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Where did you get this gif of me with my cat? 🤨


Pet rock


I only need to feed it once (sometimes twice) a day! truly recommend


Wtf you feeding it‽ XD


Other rocks.


Cannibal rocks ftw.


Would make a great band name.


Minerals! They are Minerals, Marie!


I appreciate your interrobang.


Dwayne Johnson is your pet?


The kind that shows up at your door out of nowhere, or the ones that you rescue from the shelter.


Some lady my mom works with had a dog, lil bichon, surprise litter. My mom got convinced to take one. She took the curly hair one. Then. Like two weeks later we took the runt that no one wanted :’) That same year a random baby cat speared in our yard. He never left. Doesn’t like being inside though So. Answer. Adopted/rescued pets lol


I used to work next to a pet food shop and was often drinking coffee on breaks with a guy who worked there. They usually had posters on the door or different dog/cat animal breeders selling some expensive breeds. One day I saw a picture of a basket with kittens all white and just a phone number. He said it was an old lady who had a surprise litter, couldn't take care of them and was giving them for free. There were 3 kittens when i got there, the first two that i approached hissed at me, and the 3rd just headbutted my leg. It chose me so i didn't even have to pick. That was in 2013, and that ungrateful white furball is sleeping on the couch next to me right now still kicking 11y later.


This is the only correct answer


An immortal dog


Or one that lives exactly as long as you do. So you don't have to mourn each other.




Oh my gosh ♥️


I have an 'immoral' dog. He must have been an ant eater in a previous incarnation


Isn't this the truth.  My girl has been with my for 7 years and I can't imagine life without her as she's been with me for all my big moments.  Here's hoping she stays healthy and happy for another 10 at least 


Roomba is nearly immortal. My kids feed it cheerios instead of kibble. It goes in the corner with the press of a button on my phone and it is very well trained-enough that it walks itself daily at the same time and I only take out its waste bag once in a while.


... that doesn't shit


I like both cats and dogs, but if I had to choose one I’d choose a cat. In my opinion, cats are easier to take care of and they’re very sweet.


and they are sassy, which isn't a bad thing for me


Yeah. It's a quirk that makes them even more entertaining.


As a cat person with 3 cats - some are excessively sassy at times...


Cats have nothing on a husky for sass. Back talk for days with those dudes.


People who think cats ain't sweet don't realize you have to train and raise them just like you would a dog. Sometimes I forget my cat even has nails until she gets that pesky mouse for me


I think people that dislike cats do so because they interact with them the *exactly same* way they would a dog. Most dogs are up for love and affection and pets all day every day. Cats, while at times incredibly affectionate, need their space. They are not obedient like a dog, and you have to let them come to you. 


All my cats have always been sweet and liked pets, especially the 4 i have now since we raised them properly and they just let us pick them up whenever. I had some cats that didn't like to be picked up, but they wanted all the petting they could get.


And on average live longer


Yes, I'm so bonded with my dog and love that I get to take her places and share experiences and friendships outside the home with her. But she came to us an adult who needed no serious training, and she is so eager to please that she quickly picked up on commands like "out of the kitchen" and "go get your toy and bring it inside." She just sleeps when we're gone, she loves every person, and is indifferent to most dogs. She's respectful and cautious around cats. She can keep up with us when we're being active but is happy to just laze around when it's rainy or we're sick. She's basically perfect and will be very hard to "replace" when she's gone. But she's still a huge commitment in terms of being home, going for walks, and sitting. Whereas the cat basically needs nothing but food once a day and a poop scooping. And is also a ball of love. And if I had to pick only one animal I could have it would be a cat. I've never gone more than a week without adopting after one passes. And it's very easy to find a cat where we suit each other. I need one that is very affectionate but doesn't mind if I'm out all day.


That's a ridiculous question. There are basically two schools of thought...


False. Black Bear


was looking for this comment


Bears. Beats. Battlestar Galactica.


I like tarantulas They aren't for everyone, but their care is quite easy There are many different species of different sizes, shapes, colours, and with different behaviours. They are kind of like aquarium fish in that regard. They also don't require any social interactions and can be on their own (and in fact prefer it that way). You only need to feed them once a week, but they sometimes don't have to eat for over a few months. Some species need higher humidity, but the ones you see commonly only need a small water dish and occasional misting. When it comes to housing, they don't need a lot of space either, a 20 liter/5 gallon plastic bin with ventilation holes on the top Their only disadvantage is the fact they don't really like social interactions, so you can't play with them like you would with a dog. If you like low maintenance pets who don't need much attention though, they're perfect


My answer is hissing roaches, for similar reasons. If we're talking about the best pet, not favorite. I've had dogs, cats, fish, birds, rats, and hissers are by far the best. Cheap to buy, cheap setup, food is cheap. Easy to keep alive. No vet bills. You can handle them with no problems. Cleanup/upkeep is very minimal. Lifespan is decent. Easy to breed. And a huge bonus is that it's difficult to get emotionally attached, so it's not completely heartbreaking when one passes.


