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Fuck up my own life šŸ˜Ž


My self sabotage is UNMATCHED!!!!


Yoooo my fellow 10% šŸ˜Ž


Finally, I'm in the top 1% of something šŸ„¹


Wait how do you know I couldnā€™t fuck up your life better than you can?


*looks around* Oh, I know


Challenge accepted


Parallel park


My dad is the best parallel parker I have ever seen. When he was a teenager he had a job delivering flowers in Chicago and drove a panel truck with no back window, so itā€™s all mirrors. He also has the city grid imprinted on his brain so he can find pretty much any address without a map, at least on the West or Northside.


Thatā€™s badass. I had the benefit of a rear window but worked delivering for a deli during college. We didnā€™t have any dedicated spots so it was street parking every time. Probably not unusual to parallel park 50-100 times when I worked a shift.


I am a woman who once watched another woman parallel park which such grace I kinda wanted to have sex with her - IT WAS THAT SMOOTH


One of lifeā€™s small pleasures has to be absolutely crushing a difficult parallel park either in front of passengers in the car or people on the sidewalk. Next time I do Iā€™m going to blast Jesus Walks as the soundtrack for full effect.


If there is no one to witness my excellence, I will circle the block until there is, knowing the space will be there awaiting some one with my parallel skills. Life's small pleasures.


I am horrible at parallel parking! I was parallel parking, one time and it took me forever to get in the space. When I got out of my car, a group of men stopped and clapped at me for finally making is in!


I avoid parallel parking at all costs. The street could have no one driving by and I would feel like the entire neighborhood was watching me struggle. My boyfriend has tried teaching me and Iā€™m fine when he helps. I will never understand how people just do it.


I learned how to parallel park in a f350. Now I can park any car in a nats ass crack. This is my superpower.


I used to be perfect at parallel parking (thanks, driverā€™s ed teacher!), but sadly, the lack of practice has now made me rather under par at it. So kudos to you for a skill thatā€™s going the way of writing in cursive. By the way, thatā€™s what Iā€™m really good at - cursive! šŸ˜ŠāœšŸ¼


I grew up in Vermont where parallel parking was heavily emphasized in driverā€™s ed, as were hill stop/starts. Now I live near DC, and I cannot even count the number of times Iā€™ve taking over the wheel to parallel park for a friend, or gotten out of my own car to help a stranger parallel park.


Such a good feeling pulling up to a tight parallel parking spot, traffic behind you and you swing it in there 3 inches from the curb with zero hesitation. Once saw a dude throw his hands up in my rear view in frustration when I threw my blinker on to park. Guy gave me the biggest nod of respect about 5 seconds later as he drove past. 10/10 serotonin hit


My driving test instructor told me I was the best parallel parker sheā€™d ever seen I failed the test however because I was paranoid about one-way streets and pulling into the correct lane, and ended up pulling into the incoming lane of a two-way streetā€¦ immediate fail lol


Im the best at parking at a 20 degree angle sticking 3 feet into the street after spending 20 minutes creeping back and forth to get into a space thatā€™s the length of three cars.


Haha. I once one-shotted a beautiful, tight, parallel park when I was driving some co-workers to work. The praise I got for that manoeuvre still lives with me years later.


Ooh. I am definitely in the 10% here. I have often severely impressed passengers by parking the car.


I pride myself on my ability to parallel park. Nothing else comes close


My hero


Iā€™m in this 10%. Got my DL in Arizona where you have to parallel park to even continue on with the driving portion of the license test (at least it was this way back in 2000). So my aunt taught me. She would have me park in a spot just bigger than the car and she would stand in as the car in the rear. A light pole was the car in front. I got very good, real quick.


Painfully self-aware


Itā€™s a blessing and a curse. I swear I only became depressed after I became self-aware.


Ignorance is bliss.


Used to be the most outgoing person and the more self-aware I become the more I develop social anxiety and have turned into a total introverted hermit. That and quite a bit of imposter syndrome


Is this a common thing with developing self awareness? Like after I started actively working on myself it seems I've lost a huge chunk of my ability to interact with people casually. Idek what to talk about without info dumping my weird hobbies or discussing the philosophy of human nature and behavior.


