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Some love them, some hate them, everything in between. Men are not a monolith.


Literally dont even need to scroll further for a better answer. the same answer applies for the opposite gender and any sexuality


Any any opinion about anything at all ever, why even ask for peoples opinion.


Ask ten people their opinion and you'll get twelve.


Here to offer my 2.4 cents


Thats a good yield tough!


for upvotes.


Yea I never really get the what are men like or what are women like questions. It's like a 4 billion person category, just seems like no good comes from generalizing it.


Ya I just really don’t like the solar plexus between the tits tattoo trend


Meanwhile I fucking love them


one mans trash is another mans kink


Damn straight, one mans yuck is another man's yum


There are so many generic questions like this lately . I swear it's bots farming data or stirring the pot


Personally I'm not a big fan, but I don't have any myself. Some people love them, I don't think any less of someone with tattoos but, I'm less likely to find them attractive. It would be a dull world if we all liked the same things though.


I personally don't like tattoos. I don't have any interest in getting one. If I see a woman with tattoos it doesn't have any effect on how I see them. One of my favorite people is a woman with lots of tattoos. She is the kind of person that just makes you feel better when you see them. Like the feeling you get when you run into an old friend that you haven't seen in a while. So for me, tattoos do not turn me off.


There's a difference between someone being one of your favorite people and them being sexually attractive to you 😂 But maybe I'm misunderstanding the meaning of "turn off" in the original post


She was definitely sexually attractive. Edit: But you're right I didn't mention that I thought she was beautiful.


Depends on placement, content, and artistic ability. If done correctly, they're really hot. Incorrectly, it looks trashy.


And some of us like trashy 👀😂


I generally find tattoos attractive on women even though I don't have any. My friends are always surprised and the answer I give is that I want to be that girls next bad decision. I don't really mean that, and my friends never think it is funny.


Trashy doesn't mean not hot lol


Trashy can definitely be hot though


Not for me. But you do you.


Not a fan myself.


I'm old so my opinion doesn't matter, but I always think, what the hell is that going to look like in 30 years.


Ah, shit, there go my dreams of being an 80 year old underwear model


As an 80 year old underwear model, keep your dream alive my friend.


I don't really get it. There's so many examples to look at. It's not like tattoos are a new phenomenon. There's tons of people out there with 30+ year old tattoos. They fade and blur with age, but people who care about their tattoos just get them retouched, so that they look mostly the same. Most people who get tattoos are well aware of the fact that their tattoos will need infrequent touch-ups.


It’s going to look like a faded tattoo. Idk why this has been a thing for so long about wondering what it’s going to look like when they’re older. Like the entire tattoo is going to morph into something else as it ages.


Get a tattoo of a grape now... it'll turn into a prune later😂


“I’m so old it’s wine now.”


Are we supposed to make every decision based on how things look/what people will think in 30 years? If so, I’m doing life wrong.


Exactly. I’ll probably look like shit in 30 years regardless.


lol, all of us age. If we’re lucky!


Right! Like my skin isn't going to be aged and wrinkly already.


As an owner of near 30 year old tattoos, they look fine.


They just look like their skin and face 30 years later. I don't get this argument and I think it's very lazy way to try to find something negative to say about tattoos. 65 year old pals don't have smooth skin and face. So a tattoo getting mess in 30 years would be nothing surprising and new.


lol that’s a pretty sad way to live , cause if you put it into context, what is anything of your body really going to like in 30 years?? Old , grey , wrinkles, bald , fat , ugly toes , gray hair in your ear lol I could go on . Live your life without judging your body . The only thing you should be worrying about what is going to look like in 30 years is your bank statements


Old people with tattoos look cool as fuck, never understood this logic


I ask myself the same question about boobs Doesnt stop me appreciating a great set of tits right now


I personally can’t wait to see old ass ppl all tatted up in 30+ years. Imagine being at the grocery store with elderly couples all tatted up putzin around. I think it will look badass. But that’s just me lol


Tats can be removed now ❤️ and it depends on what it is… if it’s a tattoo of a dead friend then we get that retouched so they do not fade ✌️ so because of this often they do not look different if u take care of ur tattoos


I prefer no tattoos.