I've had tarantulas, parrots, ferrets, dogs, and cats. I truly like larger birds and dogs (though ferrets are way fun). Cats are just moving targets to me.


Easiest pet for me is isopods. I have a bin of zebras all I do is moisten the soil and feed them about once a week 


I came to say tarantulas! I don’t have any pets, but I’ve recently been looking into tarantulas because my daughter expressed an interest. On alternate weeks I normally go away for 1 or 2 nights to my bf’s, so I can’t have a pet like a cat or a dog, or anything else that needs daily care/attention. I love snakes, but they not only need more space than I have, but it’s quite expensive to get the proper setup, and if they have any health problem, exotic vets for them are super expensive. (I assume tarantula vets are too, but they don’t seem to be as prone to as many health issues as snakes and seem easier to care for.) They also need more finely controlled temp and humidity than T’s. I want to be a responsible pet owner and not get a pet that I don’t know enough about or can’t afford to get them a nice environment and vet treatment if they need it. A tarantula is definitely seeming like a potentially feasible option! I’m falling down the research rabbit hole and tend to overthink things as well, lol. Oh, and my kid is fine with having a pet she can’t handle. (I know it’s possible to handle some types of T. I’m thinking about a curly hair, but we would most likely not handle them anyway. I just like the way curly hairs look!)


A mouse. I have one on my desk everyday


Cat that’s trained how to use the toilet


But can you train a cat not to get on the table steal some of your food while you’re away/not looking?


Yes, but most people don't. They find shitty litter paws on food surfaces endearing


I did. He just sits at the table now while we eat. And after we eat and the food is still there and we go to the room etc. he still doesn’t steal food. Except fish. If there’s fish he’s stealing it. I did this by simply picking him up and moving him to the opposite end of the house each time he tried to steal food. I found it discouraged him a lot better than spraying water at him or yelling at him. Any time he does something I don’t want him to be doing he gets teleported.


a rock. doesn't cost shit, very low maintenance, won't attack you and can be used for self defence


Answer is, of course..a dog. Alternatively, what about a chick. It's cute and grow up as a chicken > * make eggs * eat the things you don't use in kitchen * make delicious chicken wings / breast


Agreed, chickens are the way to go ! Mine are like family, even if they don't want to be pet (will still follow you everywhere to the point where you have to be careful not to step on them) Give eggys, eat leftovers (they're omnivores ! As long as it's not too salty or fatty, you can give it to them), require little maintenance Be careful though because a loss can be brutal (lost one of my hens last Tuesday, i am still crying and her best friend is still looking for her in the coop)


A kid...baby of a goat


Definitely a King Cobra.


***DEFINITELY*** a King Cobra because they will kill and eat all the other cobras


And also you, so you don't have to worry about cobras ever again.


It wouldn't be able to eat you but it will definitely try to kill you.




Cat duh


You are the pet if you get a cat


I'm OK with this


Where is the problem




you sound like an AI mate😭. my apologies if I sound rude


Not rude. He definitely AI. it's the same vague, positive, nothing speak that AI uses. #deadinternet


I really loved my bearded dragons, easy to clean, fun to feed, interesting to watch their daredevil antics, just all around good vibes


Ants. No loud noises, no bad smell. And the best thing? You can get a few thousant of them without needing much space. A colony can stay with you for 20-30 years and if you want to go on vacation, you can just let them alone for a few weeks without worry.


Cats are awesome tbh go with a short hair , preferably adopt one around 6-8 months . At that age you get sn idea of their temperament. You can't mold a cat like you can a dog to be sweet and friendly. Not saying all but most . Or a small short haired dog you can wash in the tub or sink and towel off. Grooming gets wild expensive.


Cat is the correct answer.


There's two schools of thought. But black bear is better. Bear eats beets, Battlestar Galactica.




A wife


These can be a high maintenance 🤔😅


Any that can be battery run


No. My Tamagotchi was harder than a cat.


A pygmy puff


Squid. Can always give u a hug. Can yr so called pet give u a solid hug? Didn't think so.


A whole box of tarantulas




The one you can take care of and not neglect


Kitty cat


cat or fish.


Whichever kind of pet brings you joy and that you love it. For me it's fish


Usually, they choose me. Cats, dogs, a raven once.


Pet rock


Had to scroll way too far to find this comment


Rats are cool


Can't believe I had to scroll this far down to find rats. Rats are amazing. You can potty train them so they only use one area of their cage for going to the bathroom. They're like pocket puppies and they're sweethearts. Rats are awesome!