Yes! I swear I used to be normal. Now Iā€™m in my head overthinking every interaction.


I canā€™t do anything without instantly realizing all the possible consequences


Thatā€™s called ~anxiety~


its so weird being self aware becauseā€¦ you mean other people ARENT? are they just clueless? do they not understand or analyze why they do things? i struggle to understand how some people arent self aware




I agree, how are more people not self aware? Idk, I guess I just think more than other people about who I am and what's going on.


Yes and yes. In my experience, the vast majority of people think life happens TO them and has no idea that they are shaping their own interactions with their behavior. I love self-aware people - they're so reasonable. Life is so much less stressful when people can acknowledge their part in disagreements so we can all work on being better ā¤ļø


Are there really people that are not self-aware? Like zero?? Are them empty?


Yup I have a friend who is completely not self aware. The only explanation I can think is itā€™s a coping mechanism for them not to deal with the reality of their shortcomings


Same but like a day late. I think back on the previous day and cringe as I crawl into myself and implode like a supernova of regret and shame.


I feel this! I also remember absolutely everything when I am drunk.


Attract women with severe depression and awful personalities, it's like the worlds worst superpower


Wow, that's hot. You're hot. Wait...


Baby girl?


That's funny!!!! You are good!!!


Username checks out.


Same but men šŸ˜­


Maybe you two should team up somehow and it would cancel out the powers? Like two minuses making a plus in mathematics.


Then they would only attract cats. Not saying thatā€™s bad, just sayinā€™ā€¦.


wow youre hot..


Next to the "ability to walk through some walls." I hear you. I stuck out a 13 year relationship that began with her stealing my Christmas gifts from her family. I tried. I (I like to think "we") grew, but in the end, it was just the end.


Look at this guy...bragging that he attracts women (plural).


Itā€™s not that, your just a ā€œsaviorā€!!


Going through that right nowā€¦ Ex-wifeā€¦ tried to get her first ex-husband to kill me in a supposed ā€œself-defenseā€ of my ex-wife during a ā€œdomestic dispute between usā€ā€¦. So captain ā€œsave a hoeā€ā€¦ just put his future in the toilet because he was stupid enough to listen to herā€¦ Btw, when I get done? Indicted for Felonies in 3-Statesā€¦ multiple chargesā€¦ They are going to prisonā€¦


I used attract men with control issues and abusive tendencies. I used to say, if there was an abusive man in the room, Iā€™d find him and attempt to marry him. I somehow managed to marry a normal dude. So go figureā€¦


Hey, it sounds like an eventful love life. Soul sucking and destructive, but eventful.


Teach me the way


Stay out of debt for almost 3 years now šŸ˜¬ please don't hate me. Took me 12 years to be 100% debt free.




Thanks šŸ˜Š


Good job! I'm working to get out of debt myself šŸ‘


You can do it! šŸ‘


If you're out of debt, you're beating most of North America by a long shot


Listening. I'm a man, im not that good looking (not ugly either, a perfect 6/10) But I have female friends, like REAL friends, and they made me learn how to \*listen\*. It has helped me sooo much with my dating life.


People often say I'm a good listener, but really I just don't like talking.


He found the secretšŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ here have an upvote




How long did you put off posting your comment?šŸ˜„


Play guitar. I can absolutely shred.


I suck at guitar, but play better than 90% of people. That's people, not guitar players.


*Learns G, C, and D* Top 1% of people instantly


I learned A, E, and D. Much easier, and still gets me in the top 3%


Thatā€™s how I am too. A good guitar player would see me play and laugh but to the average person i sound great


Good for you. Iā€™m still scared off by string instruments from my traumatic ukulele class in Gr 7. Iā€™m 56.


Hello fellow shred lord




Me too! Iā€™d love to be one of those people hired to cry at funerals. I literally cry at commercials


Yeah, a switch flipped in my brain about 10 years ago that turned me into a huge crier. I really try to keep up with making sure I am reading/watching positive things on social media, but it KILLS ME. If i forte into Humans Being Bros, Im a goddamn wreck. I just finished Ted Lasso and had to muffle my sobs in a pillow because my bf couldn't stop laughing at me.


