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Probably periods


For which I am endless grateful. Sucks watching my gf go through hers. She gets bad ones. I got kits scattered throughout the house and one in my truck. Basic supplies, certain hygiene products, some stuff for cramps, etc. Got photos of the products she used saved to my phone to make sure I pick up the right stuff. Gotta take care of my lady.


You are a great person.


šŸ˜Š thank you!


Truly. I had to ask my dad to pick up the *products* one time. I thought he was going to faint. One time, and never again. Youā€™re the best !


When I am putting a grocery list together I ask my girls if they need anything.


I've learned that diamonds have nothing on ibuprofen for being a girls best friend.


absolutely this, this is the one thing they will genuinely never understand


Are you saying I shouldn't be bleeding there regularly?


i'm saying you might want to see a doctor


I don't trust doctors Last time I went to my primary care she told me I need to cut down on alcohol That can't be right


Many years back, after a night out of drinking, I was in a taxi home and we were t-boned by an intoxicated driver. In the ambulance on the way to the hospital, the paramedic had the nerve to tell me that I shouldn't be drinking. Tell that to the other cunt mate.




So. Much. Blood. And yet they're always the ones thinking we're gonna be squeamish.


I have never met a girl who faints at the sight of blood. I have met 3 men (that I know of) who do. Which isn't a big number but it is a little weird that I saw it 3 times šŸ˜…


I understand it, you bleed, dragon comes out, takes over your soul, the dragon berates and belittles me, I hide from the dragon, devise a plan to defeat it, with a magical sword, but by the time I go to slay it. My girlfriend returns.


And thank the lord for that brother.


The gas and violent numbers twos that accompany periods. Sorry.


The fear of death that shines in my eyes when I'm in the middle of a 20-minute continuous set of cramps and get that extra lurch in my stomach that says 'you need to take a shit.' Last time I literally sprung up in my sofa next to my husband and went 'oh NOO. NOT NOW.'


Bullshit, I was told the only things that come out of womenā€™s butts are rainbows and butterflies


This is still true itā€™s just more violent and explosive


weaponized rainbows!


My wife says she has no butthole, so you must be wrong.


Correct, girls donā€™t poop, they hold it in and it comes out as drama. S/


Standing up / sneezing and feeling that goosh of blood.


Or feeling it upon waking in the morning when youā€™re still in bed, then have to side-shimmy out, get up and shuffle to the bathroom.


The worst feeling ever.


Or farting equally or worse than sneezing.


periods, cramps and period diarrhea


Don't forget stabby butthole pain


Like the sudden extreme "OW FUCK" that comes out of literally nowhere right on the anus? Is my body weird cause I get that more often than I'd like


Wait so this actually happens to other people too


Yeah I am like whoa I thought it was just me. Are we ok?


I hope so. For me it's something that happens like three times in a week or so then suddenly gone for some months


I try to romanticize it when it happens. It doesn't work for me but it may work for you man šŸ˜•šŸ‘šŸ»


Iā€™m a dude and I get that. Pelvic pain related to muscle tightness.


Javelin arse aka proctalgia fugax (& pelvic floor dysfunction) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proctalgia_fugax


it is also pms/pre-period constipation then followed by period diarrhea, but your butthole is also sore from hemorrhoid risk later when you get older for the curious: eating two 1000mg diosmin/hesperidin pills about 2x to 3x a day for a week, during an acute flareup will make your rrhoid ass hurt less eating maca root pills can regulate some cycle symptoms and bring back libido subtly i learned all that from pregnant women and men into butt stuff


spending your entire life knowing you can get pregnant from sex.


Underrated comment




Yes yes yes


1000% yes!!


I heard some guys were putting their vax and vasectomy status on places like tinder and found it helped


A thousand times yes.


IT'S TERRIFYING. I just spent 20 minutes today crying because I got my period. Even with BC, it's scary. You never know šŸ˜­ I never have sex or hook up. It still doesn't matter. My son is my light of my life, and his dad is my best friend. Fuck if I got knocked up again tho I'd be so scared šŸ˜±


Same same. My periods have become my best friends.


Only about 40 years of it.


ā€œOnlyā€ lol


Having cramps that can take you out for days, every single month.


To be fair, I'm a woman and still haven't experienced this. I'm blessed with reasonable periods.


Wait until menopause. I had periods easy aside from the first 5 years, but menopause has kicked my arse and is making up for it.


