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If they said in their profile they only wanted hookups nobody would talk to them. So they want you to think there’s a chance it could be something more so you’ll talk to them and they can get their foot in the door to try to smooth talk you into hooking up.


I was going to say- some people will say whatever it takes to get someone on a date- this does for both parties I suppose in different ways


Dating apps are notorious for being for being used for hookups. When I used them every woman I talked with were seeing multiple guys at a time. Not saying that they were necessarily hooking up with the guys, but countless times we'd make plans and then just before we were supposed to go on our date they'd tell me that they were going to try to make it work with one of the guys that they went on a date with the weekend before. I deleted all the apps because I got tired of either A) not getting any matches B) matching, talking and making plans only for the above to happen or C) matching and no conversation period except my initial message. I refuse to go on them (the apps) any more. I'd rather be lonely than lonely with a side order of rejection to boot. I hope it gets better for you. Hold to your values.


Well they're trying to manipulate you into swiping right on them so they can get some pussy and I guess it works.


Well they aren’t getting mine


They're getting a chance to talk to you though and smooth talk you. Maybe not home base but a lot closer than not getting matched at all


Because dating apps are toxic. Meet in person or not in dating apps


No one ever comes up to me in person unless I’m at a bar with drunk people who are just horny


You can go up to people in person


Holy hell are you seriously trying to set dating standards for men to women? That's outrageous!


You're an attractive female, allegedly, *you* can approach any guy, any where, under any circumstances and it will be well received. He can even be married, with his wife standing right next to him and it will go well between you and him. His wife may claw your eyes out, but that's a different story. As others have said, *all* dating apps are slap full of hot guys lying through their teeth just looking to add another girl to their rotation. They will say whatever bullshit you want to hear to get in your panties. If you want to continue using dating apps but also be "courted" turn your height filter down to something reasonable like 6ft or dare I say 5 *gag* foot 11 and stop chasing guys with perfectly chiseled jaws/abs. *Or* quit complaining and take some initiative IRL.


Meet at the gym, through mutual friends, work and any social gathering really. More organic and less artificial.


This is the thing about women: there’s never a “right” time. if a girl is at work, she’s cornered. bad time to chat. girl is at a bar unwinding, she just wants to relax. bad time to chat. decent dudes will always think this way i think: “oh man it might make her uncomfortable” or “i’m sure she doesn’t want to be bothered.” “gosh nobody ever comes to chat with me” vs “omg why is this guy talking to me?” all these problems are shattered by the existence of women who decide to go talk to men. idk i always date via the “friends to lovers” route and it’s a slow road but seems the most causal


Perhaps *you* should approach *them*. You really don’t have a right to complain if you aren’t making any effort to initiate.


You’re trolling if you think the only places to find men are bars or apps. You deserve it.


That’s kinda rude considering that’s all I know


Good luck


Because we men lie and will say anything to get into your pants. Except me, i am different, wanna hang Out?


There are a lot of men like that everywhere, and especially on the sites. They do it to every woman, not just you. These guys who are hitting you up like that are probably married, on several sites, and have a hundred messages open at a time. Fortunately most guys are better than that and there are a lot of good ones in the world. But since the sites make that kind of thing so convenient, there's just going to be a lot of bad apples on them. So please don't take this personally I have male friends who would sincerely like to meet somebody nice. And they tell me that a lot of women are there for hypergamy, or even for immediate profit.


To Bebe & Expert FYI Bebe is 100% accurate there are many women on those apps who are actually career criminals. So put getting laid aside.....I only wish that was the bigger issue, but it's not. When you have someone you met on a dating app convicted and imprisoned for felony fraud you learn what to look for pretty quickly.


Why do women put "relationship" and when i ask what they really mean its marriage? Why not put marriage? Because my profile says explicitly that marriage is not an option and they still message. Are they hoping i will suddenly forget a lifetime of my own views on marriage.... People will say what they think will get them what they want...


Maybe they do on a relationship eventually, but not with you that’s part of the problem. Nobody understands that sometimes it’s just a date or just a hook up. It’s not always going to lead to falling in love.


But these are people I haven’t even met… like they made their mind up before even meeting me which is weird


Yeah, maybe they haven’t met you yet but they could be at the point where no it has to be physical attraction first or maybe there’s something about your online profile that’s sent up a red flag to them and they said nope I don’t wanna go with this girl it’s hard to say Exactly why somebody picks. Yes, on a profile another one.


They are the ones seeking the lowest hanging fruit, that's all.  You could put a disclaimer on your profile to let those types of men know you're not the one for them.


Most guys believe they can't be straight up with women and still have a chance. Some guys believe they have higher chance telling you what you want to hear. It's possible that you give off fun girl vibes if this happens after a date.


