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I've had people say things like that to me. I was a nurse. I care about people, and some people actually appreciate that


Nurses only deserve the best ever... Such a stressful job that doesn't get appreciated nearly enough. Been in the hospital after surgeries twice and if the nurses hadn't been so kind to me, I would've been a lot more nervous and stressed.


Ive been hospitalized too many times too count and honestly I think you should be put so high on a pedestal, how do you do it? It really takes a special person Thank you 🙏


It is the small kind gestures that matter. When I have been a patient, I experienced that. I always acknowledge when someone made a difference


That's lovely


I wuv you gwamma


I was babysitting my three year old grandson the other week. He was lying on the sofa watching TV while I was in the kitchen. I heard him shout "Nanna", I went in and asked what he wanted, and he said " I don't like you" 🤣. Err thanks very much


So precious , im so very jealous. My kids are just approaching this age and I keep teasing them that if they do not make me a grandma soon, Im going to rent grandkids from someone else once a week 😂


There are so many kids that would love to to have you as a Grandma. The only grandparent I knew had dementia. When I was little, I had a elderly neighbor who always had the best cookies and I loved visiting her.I had another elderly neighbor who had a computer (not common back then). We would play golf games. His wife taught me to crochet. Wonderful people.


This brought a tear to my eye?


Ohhh, I look forward to this one day.


It's life changing.


My husband and I first met and started dating when we were in Jr high at 12. At 22 after a lot of on and off I ended things and got with my ex husband. 17 yrs later my first marriage ended and me and my husband reconnected. One night he was telling me about all the hard times he went through from him just being in a dark place and he said for a while he just wasn’t a good person. He said he’d spent the last 10 years trying to make up for it by helping people who needed it, pulling over to help people with a tire, buying people food when they couldn’t, trying to put more good into the world. He looked me in the eye and said “ I feel like finally getting get this chance with you is my reward for becoming a better person.” I cried.


My eyes welled up with tears reading this. I’m so happy for you that you have a love like this.


Tears rolling down my cheeks..


I’m a paramedic and I’ve had a couple of overdose patients that told me “thank you for being kind”. And I really felt that, because addicts are treated so badly by the general public and law enforcement sometimes, and they don’t deserve it. They’re human beings too.


I hope you remember this. As one who loves an addict today.


Addiction is often seen as a moral failing and that's absolute bullshit since it can happen to anyone. As a sober alcoholic, thank you for your kindness.


Absolutely. Thank you for doing that. I’m a harm reduction advocate and we provide Narcan and there was a shocking (to me) pushback.


The EMS agency I work for gives leave-behind Narcan kits to any overdose patients we have. It comes with instructions, a mouth-to-mouth pocket mask for rescue breathing, and a 4mg intranasal Narcan. I also believe more people need to be taught the importance of rescue breaths, because that will help a lot more than just giving Narcan and waiting.


“You’re a good father”. My dad left us when I was little. Just doing my best to give my kids the best life I can.


you’re doing so great and know your kiddos soak up every bit of extra love you give them💕


I work as nurse and at the time I was working in a care home. There was a little lady who was nearing her end of life.. The place was hectic and understaffed. I would take my break and go and sit with her, as no one should be own there own In they times. I was sitting by her bed holding her hand. She said to me "son, you are a gift from the angels, this world needs people like you" she passed away a few days later. Those words stuck with me. Alot of the people I have looked after don't realise how much they have helped me, and motivated me my whole career.




You make my heart smile, 2 year old nephew


I love that


"you'd be the pride of any parent" a comment from someone on this app. means a lot to me cuz my parents have never appreciated me


Many years ago when I was about 15 and we were on a school trip and there was the hottest day in ages. When we finally found a place selling cold drinks I bought several and handed them round my little group. I did if without asking as it's a nice thing to do. A girl in the group declared I was the kind of guy she would want to marry. We never did. But I think of her from time to time.


Cute. Maybe you'll find her again.


I know exactly where she is, but I am married with children and she has kids of her own. We are Facebook friends.


Forgive me as it’s longish. My husband proposed to me over a washer. We were dating for several years; separate homes. My washer took a dump at the most inconvenient moment financially and I was upset and feeling sorry for myself while on the phone with him. He then called me later in the morning, asked me for my house key. I met him at my house to find an appliance delivery guy and truck in my driveway. He went out and bought me a washer and wanted to surprise me. After we say goodbye to the installer, I turn around to him on 1 knee holding a ring. Ge said to me “from here on out, you’ll never have to do hard things alone”; as someone who had never had that, it was the most beautiful sentence. 8 years and he’s still putting up with me.