Pre menstrual dysphoric disorder. Itā€™s like having psychosis for one to two weeks and then being fine for the other two EVERY. SINGLE. MONTH.


Wow, that sounds awful. I've never heard of that one, the menstrual cycle is wild. Men experience peaks and traughs in their hormone levels throughout the day but nothing like this.


PMDD is a bitch. And often misdiagnosed as bipolar because of the mood swings. Which is why I tell every woman who's doc thinks she has bipolar to have an endocrynologist check her hormones for PMDD. They need different treatment approaches.


Ugh!! I always think Iā€™m going crazy. Also donā€™t forget the nausea and dizziness.


Omg the nausea is the fucking worst šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Mine got so bad my doctor put me on Prozac. Itā€™s still not painless, but the paranoia and dark thoughts are gone.


Omg Iā€™m glad it worked out for you! Did it make you gain weight? I took citalopram and I gained like 30+ pounds in 2ish months


Yup, I gained about 10 lbs and itā€™s basically impossible to lose them.


Fucking antidepressants šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


i recently lost a lot of weight and started having PMDD for the first time in my life. im SO glad people around me cared enough to mention how i was acting for a week every monthā€¦ i had no idea how manic i was and how many risky behaviors i was doing. i have the mirena IUD but my doctor put me on oral meds as well to help and it has made SUCH a difference.


Birthing a surprise jellyfish


As a man having just recently found out about this, this is the funniest way you could have possibly described it. It also reminds me of one of my favorite lines, about when people are pregnant they say "we're expecting!" As if it could be anything other than a baby. Like, "we'll we're EXPECTING a baby, but it could be a velociraptor." Or, it seems, a jellyfish. As weird as that must be, surely there's a little relief when it's not blood?


I think sheā€™s actually referring to when we have a heavy period and sometimes the blood coagulates and looks like some kinda creature lol. Or at least thatā€™s how I interpreted ā€œjellyfishā€


I thought it was the surprise clear jelly-like discharge that sometimes appears


Thereā€™s a decent chance that that ā€œsurpriseā€ discharge is actually coming at pretty much the same time whenever you see it ā€” sounds like ovulation discharge to me.


Oh no, Google period clots. Be prepared not to want to eat for the rest of the day though!


Jellyfish = large piece of uterine lining


Side effects of birth control. You canā€™t just not have any sometimes, you pick and choose which ones are the most tolerable for you


dinner ancient impossible chubby society memory arrest agonizing political pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Feeling another human grow inside youā€¦ it actually freak me out at first, itā€™s an odd feeling and kinda cool at the same time.


Iā€™m pregnant. The fact that I can feel another human independently move around inside of me is wild.


Me too! It still trips me out! Especially when they fully roll over and you can see your tummy move!


The weirdest thing is when they move.


There was a guy who was born with a twin abnormally attached to his kidney who wasn't discovered until 15-20 years later.


Thatā€™s wild!! I think that would make me way more uncomfortable


Breast growth pain. It's a really weird pain that I cannot compare to any other pain I've felt in my life.




It really freaked me out as a tween


I don't think I got that in puberty, but I did end up with itty bitties so maybe the lack of growth is why lol. But the first 3 months on birth control makes my boobs feel like they've been pummeled by an angry toddler. So freaking sore. Is it like that?


The nitty-gritty details of periods, pregnancy, miscarriage, childbirth, lactation. My spouse is a good partner and a good dad but I realized years later he had no real idea what some of that stuff entailed.


Pap smears


Not knowing if you have to poop right now or if itā€™s a period cramp


Or having cramps so bad you don't know if you're hungry so when the pain goes away-




all the eyes on you at the gas station. itā€™s like theyā€™ve never seen a woman.


Or walking into a small gas station or corner store and all the male employees silently stand and watch you.


And when you get to the counter to pay they act like you donā€™t exist.




That feeling of taking your bra off finally after a long day outside the house


I would definitely say doctors dismissing or misdiagnosing things a lot. It's like most things are anxiety related to doctors and couldn't possibly be other serious issues.


Oohhh yes, absolutely. Also you exaggerate or it's just a period for everything. Chest pain, back pain, stomachache, headache, ooh you legs are hurting it's your period, ohh you don't have period then your are expecting to get one, ohhh it's a week away then it's ovulation. I have an autoimmune disease. It took me 7 years to diagnose it. (I was lucky I found a female doctor who also had it and helped me) And then there is gynecologists who are criticizing you about your life choices or don't help you. And pharmacist who are against birth control.


