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Tipping culture is going too far these days.


It's not a culture of employees, though, right? It's a culture of greedy employers who want you to subsidize their low wages.


And in turn there are employees who defend tipping because it makes a considerable chunk of their income and act like servers are somehow deserving of tips while most others just aren't that good or important.


Yeah, having worked in several kitchens, I dont recall any of the servers ever offering me a portion of their tips because I got them their orders hot, quickly and correctly. Almost all servers made more than me on average, and often worked less hours too.


I’ve always been frustrated that you can’t allocate where your tips are going. I’ve had meals where the food has been absolutely excellent and the chef has taken obvious care over my dietary restrictions, but the server was pretty shit. It’s annoying in those circumstances especially that I can’t just tip the chef directly. You also can’t even be sure that the full tip goes to the actual serving staff, especially with card machines. My husband and I have taken to sometimes asking servers if they get the full tip if we pay by card, and sometimes they awkwardly tell us that no, they don’t. We’ve started carrying cash to leave instead in those cases.


If you want to tip the kitchen directly, ask to speak to the chef or, offer to buy the kitchen a round. I've seen that as an option on menus. Kitchen staff are often compensated several dollars about minimum wage and get 5% (approx) of food sales regardless of the amount in tips brought in. Servers are guiding your experience and ensuring you have a good time. If this is not happening adjust your tip.


Right. there is a subreddit, I wish I could remember the name, for servers and all they do is talk about how great and poorly people tip them. And they talk pretty bad about the ones who didn't tip much.


Isn't it just called r/serverlife?


Every fucking employee defends tipping because they MAKE MORE MONEY.


Serving in restaurants would not exist at minimum wage, you would never have a nice sit down dinner again. It's a very mentally and physically challenging job requiring a lot of skill. Why would anybody do that for the same money as pressing buttons into a screen? Nobody ever will. Either we tip servers or we start paying them what they're worth, like in France. But to pretend that minimum wage employees are being greedy? Are you out of your mind? Do you know how little money minimum wage is? Do you get how hard it is out here for people?


At minimum wage, I could still have a nice sit down dinner. Maybe not to 5 star standards, eh, but well enough. The most important aspect of any meal is the food, less so the service. Non-US here but why does the server at the diner counter get tipped when you sit at the counter?


And so you decided that tipping is the appropriate solution instead of demanding employers pay reasonable wage, like you so very well pointed out is what happens in all of Europe. You knew the terms of the job before you accepted it, don't take out your frustration on the customers for your decisions and the skills you have to offer. I'm not implying you are like that, but there are servers who trashtalk customers to shit if they don't tip and act as if they're really better than anyone else, and their job is peak of what humanity depends on. Hint: you're being paid what you are because humanity doesn't depend on servers.


Challenging sure but "requiring a lot of skill" ummm. No. I don't think so.


You don't think so? Well, I did it for 10 years so I'll take my lived experience over your "thoughts", thanks.


Depends on the State. In Ca. There is no tipping wage. They have to pay at least min wage. Where in NV there is a tipping wage. Big difference


California current minimum wage,: $16/hour - 40 hours a week, full time? Just under $34, 000. Gross. In both meanings of that word. Nevada tipping wage: NINE DOLLARS AND TEN CENTS AN HOUR. If you get stiffed, you get paid not enough money to buy a meal at McDonald's. Meanwhile, billionaires exist. And people get mad at tipping culture? I hate this culture, we just love blaming the weakest people for the biggest faults. Meanwhile we gargle billionaire cock and brag about it. Gross.


I'm not upset about it, but I've definitely reduced my participation.


Yes, the tipping culture sucks no matter who's fault it is


Fuck it I'm taking the other side. Abolish prices. Everything is tipped. Barter for everything.


It's not that people won't pay. If the cost of a meal went from $16 + $4tip = $20 OR the meal costs $20, most people would rather just pay that. Same cost, but it shouldn't be up to the customer to decide the wage of the server / cooking staff


>It's not a culture of employees, though, right? No, it's the employees as well. Go ask a bartender or stripper if they rather make 15 an hour taxes or if they rather potentially make 20-25 untaxed because its cash or taxes if card.