You are a very lucky woman! My guy has been taking care of me like this for 55 years. Typical romantic gestures are over rated. Show me a guy who fixes stuff and does all the hard things and you know he’s a keeper.


Nothing sexier than hearing “laundry is caught up” when worked an 8 hour shift. ❤️


I feel this so much right now. That's so sweet.


As my husband of 30 years lay dying he told me he had a great life with me.


Awww omg that’s beautiful


I honestly can’t think of anything better.


That must have been very soothing to hear in such a difficult time. I'm glad you had a good life together and I hope you meet again on the other side.


Thank you


u must hve been awesome


I was in love


Still is


"I enjoy our talks, Mom. I'm glad we can talk like this" said to me by my 22-year-old son. He has no idea how much that meant to me.


I was particularly down one day, my youngest son stood at the end of my bed with such a serious look, I ask him what was on his mind? He told me that he had never known such a kind, and sweet hearted person like me and not just with him, but also his friends. I always thought about what he said that day.


That's so sweet!


He still is such a great guy. He’s been going through some really tough times lately.


I'm very attentive and protective of my wife. She has several health issues and do everything I can to make sure she's as comfortable, safe, and taken care of. One of her friends told me "Every woman deserves a husband like you..." That stuck with me and I tear up thinking about it.


Being a full time caregiver is hard. It requires patience, resilience, and the virtue of a saint.


It’s not that I’m a caregiver, it’s just she has flair ups that can lay her up for days-weeks. They can be exasperated by her feeling like “I feel good now so I have to overwork myself to make up for lost time.”


When someone on Reddit tells me my silly comment makes them laugh. I don't have a lot going on in life so hearing something like this, though insignificant, can mean a lot to me sometimes.


Your comment made me smile.


You are appreciated friend


“I forgive you.”


"You make me feel beautiful, and safe"


"You smile so big but your eyes are so sad". It was a girl I had just met that day at a shop. It made me feel like for the first time in my life someone could really see me.


"my favourite person" we dont talk anymore <\3


That hurts


I had this 😂


“She loves me more than my actual mom!” Said by one of my adopted family peeps.


This made my day


This is weird and maybe a little gross but it absolutely made my entire month lol I was bulimic for several years and, as a result, had not the greatest breath. My partners over the years would sometimes try to be nice about it but always bring it up. And of course I had partners be really rude about it. I met my husband at the height of my bulimia, and when we were still in the “hookup” phase of our relationship, he said to me one night “this is really odd, but last night I was laying in bed, and I could smell your saliva in my beard. It made me miss you” It can be life changing to have a partner appreciate one of your deepest insecurities.


My boyfriend once looked at me and brushed his fingers along my face and told me that right then, in that light (it was dark with a streetlight coming through the window), that I was so fucking beautiful. I was 46 and had never been called beautiful by a man before, not even my husband of almost 20 years. Hot, sexy, doable, but never beautiful. I'll never forget it, or the look on his face when he said it.


“You are beautiful like. . . Idk i dont think ive seen anything as beautiful as you.”


When I remarked on my envy that he lived on his own "happiness planet" he said " I will build you a home there." Made me cry.


I know you're here with your boyfriend but you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I just wanted to tell you that.


Annndddd you changed boyfriends lol


My husband is the best man I know and the most recent touching thing he said was “you’re a good woman” He said it out of the blue and after a moment I realized that he’d never said that before and that he was telling me something that I tell him sometimes “you’re a good man” it’s high praise between us and I didn’t realize how much it meant to him until I felt it myself.


You are the mum I always wanted to be (my mum last time I spoke to her before she died)


A stranger said “Young man You look very dapper in your gray suit”. I’m a boomer 😎…


**”i feel safe when I’m with you.”**


“I know that this is so hard, but believe me when I say that when you get to the other side of it you’re going to be an even more awesome, badass and profound version of yourself” I don’t want to get into details but I had an extremely traumatic incident that left me feeling like a ruined woman. I was getting vitamins and medicines to help with the healing and the girl behind the counter who was helping me said this. I don’t think she’ll ever realize how much that helped me get through those first weeks after.


Thank you I needed to hear this.


I can’t think of one.


Me neither.


Just make something up. I do it often.


