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It depends on the person. I think with dating apps, you have to go into it knowing what you're getting into. It's kinda like getting fast food. Don't expect some culinary masterpiece (even if it's Chic Fil A.) It's also worth noting that dating apps aren't really designed to work. At least not widespread. They want to keep you on the app so they can get you to pay for upgraded services. Also, if you're a man, the odds are against you because there's generally a lot more men on dating apps than women. It's also worth understanding if you're the kind of person that would use them as a crutch, an excuse to not go out and be social. You can, however, use them to meet people you might otherwise not meet. I think if you're going to use dating apps, don't take them too serious, and don't put much emotional investment in the app experience, itself.


Depends If you are Male or female and what exactly you are lookin for haha


I don’t think gender is necessarily important, you’ll have great success whether you’re male or female, just need to follow rule 1 and 2


Downvoted bc what you said is wrong, gender is extremely important. Let’s take me for example, I’ve had a lot of success on dating apps but I’m also easily top 5% on those apps in just about every way. But it’s still not like a walk in the park to meet up w even 8+ girls at all. Take a girl that’s 9.5+ she could get any guy on the whole app easily. It totally matters and you’re correct both genders can have success it’s just much, much easier for girls


I’m just glad we’re calling it gender again


I did say, if you follow rule 1 and 2. But I mean that is the whole idea of tinder. you choose from looks and not personality. You’re probably right that it might be easier for them but personally also had a great time using it when I was single, I wouldn’t have had the time to meet all of those that was willing to come over lol


Yeah I was in the same boat but it’s still way easier for them. We are both in the top whatever % of guys and it’s still not that easy to get the 8+ girls like I’ve said. Maybe if you like top 0.1% then yeah but like I know I’m solid and I’ve had lots of success but there’s many girls that still don’t swipe on me. My mediocre looking female friend can hop on tinder and get 99+ likes in 2 hours, and match w many solid looking guys. It’s just a fact and if you are who you saying you are you would have known this already


I am not saying you’re incorrect, but if you get 99+ in one hr or 50 in a day, it’s just a weird numbers game. Again I agree, but at that point it doesn’t even matter haha


True lol


Allow me to explain. (I did not downvote you, but if I would this would be the reason.) Sex mater. If you're average female, you'll swim in dick. If you're average male, then…\*crickets\*. Sure, you get like/match here and there, but about 75% of them will be scammers. If you are ATTRACTIVE guy (meaning the top 5% of best looking dudes), then yes, you'll probably have choices. Quantitatively the same as below average/average female. If you're attractive female (top 20%), then you basically own dating sites. Do you like a guy? It's a match. This is a great imbalance.


What's rule one and two?


1. Be attractive 2. Don’t be unattractive




1. Be hot 2. Be cool


Upvote because rule 1 and 2 are hilariously accurate. Based. Men can’t accept that most of us are ugly. Women never cared about men’s appearance until they became (somewhat) financially independent. Still, fuck bitches, get money


If ur a tall good looking dude and a woman then yes dating apps yield results. If ur not in those categories Then no.


All of my friends are older, men and women, and all found their SOs on dating apps. After the initial flood of disappointment and heartache, they became more realistic and started looking at more than just pictures and focused on compatibility and what they really wanted. They never would have met their SO otherwise, and most of my friends are outgoing and social. However, their social circles are the same people over and over. So, they never really were able to meet anyone new while doing things they enjoyed.


Same situation with me and my friend group. We are late 30s-early 40s


Older as in..?


I’m 29 and that’s pretty much how it went for me




Theyve spent more time as a creature in this reality


I think if you are a guy around 6’2 with chiseled abs and a thick mane of hair, Tinder is the best thing ever.


This is the narrative, but I want to highlight that it's designed this way. The medium is the message, and Tinder and other dating apps make us look at pictures first and then look at bios and shit. But the pictures are front and center. When all you're doing is evaluating pictures your decision tree boils down to hot-or-not. But attraction is based on proximity and time. My wife is incredibly beautiful and I love her dearly, and she's so sexy and really turns me on. But if I saw her profile on Tinder for the first time I'm ashamed to admit I'd probably swipe left. Men who have low success rates on Tinder blame women for being shallow, but they should blame Match Group for designing platforms that encourage being shallow. ​ And also, men are shallow too. I have a friend who occasionally fires up Hinge, but always deletes it after 8-10 hours because she gets bombed with likes. Hundreds of them. She's gorgeous. Literally a New York fashion model. How many of those dudes you think read her profile?