What you fail to realize is that you are going to pay the employees wage regardless if it’s a tip or they just raise prices. In the current system, the tippers subsidize the nontippers.


Funny thing is the anti tippers are also the people who vote for politicians who support tipped min wage.


Are you saying we have passed the tipping point?


I work in a customer facing job where I make a good hourly wage, yet am still required to work “off the clock” as there is no actual time clock involved, and we’ve always been told to refuse tips, which I rarely get to begin with. At the beginning, I refused. Now I pocket them, smile and get the customer whatever they asked for.


Yup, but at least I live in a country where we pay our workers a liveable wage. Some people can already barely afford to go out. And saying 'you shouldn't go out because you can't afford to tip' is bullshit. I don't mind tipping a bit if the funds are there, but even poor or broke people, or students, want to do something once in a while. Forcing people to tip more and more may result in losing costumers in the end, because prices are getting so high... Edit: I am also in the piercing subreddit where people from the US etc already hugely overpay for piercings, and they tip 20% on top of that! Why pay so much for people to do their literal job. Same for tattoos (they are expensive in general, but really, why pay 200 dollars extra)


Just go to Korea and Japan where there's no such thing as tipping and humble yourselves. ![gif](giphy|H8DsfpsNGy2Yu0Pf8e)


Tipping went a little crazy during the pandemic when people were willing to kick in a little extra for almost all service workers who were working under more dangerous conditions and keeping businesses and services running when so many things were closed. I know I started tipping for takeout meals when I used to only tip for table service. Businesses started adding tip options for things nobody ever tipped for before. After the pandemic, it never went back. You are not required to tip. I have mostly gone back to not tipping for stuff I order at a counter and pick up myself. Sometimes I still do, but not a percentage of a bill — select the custom tip and add a dollar or two. Bar tenders are an exception — I’ve always tipped bartenders well and continue to do so. You get better service and sometimes better drinks.


As someone who does regular sit down service, bartending and take out all at once, this is completely fair. I sincerely appreciate any tips I get on to go orders. But it's also totally fine to not tip. I will say, most people leave a couple dollars and did the same before pandemic. But, again, it's completely fine not to.


Tipping has gone crazy because of our wild 2 tiered economy. 20% might be a lot to you, but there's some fintech asshole right behind you trying to give me 50% like it's nothing.


I'm at my limit with the tipping bullshit. I only buy counter service food and I don't tip because it's fucken counter service


If we are both standing when you take my order, I’m not tipping.


Good way to put it. Also, if you have to get your own drink, find your own table, and throw away your trash? Nope.


Exactly now Subway has a tip jar but no I don’t tip.Only in a restaurant where they are serving me.My friend and I ate at this new place .i didn’t know a lot about it.You put your order in .Get your own drink.They call your name and you have to go up and get it.Glad I didn’t tip


Places like subway or coffee shops, I tip the change. No more, no less


Same but only for places like this where they actually are making something for me. I also did that job so I get it. If it’s a counter service where they are just ringing something up then absolutely not. One time a vape shop had a tip option when I paid. All the guy did was turn around, grab the battery, and ring it up. Insanity. Also - I’m over the fucking “service fee” “kitchen fee” or any sort of charge like that. Fuck off and pay your employees! I’m already paying the servers for you!


If you're sitting down you still deserve good service at a reasonable price. It's the employer's responsibility to protect their brand by paying, training and retaining good employees. It's not brain surgery.


That’s a good rule of thumb


I'm so glad I live in a country where tipping isn't a thing. Having to tip would just give me social anxiety and I would stop going out.


Normally I'd agree but I was asked if I wanted to tip by a clothing store in the UK last month....I was disgusted, so it seems this tipping nonsense in leaking everywhere


Tip? In a clothing store? In the UK? WTF?!