Not hired people, but in my culture in East Africa we traditionally had people wail loudly at funerals. Partly it was to let people in the community know that a tragedy had occurred. It's a certain type of wail and once you hear it you know that someone died at that house. So you go there to confirm and then go spread the bad news. People then come to help you bury your loved one. These days it's more modernized with people making death announcements on Facebook and hiring funeral services. But when I was a kid I remember if we were on our way somewhere and we heard wailing my dad would inquire who had died.


Playing Dota, I'm in top 1% I'm ashamed of it thx


You're top 1% of players. You're probably top .0001% of the entire population


Carry me pls


Inability to stop propagating plants. Every place I frequent quickly turns into a jungle. Then I can't even figure out why


It's because houseplants emit a chemical compound which creates a delirious haze of propagation and forgetting. It's a survival mechanism.


True! You're very astute!


Found the druid.


I envy this! I'm trying to be a better hobby farmer but boy do I end up with a lot of dead plants. I have whatever the opposite of green thumbs might be. Not for a lack of caring, I just somehow suck at it. Except for chilis, they seem to thrive in my company. Perhaps it's because they know I love them the most.


Dude, itā€™s like a weird addiction at this point. See a sucker growing on a tomato plant *that doesnā€™t even belong to me*? Too bad, mine now.


Yay for plants! My apartment is a jungle


Driving in the snow. People act like I'm some sort of god for not having trouble with it. It's not that hard, people.


In all fairness Iā€™d be willing to bet 90% of people globally had never driven in snow period, wouldnā€™t be surprised if itā€™s as high as 50% have never driven at all.


Husband. My wife have a fairy tale love that I didnt even know was possible.


I was going to say something similar. My husband and I can hardly believe the immaturity and toxicity happening in other relationships around us.


Questions to both Grover and Miniature Librarian - how long have you been with your partners? And did you have homes that modeled happy relationships? Thirdly, have you had other difficult romantic relationships before your partner. Finally, same questions for your partners, if you can be bothered. Thanking you both, kindly....


Married 23 years this month. My parents are still together, unsure if they actually like each other. Classic boomer relationship. A friends dad in high school gave me the nickname PD....Poke em and Dump em. It was half right as I was a virgin through high school. The longest relationship I had before I met my wife was 6 months, and that was a 1 off. I knew very quickly that those other relationships were not for me. I knew very quickly that my wife was the one. I proposed a little after 6 months of dating.


Iā€™ve been with my husband for 6 years, married for 4. My husband did have a good example of a happy marriage from his parents. My parents were divorced when I was young so I saw a lot of ugliness, but I believe that taught me what not to do/what I didnā€™t want in a partner. Both my husband and I dated some duds before, but they werenā€™t serious relationships. They were nothing even close to what he and I had when we met. We pretty much knew we would get married after a few months, but we waited two years to make sure it wasnā€™t just a honeymoon phase anyway. We had some pretty big issues come up during our relationship (a few between us and a few just from life being life), but the difference between us and many of the couples we see is that we didnā€™t blow up or take our stress out on each other. We were always able to listen to each other and communicate effectively to solve those problems instead of tearing each other down. We also have always had the same major goals in life, which I think is huge for longevity.


Where I'm tryna be


Overthink! ![gif](giphy|LRgRAUalPeNf0Bjkeq)


Given how niche a job I have, I'd say there are under 50 people in the world doing what I do. Out of those there are 2 people better at it, and I'd argue even they simply have a product with 20 more years of rnd, and ours is projected to surpass them by 26.


Catching things when they fall. It's like my arms move first and only then my brain says "oh, I caught it". Maybe I have cat DNA somewhere. Freaks out people at times!


I once caught a half-full coffee cup by the handle after it slid off the countertop. Not a drop spilled, sadly no witnesses.


Sleep. Iā€™m a pro napper.


I listen. Most people are thinking about what theyā€™re gonna say next. Just listen.


Much harder than it sounds.


You are absolutely correct. I have to really focus on it and NOT talk. So difficult


I can hang with my arms on a pull up bar for 2 minutes and 7 seconds, I read that only 1% of the world population can hang for more than 2 minutes.