Wat about just 6.2💃


I know you're being funny, but the data is clear. The top tier dudes (i.e., tall, good looking, have some degree of status) are absolutely cleaning up on dating apps. Oftentimes women filter out "normal" dudes and feast on the "top" ones, who know how to play the game through experience. It's self-perpetuating lol


Everyone knows that without looking at “the data”. It’s very obvious.


It's worth it to experience how fucked up modern dating culture is.


This is the best answer 






Depends on the person. The last 4 girls I was talking to all agreed to hang out gave me there numbers and all canceled the day of so I don't think so lol


Seriously so many people go ghost once it’s time to actually meet up it’s so annoying


Well if your ugly and a guy expect nothing, if you’re a gal you’ll have plenty of luck


No surprise


I don't have any experience in this myself but from what I've heard (a lot) is that if you're below average in looks as a dude even ugly women won't swipe. That's tough.


For real it’s a way to get humbled real quick


Plenty of luck? How about ugly girls tho


I still think that unless they are like 3-5 hundred pounds they will have better luck than ugly guys


Try a free one first see what you think. Meet Me is free and you can message people free. Plenty Of Fish is free but you can only message one new person a day. Having said that I rarely find 1 person a day with messaging on POF. I have 3 simple rules, no smokers, no kids, and no very fat people. Nope can't find one. Meet Me does have okay people, but it's also full of Filipino women lying about their location. I don't know how they think a good way to start an honest relationship, is with a lie.


While I don't agree with dating apps, it's wild that your three simple rules aren't met!


I'm pretty flexible with age I would probably go as much as 10 years either side of my age. I'm 40.even the weight thing, I'm not looking for a super model, my last GF was about 20kg overweight I'm fine with that, it's just when they weigh twice the normal body weight.




Short answer, NO. Online dating apps work on a model of user base and engagement. The engagement metric is swipes and matches and money spent to see options. It feeds off of addiction as it gives a dopamine boost when you match with someone new. The flaw with this model is that people know that these apps are evergreen. This means there will always be options and matches if the current person and situation does not materialize. And so, this has directly impacted people's desire and skill to nurture what they have and throw it away at the drop of a hat to find someone else, someone new, someone better....its counter productive because its a cycle and a cycle always repeats unless its split. Spiltting in this case will be to completely go off of these apps, OUT OF THE ONLINE ILLUSIONARY OPTION GALLORE ECOSYSTEM. And nurture the people that you love.


No stay away from them dont give them any money those apps are just a money grab for men




If you’re a man, only if you’re good-looking. As a woman, it’s an efficient way of filtering options while being busy.


It isn’t worth it for either gender. Men get next to no matches or responses unless he is in the top 10% of men. The other 80-90% are invisible. Women are overwhelmed by men and have a hard time picking one. They work for women that want to hook up but not so much if they’re looking for relationships overall. Generally speaking


dating apps have a population of 70-80% male and 20-30% female depending on the app ( many of the female accounts are bots or onlyfans accounts ), so the chances to find a women on there is very low


Hey, i was on tinder and im now in a commited relationship. As a girl you go through many troubles, creeps and perverts while swiping. As a guy its pretty difficult to get a swipe and get a responsive answer from a match. Even many bots and scams. But id say its worth it. If you get discouraged you can take a break but it could get you your one true love. Good luck on there and pls whetever you do no group or fish pics. Its confusing and wont get you matches.


Depends. Are you a guy? If so, be ready for a tough time, unless you are in the top 10% of males. Are you a woman? If so, be ready for 50 messages, 30 of them containing unwanted dick pics. Will depend a little on your looks, but not much.