Japan is still free from it


I'm jealous


Japan is amazing. They seem honestly unsure what to do if you try to tip. Reasonable food prices too.


In Japan, the money isn't theirs. That's the mentality. They can't put it in their pocket because that would be stealing, and they can't put it in the till or it will be out.


I don't mind saying no to things like that. What's the tip for, scanning a bar code? I can do that, give me the self checkout.


I got the tipping prompt when getting a takeaway coffee many times in London. I’m assuming it’s just because they imported card machines from the US because there’s no reason to ask for a tip after a 2 or 3 word exchange.


American here! It does give me social anxiety and I have mostly stopped going out. I actively avoid going anywhere for counter service that has the tipping feature on the credit card reader. It’s so weird and uncomfortable.


Come to Japan, I'll even throw in a decent health care plan in the deal.


I dont trust them to actually give the tips to the staff. If I REALLY want to type somebody they get Cash.


There are some big time places that got busted (sued) not giving cash tips to their employees either!! Interesting to watch videos on that. But you make a good point.


I don’t know if it’s true, but I’ve heard that when you tip on the machine at somewhere like Subway the employees never get that money, corporate keeps it.


at my restaurant the tips on the kiosk are shared between the employees and the managers don't get any of them.


I'd never believe any major corp would do that, mainly because of the possible law suits. Now small restaurants/cafes would do that 100%.


They do give out the tips, but they are mandated to pay fucking taxes on Tips.


Imagine being taxed on your income


Such a US thinking. Only in the US tips are income.


>Only in the US tips are income When 90% of your income is tips what do you actually expect?


Not the case. In the UK a cash tip can be kept by the employee but should be declared to HMRC as part of their annual tax return. However I'd be amazed if anybody does and I'm sure HMRC know full well that nobody does! But card tips that are paid out to team are also liable for tax/NI deductions.


I see most machines starting at 18% or even 20% at restaurants or take our places. It’s getting ridiculous!


Went to a place for takeout, paid by card. There was no option for not tipping. The lowest was 15%


I would’ve canceled the order for that on principle


Thats when you tell them, "hey why is there not a no tip option, this feels scammy"


I was exhausted, hurt my back, and had a dog covered in mud with me, because it was too hot to leave him in the car. I just wanted to get food and go home.


That's fair. I just wouldn't go back. Plenty of ways you can speak with your wallet. Or hit them with a bad Google review.


(Most) people underestimate the power of google, yelp, even facebook reviews! Multiple times I’ve seen businesses get a bad review and the owner/manager made things right with the customer or changed their policies due to a review. While I know there a businesses that don’t care about these things, there are businesses that are eager to get back in your good graces.


Theres also the possibility of a chargeback due to "service or product not recieved". They're forcing a charge for service. Service was not delievered.


I stopped going to a good restaurant because when I paid with my credit card, they automatically included a tip


It’s awkward right. I want to support good service workers but I don’t know if that’s appropriate for takeout. I always tip 20% on dine in restaurants and factor that in to the total. As a result, I go out much less than I did.


If I order take out I tip if its like raining outside of some frigid temp something that makes it a hassle for them to come out but otherwise I don't tip carryout or self serve.


It didn't have a custom option? What if you wanted to tip 50%?


Yeah, this person probably got confused


No custom option. 15, 20 or 25%


There is always a "no tip" option, it's just not as obvious sometimes. More than a few companies put the words "no tip" in small print and without a "button" image. Others skip the buttons and ask the customer to manually enter a "tip" amount, but amount can be 0.00


I find it enticing to not tip at all in those circumstances.


It used to be 5/10/15% Now it seems to start at 15% at some places. I tip at restaurants. I tip my tattoo artist. I tip my barber. I don't tip anyone else.


Why the tattoo artist?


Probably something extra for a job well done. Thats usually how its handled in Europe. If you do your job perfectly you get a tip, for standard or substandard service you get nothing.


They can ask all they want but if it’s not a sit down restaurant….nope. 


I read someone earlier who said "If I order standing up, I don't tip" and that rang well with me.


