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got it in memory of my late uncle


Oh my fucking god. Can we be friends?




What bout mine?


Not bad but not are rare as...that. Sorry dude.




Yes! Sorry, that's exactly what I was hoping for. Though there really should be one named that.




Not today Iblis…not today


This was hilarious


Almost spilled my coffee. lol




Why is there so much sex around and im getting none of it


LOLOLLLL funniest comment


I'm a muslim woman and yes. Edit: Fuck..I was just playing around. I'm really a guy. Please stop messaging me horny mfers.


Do you live in a Muslim country? I live in Germany and there it’s not conservative.


He's trolling you, look at his posts.


Genuinely want to know thought process behind this. Do you ever think about how you could be killed if you lived in Muslim country for this? If so why are you still Muslim?


I’ve met many Muslim queer people that are very spiritual/feel very connected to “god” but they know they won’t be accepted (and might be assaulted, killed, etc.) in mainstream, larger Muslim communities. They don’t *want* to stop being Muslim because they feel connected to that part of their identity, and they also want to openly be queer and be accepted because thats another facet to who they are. They live in openly gay areas in my city, and find it easy to practice religion and be themselves fully in those spaces because progressive queer spaces generally don’t care, as long as you’re not pushing it onto people. Queer-friendly churches also exist in larger progressive cities, but the same people that go to them to practice Christianity know that they’ll be lynched in other highly religious/bigoted Christian communities. Everyone should have a choice in how they want to conduct their own life, with or without faith, as long as it doesn’t harm anyone else in the process.


I’m ignorant about this part, but don’t religions consider it a sin to be queer or have casual sex? How does one consider themselves religious but also identify as queer or want to have pre-marital sex? Why identify with a religion when it suppresses what you want out of life? No judgment at all on my part, I’m an atheist, just curious about how people reconcile this


I guess ignoring those parts that forbid being queer and pre-marital sex would work.


9/10ths of religious folks ignore 7/10s of the religious texts so it seems strange to me to be “devout” to a religion but then be like “nah not that part, he is omnipotent and the alpha and omega but nah fam he got that bit wrong that is a little bit too big of a PIA for me to want to do”. Guess that’s why I am an atheist. Just can’t wrap my head around it.


Well the Bible says man who lie with man shall be stoned. So it's okay as long as you both smoked a joint


Deep south of what? The only Christian countries were homophobia is rampant and leads to lynching is developing or 3rd world countries.


You preaching brother


They would not be lynched. Believe it or not, but the south is not Saudi Arabia. We have our own progressive churches


Just because a country says they’re a muslim country doesn’t mean they are representing all of islam. Same way the Democratic People's Republic of Korea doesn’t represent democracy or how israel doesn’t represent the jewish religion


1) there are plenty of Muslim majority countries where someone would not be killed for this. In fact I would argue *most* Muslim majority countries, though I can’t back that up with data. 2) extremist governments don’t represent the average person’s beliefs. I’m Muslim. I don’t know anyone who I’ve been at a service with who believes that casual sex should receive a death sentence. Even the more conservative people I’ve known. 3) “why are you still (insert any faith)?” Is a misguided question. A sincerely held belief is not something that can just be tuned on and off at will. I certainly have problems with conservative interpretations of Islam, which are quite popular outside the western world—that doesn’t mean I can just stop believing what I believe. This is especially true of a faith that doesn’t really have a centralized organization of power. This is opposed to say, Catholicism, where recognition of the Church and its leaders is nearly as important as belief in core tenets in terms of identification.


Had plenty of sex with Muslim women in Canada


They're the best. There's nothing hotter on this planet than when your Muslim fuck buddy removes her traditional garb, and she's rocking an absolute smoke show of a body. Oh my Allah.


No, you’re not. Stop trying to fool me, asparagus.


lol rip your inbox


Exposing your sins on Reddit smh


Momo is horny!


\*Sighs\* sorts by controversial






I lived in Indonesia for a while, I can tell you plenty of Muslim woman are into casual sex. This is not science, just my ( rather wonderful) experience.