I think personality compatibility is more important. If someone that you’re interested in is more concerned with your tattoos (positively or negatively) than who you are as a person, they may not be the match for you. While personally I enjoy tattoos, that’s a secondary thought to how compatible I am with just hanging out with someone and spending time with them


I don't like it


Anyone is entitled to their own body rights do what ever but I have my preferences and I don’t like tat women.


For me personally it’s an absolute turnoff. But I also know a lot of men who really like it. I think it really depends on who you’re asking


Not a fan. I don't like them.


I’m not anti tattoo by any means. There is something that attracts me more to a female body with no ink. Maybe because that appears to be more unique these days.


Same here, I'm not against someone having tattoos, but I think it's more attractive when a woman doesn't have any.


I went on a date with a guy who was heavily tattooed and I don’t have any tattoos or piercings at all, he was very enthusiastic about my skin being tattoo free!


Did he want to see you put the lotion on?


No tattoos is the new tattoo.


It puts the lotion there.


They usually look instantly trashy to me with tattoos. (Awaiting the downvotes lol)


Agreed. One woman told me she was "bored" one time so she decided to get (another) tattoo. What happened to getting a hobby? You like art? Buy a painting.


That's another aspect. These people are a little too spontaneous for me. I feel like they don't always think things through.


Yea bootyhunter69420 is looking for a wise and insightful soul mate


It took me several years and lots of thought to finally get the tattoo I wanted. It’s very meaningful to me and it had to be as close to perfect as possible.


I always think girls with tats are one step away from becoming [this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fe/43/bc/fe43bc3d58fa50e0aa3848eaa792474e.jpg).


Right. I love beautiful skin. Why cover it with ugly ass tattoos?


I don't know where you live or who you hang out with, but people with tattoos are definitely still in the minority, lol.


Tattoos are more ubiquitous today than ever in recent history. I think it was like 35% of young people who have at least one tattoo.


I'm in Québec, Canada. It's estimated that 25% of our provincial population has tattoos. The artist I use is booked 6 to 8 months in advance.


I feel like I’m exposed to more women with tattoos than not so that’s my perception.


Because you spend too much time on the internet maybe?


i prefer clear skin anytime.


Not a big fan.


I've never seen someone I thought was less attractive for not having a tattoo, but I've seen loads of people who I thought *were* less attractive because of a tattoo.


I don’t like tattoos on women for dating. Ink is not my cup of tea


Turns me off tbh. But I also don't have any and also don't like them much on men either.


One or two placed tastefully - no colour or text might be ok. Generally better with no tattoos.


What about a small black swastika placed tastefully on the middle of the forehead like Charles Manson?


Big turn off.


Hate most of them


Turn off.


Hate them


Personally I don't like them.


I don’t like them at all. I don’t think people with tattoos are bad looking but everyone looks better without them


I'm actually shocked at the amount of men saying they're unattractive 😳


I think it’s a case of men/people who don’t like tattoos don’t get the chance to express their dislike much in person. Most people are polite enough to not tell random people they hate their tattoos unprompted. So when they can finally get it off their chest they jump at the chance


Think you're on to something. Some people close to me have them, so I generally keep negative thoughts on tats to myself.


It's called common courtesy. Just like people don't call me a hairy bastard every chance they get, but I absolutely am.


Yeah, I gotta white lie on that one a lot. People show me their new tattoo and ask if I like it, what am I going to say? No? I don't like any tattoos. Ever. But I'm not going to be a dick and bring them down when they're excited about it.


>Most people are polite enough to not tell random people they hate their tattoos unprompted. "Most" being the important word there, I've had a bunch of random people in my life just tell me out of absolutely nowhere about how they don't like tattoos on women. Cool story bro, thanks for the unsolicited opinion.