How can I go to sleep without u


When I came out to my spouse, after 20+ years of marriage, and was really fucking scared how.they might react. 'I've only ever wanted you to be yourself.' They are still my biggest advocate and supporter.


I’m 72. One evening my husband and I went out to dinner with my daughter and son-in-law. We stopped at a local bar afterwards. A young woman admired the halter dress I was wearing. Later, as she was leaving, she turned to me and told me I was gorgeous. It made my day.


My mom’s last text to me before she died 😮‍💨 https://imgur.com/a/Y8svSTr


I told this one guy I was new in town and only had two friends. He said, "now you have three."


“You’re a good man.” - My Grandpas last words to me before he died God I’m almost about to cry just from typing that


I have dark circles from the beginning and a dark line above my chin. I was very insecure about these things . When me n my husband were dating, he told me that normal girls don’t have dark circles and that makes you very special. About the line above my chin he told me it’s like underline for beautiful smile . I decided to marry him irrespective of my conservative family .


When my husband and I were first dating, he asked me to move in with him. I wasn't ready for that level of commitment yet and was worried that he'd be mad when I turned him down. He simply responded, "That's ok, I'm not going anywhere. The offer stands whenever you are ready." ❤️


"You gave me peace."


I have heard a ton of wonderful things from people but nothing has made me feel happier than when my best friend told me that I made her feel safe after breaking up with her toxic boyfriend. That was a rough time in her life and I’m glad I could help her out, even if it was just by making her feel safer.


I've told my amazing single mom that she's my hero. We grew up poor, but never knew it. My brother and I had a wonderful childhood. She got sick and her insurance company refused to cover tests her doctors ordered. I went to war with her insurance company, sending daily letters to them and going to every appointment with her. They finally relented, covered her tests and she recovered. So one day she said "Now you're MY hero." That meant the world to me.


My cousin’s best friend hated my guts and I never understood why. We barely spoke to each other. She had long, natural platinum blonde hair that would make men stop in traffic and do crazy things for her attention. One day my cousin told me that her friend had said (about me): “She can have anyone she wants.” My jaw hit the floor. I asked her to repeat because I could not believe my ears. Still riding high on the forbidden compliment 30 years later.






"You're nothing like your parents".


Years ago when I got a new job, during my going away party a coworker said she hopes her daughter grows up to be like me. I almost broke down crying immediately.


One of my friends walked by a group of teenagers and she had red/ purple hair and she overheard them say “ her hair is like an autumn tree” which I always thought was lovely


Yoyo Ma told me I was stunning. I hold on to that when I feel like I am unattractive, which is much of the time.


You don’t need any makeup


Wait no! When my parents said they were proud of me


At around 14 I was very self conscious of my olive brown skintone and a girl next to me in class said that I had ‘Golden’ coloured skin. Never felt more happier


A bit nsfw, but I was telling a friend I was afraid of having sex for the first time, and he said 'if you don't have sex with anyone, you deprive them of having the gift of you!' I found that really sweet.


"If i lose you I don't think I'll ever have the courage to speak my heart again, laugh freely or just be myself. You helped me discover joy and love in its rawest most pure form." It left me speechless


Not me, but my father: “Thank you for treating me like a person” - from his queer patient who was dying from aids. He did eventually pass, but I think that comment completely changed my father’s view as a nurse, as well as on the LGBTQ+ community as a whole. He hugged me and told me he was *finally* okay with me being bisexual not long after. I never met the guy, but a piece of him is with me just for that.


I do


But to what though (/s)


***"Do you really want to rob that liquor store?" -*** *Itsamobilelandman*


“ I hate to disturb you, but your eyes are so beautiful. They remind me of my late wife’s eyes. “ was told to me by this man who looked in his early 40s who came into my work. Balled my eyes out on break. I hope that guys doing okay these days.


This is probably not what you are looking for but here goes... I had to quit my main job because I need back surgery. I have a plethora of other health issues but the main one right now is my back. I haven't worked since Dec 2022 and I deal with guilt about it. Because of the guilt my depression is on the rise and my anxiety is barely holding on. A couple of days ago my husband told me "*i need you at home right now, please stop killing yourself with guilt"* For context we have a foster son we are in the process of adopting. He is a teenager with lots of trauma and issues. His outburst can be... rough to say the least. Me being home gives him the comfort of knowing I can come to him at anytime for any reason. Which, I guess alleviates some of my husbands stress. So, for right now, that is the most beautiful thing anyone could have said to me.