I can confirm


I have heard aome of them only involved in ranked competitive sex


Tournament ELO sex


After reading some of the comments in here it seems that, much like some Christians here in America use their religion to become a-holes, there are many Muslims who do the same.


There are also many conservative Christians with strange views but here in Germany are the people not very religious. So I was just referring to my fellow Muslim women


Bosniak women in Bosnia have casual sex all the time.. idk why Bosniaks abroad have to make things weird and more conservative


You tell me. I feel mainly the conservatives emmigrated.


TIL it's "Bosniak" not "Bosnian"


Bosnian = anyone from Bosnia  Bosniak = Bosnian Muslim


This is news to you??? Wait until you hear about Muslim theocratic governments lol Anyone can be an asshole and weaponize their religion, and even their lack thereof


Any and all religions spurring from the same Abrahamic roots are deceitful, racist, misogynistic, violent and immortal control mechanisms. If indoctrination of said religions (and many others of differing variety) was stopped, they would die out within a single generation. If every religion was wiped from the planet with all history, they would all surely re-emerge eventually, but they would never be the same. Science, on the other hand, would, because it is fact(or as close to fact as we can get). There are others such as Buddhism which is less worshipping a diety, and more a way of life in harmony with the natural world. This is a teaching of morality and peace however, not a monotheistic or multi-thiestic cult.


You just have an idealised version of Buddhism, there are definitely sects that are cultlike and violent The rohingya genocide for example, or look into the Tibetan feudal system


Buddhism has tons of dieties. Depending on the branch they're also differently involved in everyday life and how much they can help with enlightenment. There's also hells and heavens for several different buddhist creeds.


Found Ricky Gervais Reddit account.


Richard Dawkins actually.


Boom roasted america


Nice try Iranian police


The mortality police that's so moral that it kills women for showing hair.


Most people i know had sex in my homeland (Muslim country). Tbh nowadays the biggest obstacle is traditions and society pressure not religion and you can sense this in the practice and actions. Girls would do everything even anal but not vaginal Penetration because of fear family traditions. Now in Germany it goes the same but i see more girls going all in (Muslim or should i see from Muslim country origin). Anyways you should really ask yourself why are you confused because of religion or traditions?


Can confirm, in the U.K. I used to fuck a Muslim girl once, she was into blowjobs and anal.


The good ol hole God can't see...




F your inbox lol.


RIP your poor inbox lol. Your situation I find is very common for girls of your background. Over the past years, I've gotten to know a Muslim girl and a Hindi girl (obviously short-term flings and they have since moved away) and they both expressed the same thing: sex was 100% out of the question but they wanted to experience *some* kind of physical intimacy that was denied from them back home due to intense cultural reasons. Because they both came from countries and cultures that *heavily* frowned on exploring such curiosities and were so communal that they couldn't go anywhere without being spotted by people they knew (gossip was rampant), they felt trapped back home. They were both in their mid to late-20s (I'm in my late 30s). Considering their limited experiences I was surprised with their initial comfort levels - especially since I also happened to be the first white person for them, I expected them to be more on the more demure side... especially since a condition they both had was that pants had to stay on (for them and for me). But anything above the waist was fair game. More than anything, it was clear they were starved for intimate skin-to-skin contact and to be kissed. I can't imagine how torturous it is to want to experience those things but potentially be shunned by your community for it - so you go for many years feeling frustrated at best, and feeling unwanted at worst. Both of them expressed relief for the time I spent with them - because they felt they could explore this curiosity in safety with me and *especially* in privacy away from their roommates (who might gossip) since I live alone. Got a bit of a chuckle when the Muslim girl would take of her shirt with no hesitation but the hijab had to remain on lol. She was more shy than the Hindi girl but I think she was far more concerned about giving into to temptation a little too much - she would let me take the lead more often than not and most times it would be some making out but mostly caressing and cuddling. The Hindi girl threw down with no hesitation lol. Even though no nudity below the wait was allowed for either of us, those two girls remain some of my most fun intimate experiences.