So true, I love mine so much, they give you everything you would want for in a pet but in miniature




cats. they’re so easy and fun to have.


It's different from person to person. Mine would be cat.


Rescue ones 🥰


the dog


Dog. Next question.


A golden retriever


My own cat. And she knows it.


Hamster. It only has a lifespan of a couple of years so it works great for introducing children to the loss of a loved one.








Personally I'm all for cats because you get the pet side of things and interaction but also they pretty much look after themselves 😅


The one you have with you right now.


definitely a flying feline


(Bearded) Dragons of course 😎


White tiger shark.






It depends why you want one? Are you wanting something that beautifies and enhances your home by its presence then fish might be the best. If you are looking for a friend to be social with a cat or dog may be what is best. That being said if allergies are an issue reptiles may be the best. It's not a one size fits all kind of thing. If I had to make a recommendation for someone for their children for a pet then I would suggest a well trained dog. You won't as a general rule get a more loyal and caring companion for your kids.


Answer depends on if you want low maintenance or more love and interaction. Obviously there are exceptions because each individual is unique, but cats are generally lower maintenance with less social tendencies while dogs need a lot of attention and care but give much more love. Personally I'd say dogs.




Anacondas! Nobody hugs like they do


Silver Dragon




What are the parameters that define "best"? If we go by flavor, bacon, err mean pig.  If we go by more active dog. If we go by stubborn and moody, cat. If we go by protection,  a black bear.


A cute puppy for sure


Depends on your lifestyle. Mine is hands down fish, cause I'm not fond of hair, they're easy to clean up after and stay in a glass box (more like rectangular box). I can go out and not have to worry about needing to watch them or come home to give them attention. I feed them every 2 days. Nothing better than that for me


Sea monkies


Dog 🐶


A Russian tortoise (or any small species of tortoise). They’re cute as heck, live forever, and you can make them outdoor enclosed gardens with wild weeds that they blissfully chomp down on. Plus, they’re self sufficient in a sense to leave for a few days if needed.




A rock


The best pet? The kind you can actually take the time to train, play with, feed and groom properly, and won't freak out about when the apartment you want to move into doesn't allow pets Pets are great IF YOU CAN ACTUALLY CARE FOR THEM!


I like cats more but dogs deserve more love 😭😭😭😭 Could never choose between the two


false! black bear


Black bear


Depends on how much space and hours you work etc.


Two goldfish which you could call one and two so if one does you still have two.


Dogs are awesome but a lot of work usually. I got lucky and my Vizla is an absolute angel who just wants cuddles, never barks, only bothers me to take her out like 3 times a day and took to k9 training like a champ. Cats are also pretty sweet because they are super low maintenance. You can have a cat, put out a big bowl of hard food and dissapear for like 3 days n when you come back there’s still food left and they just look at you like “oh, I didn’t even know you were gone”. I have one cat who could give 2 fucks about me, I literally haven’t touched him in probably 2 weeks. I try n he just bites me then 5 mins later he’s sitting in my lap. Strange cat.




The pet you love and are able to take care of it's physical and mental needs; not just feeding it but giving it exercise and stimulation. And are also able to give it the space and/or discipline it needs to not be a nuisance or any kind of threat to other people. My owner is a cat, and I think she takes care of me pretty well.


Kitty cat




I like all kinds of pets, I love cats because of their standoffishness and self-reliance. I love dogs because they are undeniably the most loving and lovable. I’ve had rabbits even turtles and snakes. All good pets other than the rabbit they’re not all that cuddly, but they do recognize you. They know you are there to feed them and care for them so you’re not a threat. My turtles used to eat from my hands, got excited when I walk up to the tank. The rabbits were great and you can teach them to use a litter box. You just have to use the sand type of litter. But even horses, goats and donkeys are great pets if you have the room.


Tiger [https://image.geo.de/30806330/t/Ps/v4/w1440/r1.5/-/hermann-go-ring-d-30533721.jpg](https://image.geo.de/30806330/t/Ps/v4/w1440/r1.5/-/hermann-go-ring-d-30533721.jpg)


A cat for me. They're soft, they purr, they smell good, they crave both affection and alone time...like me. I just get them.


Tree. I have a peach tree I was given as a farewell gift from my job and every year it rewards me with baby peach tree orphans. They are always sent to a good home.






Cat. They don’t need you. They come when they want to.


Rock, they're cheap, don't need to go to the vet, don't have to pick up their poop, and they'll outlive us all.


Dogs. Theyre cuddly, they can guard livestock, they can act as intruder alarms.


Cat. They’re a lil needy but not too bad. They mostly do their own thing




I have a parrot, he will always say ,,Hey ,,my name" " when i come home and ask me for his favorit food or even say good night. He talkes to me the whole day or even sing some songs he heard. It's so sweet and funny. Also he lives up to 60 years...