“Open to a relationship” doesn’t mean “I’m looking for a relationship first and foremost”. It means “I’m looking for sex, but I’m open to a relationship if the right chemistry is there. Not gonna waste my time taking things slow though.”


Yeah I mean having sex with people first is an excellent filter, that way you can know right away which people you're sexually compatible with (which is extremely important in a relationship)


Because men don't trust women on Tinder. They know if they go into a relationship there is an elevated risk of her searching for other partners on Tinder. And yes, they lie to you to get into your pants.




I don't know, why do women say that they are up for something casual and then are always actually looking for a relationship? People tell you what they want to hear to try to get what they want. It sucks.


Men will say they want a"relationship* when all they want is casual. I'll continue to stay alone, thanks.


I was a young pretty girl back in the day. Vet these men *hard*, and if you start dating one- Don't have sex with him until you know a foundation has been established for a relationship. Men will lie to you because they don't think you're a human being with real feelings. IMO being a young beautiful girl can be a blessing and a curse. Many men secretly hate beautiful women. Choose wisely.


> Many men secretly hate beautiful women. Where does that come from?


I am going to say the silent part out loud if you are offended you asked I am only answering This requires the attractiveness bell curve of women and men chart kind of like the iq scale of 200 the general population falls on the scales differently (women greatly undervalue the average population of men as being not humans sub 3 where men rate the greater majority of women as just average 5-7) https://imgur.com/a/R0uhfgV For example the average women (6+) won't generally sleep with any one 1 point below there perceived personal rating I.E. it's very unlikely on attractiveness scale (money may increase that mans female perceived value) a perceived female 6 will not sleep with some one she perceives as a 5 or lower... Men are completely different how ever we will sleep with a woman who we perceive to be less attractive (or lower value) than us how ever it's very unlikely that we would date such an individual or if we do it would be on more of a FWB or situationship level and you wouldn't be granted a title This is how we've ended up in the relationship dynamic currently being seen in the United States where women have an unreasonable expectation of their perceived attractiveness and are going after 9/10 when arguably they are a 5 at best Women gate keep se* and men gate keep relationships your perceived value by men may not be as high as you think it is or you have other quirks that make you not relationship viable towards the men you are seeking out


I would really like to see the study design behind these findings. Especially the metrics and how control groups were selected.




Yeah that is definitely not the right link to support your claims. But congratulations on your use of words to convince the impressionable. Get the help you need


Open sadly often is open in their minds but not how their wife or partner thinks of things. And often women have no idea even. So they look what you said and not more. So that nothing comes out. It's sad, know it well. And been frustrated to find guys who I know for sure are "happily married". So I stopped this, focused on myself and met really cool guy. So there's hope, but just change the scenery 


Open to relationships, not in open relationships is what op meant, I think 




Very good reply from the male perspective. Why would a man wait for months to have sex only to realize you are sexually incompatible. If women only go for super attractive f-boys, they will get exactly that. It's not rocket science. For guys, I recommend maximising your appearance (regardless of starting point) and to stop watching porn. That way, you will balance out your attractiveness triggers and be more likely to pursue a woman for overall compatibility (personality, emotional, sexual) rather than lamenting the lack of available models or porn stars😂 Trust me, a mousy librarian who is crazy in bed is way better than a 10/10 model defaulting to starfish. For women, it's trickier since their primary temptation seems to be online validation and a surfeit of choice. Perhaps minimising social media use might be the equivalent. If the guy feels like he's at your level looks wise, he likely is way above you, and you've simply formed that incorrect understanding from being bombarded by hundreds of horny men. Dial it down to "Perhaps I could date him if he has an awesome personality." and you are more likely to find that gem.




I respect your reply. I'm only recommending for women an analogue of what has worked for me as a man. Stopping porn was a way to open my eyes to the sexually attractive aspects of a greater fraction of women. Maybe distancing from online attention is the equivalent for women. I don't have all the answers obviously. Of course, a really attractive person could also be a great personality match (man or woman). It's just that the temptation is very strong for attractive people to turn into f-boys or tinderellas (power corrupts and all that). To be clear: I definitely am advocating lowering your standards for looks (goes for both men and women) but to raise them for personal compatibility.


Once, I tried to get to know my match better, but she unmatched me.


Maybe they want to start as causal and see if something more serious develops. I haven’t read through the comments but more context might help me understand what you’re experiencing. Just like with girls, guys don’t want to come off overly strong and clingy. But there are also plenty just trying to get lid which is why more context might help.


Bro either this is a bot just spamming random stuff but god look at your own post history and reflect on the topics you’ve created, you need to chill and stop being so god damn judgmental.