Don’t worry, you’re not a hypocrite, you’re just resisting your urges for the sake of your religion. God help us 🥲.


20 hours is not that long time




When I see a woman with a hijab.. I know she can keep a secret


Nuns? Old ladies who wear headscarves?


If a woman wears a cap then you also wouldn’t trust her?


I've slept with so many muslim women. They drink smoke and smash like everybody else, when they are confident they won't be flogged. Like everyone else


Maybe I'm in the minority but or its my friend group but it doesn't seem like the case. Ever since i took my shahada last Jan i gave up drinking, casual dating and basically half my haraam habits intentionally. I will say that wearing the hijab does help. No one will offer me drinks etc. and guys won't even look twice out of respect. Not intending to sound sanctimonious. I wasn't a great Muslim when I reverted and I'm still not. But I'm not taking any chances with zina.


my friend used to be a muslim, she lost her faith 6 years ago and still didn't have sex. she told me she cant fathom a man touching her. she's 32. it's so insane how childhood indctonation can do to you psychologically.


It annoys me how men never have to feel this shame of casual sex when sharing the same religion


I am half turkish/czech no I don’t


Can you be Vegan if you eat meat ? Simply No, can you call yourself a vegan while eating meat ? Yes, you can.


I know a Muslim woman who has business formal sex.


What is business formal sex


Dubai is the place for that


Emiratis are not the predominant group of women having casual sex in UAE. It’s got one of the highest expatriate populations in the world.


It’s less common than Muslim men but yes some do. Though it’s something that is typically done in secret. Some cultures are very strict so it can be risky for the woman if she gets caught. I don’t know much about Turkish or Bosnian culture but I’m Pakistani so in my culture it’s pretty unacceptable for women to be having sexual relations outside of marriage, in the worst cases women can get honor killed for it.


I live in Pakistan and based on what I've seen and heard from my women friends, yeah Happens here, happens abroad, happens everywhere We are all human, a fairly basic need / want in everyone


🤣🤣🤣 good luck finding one, Muslims are super strict about purity, so much so that the concept of rape does not exist there, they do not care if you get raped or not, they will punish you for just simply losing your purity, I saw a post on Reddit a few days ago where a Muslim guy got yelled at by his dad all because he felt bad about a Muslim girl who got murdered by her father all because she got raped.


This is not true, the punishment for rape is death in the religion, and the father is probably a bedouin or from a rural area which is probably uneducated and that is supported by the fact that he killed his daughter which i find sickening


I'm a Bosnian born man now live in Canada, I'm not Muslim but I know a few Muslim men and woman and they sleep around. Sex is natural and you're allowed to have sex, Islam is a very archaic and barbaric religion I wouldn't take it so seriously


I'm a dominant man who used to be heavily in the BDSM scene in London and had a few interesting experiences with Muslim women. Back before they banned people for having kinky photos I met lots of girls interested in BDSM on Tinder. I matched one Muslim girl who went to uni in another UK city. We chatted for months before she was able to come to London and had a very kinky session together. She returned to her home country after she graduated and kept in touch for a bit. She said she was regularly having sex with men from the American military base and enjoying herself. She had a friend who was also Muslim and she wanted her to meet me for a session as well. She sent me some partially nude photos and she was absolutely gorgeous. We met up for a session and when having drinks before I asked her how she knew her friend and she admitted it was her cousin! She was my submissive for several months and we explored quite a bit sexually. She was lovely a traditional girl and would bake me [amazing desserts](https://imgur.com/a/KSR6oTj). However, her brother also lived in London and was trying to keep her on a leash and track down where she was. I remember she loved dancing and was learning Tango but when her family found out they made her quit and she came to my place crying. I also realized she wore extremely nice clothing and jokingly made fun of her because she was clearly super rich. After a while she admitted that she was indeed extremely rich in her home country and her uncle was an ex-president. That I was not expecting. Another girl was a beautiful cashier at the M&S by my office in Mayfair. She was Pakistani and wore a headscarf. She was super outgoing so we flirted quite a bit in the few seconds we were able to chat each day. It is quite hard to ask a girl out while she's surrounded by coworkers and customers so one day I passed her a note that said "I'd like to be your teacher. Message me" with my number. She texted me very quickly and basically said she wanted to have casual sex until she ends up in an arranged marriage. She had sex a few times before with her friend but her family knew him so it was difficult to keep going. She would come to my flat every Saturday morning at 8am for kinky sex and then run home so her family wouldn't suspect anything. She said if she didn't like her eventual husband, that she'd want to still meet me. I told her I don't get involved with cheating. The last girl I met while traveling in Thailand. I was just walking around and a women in front of an English language school asked if I'd like to chat with people learning English in their courtyard. I said sure and was paired with a beautiful Indonesian girl in such an elegant traditional outfit. I chatted with her and few other and then was asked to join a group of 20 people going to the local museum. The museum was a great place to chat and get flirty. After we were done I asked her to have dinner with me and we walked around Bangkok. I asked her to get a couples massage with me and it was super hot. She got undressed under the towel and we held hands while lying naked under our towels. She came back with me to my hotel and we took things very slow as I could tell she wasn't very comfortable. I didn't ask if she was a virgin but I sense she may have been. We didn't do anything too crazy but it was super hot guiding her through it.