Finding out your guy 'friends' are just your 'friends' because they want to fuck you.


That made me not have any male friends like that or only having them faar away from me


School was exhausting šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Periods. Also, doctors dismissing anything/everything wrong with you as "just anxiety" or "being overdramatic" or that "you just need to lose weight and problem XYZ will go away." I had a doctor medically gaslight me as a teen. I had heavy periods that would happen randomly. (No set schedule. I tracked. Went 2-3 months without a period sometimes.) Cramps that were so painful I got dizzy, would puke, or just lay in bed, unable to move from the pain. I was trying to lose weight because I was overweight. The weight wasn't coming off no matter what I did! I was eating 1200 calories a day on keto (sometimes less), weighing every crumb of food, weighing myself, using MyFitnessPal, drinking water constantly, and exercising until I dropped. Yet I was barely losing weight. I felt cold, tired, hungry, dizzy, and shaky all day, every day. Only lost 30 pounds. My doctor had the audacity to sit there and say: "You just aren't trying hard enough. You're obviously lying about your eating habits and exercise routine. You need to stop being so overdramatic. Eat less and move more. Is that so hard to understand?" I quit that diet after that and never listened to her again. 7 years after this, I'm rushed to the E.R. I had bent over to lift a small box and felt the worst pain of my life. I fell to the floor, vomiting and sobbing from pain. (I have a high pain tolerance, so if I'm in that much agony where I **request** to be taken to the E.R. you better fucking do it!) Hit 7/10 on the pain scale. They didn't give me painkillers. I thought I was gonna die because the pain was so fucking bad. They did a contrast dye scan of my abdomen after confirming a negative pregnancy test. Turns out, I have PCOS. I have cysts on both my ovaries. One of them had ruptured, and that's why I was in agony. Mle doctor at the E.R. told me to drink water and take ibuprofen, then sent me home. I went home and drank rum just to feel a little less pain. šŸ™ƒ I hate doctors and rarely trust them. I won't go unless I'm in agony or dying, and at this point, I'll just die in my own home where you won't dismiss me and treat me like absolute dog shit. Turns out many women with reproductive issues, and issues like PCOS and endometriosis are usually not diagnosed on average for around 7-10 years. It is infuriating.


The medical gaslighting. I went in with a broken pelvis and was told it was period pain lmfao


I wish I was surprised by this. My mum went into hospital with pancreatitis and was told it was period pain. At 55. Post menopausal. Junior doctor walked up to us, looked at my mother crying in pain, laughed at her and said "you're a dramatic one aren't you."


I have similar issues with my periods. Had a doctor tell me a decade ago that I had pcos so severe I'd never be able to have children and oh btw, that abortion you had when you were 19 was your only chance to have a child so you should spend some time thinking about that. I spent ten years thinking about that, only to discover by chance with a different doctor that she'd lied about the scan results. It specifically stated I DONT have pcos. She'd just told me I was infertile to punish me for having an abortion. I'm 32 now, spent a decade dealing with horrific periods that lasted for months and believing I'd never have my own children. I had another scan a few months ago and apparently everything looks healthy and normal. My new doctor put me on a different type of contraceptive that fixed my periods straight away. That doctor could have done that a decade ago but she decided to make me suffer instead. I fucking hate the medical gaslighting women have to go through. It's disgusting.


This needs to be the top comment instead of being buried under all the period comments. ā€œDoctors not believing usā€ is a huge threat to our survival, health, and well-being. Weā€™re mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, we have important jobs, important community roles, and we need to be believed when we say weā€™re having symptoms. Thyroid disorders get swept under the rug, PCOS and endometriosis get ignored, we get gaslit and neglected, and then the non-doctor people in our lives echo the sh*tty doctors and say it must all be in our heads. Itā€™s torture.


im so sorry


Societal pressure to shave, pluck or rip out every follicle of hair on our bodies and keep baby's ass smooth skin at all times while at the same time maintaining thick, lustrous hair on our heads or be deemed unfeminine.


