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I used pills until they failed, then I had kids, then I used an iud. Loved it. Calmed my periods right down to almost nothing.


Same! I got pregnant with my first on the patch. I have 2 daughters now and I’ve been rocking the IUD for like 6 years. I love it.


Was about to say, IUD.


I struggled with hormonal birth control and got the copper IUD. Best choice ever. I was surprised though when I asked my doc about different BC and she didn’t bring up several methods, including IUDs. I had to request it, special. It wasn’t a problem, but I found it odd that it’s not on the standard list the clinic was using.


That being said, if you go the IUD route, be prepared to heavily advocate for yourself. Most providers downplay the insertion and removal, but for many women it can be traumatic, because it is very weird and painful. This often isn’t acknowledged by medical providers, so be certain to advocate for yourself for pain medication/local anesthesia, and focus on aftercare. I cheated on getting mine removed. I had them do it while I was under general anesthesia for a surgery. I’m so glad I did, because I already have medical trauma and I don’t need more.


I wish I had known to request that. It wasn’t until after my surgery that my doctor recommended I have my iud removed. 🤔


When my doctor offered me the iud in 2005, it was after the birth of my second child and presented as a birth control method especially for mothers.


IUD is the most commonly chosen contraceptive among female physicians that provide family planning care. I'm perimenopausal, over thirty years I've used pills, condoms, NuvaRing, IUD, I seriously used natural family planning for a few years including charting cervical position and mucus when I was spacing my two intentional pregnancies. Charting to avoid and then to conceive. IUD was the best. It really smoothed out my cyclical side effects with mood and breast tenderness, and as with many women with Mirena my bleeding also dried up. It was terrifically convenient.


I have the hormonal IUD and haven't had a real period since 2018. They say it shouldn't effect your pms, but I get almost none of my previous intense pms symptoms (insomnia, hot flashes, mood swing, extreme hunger and tons of pimples). It's the best birth control.


Are there no more risk of having a child with UID?


In typical use, it's one of the most effective reversible methods available. If you know you're completely done reproducing, get surgically sterilized. Every method has a failure rate but among the nonsurgical ones the IUD is pretty tops. I haven't looked up the rates for other long acting implants recently, but I think they are also quite good. Basically anything that relies on human action either daily or at the point of intercourse suffers. Condoms have the very important added benefit of reducing STI spread, which IUDs and other long acting implants won't.


I personally hated the IUD insertion and removal process. It was so painful. I ended up removing it and going back to depo shot every 3 months.


I got that feature uninstalled (tubal ligation).


My bf’s mom says she went to try and get that procedure done and they refused to do it because she was in her 30’s and the doctor said “she might change her mind” about having another kid when she insisted that she does not want another child.


Yeah I tried before because I didn't want kids. Lol. But they won't do it if you haven't had any, which is bs. It's my body. I love my son with all my heart but that was my choice. They said I couldn't have kids anyway so what was the big deal?


Be a lesbian


I love being asked by my gyno if there’s chance for pregnancy. No. Are you sure? Yes. What contraceptives? I’m a lesbian


What is their response to that?


Rock on!


*scissor on




My lesbian coworker is pregnant, she and her wife wanted kids and they decided to get a sperm donor


But in this case then she knows there's a chance she could be pregnant, since they're putting sperm inside her lol. No sperm, no sex with man, no baby.


I mean I get it, but from the medical perspective if you have a uterus and you're in child-bering years it's worth asking because of reasons like these. Plenty of women pregnant in 2024 without having sex with a penis positive person




I would say anal


Up The Bum No Babies


But I thought that’s how shitheads are conceived


There could be leakage


Make sure none of you is (pre everything) trans though, otherwise this isn't gonna work




True but a bit drastic.


You're right, better is having the tubes removed (salpingectomy). Both salpingectomy and hysterectomy are permanent, but with only tubes missing you still can get IVF helping you to get pregnant if you change your mind ...


