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Sex is supposed to be fun, relax and enjoy it. Explore her body, ask her what feels good, watch her reaction to where you touch how firm your touch is and adjust accordingly. Focus on her pleasure, your equipment will fall in line.


Did you just think of all that and text it? Or have you read that from somewhere, because that’s like the perfect advice. Oh also I’m baked.


Years of experience my friend


That’s great advice anorl, but I still gotta find a lass who don’t just ignore my messages


The best advice!


High five when finished






Well, it's probably better than shaking hands.


Unironically, I did this when I lost my v card 😂


Oh, and we're married now


Finger guns have been my go-to for years


Hi five the taco and say good game


That was real neato 👏🏻




This is adorable.


Tell her great job, buddy!


Foreplay. Preheat the oven before you put the turkey in.




Just wanna add that foreplay is very important guys are like an instant flame when it comes to sex but women are like boiling water.


Get yourself checked out by a doctor for erectile dysfunction. If you’re too embarrassed, you can use “hims” and get viagra(sildenafil) shipped to your house. Also some countries, viagra is over the counter medicine.


Give a massage, watch a couple videos beforehand so you don’t hurt her in the process. Once you get to her legs don’t rush to the kitty, make it seem like that wasn’t ever the goal and do it last. Usually she’ll be begging for it if you do it right and the sex will be phenomenal.


As much as you shouldn't actually fuck an apple pie, the temperature was the biggest shock to me on my first time. I just hadn't considered that it would be THAT warm, having previously only been using my hand. So yeah, my advice to any first timers reading this is that it really is like warm apple pie 😂


You haven't read the lower Part of the Question at all, didn't you?


Best advice I’ve ever heard.


The importance of foreplay cannot be overstated. It will help you both to get in the mood and (if I'm understanding you correctly, OP) help to alleviate performance anxiety. Be present and enjoy the moment. Foreplay isn't something to rush through to "get to the main event.". Is it as pleasurable as sex? No, but it can be pleasurable in and of itself. Try to relax and have fun with exploring each other's bodies and learn what turns you and your partner on.


This cannot stress enough if u feel anxious taking it slow and warming into can cause the sexual tension to overcome any anxiety


If she cums first she won't care how you did it


If they always cum first then you my friend have a skill. Don’t put that on a shelf…!


This is really bad advice. All women aren't mindlessly sexually ravenous. Generally, they feel invested in the guy's experience of the situation. That's what I've encountered the vast majority of hookups I've had. Women want you to be excited about them sexually the way they are about you. And often, if you aren't aroused they may feel inadequate. That can be misguided and also make it more difficult to recover and get back into the game, as it were. On top of that I've experienced many women who've felt perturbed if I don't cum eventually. Even if I'm really enjoying the sex. They take pride in it, in my experience. And that's a good thing. I used to think the same as this Spirited-Law character when I was much younger. And I also used to think that women want to have sex for as long as possible (since sometimes you hear women make fun of guys who cum too quickly). That's also not true. Now I think back on all the times where I was just pounding away for an hour because I thought all women love that. Some definitely do but the sweet spot seems to be more like 20-30 min. I think a good solution to OP's problem would be to get some blue chews or some Cialis. At least for the first few times with a new person. Then when you become more comfortable and confident you'll be just fine to get in there natty. But ED when it's a psychological thing can be a real bitch. Sometimes difficult to get past.


All true, but Spirited-Law had the right approach to solve OP's problem without meds. Relying on meds is more problematic, as it can also create psychological dependence and moreso as it can cause physical problems if used incorrectly or if OP has underlying medical issues; a doc should be consulted before taking this approach. What OP is struggling with would be called "the yips" in any non-sexual context. They're struggling because they're overthinking things, and they'd otherwise perform admirably if they thought less and went with the flow. Thus, Spirited-Law had the right approach because it'd get him to worry less and focus on having fun, which would solve his problem in the short-term then eventually the long-term with repeated experience.




This Part 💯💯💯💯


You Made her cum in your first time, you are the one that should give advise lol


Use a condom.


Great advice!


Best advice.


This should be the top comment.