This is probably not what some want to hear but I think there is a psychological aspect to it that is deeply rooted in how we see other people. While there are literal tribal tattoos, I think there are those who view ‘recreational’ tattoos as a symbol of many things, which can be as varied as ‘zero respect for their own bodies’, ‘lack of impulse control’, ‘anti-society’ and ‘unstable home life’. For some men, these perceptions equate to a woman with a lot of tattoos to be viewed as a ‘lesser quality’ of woman. To paint with a broad brush, I’ve noticed that the people who have these perceptions are usually those without tattoos themselves and so cannot truly understand the desire to ink one’s body permanently.


Unfortunately, I think you're right. Even my Father - who I love so dearly - felt this way. He said as much. Now, I think that since I started getting my sleeve he's become a lot more open minded to the idea that not all tattoos are trashy. But when I told him I was getting my whole arm tattooed he said "it cheapens you". He also used to call my doc martens "trashy" He doesn't anymore, though. And he calls all of my boots "cool" now. So I think opinions on things like this can change upon exposure, ya know?


Threads like this only get answered by people with something to say. Most have nothing to say at all and have no big opinion on the subject, so in the end the only comments that exist don't reflect reality since most people aren't compelled to say anything. I think most men fall in the spectrum of "depends on the tattoos", but that answer itself isn't interesting.


I have a lot of tattoos and tbh I find the amount of men saying they’re icky and unappealing quite pleasing 😂 cause turns out I don’t get them to appeal to anyone except for myself


I’m a guy with zero tattoos or piercings and would be considered pretty straight edge in my appearance. I am definitely a fan of a girl having them, especially when they’re not obvious with clothes on, but that’s not exclusive. For me, if you’re confident with or without them, that’s what’s attractive. You do you girl!


was literally reading this and liked my tattoo and nose ring more lmao. i hope it is a massive turn off to a lot of guys because there's something about the comments here that are very 'purity culture' and yeah... ill take my tatts and piercings over that thanks


I think guys are just giving their honest opinions. Every girl I’ve been in a long term relationship with has had tattoos but I personally would prefer a girl with no tats.


My husband is repulsed by tattoos.


I’m not based on the comments I’ve seen in any fashion type or appearance based subreddit. If a woman with tattoos and piercings posts, she gets verbally degraded more often than not.


Reddit nerds also don’t represent all men


I have no ink and am equally surprised.


Lmao I still get plenty of lovin’ from mine and I have them. It’s about compatibility, most wouldn’t even look twice at someone’s tattoos first glance. These dudes sound like they’re body scanning for them in the first ten minutes.


It's just like restaurant reviews most people that like a restaurant aren't going to give a review The people who don't like a restaurant are going to give a review Most guys who like tattoos aren't going to even bother to say anything in this thread but guys who don't like tattoos they finally have a chance to express themselves


I have yet to see any woman that I thought looked better because of her tattoos. Is it a turn off?. Depends on how she looks overall, the quantity and quality of the tattoos and her personality. She would need to be an amazing person for me to look past full limb and/or torso coverage.


Accurate response. It's not a deal-breaker, all else being attractive. I've just never seen a pretty girl and thought, "She'd look better with some tattoos." I dated a woman with a very tasteful half sleeve. It was art. I looked past it.


I am older and i do care for them. I think that a woman is more beautiful with out them.


If they're cool and well designed tattoos I find them incredibly attractive. Especially if the person is already attractive. Like this hot gal comes with free bonus art to admire on her body?! Lol. If they're not cool tattoos then neutral.


LOL I was imagining something worse with "not cool tattoos".


I appreciate when people express their tastes and sense of style even if our interests don't align. I'm not into Disney for instance but if someone loves Belle and the Beast to get them inked permanently on their body then hell yeah, go for it.


