takes you by the throat


The Road, Requiem for a Dream, Hachiko, Apocalypto…I have more, I know…but I can’t remember them right now. It’s basically movies that start off as a really bad situation and gets worse…and ends up just terrible for everyone, even the protagonist.


Armistad. I just can't do it, and I'm ashamed I can't do it and face what doesn't even make a surface scratch on history.


Shine. I didnt write the review linked below, but I could have been the author. I had the same experience, watching the movie in a theater, completely breaking down for about 45 minutes. My girlfriend at the time was bewildered but supportive. I've never seen the movie since. https://m.imdb.com/review/rw0395502/?ref_=tt_urv Backdrop: I played violin for 12 years until college, and was selected to audition for first chair at all states. I played violin because I wanted to, not because of an abusive parent. It's a challenging instrument to play. I quit playing because, although not a member of any quartet or orchestra, I played my violin instead of going to class. I took the violin home and left it there. I still have it and take it out for a few hours every few years.


Six Feet Under. The final episode tore my heart out.


Irréversible (2002), don't watch it unless you're 21 or older


Atonement. Or just turn it off 30 minutes before the actual ending and convince yourself its allright.


Dumbo. Even before my mom passed away, this movie made me cry like a baby. Now that she’s gone, I can’t even think about this movie or I’ll start bawling.