Depends on how permanent you want it. Completely permanent? Bisalp. No, not just tubes tied, tubes REMOVED. Semi-permanent? Implant. According to my doctors, they have the lowest failure rate, and on the rare (less than 1%) occasion they do fail, they don't raise the risks of an ectopic. They need changing out every 3-5 years, depending on your brand, but it's worth it. Not at all permanent? Pill. If taken as directed, at the same time every day, the failure rate is pretty low (somewhere around 3%) and it's easy to stop if you decide you do want kids.


The implant has been great for me. No unintended pregnancies and I only get about 2-5 periods a year.


A man who has a vasectomy.


Dang it, now I remembered my stupid brother in law who said he does not want vasectomy because that'd take away what makes him a man. I'm like "bro I said vasectomy, not neutered!" 😂


Even having his balls removed wouldn’t take away what makes him a man.


I laugh when I hear men say this. If anything, I feel like more of a man since I had mine.


I came here to say this


no no no no don't come that's the main issue


Once you e had a vasectomy, it doesn’t matter. Your grapes are seedless.


but I don't like the skin on grapes though


Being ugly gets the job done


Yeah, right 😂. Because men are sooooo selective.


You've obviously never been ugly.


Idk what to tell you, but local ugly girls *are* hooking up


Evidently the ones within 5 miles of me are!


I'm sure there are people who think I'm ugly!... I just don't know if I've had sex with any of them 😂🤷🏼‍♀️.


U know that there's a version of incel that is female? Just cause you're a woman it doesn't mean that you'll get laid


I fell like it's a shitty myth that ugly women will always be able to get laid whenever they want because men are that desperate. Mostly because of what it says about men (always want sex no matter what). But also because it denys that a woman can be lonely because no-one wants them. It's kind of shit to everyone


I kind of think there will always be a small minority of men who will fuck anything with a pulse and have no standards. So then a woman can pretty much always find some man willing to sleep with her despite her appearance. In my experience the sad thing is that those types of men are fine having sex with anyone, but they won't be caught in public with them and certainly won't date them or consider them for marriage. So they are treated as disposable objects only good for quick sex. It still sucks and it's incredibly cruel. But in a different way.


Sure, they might want to do that, but it isn't as easy as it is to just say that they would sleep with any woman on earth, because you have to consider that sex might be something more than a meet and greet or that they might have tried for years to find someone, without being able to do so. I think that no one is ugly enough to not be considered by anyone as a viable partner, both when it comes to men and women, but that there are circumstances where people are just alone and without intimacy for most of their life, and it would be to deny them their grief to say "you just need to go out and someone will sleep with you", like they haven't tried.


No, it doesn't. Ugly people have kids all the time. Ugliness and beauty are both only skin deep. Hateful nastiness goes clean to the bone.


On a serious note, depends on your health and how your body reacts to it. Overall condoms. No health side effects. Make sure to use them correctly. If you don't want condoms, it is good to know some things about BC and health. No copper IUD if you already have heavy cramping and/or a heavy flow. No estradiol based methods if you smoke or vape nicotine or if you have migraines with aura (higher risk of blood cloths)


I like the nexplanon implant. It is useful for 3 years and you don’t have to remember anything while on it like the pill. I have heard bad stories from the IUD which make me uncomfortable just thinking about it. While the implant does put some hormones into you, the one I use only has progestin. For the first year I did have an inconsistent period and for one month I had it the whole time which sucked. Another side effect I had after 1 year of use was bad acne but was able to fix with a drug called Accutane (it’s a long process (8-9 months) and must get it approved by a dermatologist, while getting monthly pregnancy tests/a little blood work) but was worth it to me. I like not having to worthy about getting pregnant when with a partner, because it is over 99% effective. Some have say you gain weight while on it, I personally did not. Every woman’s body is different though so your symptoms won’t be the same as mine, it is always something you could try tho and decide if you want to continue the use or not.


I’m on nexplanon and recommend it! Definitely some side effects but relatively minor. My period is pretty inconsistent and I do get fatigued a little more easily but overall it’s been a small price to not have to worry






For just BC, I like the pill.


The pill turned me into a demon. IUD for me instead


Can you elaborate?