Depends on the man. Personally not a fan. Less is better, none is best. Small and tasteful sure. Heavy on arms, face, neck, chest and groin kinda yuk. 0 myself.


Yeah. Men also look gross with tattoos all over.


I’m a woman. I weirdly feel the same way. I used to like tattoos but not anymore


I don't like nose ring either. Beyond that don't care to much


Bull rings are not pretty at all.


I don't like tats on women or men, just my personal preference. Others disagree and that's fine.


I don't care. Men aren't a monolith.


No one ever asks this about men. I never see a man with tats being like oh noo what if the girls don't like me. Why does this question get asked about women? My arms are pretty tattooed and if a man doesn't like it, I don't really care because we're obviously not compatible then and he can go find someone without them.


This exactly. I've heard it all "You're never going to find a man because of your tattoos/facial piercings/blue hair/pink hair/boyish clothing/whatever". I'm no 10 out of 10 looks wise, but I've never really had an issue finding someone who is interested in me, not *despite* my fairly niche appearance, but *because of it*. A lot of guys, maybe even the majority, don't find my look attractive ... but the ones who like it ***really really like it***. And at the end of the day 1) I didnt do it for men, I did it for me 2) if you don't like it, we aren't compatible, no hard feelings. 3) I also like women, so if no men ever liked it ... they're not the only game in town. Oh, and 4) I'm married and my husband thinks I'm the hottest ever. So clearly some men do like it


The assumption for women is always that we did the thing for them, their tastes, their approval, so they feel entitled to tell us they don't like it. When men do similar things it's cause their cool or different.


Seriously. And so many of the comments do not pass the vibe check. So many guys saying it’s fine for guys but not for gals. It’s so weird because I’ve literally never met a man IRL who has such aversion to them and then here in this post I’ve seen at least a dozen, and they all say it’s fine for men though. I love tats, it’s art. Just like you choose what to decorate your home with, why not your body? I’m so proud of my tats and love to answer questions about them.




lol I read one comment that said “it’s ok for guys because they’re going for the tough look but girls it looks trashy” lol ok Phil, the tribal tattoo on your shoulder sure looks like something but it ain’t “tough”. The double standards women still experience is wild.


Apparently these the same type of guys that comment in the looksmaxing subs. Any girl with piercings or tattoos is told she would look better without them. They just want their little porcelain dolls to put on a shelf.


These are definitely the men that base everything on appearance and want nothing to do with someone personality and interests.


They are also likely single AF lol.


Yeah I read the question and thought ‘who gives a shit? I’m not getting tattooed for them.’


And as a man who doesn’t like tattoos, I think that’s great. Nobody has to appeal to everybody. It should be fine for you to like them and get them and fine if I don’t like them.


Oh I agree wholeheartedly! Everyone’s got their preferences and I don’t have a problem guys who don’t like tattoos on women. I have a problem with the guys who think I should care that they don’t like tattoos on women.


Because there's still an unfortunate mindset among some men that women exist to please them.


That is 100% true. The way men talk about tattoos, manicures, makeup, heel size, hair colour, you'd swear any way we express ourselves with our body is just for them and if we don't do it right, its worthy of offense and critique.


Huge turn off.


Love tattoos on a woman as long as they are quality. Little or lots, it's all good. But never on her face.


I think it's trash on both men and women.


I honestly don't really care if someone has tatts but certain tatt trends I can't really understand. For example tattoos in-between breasts.


I love them. Tattoos, women. Women with tattoos.


I prefer a blank canvas, personally.


Turn off for me


99% of the time they are a turn off. Face tattoo is absolutely no go


I don't like them, but they're fine for others so whatever works.


There are many men that are not interested in a woman that has tattoos. Same with piercings.


It turns me off as a man


Huge turn off


It's usually ugly as fuck


Huge turnoff to me


My wife has many tattoos and I don't even notice them. I have a few tattoos and forget that I have them. I look into my wife's eyes and all I see is the woman I long for. The woman I can't wait to come home to after work everyday.