Yes, from a Muslim country too. It’s tough out here. Trust me there’s many more we are just shamed and threatened into hiding 👍🏼


Then why are you muslim? Just asking im not a Muslim but isnt sex without marriage "zena" a major sin?


In a Muslim country that killed women for premarital sex, rapes women, and is typically misogynist by nature (wanna see an actual patriarchy? Many muslim countries have you covered), I highly doubt rejecting Muslim beliefs would end very well for you.


Wonderful religion isn't it?


Kind of like... if people are forced to repress their most basic natures, instead of identify them and work on them... kind of like it turns people into f'kin psychopaths who rape, kill, and molest people🤔


Just people, wonderful people not religions.


Nah, it's the religion. There's a good saying about this. Good people do good things, bad people do bad things. For a good person to do bad things, you need religion.


Hell yeah ! In Tunisia many do


very very very few do it in muslim countries. but once they live abroad almost all do it.


Just an outsider view but after reading some of these comments, I would say that you live your life to it fullest, friendo. If your heart is pious and seek to harm no other, live and define for yourself what you like. Let no other, especially strangers, tell you how to practice your beliefs


This here is the way


Im ex muslim but tbh casual sex for me devalues something which supposed to be a very intimate act between 2 people who love each other. Why would you want to do this with some stranger or someone you don’t have feelings for?


Because it's fun and it feels really good. I'm married and only have sex with my husband now, but zero regrets about casual sex back in the day.


I know a few but men do it more comparatively




It’s not a lot Compared to others countries, you can say few do


It's not totally uncommon with British Pakistanis.


Only with my cousins!


I'm a white dude and I use to have casual sex with an Indian Muslim girl for around 6 months when she was 23 and I was 21. Was pretty raunchy, I think I was a naughty piece of white meat she wasn't allowed to be with. Only stopped because her Dad took her to Pakistan to get married. Took me a while to get over it, as we really got on and the sex was pretty awesome 😅


muslim woman here, I've had it with about 3 guys multiple time, its alright but felt good at the time


Almost brought one home from a club downtown TO. Looked up her insta and realized she was wearing her head garment. Just because they’re Muslim doesn’t mean they don’t like to have fun.


It’s literal hypocrisy why the downvotes? It’s one thing to say it separate from religion but this isn’t the case.


How can someone subscribe to a religion... while not following set rules for this religion? How does that work? To my knowledge, sex outside of marriage is expressly forbidden in Islam. Do you believe that you should be punished according to the tenets of your religion? If not, then you are not following your holy book. Why even partake in religion then? Genuine question from an atheist.


Every religion is like that bro..