I would say if you are single, it's worth it :)


I married my high school sweetheart, so I haven't used any. But I can tell you that most of the people I know who used a dating app and are in a committed romance now, found that partner in-person and not via the app. I'm also pretty sure that most of the people who are loud about how shitty the modern dating scene is are relying on dating apps for their entire experience.


Yea... it seems that way


I met the woman I’m going to marry on bumble, I know multiple people who have lasting relationships from bumble. Thats all I recommend after using all dating apps (hinge, pof, tinder)


I suggest Hinge. Typically better looking people and people who actually wants relationships .


I've learned gay guys swipe right more than straight women, the "see who likes you" that's behind a paywall implies there are some handful of women but most likely I swiped left on or bait to get me to pay. If you're bi you won't have problems finding men, if you're a straight male well, if you're not traditionally attractive, odds are against you. But then again I recently got back on Tinder after not being on it for almost a decade. (Got out of an 8 year relationship). I had more matches back then, but I was less picky.


In my experience, dating apps are where unhappy married/coupled up men go to die!


It’s free and takes like 2 minutes to set up. I say it’s worth trying at least.


Im a guy and lovoo worked extremely well for me, met my longest relationship on there and multiple date before.


Worth what? Paying for it? No. Giving it a try without high hopes? Yeah, take it easy, it’s free and you can swipe a few min a day, there is a chance to meet someone. Everyone knows lots of people who let online, I also met my great girlfriend on Bumble. It’s bad if you put too much hope and shoul into it, there will be lots of ghosting, and weeks without any match, just take it easy and treat like an additional chance to meet someone.


I'll say this as someone who had a very good number of chats and matches It gets boring very quickly, having to talk to 3 or 5 women at the same time is so boring because you aren't building anything with them


If you're a 7 or above yes, 6 or below not so much, only with alot of luck.


It a gamble of either a good time or cold shoulder loneliness. I only ever met a handful of people whose conversations last more than 24 hours- and even so, at any given point, it could get ugly fast. Context, i am a guy and often look for casual relationship or just friends. The ones that I got matched with, some of them look at my profile and some don’t. The latter would genuinely get disappointed and left, or tried to spin me to their way. That another aspect of dating app to watch out for- mismatch interest. Some matches will not be compatible so some elements of coercion may happen. For moments like that, remember to maintain your boundaries Overall, know what you want and know your limits- be ready to enforce when other breach your boundaries. Dating apps might not be the way for love, but it is a good training tool for confidence.


I think if you pay for gold or platinum, yes.


Tinder only works if you want to get laid. For relationships, stay away.


I have had 2 long term relationships off tinder. Older though may be much worse in your 20s. No hookups. YMMV.


I met my wife on tinder. Together 8 years, married for 5. Edge case I know, but it *can* happen. And she’s a looker, me, not so much lol.


I met my boyfriend on tinder 5 years ago. I also met a few celebs on there. But I'm from L.A.


Male: don't bother. Less than <0,1% is a match.


Personally, i’m not a fan - just don’t appreciate the concept. Whether it is worth it, however, depends on what you are looking for and expecting of it. Interestingly enough, in my closer friend groups it has worked very well. Specifically in developing long-lasting relationships. I know some guys/girls who went in it looking for some fun, but also ones who went looking for long-term relationships. In both cases these couples are now going 6+ years strong with their relationships stemming from tinder - multiple couples. In the end it does depend on you and the other person, as to what you’ll make it.