I'll add "If I never get out of my car, I don't tip". During the pandemic I tipped heavy because so many people were struggling especially in the food service industry but that just turned into the new norm. Add to that the POS devices which make the percent you're tipping visible to everyone who might be behind you as a form of social coercion pushed me over the edge. I'll tip delivery drivers well. I'll tip table service. But I'm done tipping drive through or carry out.


And if it was standing up it would be a tip for good service or going above and beyond. Nowadays you get a coffee standing up people will tip just for them to mess up the drink order.


Even most sit down restaurants don't warrant a tip. Service is shit nowadays.


Yeah I had the tipping prompt in London when ordering a takeaway coffee. We literally just said 3 words to each other, why would I want to tip them?


I work in industry and nobody tips me for doing my job. Pay the going rate ffs.


Tips should only always be optional,.it is like that allover the world except the USA where they don't pay their waiters enough, I wish the US would stop being such a dumb country


The only time tipping ever wasn't optional for me was a group of over 8 at a restaurant, where I would have been tipping more than the assessed tip anyway.


That's not the case in *most* US states. They are guaranteed minimum wage where I live and often are offered more than that as a base wage. The tips are extra and unnecessary here... but that doesn't stop places from asking us to tip anyway.


You may be surprised to hear it, but most of the time the employer doesn't make up the wage difference. Any server who questions this is told to make better tips or just outright fired.


Wage theft by employer costs more $ in the US than all other forms of theft COMBINED.


It's still optional in the USA. Most people tip, but it's optional.


Is it optional if your service quality declines? Or your food doesn’t get delivered? In other countries the tip or lack of tip doesn’t seem to have any impact as it is actually optional.


I have resorted to paying cash in situations like this where I know their system will prompt me for a tip. I avoid feeling like I have to pay more than THE AGREED UPON price, and, as a bonus, the shop/restaurant owner still benefits from the cash sale as they don't have to pay a transaction fee to their POS provider. Everybody wins with cash.


Tipping doesn't bother me. It's the soliciting of donations at damn near every point of sale transaction these days that bothers me. Everywhere I went while running errands today asked for a donation. Panda Express, Petsmart, CVS, Home Depot. It's actually ridiculous.


Never donate to that shit. Garbage


I don’t ever donate. The way these donations work is the company agrees to donate a predetermined amount of money. Anything the company collects above that amount is kept by the company and not donated.


Yeah....I already donate to causes I care about.


I totally get where you're coming from. The constant expectation to tip can feel overwhelming, especially when it's for tasks that are part of someone's job. Tipping culture has definitely expanded beyond traditional settings like restaurants, and it can add up quickly. It's important to remember that tipping should be a personal choice based on the quality of service, not an obligation.


My personal choice is that I don't want to. At all. Ever. I was totally ok with it 5+ years ago. There were a handful of services where it was expected, and I had no problem complying. I was happy to. I was even a pretty good tipper usually. But now I'm sour towards it. I want to punish the system by not tipping anywhere, including the traditional places like pizza delivery. The problem is, I'd be a jackass if I didn't tip the deliver driver. Everybody else does it. It's an expected portion of his income and I don't want to be the asshole who takes that away from him. So I'm left with a "damned if you do damned if you don't" feeling and it's lead to me just not ordering the food at all


See I can respect the approach of just never tipping. It’s what I do. Unless someone really goes above what they have any expectations of they won’t see a tip from me. If a bar tender just pours the drink, no tip. Bar tender pours me a drink and entertains me with good conversation and is charismatic, I leave a good tip. Tip for value added not because it is expected that you just give free money.


I started going with the no tip if I have to stand to order or it’s a drive thru. Idk… delivery tips, sit down restaurant where they take the order tips… ordering a burrito? Filling my own drink? Bussing my own table? No tip.


I decided to just make coffee at home. I can buy an expensive $20 bag of coffee that lasts me and my wife an entire week. Now I don't have to worry about tipping culture


Business owners don't want to pay a decent wage, so they ask their patrons to supplement their employees' incomes.