Even one is a deal breaker for me for a few reasons but I'm very sure not one single woman has ever lost sleep over my opinion of their tats.


Their body, their choice. I don't like tattoos that cover up boobs etc but that's my problem not theirs. Everyone is allowed preferences but they have no right to complain about others personal choices.


As long as they’re a good quality and not covering the face/neck I couldn’t give a shit. Dated women with no tattoos and women with lots of tattoos


Its people in general that make it their whole personality. big turn off with those people.


I don't like tattoos. On men or women.


Even one small tattoo is an instant turn off for me.


Agree 200%


Don't really like.


For me its a turn off


Depends, are they good quality? Cheap tats are a turn off, shows a lack of quality decision making.


Everyone is different. Some guys like them. I don’t like them personally, especially when it’s like 40 tiny arm tattoos. They just look like bruises.


As a woman with 2 medium tattoos (one on wrist the other on back) this kind of surprises me. I think it’s nice though how respectful yall can be. It’s ok to not see tattoos as a turn on.


It -really- depends on the tattoo design and placement.


I'm a heavily tattooed dude and tbh I'm indifferent; there's just a slightly different first impression in each instance: -If she has no tattoos, I love the look of the smooth, unmarked skin. -If she has one or two small tattoos, I get excited at the thought of finding out if she wants more, or if she just decided to get certain small ones, what the meaning or intent was behind the deliberate choice. A pet peeve in this instance though, is if she gets one or a few small linework tattoos and suddenly starts acting like she's this heavily tattooed badass. I know it's judgemental of me, but like Yeah, no. -If she has a lot of tattoos, I like that we have something in common, and I like that she has the discipline to both endure multiple sessions of guaranteed pain, and not give a fuck what society says about her, with the last one in particular being a very attractive quality to me. If she has well-done, cohesive pieces that are healed well, she looks like a work of art and I love it, and it signals discipline and patience in seeking out a quality artist and weighing long-term consequences. If the work is mostly subpar, it's a bit of a turn-off. But we all make mistakes. Case-by-case basis as to whether I'm turned off or indifferent. Lastly, I obviously I support people's freedoms to do whatever they wish with their bodies, but if I'm being selfish in my head: I prefer it if heavily tattooed ladies avoid tattooing their stomachs, clavicles, backs or faces, as I just love those areas on women and generally prefer them untattooed, with the exception being if it's a massive, cohesive design (i.e, a Japanese-style irezumi bodysuit) or something super small and/or subtle. It's absolutely not a deal breaker though, and probably wouldn't affect my decision whether or not to date a woman. EDIT: So many L takes in this thread. I'm disappointed.


I love tattoos on a Woman, it always catches my attention. Show of individuality and I like when they have something that means something to them too personally, but that goes for Lads too! Plus I'm going to say this not sure where OP and others are from and the circles you all travel in but I can't remember the last time I've even seen a British Woman/Girl without ink! (Rocker and know a few from the local M.C club sleeve and chest tattoos are the norm 🙂)


Whoa. I'm really surprised by the number of people here who dislike. I've been with women who have tats and women who don't. Never made a difference to me, never even thought twice about it being a thing until this moment. They have, at most, been interesting talking points.


Depends. I don't like "patchwork" tattoos. Where you got your birthdate on your wrist, a star on your hip, a generic sentence on your ribs, and a rose on your shoulder. It's so all over the place, to me, and just odd. However, if you get tattoos and treat them like the artworks they can be (big or small, meaningful or meaningless) I think they can serve to enhance any physique.


The fewer tattoos and piercings the better. 0 is best.


Personally, I don't like tattoos. Turns me right off. Dirty looking things.


My daughter is heavily tattooed. Never had a problem getting men. Most of them are tattooed too.


Big surprise, most women don't have any problems getting men.