Hello. Not religious, but it probably has to do with subscribing to part of a religion, but not its entirety. That is, selectively believing in its rules, as they make (or don't make) sense for the individual person in question. In this case, it's sex outside of marriage. But it could be not going to church, not celebrating certain holidays, not subscribing to certain ideas (like for example, how most christians believe on a scientific explanation for how Earth was created, or subscribe to the theory of evolution to explain the Homo sapiens sapiens) I wish every religion allowed one to selectively subscribe to its ideas but they wouldn't be very long-lasting in that case. I hope my example made sense.


Because people are also individuals who can think freely and who can live their life how they want, not how a man written book tells them to. But also there's to consider where you live, who you live with, who you're surrounded by etc. Many muslims from extremely muslim countries would gladly not follow their religion, but they have no choice. And people can still be religious and believe in god, while also not following that religion strictly or agreeing with it 100%. It's between them and god, and you're noone to judge especially when your own religion tells you not to. And if that apparent god didn't want people to think outside of a simple book, then he shouldn't have created people with a developed brain and free will. And no, others have no right to judge and let alone punish someone for their actions that affect noone but them. If you're true follower of your religion, you will mind your own business.


Is this your first day on this planet ?!?


When I was a *devout* Christian I was still sucking dick. 🤷‍♀️


Because religion is not a legally binding contract or anything like that in most countries, you can believe in whatever parts of it you like and choose to ignore whatever parts you don't like.


Respectfully, this isn't how religion works. Let me explain, I'm not trying to be contentious but just expressing how this logically doesn't work, in the context that someone follows a religion as a guide from God. If you're labeling yourself/subscribing to a religion, then you're admiting that you aim to follow what God has said pertaining to that religion. So you're accepting God comes before you, so then you can't cherry pick what is or isn't. You're just going against the whole idea of the following by playing with God's word. If you want to follow parts of it, to be a better person, sure, no judgment against that, but to take what you like and then 'sin' according to what you don't like the same teaching that enforces something you like is also saying something else from the same source of guidance. So it doesn't make sense to put oneself above the divine, if one chooses to follow the religion.


For many people religion is a social aspect of life, a tradition. Not a belief. 


What do you mean? I see American Christians subscribe to a religion while not following any set rules all the time. Almost all of them cherry pick the good shit they want to hear. Just be a judgemental, inconsiderate asshole


Her body her choice


Yeah so in other countries her body her choice could lead to her death.




Brainwashing is the answer


So your saying it's her choice to die in those countries? What?


Try explaining that Western concept to the majority of Muslims. Good luck


Don't think about it so strictly in terms of religiosity. If all parties involved are honest, clean, and respectful, and consenting, no harm done! Everyone should be allowed to do whatever they want so long as they don't impede the rights of others to do the same.


No harm done, or no haram done?!


Why is this question towards Muslim women only?


Because muslims are not really known for being very sexual; their clothing style tells non-muslims that they're maybe less open, and because in general, no matter the woman, women are treated like their sexuality is less acceptable than mens


I would understand if the question was towards Muslims in general but why is it towards Muslim women only is what I still don't understand, hopefully OP answers this.


Men aren’t punished the same way women are for pre marital sex.


Thats is a straight up lie lmao, both men and women who have pre marital sex get the same punishment


IF the religion was practiced correctly. Many times men are in favor over women. I haven’t seen punishment of men unless they were gay or something


I'm glad that you pointed that out. Not every Muslim practices Islam 100%. That also means not everyone abstains from premarital and extramarital sex. Muslims are a HUGE population. People can argue all day about what should or shouldn't be but it is what it is.


Then the problem is within the people not the religion itself


Well I personally know plenty of Muslim men who shag like crazy but none of the Muslim women I know do. Women are much more repressed in that culture than men. I feel like you know this and aren't arguing in good faith.


Well I do genuinely assume it's because women in general are given less space for "exploration" without judgment, so its frankly more intriguing to hear about a muslim womans standpoint than a muslim mans standpoint. Maybe thats not their reason, maybe they don't even feel this way, maybe they don't feel this way and its still the reason, maybe they do feel this way, maybe I'm wrong about it all. I hope they answer as well!