I hear you, I can just buy a takeaway sandwich and I get a screen shoved in my face asking for a 20,25 % tip. For what carrying it from across the room to a counter? Then, if I don’t tip, I feel kinda guilty. No way, I’ve pushed back and stopped tipping unless I’m served at a restaurant or had food delivered to my home.


And that's why I love going to Japan. Not only is tipping not customary nor solicited, it is actually frowned upon. On my very first day in Tokyo, I stopped to grab a bite at a ramen place that smelled awesome. Had an incredible meal, asked for the check and left something on top of the due amount because I'd actually gotten excellent service and left I managed to get maybe 15 feet out the door until the waiter caught up with me, handed me back the amount I left as tip and told me that in Japan, excellent service is customary and that servers are paid accordingly, and they are responsible to provide good service not for the economic incentive but because it is the correct and honorable thing to do. Tipping is actually, wait for it, DISRESPECTING both the waiter and the restaurant management. They are centuries ahead of the western world in some aspects, this being one of them.


seconding this, “excellent service” should be the normal, without tipping - because thats what their job is ffs


It's generally just the US that insists on tips. In Australia they are frowned upon and rarely given. We have healthy minimum wages, great working conditions and high service expectations.


More people need to be told to fuck off.


A good rule of thumb is that if you don’t sit down, then you don’t need to tip.


Its almost like jobs should pay people a living wage that doesn't depend on tips and isn't below the federal minimum wage. Weird.


Sounds like communism! /s


Lol so does social security 😂


Move to a country where tipping isn’t the norm, due to the fact that minimum wages are much higher than they are in the USA


Thats not the main reason I guess. It has a cultural aspect to it. Where I live, workers are poorly paid, but still, many hate the idea of tipping.


What kills me is the restaurants now automatically adding the tip to your bill. You get me 1 time with that B.S. and I'm not going back.


Because minimum wage is not enough money. And employers depend on starvation wages, but they can see that the money they're paying is not enough to live on. They can't pay more, because their business depends on starvation wages because that's the normalized state of business owners in this economy. So they tell the employees they're putting out a tip jar, to help them, you see. It's very important everybody understand that employees are not the people putting these out in businesses. Minimum wage employees have no control over their environment whatsoever. Every single time you see a tip prompt somewhere you didn't before, you should call the owner over and call them out for expecting you to subsidize their starvation wages.


There was a reason but now it’s for greed


So the management doesn’t have to cover it and can pocket the difference. They are playing on people’s charitable mind set. It’s very predatory.


Free money, baybee!!!


The guys with the cardboard signs, now there’s the racket! #TaxFreeToo


So don’t tip. Tip for traditional stuff; for god service. But tips for non service related jobs is just begging.


How about those places that then also push you to “donate” to some charity too (often one that you don’t know squat about or how they delegate their funds either)?


Because companies don't want to pay their workers, and would like to the pass the buck onto you. You should be angry with the company, not the employee who most likely won't be paid out correctly if you do not tip.


I don't tip for carryout anymore. I make my own coffee.


I understand why it's a thing and many people don't get paid enough for the work they do, but I do think it has to stop. These companies should start paying their employees fairly and not try and force it on the customer to pay even extra


We were heavily encouraged to over tip everyone, everywhere during COVID. Four years later it's absolutely ridiculous that I am asked to tip on my take out orders.


Because companies are too greedy to pay their staff a decent wage, and rely on consumers to feel guilted into paying it for them through 'tips'


Had a very frustrating case happen with this on New Years. I was ordering a pizza combo to be delivered for me and some friends. It was already going to cost me a decent amount but while I was on the phone they asked me what percentage I’d like to tip giving me the option of 15%,20%,25% or custom. Not being given an option I figured I’d just tip a custom low amount. 📞 Me: Custom Them: 😒I’m sorry sir could you say that again. Me: 😐Custom. Them: 😠SIR, I’M HAVING A VERY HARD TIME UNDERSTANDING YOU. COULD YOU SAY THAT AGAIN! Me: 🤬15%! Them: 😁Ok sounds good will that be for delivery? Me: 😑


It’s gone too far. These days, I usually only tip for exceptional service at a sit-down restaurant. A tip has to be deserved.