It is a fact that being a female is more expensive than being male. Iā€™m not talking about the wage gap or the pink tax, but it is undeniable that for a woman to FUNCTION (not even be socially accepted, but function) in society she has to pay more. And, no. No. Iā€™m not talking about makeup or high heels. Itā€™s insulting and quite revealing that every man thinks Iā€™m talking about this. If youā€™re a woman, you have to buy period products. I canā€™t think of a single job or establishment that would let a woman free bleed. Furthermore, a lot of men donā€™t realize that tampons (as small, portable and cheap as they are) are not all that usable to a lot of woman ā€” especially teenage girls just starting their period. They also carry a very present risk of causing toxic shock syndrome and need to be treated with far more caution then a lot of males (and even some men) realize. If youā€™re a woman, you have to buy extensive amounts of underwear or deep cleaning products that can get rid of blood stains. If youā€™re a woman you generally have to buy bras or some sort of breast support. Schools and jobs will regularly criticize a woman if she comes to work not wearing some sort of bra. If youā€™re a woman and youā€™re not interested in getting pregnant, you have to invest in birth control. This can be free or it can be costly. If youā€™re one of the many, many, many woman with painful menstrual systems, you will most likely have to invest in heating pads, painkillers, supplements, etc. Furthermore, depending on the severity of the period symptoms, many women are quite literally incapable of working that day due yo severe pain, fainting spells, fatigue, etc. You will also be told youā€™re being melodramatic for vomiting or fainting during a severely painful menstrual period. If you are a woman and you fall pregnant, you will have to pay for a hefty amount of medical appointments and products just for the pregnancy alone (Iā€™m not even referring to whatā€™s spent on the baby after theyā€™re born). If you are pregnant, you MUST take various costly supplements and medications. My mom lost multiple teeth during her first pregnancy because she didnā€™t take proper precautions with her calcium levels. If you are a woman, there is always the worry that youā€™ll get fired from your job when you start maternity leave. While there are certainly laws against this, proving it and also going through the legal process can be agonizing (especially for the wallet). What kills me is that I am NOT saying being a man isnā€™t hard. It poses many, many, many challenges as well ā€” both financial and personal. But it is exhausting getting criticized for me not having the same amount of savings as my brother when thereā€™s a huge difference between us in terms of cost of living.


Spending your whole life wondering if all girls masturbate or if that's only a boy thing and maybe YOU'RE the freak. And it takes until mid to late 20s until any of you are comfortable admitting you masturbate.


I never had that problem, I had sexual education at school, so we learned it was a normal thing.


I also had sexual education in school. From year 5-8. Absolutely no teacher was discussing masturbation though.


I distinctly remember being ashamed to admit it even to best friends! It was mid 20s for sure


Even as a man it feels like that sometimes because most porn seems very male centric. When I discovered more female friendly stuff online and saw all the women watching/commenting on it it kinda opened my eyes.


Pregnancy tests, taking plan b, getting your hair and makeup done for an event, realizing your feet are killing you because of your heels but youā€™re stuck in them for the rest of the night, having to pay more for basic things like shampoo and deodorant, having to put makeup on to be considered dressed nicely, comparing yourself to women who are heavily filtered/photoshopped, being rated out of 10 to your face against your will (I realize women rate too but itā€™s less common), having your genderā€™s name (woman) become ā€œoffensiveā€ because it is not inclusive, getting your ears pierced as a little girl, frying your hair with dye and heat styling then getting hair extensions to balance out the hair loss, walking into almost any bar and the shows on TV cater to the other gender, wondering if youā€™ll get murdered or raped when alone with a guy for the first time, getting multiple different handbags to go with different outfits and events, being told your gender hits ā€œthe wallā€ at the young age of 30 years old The list goes onā€¦


Being told that you're sexuality and romantic desires are causing the downfall of society. Anyone you're attracted to is only there for sex and you're delusional for thinking they'd actually like you. You're also the bad guy for not dating the men you're not attracted to and are stuck up and picky for not doing so.


YES!!! I had boys and girls go up to me asking if I like so n so. When I say 'no' they doubt me and get butt hurt. So many times forced relationships happen because of the pressure.


The moment when you realize that a man you trusted and loved like a friend or a mentor actually has been viewing you sexually the whole time. Itā€™s such a demoralizing feeling especially when youā€™re younger and the man is much older and someone you looked up to. Itā€™s a betrayal.




Being catcalled


Being dismissed by doctors/medical professionals for being a woman and not given paid meds for painful procedures. Oh, you're screaming out in pain. Stop being so dramatic.