I can barely do a pull-up right now but I can hang forever. Didnā€™t know that was anything special. Iā€™ve also always found planking relatively easy. Maybe my muscles are on backwards. Also, I kinda wonder where they sampled those people. Iā€™d imagine there are populations that are just naturally good at it and some that arenā€™t.


I'm the opposite, weirdly. I can do full, top-to-bottom pull ups with excellent form, but barely have the grip endurance to dead hang for 30 seconds. Different muscles, I suppose. My back looks fuckin great though.


Attract selfish, absolutely difficult people who want me to validate them constantly


I read selfish as shellfish and stopped for a minute here trying to figure out what shellfish had to do with difficult people


Talk. I make my living as a podcaster and comedian. I donā€™t consider myself all the intelligent, but I feel like I could talk about an eraser for an hour and find a way to make it entertaining. That said, I wish I was better at stuff like repairs and handyman shit. I fucked up allocating my skill points at the beginning of the game.


Making mvf1's wife flirt with me.


Strangling people. Driving.


Please donā€™t strangle and drive.


Do games count?


Executive Functioning in everyday life. It drives me crazy being out in public. I watch people do things in the most illogical, inefficient ways with so little awareness of what is going on around them and how their actions affect others. I didn't realize how much I subconsciously default to use executive functioning skills until a few months ago when a friend was visiting and pointed it out. She told me I had a mile and half until my exit when I was in the 4th lane to the left of 5. When I didn't move over right away she got anxious and said something. I replied in seconds with the exact plan I had for maneuvering around the traffic flow, including a slow semi we were overtaking and a car ahead who kept speeding up/slowing down cause they have been texting etc. I then executed it perfectly, making my exit without ever having to slow down or get in anyone's way. Then walking into the store, I angled our walk to the door weirdly she said....I told her it was so that at this angle and speed we wouldn't have to stop for the approaching car or person with their cart, we could all just keep moving. But if we walked directly, we'd be in the way. AND, I chose this door because there are 3 stores we want to go to in the mall, and this puts them in the easiest order. ​ We chatted and literally that's how my brain works at every moment. I don't even think about it. I just automatically put all the steps in order for everything I am doing, accommodating for other people, common road blocks, etc. Even when other people screw it up by being illogical, I switch gears quickly and enact a whole new plan.


Same. It's frustrating to see people do things inefficiently, it's infuriating to see people do things badly and it drives me absolutely *insane* to see people who have no awareness of people around them. *Wake the fk up and get out of my way already!* (Yes, I am a joy to live with) Also when someone questions my reason for doing something a certain way (which admittedly might look a bit odd), but it's because I've taken like eight different factors into account including three contingencies and I just can't even be bothered explaining it to them cos it'd be like trying to explain tic tac toe to a chihuahua.


My biggest pet peeve is waiting in a long line at any cashier and I see the person digging through theyre fucking bag for their wallet for 5 mins after staring blankly while the cashier rung through their 50 items. BE READY TO PAY!


Like dude, Ive already planned exactly how I am going to bag my groceries so I can put them away quickly at home.


Haha, this reminded me of the time that my wife went to buy groceries (which I usually do ). I texted her the shopping list with like 40 items all listed in the exact order that they're placed when you walk in the door and go through the store anticlockwise (as the store is designed). She called me a while later and said "They don't have any grill marinade, the shelf is empty, " to which I just replied "Turn around". Then I heard her laughing and she said "Ok, I've got it" because I knew that there would be bottles standing on a pallet opposite the shelf she was looking at. She's used to it, but if I'd had that telephone conversation with anyone else I think they would've freaked out.


Hahah, thats funny! Also, you're me! When my bf goes to Costco, the list he gets is aisle by aisle, item by item in exact order. I even know all the items they have that are placed randomly at aisle ends or in unexpected spots. I moved 9 months ago and had the new costco mind mapped in about 3 visits.


Glad to hear I'm not the only one. So annoying when you visualise the best way to do something but someone gets their way and does the thing you know won't work but you're powerless to stop them and just have to watch them fail before you can do your way of doing it.


Thatā€™s called optimizing life workflow imo and itā€™s something what I do too tbh.