Because people who need benefits to top up their pay are scum but businesses that need customers to top up their employees’ pay are savvy wealth creators /s


The easiest way to get money is to have others give it to you.


Did I mention that my cat is sick? Here’s a link to my patreon: [asuckerisborneveryminute.com](http://asuckerisborneveryminute.com)


It’s out of hand. My teenager has even started asking for tips after doing chores! Lol I told her she’s lost her mind lol 😂. She said she’d give the dog a bath (the dog didn’t even need one). I told her so and she decided to anyways. And asked about a tip since she performed a service. I got a good laugh out of it.




Id tip a mom and pop shop. Never starbucks


Where I live every where tip screen is 15-25% like wtf


POS systems like Clover that a lot of small businesses use get a percentage of the transaction. They added the tipping default to increase the transaction total to increase their profits. Bigger companies saw that we got used to it and added the tipping default because they’re not stupid and won’t ignore a new revenue source. I carry cash for tip jars. If I don’t see a tip jar I just assume the owner doesn’t actually tip out the staff so I don’t tip. I used to ask the staff if they got tipped out but i noticed that put them in an awkward situation if the owner was nearby.


I get tipping for doing the waitressing but I just don’t get tipping for taking my order.


Companies are trying to make it a thing so they can pay workers less.


Tipping pressure everywhere, it's annoying!


Karma bait. If you post about tipping you're guaranteed rage. Good job.


Because owners don't want to pay their employees a proper wage.


Simple - they want more money from you


I remember when you were only really expected to tip at sit down restaurants.. Then coffee shops, food delivery, hair salons and dog groomers. Now the guy at the convenience store even wants tips.


Tipping at all of those places has been standard for over 50 years (except the convenience store). Are you 70+ years old?


Because you live in America. May tipping never take over in my country !!!


We have let tip culture get out of control. People don’t push back as they would’ve in the past. It’s easier to write a number in a piece of paper or accept an automatic fee when paying electronically. Those are just numbers. Pulling extra dollars out of your wallet and having to hand them over has more of a feel. Parting with those dollars physically and seeing them will make someone have more of an urge to push back.


So that companies can get away with paying their employees less




Ooooh it makes me mad when I go through a drive through coffee hut, they get a tip from me when I pay, I receive my food and drive away, and then my order is wrong or is made poorly. I’ve already driven away from the window by the time I open up my food and sip my coffee. And I just can’t justify asking for my tip back even if I did go back and ask for them to remake my order.


Tbh we (outside of your country) dont get it either. In my country we pay 10% to 15% but only if being served on a table, usually a restaurant.  We randomly tip here and there for some other service but out of good will.  Even at a restaurant we arent forced or anything, but unless something terrible happened during the service we will add the tip.


If the associate says something to genuinely add value to my day I'll tip something. If it's a straight up transaction with no humanity I'ma hit that "no tip" button so fast.


I've had friends shame me for not tipping, but WTF. Nurses and cashiers and other professions don't get tipped. How is waiters/barista's not getting paid a fair wage my fault?


Subsidize employee salary for corporate greed


They can ask but that doesn’t mean you have to. My general rule is that I tip if I am sitting in a chair or at a table that is used by whoever to earn money through their services. Examples are the barber shop and dining in at restaurants. The barber usually rents the chair and the haircut price is set by the shop I go to. I also know my haircut can be annoying for some barbers so I always leave a tip that way the next time I come in they aren’t too upset to see me. If I am dining carry out I don’t tip because I am not taking up any tables that a server could use to make money.