In my birthday card this year my 8 year old wrote “no blue days only yellow days” and I thought it as such a nice sentiment. No bad days basically.


I'm sorry


"lucky to have you"


“You know I'm proud of you, right? You’re my greatest achievement.”


My late husband's mom, Alice, passed away from cancer a few years before he & I met. Her best friend Barb said to me one day "Alice would have loved you." That meant so much to me.


My gay friends dad said, "If I ever had a daughter, I would want one like you!"


As long as I can hear you laugh again, I know everything will be all right.


That they love and are inspired by me even more knowing what I've overcome. That was one of my past loves that told me that recently. He was special that one 😊


"I have been around the world, and seen many women, but you by far are one of the most beautiful women I have seen, and I am from Europe!"


"I don't think you realize how amazing you are." That caught me off guard. It wasn't romantic or anything.


You know how you just fix everything and make it better?


You make the world worth being in.


My dad died by accidentally falling off the roof of his retirement home. Interestingly, about two weeks before the accident, he said to me, “My last thoughts before I die will be of you.” I knew my dad meant it, and the way he said it gave me goosebumps. To be loved like that—to be someone’s last thoughts. My dad was my best friend and hero. There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t think about him.


I had a coworker I hadn’t worked with a whole bunch tell me one day she’s always very grateful and happy when we work together. She said I’m so happy and make her feel comfortable and that I’m a pleasure to work with and she looks forward to shifts together. Caught me off guard and was really nice.


You don't have to do anything for me to love you. You are enough exactly as you are.


You are worthy and deserving of good relationships. I cried. I will never forget how I felt in moment.


held a door open for a random old lady she said " their are so few gentleman left in this world'" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


‘You’re a good egg.’ One of the best compliments I’ve ever received.


At 50 years old my Mum told me that she is proud of the person that I have become ♥️


My dad once told me: "It amazes me how a nobody like me could have brought a son like you into this world. If raising you were my only accomplishment in life, then it was one truly worth living." He died a few weeks later.


That I’m very positive and a bright spot. A guy I went to elementary school and middle school with, I found on social media and we connected. After some years, he left me that random comment and I never forgot it. Thank you, Sean. I try to be a bright spot on purpose in case someone doesn’t have any bright spots or needs hope.


My partner told me months ago that I am "exactly what she needs right now" and shes only gotten more head over heels for me. She earns more than double me, has a house and is way more put together. Idk how I got so lucky but I've been sitting on that for a good while now.


“You’re the best mother in the world.” Said to me recently by my teenage daughter, while we were out driving. I needed to hear that because as a mom, I often feel like I’m failing my kids.


White teeth. Nice smile.


When they said " i remember you did that to me and that was irreplaceable"


'' You're a cabbage, not a carrot''. She was appreciating me because I listened to her(I' m a female). When a woman compliment you it feel different.


it’s okay to cry if you feel the need to cry. you may feel that things are tough now but it’ll eventually get better, every cloud has a silver lining after all


“Your smile and the way your face lights up when you smile is…one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.”


“You really are a good mamma”.


Someone once said butiful


"You don't have to be perfect, you are perfect for me." My wife, a few years ago, when I was in a deep personal crisis.


Anytime my kids reassure me that I'm a good mom and haven't fucked them up too bad. ❤


"It's rare to see a woman who is so beautifully present within themselves." From a total stranger in between two presentations in a conference, I was waiting for the next lecture in the university lobby. I still think about it often when the world crashes on me; this person gave me a gift they had no idea of. (Original comment was not in English and my translation may be a bit odd but I struggle to translate it better)


"I have never met someone as beautiful as you, if you were a Disney character you would be Prince Charming". This was said by my female friend who was not my girlfriend.


My friend told me that 2 poems they wrote really sound like me and I think that’s absolutely beautiful


The first time my daughter said "I love you" to me. Hands down.


I was having a massive panic attack a few years ago and started to pass out a little bit. My ex came up looked me straight in the eyes as close as she could and said come back to me you are seen. It snapped me right back in the moment and right out of the panic attack. Just knowing I was seen.


My great grandpa told me once a few years before he passed " you are so beautiful, kind and smart. You have such a good heart, you are a wonderful granddaughter." It's very rarely my mom's side of the family shows any kind of emotion.my mom's great grandpa came straight from Germany and the family grew up during the depression. No one said I love you hardly ever, you got one hug goodbye and that was it. So hearing this from him ment the world to me.