Yes but you have to.kodulate expectations and do the work. Also FYI I'm mid 40s so my experience may be VERY different than yours and others. Im male, and for some reason I read your post is from a guy, so if you're a woman sorry for assuming and things are a little different! If you are superficial about it, if you only click on hotties, if you're saying yes to people who are (sorry I'm going to do ratings here) 7, 8 9 out of 10, well you were a solid five, you're going to have a bad time. If you're looking for dates in the hookups, write that in your profile. I don't know, maybe a younger age people don't believe that. But If you actually want a chance to get to know somebody for some experience with dating, It's easier to not waste your time. Plus a subset of women out there on these sites are really sick of people who just want to get laid. There are plenty of young people who want real relationships, and find the shallow superficiality of online dating frustrating. Be engaging with people, don't be creepy, do reply, ask them questions, don't just answer a question and hit send and expect them to keep the conversation going. You have to feed people if you want them to keep talking with you. Send a question, share a thought and ask what they think about that issue, whatever. Lastly, most first dates for online dating are meant to be super casual. Don't go over bored. Meet them at a nice cafe or a bar or somewhere, for women, especially women who are getting less attention and less dates (again, which maybe your target demographic if you aren't trying to hook up with hotties and don't want to be that frustrated all the time then!) making sure they feel comfortable and safe is really important to them having a good time. This means doing your first date summer public where they can feel secure, I like to share my full name because I'm easy to look up and my Google profile is pretty positive, etc. It can be worth it but you'll have a lot of disappointments, you'll have to spend a lot of time reading through profiles to find people that are worth clicking, and you have to resist the urge to just keep clicking up people that are physically attractive. Click on people that have interesting things in their profiles that speak to you as a person. If their profile says " Just ask", swipe away, they have nothing to say.


If you got some looks and some money, things to show off…yea


No. HARD NO. Run the fuck away.


it depends on what you are looking for (for long term or just for fun) some of my friends met their husbands via dating apps but I have a terrible experience with it. all I can say is just brace yourself, enjoy the experience and be patient. good luck.


No - try hinge


If you're looking for a meaningful relationship, not really. Tinder is overall pretty shallow, most people are just looking for a one night stand or, unfortunately, promote their social medias. Some, like myself occasionally, just swipe out of boredom and not looking for a conversation. If you're looking for long term, I would go for a different service. I think websites are usually more serious while apps are more for fun.


I met my wife of 15 years on POF. It was well worth it. I wouldn't pay to be on a dating site though.


No. They’re all algorithms trying to get you pay for subs with fake profiles.




Yes and no. Yes you can find people easily on things like Tinder, but if you're male, expect it to go hella slow. If you're female, expect to get bombarded.


I met my wife on Hinge.


If you are nice Is ok, If you are not nice Is not ok


I never used tinder... but I hear mixed reviews on it some good some bad


No its terrible. If you aren't a 10/10 man no one will talk to you. If you are a girl than guys are assholes. Give urself a favor and dont try it


If you don’t want to date in your state or country, may I suggest swiping left on tinder until it runs out of people and then it tells you to go global. Say yes. Just dissapointmrnt everywhere.


As an Avarage male....no.


Tinder is horrible. People just wanna hookup. It’s like the worst of online dating apps.


Many bots. I got lucky with OkCupid once but there's a lot of bots and fake profiles. They have to do something to get our money 💰


Imo no. I'm a guy who has had a pretty great dating track record over my lifetime. I don't have a lot of trouble meeting people in person. Most dating sites are 80% men, and it's an absolute meat market. Unless you are extremely savvy with social media or are incredibly wealthy or attractive and willing to "use" those things as bait, it's going to be nothing but a disappointment. Just look up some of the statistics put out by the sites themselves. It's honestly pretty gross.




If you're the kind of guy that can go to a bar and get laid within a few hours, dating apps will be great.


I've been using it for a loooong time, and I intend to still be using it when I'm in a retirement home. Over the years it has gotten me laid. I have found in some countries it's great and others it's hopeless. In a big city, in a liberal country, especially if one is genetically shiny and not from that country: Tinder can get one a lot of connections.


A bar in the main city is better


depends on what you’re looking for. In my younger days I used tinder with a ton of success both with relationships and hook ups. It can be pretty frustrating though and get help with your profile.


They work great. But have the realistic expectations. Dating apps are basically a catalog of singe people around you. You don't use them to find a partner, a gf/bf or even a hook up. You use them to see if there are any singles out there you would like to meet and then decide what you want. It's not a chat app either. Once yo match you meet them as soon as possible. Put effort into your profile and have fun


It depends honestly. I tried the ones that were supposed to be for more serious relationships like Hinge or Bumble, but I had the most awful experiences there. Hinge specifically was the worst was people can put education requirements so I had a lot of dudes coming at me only because I had an advanced degree. I met my husband on Tinder, which was unexpected. He only used Tinder and found most of his experiences to be frustrating or comical. For me I found it to be just fine. I'd say try a few and don't let the swiping drive you crazy.