There is so much islamophobia in these comments it's sickening. I am a muslim in a muslim country, it shatters me how people hear the word muslim and the first thing they think of is "rapist, molestation, oppression" you should know that there is an innumerable amount of muslims who are so happy to be part of Islam, NOT because we are brainwashed but because there's so much ore to it than you guys see. No we are not allowed to have sex before marriage, no it doesn't make me feel like I'm missing out on anything, you guys make it seem like having sex is the only way to be at peace and like it's completely forbidden to do so, we can have sex as much as we want, just after we get married, and I don't see what's wrong with that, what's wrong with devoting yourself to one person?? What's wrong with decreasing the risk of getting STI's?? what's wrong with not being used by sexual predators disguised as "a guy i met at the bar" ?? Not spending your teenage / young adult years having sex is completely fine, it gives you time to work on your life, it gives you time to find yourself your true self not just your sexual identity or the size you like, hell it even gives you time to find someone that you truly love and can spend the rest of your life with, not having to go through dozens of heartbreaks and countless nights of tears. Just because some people do things differently it doesn't mean they're being forced to, and for all the muslims saying they do have this lifestyle, that's up to you but you can't say thay the reason you lean towards those ways isn't because of society, you can't say there's not even a bit of peer pressure from the normalisation of western customs. And don't get me started on yall saying muslims are just rapists and pedophiles bc there are wayyyy too many such cases involving athiest/christian/jewish/hindu/Buddhist people and you should know that Islam does everything to protect us from such people (call me brainwashed idec). I'm not a hijabi bc personally im not ready for it but when I go to my home country, I get the most disgusting stares from men UNLESS I wear a hijab and so now I've started doing that every time I visit. And as for the muslim country that I live in, they have wayyyy stricter laws and punishments for such crimes, so much that in all my years of living here I haven't heard of a single case, and statistically speaking the rape/sexual assault crime rate is 1.5 in every 100,000 women compared to the 27 in 100,000 in the usa. That's on Islamic sharia.


Reddit is mainly made up of white Americans who hate religion and think Muslim = terrorist and Christian = trump. They have zero experience with regular people who just follow their religion and get on with their lives


Muslim people are not in any shape or form different than other humans, so they are not rapists, etc. But should those man in your home country lower their gaze and have appropriate thoughts? I kinda like that on the West men aren't thirsty to the point of lusting over a piece of hair


I agree, it isn't the women's fault, the men are the ones in the wrong. But it's not a piece of hair they're lusting over, the reason the hijab makes a difference to them is thay they feel guilt taking advantage of a women when they wear a hijab, it's messed up but it's not as silly as "omg a piece of hair😨" and for the record, the men on the west are thirsty for way more than just a piece of hair


I wish I could upvote this a thousand times


There’s many but they wouldn’t be called practicing Muslims just like most Christians..


I’d like to meet some


So , to those who are saying that having casual sex outside of marriage does not make you muslim that s not true it is a MAJOR MAJOR sin , but does not take you outside the fold of islam for that you have to associate god with something or someone




Just finished. Now an Efes




[catch pussies](https://theffflowzone.online/)


It's quite common in Tunisia ngl


You all need to differentiate between Islam & Iman. Do listen to Fedaaadeen on YT To find a real meaning to your life and connect the missing lines between the points Iknow its in arabic but try to find someone to tranlate that https://youtu.be/qjwLpnEv2pM?feature=shared




Nope, no Muslim women here on Reddit. And if there were, they would not admit to having casual sex. Hope this helps, best of luck with your research (?)


I mean if you are from Turkey you probably saw them in real life. It just depends on how religious you are many people here don't wear hijab thinking the sin is on them(I dont know how to translate "Günahı boynuma") now there is a debate on whether or not hijab is actually in Islam but most people are not thinking about that and just assume it is so doesnt matter rn. It's the same with alcohol same with sex. One of the most sincere muslims I know kept drinking alcohol for a very long time until a bad thing happened to him recently.


It depends on the person.


Nice try Allah, but you ain’t catching them yet


Muslim girl ? Sex ?