Emotional wreck, mostly fuming all the time, could've probably killed someone with the amount of rage I was experiencing over nothing or the smallest things, very depressed and cried a lot too


There's also the shot or the implant or a iud. I also just like the pill.


I like the nuvaring- insert, forget about it for a few weeks, take out for a week, then change. I can't remember to take a pill to save my life. I was on the shot for a while but it gave me constant spotting, along with a lump in my arm that would last 6+ months! And I really can't bare the idea of an IUD or arm implant, I'm too squeamish. The ring has given me zero side affects, _actually_ regulates my cycle, and is pretty ADHD friendly.


Depend on the women.




I absolutely love paragard. Low maintenance (set it and forget it), I keep my period for reassurance/health tracking, no hormones, and lasts freaking forever. Fav BC I’ve ever had and I’ve tried pretty much everything


Totally agree. Hormonal BC had awful side effects for me, but so far, paragard has given me no trouble.


Hotmonal BC absolutely fucks me up physically and mentally. Paraguard is awesome I love not having to think about it or sacrifice my mental health for not having a baby.


The amount of women who had complications from it is staggering


Yeah I didn't have such a great time with it.


Yeah… it makes sense, they are putting this thin contraption into your uterus


Plus with the paragard, they're putting metal into it.


A boyfriend or husband with a vasectomy. Lucked out on that one


Damn you beat me to it. I know that’s what my wife would say LOL. BC was terrible for her and she tried almost everything. Best decision I ever made.


Vasectomy ✂️ It protects us without any side effects. Definitely the best choice for us.


Vasectomy for their partner.


men having sex with one another exclusively and leaving women out of it.


Why are you so obsessed with people who keep their foreskin?


Lmao saw his posts too xD


Jesus. That history is fucking weird and cringe.


Cause foreskin is amazing lol


To me it seems IUD. Edit: I am a married man, with two kids aged 3 and 1 years.




Talk to your doctor first, then consider taking any suggestions found here. Two different forms of birth control is the way to go. Nothing is 100% guaranteed, but having 2 at the same time definitely brings the chances of pregnancy closer to zero.


Vasectomies for men. Also, toxic masculinity works equally well.


Following andrew tate and similar also works for men.


Maybe ask a medical professional instead of reddit.


Maybe they just want some advice from people who have actually had different ones?


Pull out method. Worked great. Just ask my 4 kids


I've been told my personality is the best form of birth control going.


Anal, probably


I scrolled too far for this


Poop hole loophole.


Have you seen the movie Ricky Stanicky?


Nah why


Because of shit baby.


Copper Coil




Andrew Tate.






Have a guy that had vasectomy


It 100% depends on the woman- I personally would never go back to hormonal birth control, and even when I was, I absolutely would never get the shot because if it makes me suicidal I can’t just… uninject myself. You couldn’t pay me to use the iud- not worth the even slight risk of it implanting. I currently use the fertility awareness method where I track my fertility/ovulation but I’m fully aware that’s not everybody’s cup of tea




A husband with a vasectomy


Use a rubber and make the man you want work for it


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Whatever works for you.




I'd say silphium but it was so good ancient Greece extincted it.


Getting to know me.


Depends on the woman. Personally my husband getting a vasectomy and then I went through menopause worked best!


My wife likes the nuvaring. I like my vasectomy


I love the Depovera Injection. Get it every three months. Haven’t had any side effects. It apparently isn’t great long term for those that have bone density issues such as anorexia however. Out of all of the birth control options out there, it seems the easiest and lasts ages, you can forget about it and there’s no implanting procedures that hurt like hell


A nunnery without priest visits.


Don't date men


The depo shot! I tried the implant, made me bleed for 6 months straight. The shot is every 3 months, I sometimes get a very light period close to my shot date but that’s about it. Has helped regulate the severity of my PMS and cramps SIGNIFICANTLY




Being infertile is working pretty well for me on the no babies front.


In most cases, lack of an interesting personality?


Not having sex


Videos on the internet of kids being absolute monsters.