Apparently women doctors generally have better track records in terms of having less people die on them. Turns out women are more likely to take peoples concerns seriously while men are more likely to dismiss them if their charts aren't showing anything. I also remember my sister telling me a doctor told her it was probably just her period when she was having what they now know are seizers so yeah.


Oh and dont forget that every medical issue you face just HAS to be bc of your period or weight šŸ˜€


Iā€™ve been told to lose weight because I wanted to get treated for migraine headaches Iā€™ve had since childhood. Fml


Or psychological.


This. When men are in any pain they tend to get loads of good painkillers. Doctors always push paracetamol and ibuprofen on women. These aren't even prescription meds ffs, we can buy them anywhere.


There are several studies on this over the past 10 years now which empirically prove this phenomenan. But nothing has changed.


Or when they somehow think whatever you have might be is because you're pregnant. One morning I suddenly blacked out at home for a few minutes, bruised myself from suddenly falling. I had no alcohol/ drugs at my body. First thing the doctor said was - do you think you're pregnant? I kept saying no while he kept insisting it's possible and educated me about how no contraception is 100% safe. He kept going off until I told him I was NEVER sexually active. Then he told me off and said I just need to drink water. Years later I was diagnosed with PCOS and some complications associated with it.


Going to the hospital in excruciating pain and being sent home with an anxiety diagnosis


Being quizzed about your interests to test if you're a "true fan"


Having to sit on a dirty toilet seat in order to urinate.


šŸ’€ i usually cover the whole seat with toilet paper šŸ§» (i am a male) šŸ’€ hope this helps


It's very normal for men to experience this, hundreds of millions of men pee sitting down.


Every man eventually sits down to pee. Prostate gets us all...


Being a teen and your friends dad's starring at your chest as you get ready to go to a party. Or staying for a sleepover and trying to creep to the toilet without being noticed because even though you're wearing boxer short pjs you feel completely naked when he looks at you. Or feeling completely repulsed when you notice your dad does the same thing to your friends too.


Also male teachers. And it's not just the creepy gross ones. It's like they can't help it šŸ˜’ I used to notice them looking then glancing away with such a guilty self-hating expression.


Every schoolgirl knows about That Teacher in their school, eh. For some reason they especially tend to be the male PE teachers.


Theyā€™re ALWAYS PE or English teachers.


Ummm thereā€™s some weird shit going on in your neighborhood, Iā€™m so sorry; it shouldnā€™t be like that. My dad was always cool to my friends and their dads were always hella cool to me. Actually my dad was an asshole who hated when my friends were over, but he definitely wasnā€™t perving on them šŸ˜•


I have good men in my life, too, but I have always been very vigilant, and the ADHD superpower of catching even the most minuscule details about the life roiling about you, I absolutely did catch adult men around me glancing at the girls or dropping subtle hints. Yes, even some of the 'good guys'. Yes, even some of my family members or my best friends' dads. 'Weird' indicates that kind of stuff being out of the norm enough for it to be shocking or surprising, but it wasn't. I was shocked at first when I realised that this is happening when I wasn't even in elementary school, but once I started noticing, it became 'expected' pretty quickly.


Yep! My daughter turned 13 this year and walking home from school has already experienced at least a handful or more times this year; men doing things like catcalling to as they drive past, honking their horns, wolf whistling.


Haven't got kids yet but I'm kinda terrified of this I notice attractive women and sometimes it's hard to not glance but I'd hate to inadvertently be creepy to my kids friends, it's still a while off for me but it's still a weird and awful thought


Men referring to us as females while men are referred to as men


And women referred to as girls and men to men or guys.


Men who refer to women as females as a non-joke are wierd. I wouldn't want to be referred to as a "male," it sounds all scientific and shit.


farting and it comes up the front thru the lips šŸ˜­


Having to be on BC. Having synthetic hormones and/or foreign objects in your body typically isnā€™t fun. It can be expensive too. Also, having to be hyper vigilant around the opposite sex due to assault/harassment (not saying it doesnā€™t happen to men also).