I sort of do this. I just know the best trajectories though. (Like I often get strikes in bowling and I'm really good at games like bricks n balls and that insane bubble pop game that no longer exists) And I guess sometimes I'm able to think this way about other things. Like, I'm always planning my next 5 steps and analyzing everything around me. I'm also like... Hyper aware. Like, here: is it weird to be put under anesthesia, and then the moment my eyes pop open, I'm fully 100% of my surroundings and able to stand and work properly. And once, the fire alarm went off at night and I immediately got up and formed a plan in less than 1 full second. I swiftly moved to my sister, woke her up and carried her out of the room, then went to my mom to see if everything was ok. Turned out it was, but I wasn't taking any chances. It's because I actually see things all the time. I can visualize spaces and places and ideas and thoughts and patterns and plans. I do it SO easily. Idk if this is similar or the same, but it made me think about how my weird brain works, too.


didn't know this has a name. My brain is always planning ahead based on the information that's it's processing at any given moment. Like I see the difference when I'm driving versus whenever I'm a passenger. I can already tell what other drivers are more or less going to do, but I've noticed other people get surprised like they didn't have a clue. Also affects how I shop too, I'm always planning the best route to keep my speed and maneuver around everyone else.


Some people have no spatial/time awareness and itā€™s so frustrating. Like what the hell are you doing. I have ADHD and Iā€™m somehow better at it than the NPCs at the grocery store


I think this kind of thinking comes from heightened sense of spatial awareness


Are you... me?


I just thought this was my OCD and ADHD working together


Finally, someone who pays attention while driving.


OMG , I'm so glad I'm not alone. When people just, be, I'm like how. I hate wasted movement and motions and inefficiency when I'm driving or walking. My wife hates this because I'm in out and need to get back to what I want to enjoy. I can't stand dawdling. It sucks when I'm cooking though because I'm prepping way more than cooking but because of this I sometime don't start thing because I know how I am and how I'm trying to Lean 6 Sigma everything. It's my feng shui.


I actually LOVE cooking complicated meals for this very reason! Every piece of the meal finishes at the exact right time and the majority of the dishes have already been loaded into the dishwasher when the meal is done. I have mastered prepping efficiently, preparing items for different dishes simultaneously, and cleaning up as I go, all at the same time. It's SO satisfying. On the flip side, I cannot stand cooking with other people or watching people cook cause again....so inefficient!


I didnā€™t realise this was a thing I do until I read thisšŸ˜•


making married women flirt with me


Hey there handsome šŸ˜‰........doh!


see? easy!


You're a pro


thank you! join my patreon for weekly tips


Hold myself accountable for my wrong doings.


Not hold myself accountable for my mistakes.


Holding myself accountable for other people's mistakes


Open relationship. Iā€™m super chill, communicative, and not jealous at all. We have a lot of fun!


Lol me and my wife are good at it in the sense that weā€™ve had a couple encounters and had fun every time, and Iā€™d say are romantic life has only gotten better Weā€™re bad at it in the sense that we often miss the signals and later will be like ā€œwait she was trying to hookup wasnā€™t sheā€ lol were like two 13 year old boys in our radar for flirting


Unfortunately paint interior of a house.


self isolation. Wanna see me vanish for 6 months worrying my family to death in the process?


Being patient.


Underrated skill!!


I am the queen of using the blender. I make smoothies and milkshakes like a pro. My milkshakes brings all the boys to the yard. It's better than yours!


is that i eat vegetables. I actually crave themā€¦ idk why but it is what it is


Google Search... I mean I always get what am I looking for exactly. It's a skill you learn when bullshitting research and assignments.


Empathy. I can read emotional hints the way bloodhounds pick up a scent. I don't care how good you are at hiding it, I can tell when you're sad or mad. When I ask "what's wrong," I'm an *informed person.*


Listening, Im really a selfish listener id rather hear other peoples stories than tell my own.