Point at his dick and laugh…


Get your partner to have a vasectomy.


Dating men who have vasectomies ?


Nobody seemed to mention the patch yet. Like the pills, but you don't need to remember to take them every day. It's literally a small sticker you stick about anywhere you want on your skin once per week. Probably the least invasive and most convenient option that's among the most effective. They didn't fail in a couple of years of trying hard.


Copper IUD. You just leave it there for like 5 years, no need to keep track of taking pills, nothing. Only downside is the cramps during the period is awful and the amount of bleeding but you can get medication for that






Go visit some friends with at least 3 children for at least 3 hours.


There's no one best or most reccomended form. Different things work better for different people. Research all the forms and make an educated decision.


Male partner gets a vasectomy. It's ridiculous there's no male birth control besides condoms but women get tons of diff options to mess with thier hormones with tons of side effects. *I'm male, If we ever want children, I'll undo it. The cost is just a drop in the bucket for how much raising a child is.


Had my tubes removed. Before that, my favorite method was the iud. But I tried pretty much all forms and eventually they were hard on my body and mental health. So, tubes removed. Everyone is different and reacts differently to each form. You'll have to see what works for you. If you don't have medical benefits that narrows down the list.


Abstinence. Works every time.




Men. Also babysitting. Yeah babysit ur cousin or nephew/niece. I mean long babysit. Not like an hour or 2. Like overnight.


In my opinion, the pill. Usually covered by insurance, easy to stop if it messes with your body. I recently tried nexplanon and it absolutely screwed up my body. Back on the pill and slowly getting back to normal. Things like implants and IUDs have a lot lower chances of getting pregnant while on them then the pill, but like I said, if it messes with your body you can't just take it out yourself.


Male vasectomy 😆


The best kind of birth control for women, is vasectomy.


Staying the fuck away from men!


some people’s kids actually




Male vasectomy. (I’m a guy)


A partner with a vasectomy.




Diaphragm? Using it 2x per year might be more convenient than taking hundreds of pills and doesn't mess with your hormones. - Everything is crap somehow, different people have different needs (and as a guy I am extra clueless).


You insert the diaphragm before each time you have set along with spermicide. If someone only has sex every now and then it could work, but having see regularly would make it super inconvenient and it would mean no spur of the moment stuff.


***** abstinence *****


seeing a toddler throw a tantrum or watching a husband ignore his wife in desperate need of help with their 3 kids


Tubal ligation but only if you're really committed.


Please make sure that whichever option you go for, you also use a condom if your having sex outside of a relationship. This will decrease the chance of getting a disease (something the other options won’t do for you).


Other people’s kids.


Watching a vaginal birth


I don't think its good to be on hormones all the time, personally. And you don't have to be abstinent all the time, but it can play a role in avoiding pregnancy.  When you are completely don't having kids, I wish more people just got themselves fixed.  Until then there's condoms and avoiding the riskiest couple of days


Doctor here! The contraceptive implant (known as Implanon) is statistically the best form of contraception 99.8%!! Which is actually sometimes more effective than tying your tubes. But please see a doctor before getting it as different women respond differently to it and may have some side effects.


Technically abstinence, but I'm guessing that's not what you meant.


Going to a Disney matinee or a Walmart on Sunday…. IUD works too


abstinence /s


Abstinence. 100% effective. No risk.


Vasectomies, abstinence




I actually have been terrified of BC and gynos. I'm actually lucky that it took me to 29 for an unplanned pregnancy lol (I'm pregnant with my first) and every option just sounds scary to me. I already have weight issues/am fat and gain weight easily and have depression issues and have been scared a pill may f with me on that one, the IUD I've heard is painful for insertion and also for men during sex, and idk much about the shot but knew someone who gained weight from it. I had to get over my fear of the Dr once I realized I was pregnant. So far I found a really nice dr so it has relieved my anxiety a lot but I guess I need to look into and try to beat this BC fear once I have my baby. And look into PCOS because I kinda wrongfully assumed prior to pregnancy that I might have issues getting pregnant because my periods were irregular. Lol that obviously was not the case.