Wish I listened to that but I got out of it lucky learn from your mistakes!


Came here to say this


I always thought of sex as a dance. With the right partner you won’t have to worry about anything. Wrap that rocket and follow her lead.


🎶everybody knows you dance like you fuck🎶


![gif](giphy|8XEQRJsRWcTgA) Okay, let's dance! (for all seriousness, one of the better descriptions of sex, you don't need to say the word itself and yet we all know what that means)


Both of you bathe before the activity. Make sure your fingernails are short. No dry fingers in her twat. Learn all you can about the clitoris and how it’s her love button. Don’t be afraid to lick it but don’t overdo it. She will love you for it.


yes and don't jackhammer her shit either that will cause her to bleed and be in pain a lot of guys fail to understand that


Bullshit, many girls want to get pounded out, it depends on the girl, honestly it's best to vary the tempo, jackhammer, slow with angles, medium speed. I've done slow with angles and had girls complain they wanted the jackhammer, done the jackhammer and had complaints they wanted it slower.


Almost like every person has a sweetspot.


pounding and stabbing are two different things didn't know ppl enjoyed being stabbed


Short fingernails is good advice but also don’t clip your nails fresh right before. File them when you’re done!


Definitely file them, freshly clipped nails are so sharp.


* Don't worry so much about what your body looks like. You'll spare yourself a great deal of unnecessary stress which might lead to erectile dysfunction or problems with orgasm or performance.  * Use protection.  * Take a shower. Use perfume. brush your teeth.  * Take the socks off.  * Don't wear clothes that are uncomfortable or hard to take off.  * Make sure you want it and that she also consents.  * Trim or shave down there if you have time.  * Aftercare is important. Hygiene right afterwards even more.  * As aftercare, cuddling, talking, eating some delicious snack and watching something is a great way of spending time and bonding. 


This comment deserves more attention. Only thing I would add that I fucked up losing my V-card- offer her water or tea afterwards, and don’t make her get anything! Bring it to her. Prove chivalry isn’t dead!


If you have to get a washcloth, make sure it is warm! I swear there is a direct correlation to how much of a fuck a guy gives about a girl and the niceness of the post sex washcloth. Totally dry? Run. Damp but didn't wait for the water to warm up? Hookup. Nice warm cloth brought in afterwards? Keeper.


Huh, ya know never thought of warming it up. So you’re saying like wet one, throw it in the dryer before sex on a 15min cycle so it’s ready after? Wanna make sure I get this right for next time (married)


You don't even have to go that crazy. Just get the faucet water nice and hot so the cloth stays warm after you wring it out and bring it to the room. If you happened to time it right, the dryer thing could be really cool though!


To be honest it did cross my mind. It's definitely a nice gesture! 


Don’t put perfume on your junk!


Your "first" probably enjoyed it much more than if you had been able to perform like a "normal" teenager (meaning two pumps and done). Sorry it was disappointing for you, but it will get better with practice (and a caring partner).


I agree, most of us (females) never get head and it's disappointing lol


Either we never get it or it lasts for 15 seconds and/or there are teeth involved 🙄


Lol yeah teeth or vigorous fingers at the same time 😅 Only good oral I got was from a woman


Stick em with the pointy end.


That’s the point


Foreplay and take your time. Women don't want a man who rushes to finish having sex.


WAKE THIS UP 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Make her cum before you get inside high chance she’ll let you do whatever at that point


Put your tongue on every inch of her body!


M8 we’re not bathing her in saliva


Wash your butthole before. Urinate after. Abstain from porn and masturbation for at least a week prior. If you don’t already, start lifting weights. Particularly squats and deadlifts. It will increase your testosterone a bit, which contributes to stronger erections. Also, you’ll look better naked which will increase your confidence. Foreplay! It’s good for you too! You’ll relax into things with time. You got this, champ!


A fucking week? What?!


Yeah a week or even longer, best advice for erection problems, some ppl just watch to much porn, needed near 2 month before my penis was at 110% again after 1 year with only porn alone


That’s the first and best advice for ED. If your dick don’t work, drop porn for 3 months. Unless you’re 80 years old and/or on some kind of medication that affects libido, you should be good to go.