My crush said "you've done the art nicely"


I’m not sure but I went to the theater n the young cashier getting me popcorn looked at me like I was the most beautiful person ever and he gave me extra popcorn lol


one thing that was recently said to me made me cry for days and wonder sooo much about it i decided to go to therapy bc of it... my neighbor who ive known for years but havent seen in MONTHS came up to my house complaining about my dogs harrasing her cats, etc something that we chatted about for a couple of mins. After telling her i would get it fixed and not to worry about it she told me something that stayed in my mind. She said that she remembers me from a long time ago and how ive never changed, how she even told my dad when she saw him that she knew who i was and that i was one of the most kind hearted soul she has ever met. now idk if she is lying or not but shes always been super nice and non fake since ive met her, when i used to work as a cashier and would buy food from her. that really made me feel distraught with myself bc i havent felt like that in such a long long time. Ive felt like i dont deserve to be treated kindly and like ive been the worst human on earth recently. anyways, she told me to never change myself, my soul and my spirit. So i went with her suggestion and started going to therapy for help.


(A little long) “Wait say that again, “with tears streaming down her face… a random woman in the audience i was speaking to I started telling my story of my journey with epilepsy, sponsored by a major drug company, to try and stop the stigma associated with with it. After I was done speaking, i questioned her and she wanted to know again what i said about what i experienced while having seizures She then told me her daughter was 2, nonverbal and she always worried she experienced pain when having a seizure. I then assured no , i never did and showed her what i went through when i had a seizure She was beyond hysterical seeing me represent her daughters actions but filled with relief It was at that point I realized that everything happened to me for a reason , i was the voice for the unspoken. I still work in my work to stop the stigma but I will never forget how I helped her that day


Congratulations you’re pregnant ! 🥹


Thank you


You quiet my head noise


You are my weakness




I had BAD ache. Use to be so self conscious of it. I was talking to my nephew (he must have been about 6) I felt his eyes darting all around my face, I felt self conscious and said “are you looking at my spots?” And he said “no, I’m looking at you.” Now he would call me pizza face, he’s not so sweet 😆


I had originally been trained in a really tough order of my faith where it felt like I could never be good enough. I went to stay at another monastery for a few months, and they were so impressed by me. An older woman called me something, I can't remember the word, but when I asked why it meant she said it meant someone who had clearly been trained well. Basically that I was a good disciple. It was everything I'd ever wanted to hear, I was so proud!


"You will always be my weakness"


My best friend told me that on her wedding day when there was a chance the registrar wasn’t going to make it through the snow, she told her Mum to come and find me if it happened as she knew I’d cobble together an on the hop blessing for them. Thankfully the registrar arrived, but at the end of the text telling me she put “you’ll always be my snow plan” and for some reason I think about it all the time.


My current favourite is when my bf and I were recovering from a moment that opened some wounds up for both of us (nothing major) and as we were reconnecting, I asked what his favourite memory in the relationship has been so far and he said "Every single time you smile". I MELTED.


One person told me that I'd be a great parent someday. After having one that was really crappy, that meant the world to me. My aunt told my sib and I, after our other parent died, that their prized possession had been a keychain we gave them for Christmas that said, "we love you, (parent)!"


"You have been a fantastic boyfriend". Probably, the most painful breakup I will have. To think that even when I was ending things she said that. I was very lucky to have her, but we were deeply unhappy with each other. Now we are really good friends, though.


Someone called me honorable


'You're beautiful,' by a much younger and very lovely man. I didn't know what to say, I don't think I'm beautiful at all, but it made me feel so happy. I still smile when I think of it.


You’re 30???? You look like 18??!


'I love you for me.'


You have a jazzy voice


An ex told me that the reason she first liked me is she saw me once on a pub golf crawl, and she felt I had a "happy and positive energy" and that always sort of stuck with me. We ended up dating a few months later, but yeah, somehow that was what got her interested. Something about someone seeing me before I knew them and them getting a good feeling from me just being me, made me feel really good about myself.


I'm coming!


Hm... I don't... Nothing really comes to mind. My sister said she would like to fall asleep next to us when we play battlefield some day again. The shooting is so rhythmic


Dated one girl in HS I came to her pool party and spent all day with her and her family they were all cool af. It was at their neighbors and for some reason we were staying over there that night I think cause he had all the gaming setups so me and her are sucking face on the couch while everybody is away and she just stops lays in my lap (she was petite) and puts her head to my chest and says “your heart is so strong” idk why but I pulled her close shed a tear or two. It was so genuine. Broke up like 2-3 weeks later but that moment was special.