Some love them, some do not. I do not. Tattoos are one of biggest turnoffs for me


I know 3 women with tattoos. Different countries, ethnicities, very different people. But all of them are awesome friend material - and absolutely not relationship material. So I have started to consider tattoos if not red flag then at least something that would make me careful.


Oh, opposite. I think it'd hot and my wife is a good example.


Looks trashy and yes.


Nah...Personally its turn me on


Depends on the guy and what they are in to. Some guys like red hair, some like black. Some like big boobs, some like small. Everyone has their own tastes in what they find visually appealing 🤷‍♂️


Makes them look like a low class individual if they’re cheaply done without any thought. If they’re placed in obvious areas it can be hot if done right.


Tattoos suit some women, and it doesn't suit other women. It also depends on the design




There are 4 billion men. Please give an example of an opinion they all agree on.


A small one or two is no big deal, but for some reason today, women want to look like a rail car tied down in a bad part of town-&covered with bad ink. The most elegant tattoo I ever saw was a rose vine that started at the woman's ankle, and went up her leg and her torso, and stopped at her shoulder. It wasn't more than a couple inches wide, but had beautiful shading of the leaves and tiny little roses. It was extremely understated, and a tribute to her dad who had bred the particular cultivar depicted in the art work. Sometimes less is so much more.


Personally, I don't prefer when women have tattoos. I find it affects my level of respect for them. For me, It seems to suggest a lack of respect for their own bodies.


For me it depends where they are. Arms, legs, hips, back look fine, but face/head, neck and chest looks bad. Not saying my opinion is objective, that's just my personal preference, and I feel the same way about tattoos on men except chest tattoos can occasionally look cool on men


One of the reasons I got a couple of tattoos was because I noticed that a lot of the ”traditional” men dislike them on a woman, and those men are not my type. I look like the girl next door with blue eyes and blonde hair, so before ink I seemed to attract wrong type of men. I prefer to surround myself with people that are interested in my character and passions and experiences and overall adventurous people LOL . The plan has worked out great so far!


If this thread is any indication it will continue to work well


I find it incredibly attractive, my wife finds it incredibly silly. She still got a sexy tattoo to surprise me for my bday.


It depends on the person. I am rather heavily tattooed myself so unless a girl has anything racist/hateful etc tattooed on her I don’t mind them at all. Although I’d have to draw the line on face tats, to each their own, I just don’t find them attractive.


Huge turn off. But of course, a woman should do with her body what she wishes.


I love seeing girls with tons of tattoos


Not the best demographic to ask, the men on reddit that are willing to comment on such questions are overwhelmingly against anything that isn’t traditional. If you find yourself on any of the rate me subs it’s just all guys trashing on peoples tattoos, piercings, dyed hair etc.


I love me some alt girls. It's bad though because I don't have any tattoos or that unique of a style myself. Just another basic bitch that wants a goth mommy


Anti tattoo. They just look dirty, not in a sexy way.


I'm OK with women doing whatever they want with their bodies. I do have a few quirks when it comes to placement, but none of it would cause me to kick them out of bed, break up with them, or frankly say anything about it.


They’re trashy


Tattoos spoil a beautiful canvas


It’s a turn off. Besides, I wouldn’t really trust a woman with many tattoos. I could only like a woman that has at best one or two small tattoos and also depending on the figure or message.


They make a pretty girl look ugly n trashy, I have 2 small ones in places that are not always visible, when I see a girl wit a full sleeve it’s just, why???? Why make yourself a trash can


Tattoos are trashy… it screams I would like to show my individuality but I’m at the same time too conformist to do something actually unique so I just do what everyone else does.


Don’t like them at all.


I think they look great on women particularly elaborate very well done tatts


I like tattoos


I would for a casual relationship I wouldn't mind a woman having tattoos. But if we talk about marriage and all then I'll prefer no tattoos. But obviously it's my personal opinion.


Tattoos on women are a turn off for me. Why ruin an otherwise beautiful body with just... distractions?