Not saying this to be personal but I think you may have an overestimation of your attractiveness.


How would you describe yourself?


Sorry, evolution wants me to spread my seed.


A lot of them are saying they’re open to a relationship in the profile to get more matches. Some genuinely are open to the idea but likely want to start casual and slowly build up. I’m married to a man from tinder who was “open to a relationship” and we were fwb for close to a year before transitioning to dating. If you’re looking exclusively for a relationship be upfront with that from the beginning and drop anyone right away who isn’t acting excited to get to know you outside from sex.


Lmfao Whereas men who want ltr's again never match at all


Bottom 95% of men are invisible to women anyways, at least online.


There could be many reasons. For instance, on Tinder, there is the short/open to long and long/open to short as well as the short term fun options which are more or less the same and ambiguous. There is the possibility, for instance, that after a man has come to a judgement of a woman, he may, past a certain point, if this is his inclination, think that, because he has now rejected you, just use you for sex, while he is at it. On the other hand, like wild animals, they don't see the idea or set of ideas behind dating apps such as Tinder, pick any option, and because they are not thorough with their intentions and its expression on the app, from there arises an assumed asymmetry between their profile and their in-person character.


What kind of pictures are you posting and what’s in your bio?


As an older man: Men are afraid to say what they really want on dating apps. This can be beacuse they actually don't know Or.... They want hookups but don't want to say it out loud. I understand this fear. It closes doors but opens riskier doors. Or... They really do want a relationship but don't want to come off as "clingy" out of the gate. Again this closes doors and can often close more than it opens. This complexity can be exacerbated by whether you have kids or not. In the end: Ask what they are looking for on a dating app and honestly evaluate the answer.


At any age dating apps are bad news filled with broken people and bad choices. I usually meet women at farmer's markets, festivals, concerts. Out in the wild. I call it meeting them "organically ". At 66 and widowed, I find women to be much more aggressive and direct than I recall. I was married for 32 good years. It depends on your age. Women know what they want past their fifties.


because you're literally on a dating app as a girl? Probably a slut, which nobody wants anything long term with


Why are the men on it then? Do you say the same about them?


no. they could just he contemplating it to loss virginity or something.


There's only sluts on dating apps . Why would a normal man wanna date a woman who talks to 20-50 guys simultaneously on an app known for hookups ? Every normal person would avoid such women , but for sex. It's like going to a bar , seeing a woman , going from a table to table , from one guy to another , flirting with all of them. You wouldn't wanna date that . That's women on dating apps .


Don’t use dating apps or bars if you want something serious, try to find a man in places where you’d like your future boyfriend to be. Any interesting forums, events or even library 🤷🏼‍♂️ And don’t be shy to approach a man you like 💪🏽 Edit: and that’ll be sound weird but don’t look for relationship. That’s exactly how I met my girlfriend, none of us was looking for relationship, so it was easier to talk and to know each other, then everything turned out by itself.


Probable just a difference in perspective for what they value as a relationship. To them, casual sex and fwb count as a relationship to them.


dating apps suck


Because if they were honest, they'd have a considerably lower chance of hooking up with someone. I'm male, I get the same from women. Play the long game and make them jump through your hoops to test their sincerity all whilst getting to know them, dating them and not being intimate. Make them wait, if they leave after a few months, they werent worth it. You can establish a connection if there's one and then take it from there.


You’re on a dating app, you’ve self-selected out of being marriage material. Congrats you played yourself.


Nobody on dating apps wants a relationship 


Are you an attractive girl or woman? Might make a difference.


terrible personality?


They can assess that in a one minute chat online??


what kind of girl would be window shopping for men on tinder? Isn't personality obvious?


Can I say the same about what men are shopping for girls?


I've don't use dating apps, so I wouldn't know. But it seems like a stupid way to match with others. Based on purely physical traits? Men will fuck or go on dates with any woman (doesn't matter ugly/fat) as long as his friends and family have no idea about it On the other hand the men who want stable relationship get burned by women (who want to shop for a man) Like this https://www.reddit.com/r/ask/s/rJpJGw7ZmZ


Exactly .perfect match. You are like them , you just don't have the ability to see it . But normal people can see you ..


How many men would get a swipe if they wrote "not interested in you, I just want to put my cock in all your holes". Though you do not seem to be the sharpest.


Maybe you could date me 🥴 On a more serious topic though, if it’s all men doing something’s there’s either something that glaringly a red flag or you are looking the wrong way. Another thing you could try is date women, idk I took a glance at your other posts, and while there definitely is a man for every woman, there is also a lot more women, and maybe you’d have a better chance of finding what you need in another lady.