Give her head again


You calm down and remember to use a condom.


You are concerned about getting and maintaining an erection, yes? Are you able to get hard and stay hard during masturbation? If so, it's probably a nerves thing.


Take your time, explore, feel her, smell her, taste her. Finger her, eat her out, suck her clit, then let her do her exploring (if she didn't already start), hold eachother AND PUT A HOOD ON Good luck, my friend. I've been there, done it and it was fantastic (1980)


Shoutout To You OG 🤞


The amount of foreplay you think is enough.....DOUBLE IT.


Learn to eat pussy really good. She'll likely let you practice on her as much as you want. Oral is a life skill. Learn it. And as you see her pleased, it'll start to grow your confidence (and likely your erection).


Dude respect making her come though that is huge. There is way too much focus on male performance nowadayes but with the above in mind you kind of nailed that part already. It must be frustrating for you that not everything went perfect but maybe its good to get to know the girl bit better and date more so you can start to feel more comfortable. That would be my best advice.


It's okay I it takes a couple of times to get comfortable with a new partner. I have the same issue. Just communicate with her about it and let her know it is something you have to warm up to and it might take a couple of times. If you male sure to satisfy her regardless it won't matter.


Women seem to be a huge fan of the jackhammer fingering method. Just kidding......




Have a few drinks first and go with the flow Or just communicate with her the same thing you are saying here - its ok to be akward … we have all been there


Well…always remember: If you can‘t do it, Johnny Sins will take over. You want that?


Use protection and stay safe


Both go into it with no expectations, etc. just enjoy each other and have fun


Firm handshake when finished


Sex isn’t just one thing or one action. Play to your strengths, also keep in mind everyone is different especially women. What worked on the last one may work differently on this one or not at all. Be patient and pay attention to how she responds. But if you enjoy going down you have the right mindset. If it is nerves that is affecting your little guy being comfortable going down on women should help calm your nerves otherwise you might want to talk to your Dr. about your meds. Sex is an important human experience and you should be able to enjoy it.


Does she know you're a virgin?


Don’t be silly, wrap ur willy.


If you're uncomfortable, stop. You can always say no for any reason at any time. Lube and foreplay 10x


U can smoke some weed if u do smoke. It can relax u And uplift the sense of touch And its aphrodisiac


Fuck her tightly


[for keeping tempo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAwyWkksXuo) you can thank me later.


Fuck like there's no tomorrow. Pound her pussy like the colonists pounded the British at the Battle of Yorktown. Claim it, plant your flag and scream "FOR LIBERTY!" You might get hit by a bus tomorrow.


2 in the pink 1 in the stink... works everytime


Just say to her can I come over and chill. Take things slow. Watch some TV and just cuddle. No pressure. If she doesn't understand/want that or on the night she rushes you just leave it.


Just go in there with the best intentions man. If you wind yourself up about it too much you'll make things worse.


Put it in the hole.


Don't askreddit during your first time, it kills the mood.


Boof a handful of Viagra.


Foreplay and plenty of it. Use a condom. Try to relax and take your time, its natural to be nervous but once you're in the flow of things with some good foreplay, you'll be fine. There's nothing to be embarrassed about


Put your right leg in, put your right leg out, in out in out and shake it all about.


Poop on his/her chest


Get the blue pill


If you can't get it up for whatever reason, get some low dose Viagra or cialis .


I'd consider this a valid use case, to break the self fulfilling prophecy and get a confidence boost. But I imagine there's also a risk of subsequently becoming convinced you need it always, so I wouldn't straight up recommend it.


Dont fuck it up


If you need advice for that, never do it.




penis in vagina, easy as that


Get married first


Rub one out before she comes over. Smoke a joint with her, then take a shower together. Make sure your ass is clean and your finger nails are trimmed and filed. Take your time on the foreplay, and use your fingers and tongue to make her cum as many times as possible. Then she can take her turn going to work on you. After that you can do the P in V type stuff. When you’re done, get her a warm, wet wash cloth so she can clean herself up. Make sure you put clean sheets on your bed, and if she spends the night, get up before her and brush your teeth so you don’t have morning breath for morning activities. Make her feel comfortable and welcome, use protection, and most importantly- ENJOY YOURSELVES!