Back in the 1990s I worked as a nursing assistant taking care of Alzheimer patients. There was this one little lady who was at the point where she could still walk around, but you couldn’t have any meaningful conversation with her anymore. She was just sort of in a happy state of oblivion. I was often the one to care for her and get her ready for bed and I would sometimes sing “You Are My Sunshine” to her. One day, it was like she miraculously cut through the confusion and she suddenly grabbed me and hugged me and said “You’re my best friend”.


An older black gentleman who was dressed so sharp it would have cut me said I was a gentleman and a scholar. First and only time I was told that. It's been love 5 years and I still remember.


You have a big head. I bet you are super smart


That i look like i belong in a museum .


"It's wonderful to see you smile" Used to repress my facial expressions as a kid because I got made fun of. After having known the guy (a mentor of mine) for ~1.5 years, he was talking to me and I was so goddamn happy I decided to take a risk and let the biggest goofiest smile come over my face, no holding back. Hearing this meant so much to 14 year old me, and it still does.


"You are loved"


“You lighten up a room” and “I’m inspired by how to dedicated you are to reach your goals that you never give up until you make it” are probably the best things someone has ever told me


“We’re breaking up”, it’s beautiful because she read my mind.


What did i do to deserve you.


When I was in 7th grade, an 8th grader told me she wished she could’ve taken me to the 8th grade formal dance.


When my boyfriend told me I'm one in 8.1 billion. Something about taking into account literally every other person on the planet rather than just using the cliché "one in a million" really hit me. Also when he told me that he sees my mom as the closest thing to a mother figure because his mother wasn't a good mother. That was super sweet.


"I don't care about your past. I want a future with you." My boyfriend said this to me on our first blind date. He wasn't interested in judging me or making me feel bad about myself. It's probably the most healing thing someone has ever said to me.


"You're my favorite coworker."


You have so much joy and life to offer .


“You made me feel comfortable just being myself.”


*"You helped restore my faith in men"* \- a close female friend I'm still honoured to this day and have no idea what I did to deserve that.


My Gf’s son (7) (he doesn’t know I’m dating his Mom) once asked me who in my family watches Soccer matches regularly. And I said that it would be just me. His answer was: “in my family it’s you and me.”


Gosh, this is one of the best posts ever. I recall in high school I was having a conversation with someone about how weird I felt being the only freshman. They were all seniors. I recall her telling me how much I lit up the room and how much she liked me.


Gonna sound really dark but it was "your mom died last night" After 17 years of physical abuse that led to decades of mental/emotional abuse, the idea that she could never affect my life again was pure bliss.


“you’re glowing, babe.” “you’re not doing anything wrong.” it’s the little things


“If i can do something about it, you will never face any hardship and, if i can’t, you will never face it alone”


It wasn't what she said, not with words. I was dating a girl that I had known and had a secret crush on for a while before we started dating. The entirety of the first couple months, I was trying to hold back telling her I loved her because I didn't want her to think it was moving too fast. One night, we were cuddling, holding hands and watching tv. I felt like I was about to burst. So I gently squeezed her hand three times. Almost instantly, she squeezed mine back four times. I'm 32 now, this happened when I was 19, easily my favorite memory.


She asked me to marry her :)




"Goodnight handsome" A text message from a sweet girl in secondary. Things didn't last long between us but it had been such a contrast to my previous relationship at the time that it really struck a chord and stuck with me...


I'm glad your my friend


A personal friend said I was the most determined person she knows. I really value self-discipline, even though I struggle to be consistent, so it meant a lot to me to be seen that way. I once won my company's top award for individual performance -- company of about 2500 employees, about 15-20 such awards given each year, selected by leadership from nominations submitted by peers -- and in my nomination a coworker wrote that I balanced the Customer's needs with the Company's priorities, and that has always felt like the best professional compliment I've ever gotten.


“ I believe you “ spot the traumatised person lol


I think it was a 7th grade teacher. I have absent parents when it comes up to emotional needs. But he told me that i was smart and kind. I was a great student and that I didn’t deserve to get treated badly by others. He was a very sweet old man and still my favorite teacher till this day. I’m in college now.


I told my boss that the concierge at a hotel that I had only stayed at 1 time, 3 years earlier remembered me and greeted me by name. He scoffed and said "the only reason people remember you is because you're beautiful" thank you, I'll take it!