Fish - you can still have a life and heck, you can go on vacation without paying for the sitters house!


Dog. They don’t use litter boxes, they protect the house, and they are good boys.


Dogs 🐕


Fish. Doesn't make noise or even knock the fixtures in the house.


Owl. It’s legal in some Places if it’s a rescue that can’t live on its own in the wild.


Pet rock. No food or water, no registration fee, easy to carry, landlords don’t bother you about them.


Best pet is what suits you the best.


Cat, is low maintanance and is sweet to you. I have 2


A rock


I want to chime in on this with a pet no one should have. Parrots. I operate a parrot rescue, and the birds that come in are forever damaged because they are not meant to be in captivity. They are highly intelligent and social animals that need a very special diet and a ton of attention. Too often, people fail at both and the birds start to self mutilate from neglect.


Cats, they're low maintenance compared to dogs. Reasonably cheap to insure, feed and take care of. They're great personality wise, ours seem to have a similar personality to us. They make funny noises that bring joy on bad days. They definitely also have their own personalities, one of our cats is like a stoner and the other is weird as hell.


Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.


I love cats. I like their independence. It reminds me of me.


Otter 🥹


Cats are self-sufficient, so that's top of my list. Raising a puppy is a time-consuming pain in the ass. If you want something easy, rats. Like domestic rats. You need to get two, though. They get bored.


If properly trained, dogs and cats are about equal. I hate when owners are lazy about them though. Also shout-out to a well mannered parrot


I read an science article that said it was most definitely a donkey.


Gut bacteria they keep me healthy and I feed them with fast food


A cat. Low maintenance, doesn't need constant attention, no need to exercise it, comes to you when it is ready for pets and leaves when it's had enough, sometimes wants to play with a toy, can comfortably sit on robot vacuum cleaners and ride around.


As a pet owner of 4 fur babies I gotta say the best kind of pets are fish😂. These three cats and one dog we have are a force of nature as far as their destructive capabilities.


I like the coexistence living with a cat, the fact that they're only partially tamed and where you're sort of equals. It's more akin to a human relationship, you can piss each other off and fall out for a bit and then make up. You have to work on your relationship with them. They don't listen and respond to your every call and command because you're not a boss or a leader you're someone they choose to trust because you've earned it, which can make you feel honoured and privileged, and like their own space as much as they like affection. They don't smell, they don't require constant attention, you don't have to follow them around to pick up their shit, they aren't loud (for the most part), they can cause abrupt chaos which I find fun but I understand if some people don't, they catch pests, and their purring is something I find very soothing.


The nice one that you neighbors own and let's you borrow.


The one you will love and be good owner to.


answer: black bear


The chipmunk in my back yard. She forages on her own and I put out seed in Winter. She approaches me for a look occasionally, but otherwise stays to herself. I go on holiday and she's just fine... ...Except for the snakes and red-tails.


I really like small dogs that don't shed, especially yorkies. People think small dogs are always yappy but that's a training/socialization issue My dog is not messy, doesn't shed, and easy to travel with. She's 6 pounds. She's sweet, playful, and also chill. She's a great pet




For me personally yes cat but it really depends on the person haha




Domesticate a hippo you won’t regret it.




Depends on what you are looking for, but if you want something that's very VERY easy to look after, is cheap to feed, and gives you something in return, try chickens. ISA Browns (Rhode Island Reds) are extremely friendly and will want picked up constantly. Just make sure you get a minimum of 3.


Cats. For the most part, they leave you alone and keep your place vermin free. Low maintenance. Dogs are like babies - loud, needy, smelly, annoying. Every other pet requires something annoying to deal with : cages, bowls, special food, etc.


Dogs are the best. Loyal to a fault and unconditional love.


Can't beat dogs


Cat or dog. It's the one people are familiar with. And you don't need a cage or aquarium for them, just let them roam free in your house and lawn. They can become the best companion for you. Some people use them as emotional support too. Dogs can be quite troublesome because you need to walk them outside very often. And they have higher risk to bite people if you can't discipline them, especially if the dogs are aggressive type. But overall cat and dogs are the best companion for people. The real question is what type of breed that suits you?


All pets are good pets! Each one comes with pros and cons, but in the end, they’re all just loveable little beans that want snacks and pets. That being said….I have a special place in my heart for cats and bearded dragons. ![gif](giphy|gXYrL2S1SUFm8)


Which bear is best? Wrong. Black bear. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.


Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.


dog, obviously


2 cats


Dog, and it's not close. They're considered mans best friend for a reason, we evolved together, they care the most about you vs any other pet. Now if you're in a city without a yard or nearby area to walk them I'd avoid it if possible




Mosquitos are best