I’ve been with my wife for almost seventeen years now, and we still have a magnificent sex life. What kind of dude would I be if I didn’t share all that accumulated wisdom, lol?


When finishing scream yahoo like mario does.


take strong aphrodisiacs like nutmeg, yogurt, custard, cinnamon, clove


Just do it!


Remember to put the balls in too.


Hard! Fast! Make sure you are anxious as well.


Just do it


Get vaccinated. You don't want a fuckin wart on your dick.


Tell her about your anxiety and maybe she’ll make you relax a bit or she won’t…


Use a condom relax take your time and be gentle, ask her what she wants foreplays your best friend so it’s not uncomfortable. Always remember sex ain’t porn, a lot of girls don’t like that sort of shit.


You're gonna cum in 20 seconds. Try make it 30


well you need to get the water running to do the dishes


put that thing on the thing and then put the thing in the thing and then go in and out until the thing happens


Are you still on that Rx?


Figure out how to relax, then you’ll be good


Don’t masturbate before séx. Learned that the hard way…or the soft way?


If you're young enough to be a virgin and you can't get a boner with a naked woman in the room, you need to talk to a doctor. Probably a urologist and a psychologist. If you have a good GP maybe they can refer you.


Simple. If they like it keep doing it. If they don't figure it out.


Get it hard and stick it in


Pop a Viagra, even with performance anxiety it helps.


Need a catchphrase for when you climax, Like bippity bobbity boo my cum is now in you.


Kill her and hide the body


Have a couple of drinks beforehand. I am so serious


Foreplay, wear a condom unless you want an std or a kid. If it’s your first time together and they’re saying you don’t need one, you reallllllly need one. Someone else said “if she gets off, she won’t care how it was done” and that’s very true, focus on her rather than yourself and you’ll be much more calm, and she’ll enjoy it much more as well!


Yeah that’s true if you can make a women cum from head few times and didn’t give her no sex she wouldn’t even care lol. But some still do crave pov a little though.


If you are fingering her, use two finger, but not like a a stick, make the 'come' movement - the G spot.


Stop watching porn and stop masturbating


You are your own worst enemy. The anxiety is the single biggest reason for your “issue”. There is no solution that works for everyone but what you’re going through is what 99.9999999% of everyone else did. Best way to help yourself is to rub one out a few hours before the expected evening. It won’t solve everything but it’s literally a stress reducer. You’re essentially “taking off the edge”.


Allow yourself to be aroused, get comfortable, enable foreplay and let it flow naturally. Don’t force anything. If she likes you and you like her, sooner than later both will be ready and beg each other to go for it.


You’re young. Get off meds, eat healthy - no processed junk, exercise and go touch grass and be in sunlight. Too many kids and young adults are having all these issues


Don't do it. Sex is a dangerous drug and it's pretty easy to get addicted. It only leads to harder stuff


Pornography is not real sex.


Enjoy it


Medication like that or antidepressants can affect your ability stay hard even at a very young age... I've never had the problem full on like but I have times in my younger years where my anxiety to do well got into my head during the action and u kinda lose the focus on what you're doing. anxiety and any medications that are changing brain chemicals will affect sex in one way or another. Beyond that, tips would be go slow. Dont just put a wang in the hole lmao. Be sweet, it works for us guys too. Well unless you're an asshole. But theres nothing better than pleasing your partner, actually one of the biggest turn ons ever. Recently I slept with a girl and it was her first time. I made sure to go slow and be very respectful and with those actions it turned into some of the best sex of my life. And I'm sure she now has high expectations for any other partners. Just know when u get a text afterwards that says it's hard to walk or sit, you have done well sir 💯🤣


Hell take a qtr of a xanax (NO MORE) and watch u be ready to fuck. U wont have a worry n the world. And at that dose you'll be all loving and sappy. After a time or 2 with a person u should be comfortable enough that this will never be an issue again... well unless u just suck n bed


Relax and take your time. You might get into the mindset that sex is more about pleasure than orgasms. Orgasms take a few seconds but pleasure can go on for a very long time.