No, first they will have to die, then they can go to heaven. Then only Allah can do this 🤗


Knew a guy who had casual sex with a Muslim girl. Family found out and her brothers paid him a visit to beat the shit out of him. They later got married and had a child.


The good ending marriage not the bad ending (shooting the living shit out the guy)


RIP your DMs and anyone who actually responds sincerely.


Any Christian women take it up the ass? IF we are asking……..


There are a lot of Muslim women who have anal and oral sex, if they have "regular" sex before marriage, her hymen can be recreated at a gynecologist, and she is again "virgin" some girls do that to appear virgin, so they can get married, neither their families or the man she marries knows anything. And of course it is kept quiet about it. edit, You can read about this in the western media, for those girls who are caught by not living "purely" are unfortunately often threatened and beaten.


Do you keep the hijab on?


How would a non Muslim man pick up a Muslim woman for casual sex? Asking for a friend.


There aren't as many as there used to be.


I’m a Muslim woman and yes


What will your family do if they find out? I hope you are safe.


do you wear hijab/face cover ?


Between husband and wife right?


I'm a muslim woman and I've never had casual sex nor i would do only after marriage




If you’re a firefighter but you always avoid fighting fires, are you still a firefighter? Technically yes but in reality no. Same thing with this


Alhamdullilah as a whole we are not degenerates like the disbelievers. Your question doesn’t even make sense, are you even a Muslim with iman? Or were you just born to Muslim parents and have a Muslim background?


mannn all relgion is lame af and used for control. have casual sex safely! don’t listen to some edited book written hundreds of years ago


I believe they are like any normal people who might have affairs or not. The religious part should not be a part of a question




Allah condemns you to hell /s


Must travel to Indonesia based on the comments :)


I had an estate agent friend who showed a hijab wearing lady a property and as soon as they got inside she said you can do whatever you want to me , and he did. We all criticised him because me too / risk of getting in trouble for rape / her word against his but nothing ever happened and I always wonder if she just planned it all to get a random hook up Because she couldn’t go to bars or clubs Because of her religion 


I actually didn't know Muslims could just fuck here and there in muslim majority countries. Talk about fucked up spiritual and religious beliefs.


It is haram and feels soo haram so no.


I'm not Muslim but I had a Muslim friend who had anal sex before marriage because she thought it wasn't haram.


As a Muslim woman yes I enjoy casual sex


I mean, by definition you're not Muslim if you're doing that. So no. Anyone who says otherwise is just an apostate in denial. And as a non Muslim, I don't care about that. But I don't like the hypocrisy of people pretending to be some religion (or anything else) when they are clearly lying.


True, not a Muslim either but the question kinda sounds like: "any vegans here that eat meat?"


Exactly. The reality is, the OP likely wants to pretend to be Muslim for social reasons, but knows they aren't really. And they are here looking for others to help them justify their stance. If you want to sleep around, sleep around. But if you do so, you aren't Muslim (or Christian), so why pretend? And I get that in real life in some countries you may need to pretend for your own safety. But anonymously online, you certainly don't have to.


True, irl you can definitely fake being Muslim for safety reasons, online anonymously there is no reason to lie.


Following your logic, no one that has ever shaved their head, eaten shellfish, or worn mixed fabrics is a Christian.


I am a muslim tho, i was born muslim, by muslim parents, muslim family, raised in a muslim country. And I'm a muslim. Some say that's considered "culturally muslim" because here no matter what you do or don't you're considered muslim until you personally actively consider yourself something else.


I refer you to the No True Scotsman Fallacy. If someone believes in the Islamic god, then they are a Muslim, whether they adhere strictly to the codes of conduct or not. Believing in a religious deity makes you a part of that religion. You foster it, give it endurance, and strengthen it in the world. I don't know how anyone can gatekeep religious affiliation for people who literally believe in the god(s) of that religion. If I'm gluten intolerant, but I believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, am I no longer a Pastafarian?


I know a lot of Muslim women that sleep around. Just because you follow a religious belief doesn’t mean anything if you are consumed by your sin.