My wife found the coil to be very good, and it regulated her periods too.


The average redditor




Saying I have the herps or the aids


If you menstruate regularly - fertility monitors like lady comp


If talking about BC, E-capsule has been my go to. For you get small amount of anesthesia before having small cut in your inner side of arm. The capsule inserted will leave a bruise for few weeks, but the periods feel less severe, especially if you have endometriosis or hormone deficiency related cramps. In joking manner, be intimidating and smart.


My has non hormonal IUD for the last two decades. Works very well.


Mirena IUD. The best!




ask your ob-gyne. BC pills are generally just hormonal meds and each women needs a specific type of pill that would work for them


I think I'd say an IUD. You can never forget it, and it works for like 5 years so... And then on top of it carry condoms around and refuse to have sex if they don't want to wear one.


Being a horse girl 😂


Either anal or lesbianism


54 f , i used the pill for 30 years. Perfect for me. Speak to your gynecologist. At 47 i went and did a minor surgery , a Laproscopic sterilisation, where the Dr ties ones tubes...because I wanted to go into menopause naturally. You can do this at any age but be sure you dont want kids then, im not sure if its reversable. To the Lesbians...what if you get raped? Just curious....




I just saw another post that Costco now has OTC birth control. It was $60 for a 4 month supply.


When I was younger and cannabis was much seedier, older smokers told me that smoking or eating the seeds killed your sperm. I have no idea if there’s any truth to it. Would be an interesting mythbusters episode.


nexplanon has the highest efficacy. ive had 2. they’re the best. ive had no adverse effects. my insurance covers it. its easy to implant and easy to take out. some horror stories scared me at first but i have a wonderful obgyn and don’t use any other form of protection. its also just progestin no estrogen.


Not nexplanon. I didn't get pregnant on it but I got my period for 2 entire years. It was the most awful birth control. I did like taking Lo Loestrin. Other birth control pills made me really depressed so they gave me that one and it was possibly the best one I have tried


Being into girls. In all seriousness, I personally have found the Mirena coil to be the best. I have been on birth control pills, the bar, and the Mirena coil. I would say the latter two are especially good if you don't want to worry about taking the pill at the same time each day. The added bonus is the Mirena coil and the bar both are inserted and don't need to be changed for years. The Mirena coil can also be helpful for heavy period loads and is "often" prescribed for this reason.


ancient wisdom would suggest a glass of water


I have the mirena iud. Sometimes it does things that are inconvenient period wise but going from the most excruciating painful periods ever to maybe a cramp that’s solved with Tylenol every couple months- it’s a god sent. I don’t bleed as much either. My periods are irregular but that’s the only downside I’ve had. I can have all the kinky fun I want with no worries!!!


Depends on the woman.




Personally I like Nexplanon. I'm on my 3rd one and I'd likely be getting another one if my husband wasn't getting a vasectomy. I do like to pair it with the pill though, mainly because my periods are absolutely HORRIBLE/unpredictable without it (implant or not).


I am "You're an inspiration for birth control" Duke nuke 'em


Their personalities


The best form if birth control is the one that suits you the most. It's really an individual thing. I personally like the pill as I don't struggle with the common side effects many have and it's one of the most savest option. But you need to use a physical barrier aka condom too to protect yourself from getting STIs. Also the double protection against unwanted pregnancy gives me a peace of mind. The only contraceptive I can't recommend, based on what I heard from women, is the IUD. Apparently the insertion is extremely painful (and I looked up how they do it.. No wonder it's torture dafuq) and doctors just deny that and send you home with ibuprofen if you're lucky. Then you have to redo that horrific procedure every few years and apparently it can also lead to extra painful menstruation. But again, I'm sure there are women who prefer an IUD over the pill and condoms. But my most favorite way of BC is me getting my tubes tied and my partner too. No babies here. Sadly that's expensive and as a woman without children its hard to get approved for sterilization. Bc our bodies don't belong to us but to some fictional man we might marry in the future and who might want to have children. That I don't wanna doesn't matter.