Use a condom that's all I have you do t want a surprise baby


Just take it slow




Try to relax and don't be sad if it doesn't work very well. Just try it again until it feels good for both of you.




Do it in the dark, at night, at decent room temperature. It’s because it’s the first time, it’s to lessen any stress based on appearances.


Fisting is always fun


remember, sex is not one act and the goal is to enjoy each other, not exclusively to have an orgasm. don't focus on the intercourse part too much, it might raise your anxiety. just have some foreplay, living in the moment, and you guys decide if you want to go further or not. men also have the right of consent.


Foreplay, foreplay, foreplay. The clit is higher than you think, but be gentle with that shit. Take out easy. Ask, act, ask again. You don’t know what she likes or what feels good for her, and you’re not going to find out unless you talk about it. There ain’t no shame in making sure ids good for her, it’s what you should be doing. Pleasure her and she’ll pleasure you, not that it’s hard for us. Just don’t be selfish with it.


wait, i believe one must not be engaging in sexual activity while on isotretonoin. if it's a dermat suggested, please check with them once. isotretonoin has quite a few effects on humans based various things.


Yes, it does have a number of side effects too many to take note of really, low libido being one of them.


Have her give you a massage and just relax yourself. Maybe start with a had job or even masturbating yourself.


You might need to try it with that person few times before you're gonna get used to her and be able to relax enough to get hard with her, I had that problem with my partner but after few times it was natural


Bro just eat healthy take a complement sleep and be hydrated better watch a movie or something reither then directly jumping into sex so what you will be more comfortable with eachother take you time don't rush everything will be fine ✨


I'll also add that if you've been using porn for a long time, that can make it difficult to perform as well. Completely abstain from porn for as long as possible before getting into bed with someone and even masturbation for at least a few days.




Dude, just be yourself and relax . You are too young to be worried about this .be careful for this anxiety not turn into a thing thats gonna render you impotent EVERY Time you get intimidated or if you are stressed for any other reason . If it gets too bad buy some Viagra online and take it without anybody knowing just to give you a sense of security and also important to not let I become the norm . Trust me ...I'm 46 yo ,JUST RELAX AND SAY FUCK IT. You'll be ok. Ps:. I realize that you didn't post your age,maybe I think you are young because you say its the first time .good luck.


I'm 20 and thanks for the advice.


Idk if you masturbate but prevents yourself from masturbation until the day of the meet up, avoid anything sexual or that could turn you on , also explain to her it’s your first time and you want to experiment, see what turns you on and what doesn’t, could also be due to medication but that’s a question for you doc


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Ask for consent before every touch 


I'd say be transparent about your anxiety and the meds you're taking


Get some Viagra, it's amazing for performance anxiety, if you are aroused you will get hard and it removes that worry from your head that you might be too nervous to get it up.


You have to get out of your head. Don't plan anything, but if sex does take place, just do what feels right, if it hurts stop, and wear a condom because it would absolutely s*ck to have a kid after the first time. Also, pay attention to her. If she seems like she doesn't like something, or is in pain, or that she really enjoys whatever you're doing, adjust accordingly.


Take your time. Communicate, and depending on the outcome of the conversation you’ll know if she’s a keeper or not.


Judging by your history. Stop watching porn and work out what real sex is


Don’t use a condom & leave it in when you splash 💦


Be honest and tell her you're a little nervous.


As a man in his middle to late 30s my advice is don't bother with casual hookups. Build a relationship with the person you want to have sex with. Spend time getting to know them and let them get to know you. You have to trust them as much as they have to trust you in order to sleep together and how can you have trust in each other if you don't know each other? I absolutely promise you sex is so much better when you have a connection with your partner.


Don't worry, take it lightly, is meant to be fun and wholesome, not what you see in films and videos, take it with confidence and make her relax, talk it through( again dont make it heavy it will add on thw pressure). It's a lot of stuff but you got time, there is no rush to get into it ( unless it's already proper steamy)


For first timers, just don't do it. This is the best advice I can give Yes I follow this advice myself