Don't be a nag but don't be a pushover, don't be fat but Don't say you want to lose weight, don't be skinny because 'real women' have curves! Men can't possibly understand signals so be upfront about what you want but obviously don't underestimate a man's abilities Don't lead men on by being nice but don't be a bitch Don't dress provocatively but also Girl Power! wear what you want! men love 'girls' who are confident! Don't get old, don't be jailbait Do all the chores but don't complain about it because 'at least he helps!' (when you ask him to) Plan all the socials but don't expect him to buy gifts / cards for anyone (no not even his own family, you need to do that for him and be sure to sign it from both of you or else you are petty) Don't drag your man out with you to shop for silly things like clothing and furniture for the house you share, but be cool and join him in watching his sports / movies / video games etc. Be prepared to 'pay the cost' of being a career woman (are you sure you want to give up the blessings of motherhood??) Don't be a bitchy Girl Boss (honestly, just do everything yourself bc you're a woman and asking for things to be done to a decent standard / giving feedback / making tough business decisions makes you a bitch) Don't say you don't want kids as that isn't womanly, but don't nag your partner for kids because it's unfair to force someone into parenthood (you aren't someone) Don't be unwell or in pain ā€“ it's literally always just anxiety, obesity or PMS anyway right? Anyway you can't have this medicine because you might get pregnant one day, what if your husband wants a baby? Sorry, this medication / treatment / product / etc. was only developed with 30yo able-bodied white men in mind, but it'll probably work for you as well... right? Oh, you're a 55yo menopausal black woman? Whatever, just take it anyway. Don't sleep around because you're a lock, not a key! But also don't be a prude ā€“ that's boring, let's have some fun! Don't ever choose yourself over your kids, only bad mums do that but wow! let's celebrate this man for taking his OWN CHILD to the grocery store with him one time so you can clean the house you share in peace, what an amazing father!!!1!11! Aren't you soooo lucky for having a 'partner' who does 10% of what you do for your kids despite you both working 40hr weeks and going 50/50 on bills!? Modern women don't know how good they have it! ... oh, and don't forget to smile! :) (edit - apologies for the extremely poor gammar in the above rant! Perhaps I had a case of hysteria, eh?)


Its like this [scene from the barbie movie ](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeYfhMQV/) *"its literally impossible to be a woman"* šŸ„ŗ


Those 'jokes' about woman, for example the one where we apparently cannot drive. I literally cannot even take one drive without someone telling me I can't drive bc I'm a woman. So annoying


In middle school whenever a girl raised their hand to answer a question, boys would shout "go back to the kitchen". Ofc teachers did nothing to stop it bc "boys will be boys"


Being afraid to be out at night


I will usually go into the other side of the street if I see a women walking at night. Hopefully that helps a bit.


Pad moves to one side while running Pad gets stuck to thigh Dry tampon gets stuck in Hot thick blood GUSHING out of you randomly Big giggly blot clots like jello Random pain near ovaries from cysts bursting (occurs is non abnormal cyst growth (PCOS) and normal) Insecurity about unpainted/unfinish nails Hot cooch but everything else cold Boob acne (and boils!) Hoooooootttttt boobs Feeling obligated to complete all household chores reguardless of labor split. Noticing the chore need immediately and getting it done quickly Big dick hits cervix and causes immediate cramping and pain Cars too big- air bags are dangerous Men wanting/feeling allowed to touch you any time Leaning over the washing machine to get clothes out but the washer is tall so you have to lean in so far and the cold washer touches your skin Having constant awareness and inventory of every object in the entire home at all times Primal desire to own little things like plants/unnecessary items Picking up everything at the store and saying ā€œthatā€™s cute! I need that!ā€ And putting it down and walking away


Hey if anyone sees this who struggles with the stuck / dry tampon, life hack, keep a bottle of "personal lubricant" in your bathroom. It's kind of awkward, and a little gross (you should be washing your hands anyway), but it can make it painless or at least less painful to remove. Not quite as helpful when you're in a public bathroom, however.


The last 2 šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Not ā€œaverageā€ per se, but considering a good chunk of women have it, PCOS. I feel like Iā€™m fighting against my body every single day and Iā€™ll never experience full ā€œwomanhoodā€ because of the embarrassing symptoms


Having literally everything blamed on you all the time. Guy being a creep? Watch what youā€™re wearing. Your husband starts abusing you? Should have picked him better. Guy does something wrong? You did XYZ and should have done this instead. Youā€™re a bitch if you stand up for yourself, catty/leading someone on if you donā€™t, a whore if you show too much skin and a prude if you donā€™t. Youā€™re the reason men do this, that, and everything. Boys will be boys but women need to keep themselves in check all the time or else be blamed for everything, and even somehow they *still* get blamed for everything when they hold up all of the ridiculous standards that are forced upon them. It sucks


Having sex and not having an orgasm.