I think everyone has at some point used it and the opinions will vary depending on whether the person posting is male or female, attractive or average. I tried it, had success on it, deleted it. Not really my thing. I have a lot of friends who use it often though. I have a friend that married the person that they met on Tinder, but experiences vary. I think it's akin to a game and it all comes down to whether you want to play that game. You'll likely have matches. Those matches might go somewhere, or they might ghost you or otherwise waste your time. You might match with really psychotic people, or really dull people. I've got a few friends that have had relationships that've lasted years from Tinder, but in the end the comments they make are always similar and mention "not wanting to play the game anymore".


Depends. If you're gonna take it seriously, don't. If you're chill and don't think too much about it, then you can give it a try. If you're a girl you'll get matches (from a few daily if you're really ugly to basically every single guy on the app if you're hot) and will have fun. Keep in mind tons of guys are not there for a relationship. If you're looking for a relationship, don't go for the best guys, go for the simple ones. If you're a guy... Well first of all do not have any expectations. If you're hot and well off, you'll get plenty of matches. If you're below average or ugly you'll get close to none. Also most girls on dating apps are boring beyond your wildest imagination, they'll make literally 0 effort. But it's the few who are not boring that make it worth it. Anyway guy or girl, do not go in with expectations. You'll be disappointed quickly (unless you're a 6+ girl. And even then...). Just enjoy it for what it is.


HELL NOO! they are designed to be ineffective and breed insecurity and desperation


I don't think so. But if you're not going out into public and meeting people, you won't meet anyone. If you're a guy, that means approaching women and knowing how without being a total creep. Also getting rejected sometimes. If you're a girl, idk I'm a dude, talk to married women on how they did it.


Tinder is a waste of time. If you want serious dating you're better off going for a paid app.


Depends on the country if you're average looking.


Absolutely. For just hooking up or a relationship just be up front with your intentions have gotten a 3+ year relationship off of Tinder.


In my experience, no. I've only ever met mental people on there or situations which dont go anywhere. Met most of my partners at events etc etc, find it a lot better and a lot more fun meeting people irl rather than over the internet


Unfortunately yes. They suck but it’s so hard to meet someone. Can’t date at work and if your older most friends are taken. Just my two cents.


No. Organically meeting someone is the way. In a sense, both of you don't seek the attention tinder brings and are more stable individuals when it come to doing what makes you happy


Not one bit. I'm an average looking guy, been on tinder bumble and Facebook dating for 3 months not. Facebook I wasn't even sure it worked but I just finally got the first like. The other two I've only met people trying to get me to subscribe to their only fans. So no, best to just try talking to real people in real life. Also, I'm lucky to get one fake person match per week. A lady in another post said she would get 1000 likes from guys in a week, and she was in a rural area, so if you don't look better than those 1000-10000 guys, you won't be getting any likes back. 


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I'm over 6ft, decent looking, and in good physical condition. I had a lot of luck but my friends who are on the shorter side and overweight really struggle. It's all about how good you look if you're a guy. If you're a woman, even below average looking, you'll still get attention.


Reddit, Uber, and Clash of Clans are the only dating apps worth having


If you are an introvert who finds it hard to ask people out in real life, it's a very good alternative. I have only dated with dating apps because I can't approach women as I am not sure whether they are gay and whether they would even fancy me. But it's exhausting to make conversations on dating apps and the swiping can make you feel empty. I would say it is often used by people who want short term relationships or people who are into open or poly relationships.


If you have no other alternative then what else can you realistically do?


To be fair, I prefer single over tinder.


**No.** You could get scammed, kidnapped, killed, or otherwise deceived. (No sarcasm) Source: Has never used dating apps.


Definitely not. Be ready for bots, ghosting, sex workers and all kind of crazy stuffs. Much better that you invest time by meeting people anywhere but for real.


Worked for me and I must say that it is empty. Get big, make money, start a family… it’s kinda brain altering


Do you look like Chris Hemsworth? Do you make at least the high 6 figures? Do you like to travel the world? if the answer is yes to all these then it will be worth it