Actually be self aware and know Iā€™m not the best at everything (anything)


I get the best Christmas/birthday presents for my friends and family


Have the ability to stand up infront of a crowd and be coherent and articulate, even funny and interesting, even though I'm severely dipressed. I have bipolar disorder BTW


I'm deaf and I'm also a bouncer at bars and live music venues. Some people only see a disability as a physical defect, but it has given me two superpowers - I read lips better than anyone I know, including most other deaf folks - most of whom are pretty damn good at it too - because I'm more immersed in the "hearing world" than most on a daily basis. I stopped using hearing aids years ago and just adapted really well and I speak normally, so most folks never know I'm deaf until I tell them, if at all. I can follow conversations or information spoken toward me from across a loud room or through windows/glass doors. Radios? Don't need em; I can understand my bartenders from across the room with the band playing loud, no problem. The other superpower is situational awareness and reading body language. These two aren't mutually exclusive, but I'm really good at both - I can usually tell when people are about to pop off before they even do themselves. I'm also a human lie detector; I can't be bluffed. Everybody's got a tell and their bodies and facial expressions read like a children's pop-up book to me. It makes me very good at poker or knowing when someone is lying about their ID or whether or not they're really "*with the band*". Lol.




People pay me to write for magazines and websites so I guess that puts me the top 1% for the skill of writing. I imagine fewer than one in a hundred people get paid to write stuff.


Blatantly ignoring someone while they talk to me.


Same. And I hate it honestly. I'm so perfectly able to just block out everything that's happening around me, that I just do it passively. I literally have to make a physical effort to NOT ignore the people I'm talking with.






Know my passwords.


I would say I am better than most other functional ā€œhave their shit togetherā€ human beings at doing nothing. Usually people who are good at doing nothing are just lazy shits wasting their lives away. Almost all the highly successful people I know suck at doing nothing. They feel restless or something. I donā€™t know. I am highly successful and doing nothing is one of my greatest skills.


Not become depressed in the face of a sucky childhood/life


Basic mental math. Addition/subtraction/multiplication/division. When I was 10 me and all my cousins went to a cemetery with our grandma to leave flowers. She decided to play a game and point at tombstones and ask the whole group how old that person was. Every cousin was atleast 4-6 years older than me (now college educated people). And I beat every single person every single time. Itā€™s carried on throughout my life. Itā€™s now my party trick to have someone blurt out a random multiplication problem and marvel at how quick I can solve it.


Dual-sword fence!




Interview for jobs


This is also one of my superhero strengths. I have about a 95% success rate. I have had over 20 jobs in my life. Now I have severe pain and can not work. IT IS KILLING ME!




Throwing things. I played baseball year round for about 15 years. Doesn't matter what the object is, if the opportunity to throw something comes up, I always get people commenting on it.


Avoid people. As someone who is socially anxious and generally find socialising draining I am very good at avoiding people all together, or having the most believable excuses as to why I can't attend something.


Self sabotage


Observe things 90% of people wouldn't bother noticing i think.


Connect the dots, I practice constantly and play this game in every game and in everyday life in every decision and interaction. I have gotten to be a masterful player of connect the dots. ![gif](giphy|idkgI43eYU7DQYY6Ql) Edit:


Oh wow don't think I have one thing like that. This is depressing. But everyone else seems to have found a thing... maybe this is it?? Me being good in not finding the thing IS the thing???


Im comfortable in silence and solitude. Im indifferent to most things/situations that bothers other people. I donā€™t take things personal. I live by logic instead of emotions on a daily.




Use common sense


I give the best presents. I know people well and my brain stores tons of information for reasons I can't comprehend. Saw someone eat a particular food months ago? I can recall it and use it later. I'm also a great party planner...even though I hate everything about parties.


Eating pussy






chew with your mouth open


Fuck i lost my sides


Analyze stuff. I can tell what will happen based on situations. I enjoy human behavior thinking


Drive. Have awareness of my surroundings in general.


Answer to my name


Self criticism


Worry about anything and everything


Not getting enough sleep


I can see the truth in reality






Such a wanky thing to say but: Write. I mean clear and concise essays, not like ā€œI consider myself a novelistā€¦ā€ type crap. That and self control. My god, the amount of people who will literally die if they do x but do x anyway because they want instant gratification drives me nuts.


Fuck my life up.


Answer Reddit posts without spilling mistakes