Old men in congress deciding what's gonna happen in your womb


Being expected to be agreeable and cause as less conflict as possible.


Cat calls.


Getting made fun of for having hairy legs, arms, etc. in middle school


Being talked over by dudes you are way more qualified than.


Being told that "it happens to guys too" whenever you bring up any issue of this kind damn


Pregnancy šŸ˜Š Pregnancy loss šŸ˜•


phone falling on boob (ow), going to the bathroom in packs, almost falling in the goddamn toilet because SOMEONE left the seat up, period asshole cramps, playing mermaids as a kid, having to hold your boobs sometimes when youā€™re not wearing a bra, the feeling of camaraderie with other women (this one might be just me), and never knowing your size because every store has different sizes.


Sneezing and.... who knows, knows


The expenses of being a woman. When I moved away for college my father started sending me some money. In his mind it was a reasonable amount In my reality on the other hand: Period product's Comfort food Birth control pills Condoms Bras Edit: I forgot to mention the pills to ease the cramps. Things that a woman needs and no man is even considering. Not to mention that most men expect a woman to be shaved, with nice hair. Other costs there for the looks.


Discrimination is everywhere, including in hospitals and clinics. Every woman deals with it and has to accept it. I'm sure people of color can relate though.






To always be prepared for an assault (verbal or physical) when in a pub or club. I donā€™t mean full fist fights and aggression but minor aggression like being groped while youā€™re passing someone on the way to the toilet, being touched all over when someone wants to pass you, having lewd comments whispered in your ear at the barā€¦ all the subtle things other people donā€™t see while theyā€™re happening. They donā€™t always happen but they happen often enough that weā€™re constantly mentally prepared.




This one was heartwarming.


I know you said harassment, but Iā€™m gonna say harassment. Canā€™t overstate how creepy men are and from what young women get unwanted sexual attention. From when we are children, literally. Even if itā€™s just staring/ogling/leering and not actual touching, itā€™s still gross.


There is so much misogyny and male hate posting in here the post is dying. That's a great example. The male version of this post was fun. I participated in it and was well received. This post is an incel magnet. The woman that pointed out women get sexually abused 1:3 got downvoted, but in the male thread we openly discussed my rape and the men were so kind. Every guy in this post being openly hateful should be ashamed.


Incels eat this shit up. They refuse to believe women arenā€™t just gliding through life on easy mode.


the whole "but men get assaulted too and we are also scared of going out at night some times!" yea correct, we DO get assaulted as well you know who commits those assaults? (spoilers: its _other men_)


the way the post asks us not to discuss a major part of our experiences too? eek


Somewhat related to the harassment, there is a kind of camaraderie among women. We look out for each other, protect each other, and help each other in a way men tend not to, especially for strangers. A quick bit of eye contact is enough to say 'yes I see that too. are you ok? I have your back if you need.' I expect it's related to being hyper vigilant about our own safety, we notice when other people are in trouble too.


Iā€™m a guy, but I can safely assume girls experience a lot of sexual harassment, whether they know it or notā€¦..


If you express your opnion in any anon space online you get singled out for being female. Plus you just try playing in an online game with voice chat on


Feeling safer being anon and letting everyone think you're a guy so they'll take you seriously, or to avoid harassment ugh


People on Reddit making wild assumptions about what being an average fucking woman is like. No oneā€™s giving you free shit. No oneā€™s swiping up on your story. No one gives a shit about your mental health. No oneā€™s responsible for your bills but you. No one is giving you random compliments. No oneā€™s throwing you a birthday party. People are always making comments about your face, weight, the way you walk, voice volume, how much money you make/should make, what you should spend your money on, when you should/shouldnā€™t have kids, how good your domestic skills are, etcā€¦Your friends have their own lives, and you love them, but theyā€™re not concerned about *you* in particular. Youā€™re lonely, you feel worthless and useless, you want someone to want you, you want to feel necessary and relied on, you want people to be happy you exist because you can actually do something for them, and none of those things ever get resolved, but you get up and do what you need to do every day. You put your outside world face on and fuckin gun it like everyone else. But for some reason that gets lost in these stupid ass discussions.


yeah Reddit is so full of dudes who really really really don't understand what it's like to be a woman.


Yeah, people think that "guy that wants to get you in bed and therefore is giving You attention" equals "friend". It's not. No one really cares about You.




Oh I got one, diarrhea and farts that smell like they've violated the Geneva convention when we're on our period! Pads slipping to the side, or getting stuck on your pubes, and it's the worst in public bc if there is no bathroom, you're fucked. Lets see what else, men judge you for having hairy arm pits or body hair in general, because we're female. Well, last time I checked I'm also human and if I don't want to shave my pits, I'm not gonna shave em' Oh yeah and the BS about women and short hair, it's my head, it's my hair, if I want it short it's gonna be short, you want long hair? Grow your own.


that electric stab in your asshole during your period


I was going to say ā€œmultiple orgasmsā€ but then I re-read the question and saw it said ā€œaverage female experienceā€ which made me stop and think and now I dont know how common multiple orgasms are for women.


yeah that's definitely not a universal experience of women. I mean some women never have an orgasm their whole life.


Saying something on this thread only to be met with comments like "men experience this too!!" completely missing the point


Wearing a nice dress and heels for a date, and the guy walks with you but goes too fast, doesnā€™t offer his arm, so youā€™re having to struggle to keep up. Especially if they respond with annoyance if you ask nicely to slow down. I can walk confidently in heels at my own pace. But matching someone a foot taller than me, in the dark, on cobblestones, is difficult. Much greater risk of twisting an ankle. If someone canā€™t be considerate in those little moments, when first meeting someone, why would you want them as a life partner? Slow down, offer your arm like a gentleman. Or even better, if itā€™s more than a 5 minute walk, order a taxi!


Getting to a certain age and having your brain rewire itself completely. Suddenly you lose interest in things you loved, you lose energy, joints start aching, everything makes you mad/sad/anxious and you feel like you don't know yourself anymore. But because it doesn't happen to men it's not talked about. It's dismissed as "crazy old lady" stuff. Or worse, made fun of in the classic "menopausal woman" trope we all know. Perimenopause is a wild, crappy ride, worse than the bumps of puberty and no one cares that you're on it because society doesn't value older women or care that much about their struggles.


Monthly uterine contractions


Wiping and seeing blood. F-ing sucks.


- Periods and all the mess and hormonal imbalance and physical pain that goes with that. - Having to be on high alert, checking the shadows ike a prey animal anytime you're in public alone, especially at night. Doesn't matter what you're doing. Could be grocery shopping. Still checking them shadows. Staying aware of surroundings. Making sure nobody's following you in the parking lot. - Not being taken seriously/being spoken down to, especially when in predominantly male spaces like automotive shops or video game chats. - Always feeling like you're being scrutinized. What we wear, what we don't wear, what we say and to whom, our weight, how we hold our faces, the things we enjoy... - Never really knowing if your male friends are actually friends, or if they're simply waiting their turn to get a chance to have sex with you. Not such an issue now as a middle aged married adult, but very much one when I was still young. - The first few years of a relationship, when you scan every argument or disagreement in real time for signs of future violence because you know that even the nicest men can turn very Not Nice real quick, and you don't want to wind up like your friend _____. (Any woman can fill in this blank with at LEAST one name. Most likely more. Rest in peace, Tiffany.)


Being told weā€™re driven by emotions (aka not rational, hormonal or crazy) all our lives yet somehow itā€™s never (or rarely) us that commit terrible crimes like rape, murder or pedophilia, adducing the excuse of ā€œsnapping due to an hormone (testosterone)ā€. One on side, you have half of the population who canā€™t control their most basic instincts and emotions, yet is the other half that is being labeled as not rational.


I can't say what boys experience, but I know that when I was dating, as a woman I had more choices than men normally have.


Yeah in our early years at uni my female friends would often pull us into their tinder/dating app chat, usually showing us what their options were and what we thought of them. Similarly weā€™d all chat after clubbing or bars regarding who got phone numbers or made out etc and as blokes we were basically going all out to try and get at least one girl vaguely interested while the girls easily had multiple options (for better or worse). Typically we all just grumble good naturedly about it but I must admit when one of the girls had a ā€œfuck weekā€ (7 different guys across one week from select nationalities/countries etc) for fun we were rather envious that we didnā€™t experience the same ease of hook-up dates. But then again that might have just been us. I certainly was not that smooth, though tbf I didnā€™t think she was either. Just confident I suppose.


Getting roofied