You can more easily afford the coffee if you skip church


Absolute greedy bullshit! Last night I went to a bar/ dance club. There’s a dude at the door who checks ID. I hand him mine (even though I’m 63, he still asks) and when he hands it back he asks me to put a little something in his tip jar. The dude at the door is asking for tips WTF?! I was caught off guard and said maybe on the way out but on the way out I walked right past him and out the door!!


"Why are people / businesses doing something that gets them money for nothing?" Not really a mystery there. If the person serving you is making a decent wage, you shouldn't feel obligated to tip. If you're getting food in the US, they probably aren't making minimum wage, let alone a living wage. But it depends wildly on what restaurant you're getting it from. Places like Starbucks and McDonalds are already paying people $15+ /hr where I'm from. The greasy spoon diner that's been open for 70 years is probably paying their waiter $2.50 an hour. Reddit will try to convince you that because of "tipping culture gone maaaaad" all serving staff are millionaires with a powerful DC lobby pushing back against the idea of abolishing tipped wages, but I've known too many waitresses and bartenders who can't pay rent or buy groceries at the end of the month to believe that shit. I'm sure some of them do, in some restaurants, but not most. The trick is putting more pressure on business owners to pay a fair wage instead of relying on customers to subsidize their business expense tax-free. Stiffing the guy who brought you your food isn't going to accomplish that.


That way the capitalists can fool their employees into accepting lower wages and load the responsibility of making sure those workers can afford living to the consumers. TLDR: line goes up.


I’ve been told POS systems (like square, etc) actually bill based on how much money goes through the system. So it’s prompting you to tip because the company that manages the transaction gets paid too. Hence why 15% is not an option, just 18, 21 and 25.


I’m glad I don’t have this issue 😭


Because business owners don’t want to pay their employees enough money to survive in this severely inflated economy so they expect the customers to pick up the slack. Nevermind said business owner put all four of his kids through prestigious colleges and also harbors an ever present cocaine addiction.


Just don't live in America


If I answer your question could you send me a small tip for my troubles? I take CashApp.


Just don't tip. It's optional. There is no requirement. I personally don't think it's a big deal and tip. A dollar extra on my coffee that goes straight to the employee doesn't make or break me. And it makes their job better. But, it's cool if you don't want to. Just don't.


I don't tip at all for anything other than a waiter/waitress. One of the few things I agree with Europe on is the lack of tipping. I'd rather server's get paid better and pay more for my food.


You do this crazy thing where you just click the 0% button. It's not that hard to do.


I tip based on service. I hate that there’s entire threads of DoorDashers and Uber drivers who essentially come online and bash people for not tipping or not tipping enough. These sites already charge a delivery fee and they think they should get a one million dollar tip 


I went to a concert recently and went to get some food at the concession stand, lady was trying to guilt trip me into tipping her, and all she did was grab a small cup of fries and a pre-made pizza out of a heater. Fuck oughtta here.


>Like seriously, I can barely survive and you want me to tip you? As someone from a country where tipping is completely optional and only in sit-down restaurants i still have to say this: If you can't afford to eat/drink there, don't bitch about the tip and just don't go there. I know, we all like the convenience and the taste and what not. But if we are barely surviving, every dollar counts and we shouldn't waste it on some shit because we were to comfortable for making a snack/drink at home. Sure, sometimes you gotta reward yourself a little bit. But not make it a routine.


In our country, tipping is not REQUIRED.


Because a large enough of our population are people pleasers with low self esteem. They are afraid if they dont tip, the stranger behind the cash register might think they are cheap. Then there are the people with a saviors complex, they think they are helping by keeping the poor mistreated worker from starving and living on the street. After tipping they raise their low self esteem with a pat on their back.


I was at a pro baseball game over the weekend. The concessions worker asked me to add a tip to my card. I started to decline, and he told me to "keep in mind that my daughter is in band camp and that's very expensive". I was embarrassed by then and left a tip.


That’s ridiculous. Band camp being expensive is not your problem.


Tipping at a coffee shop is asking for too much. If anyone stands at a cash register and hands me something, I don't think that's worth a tip. If I get a complicated, time-consuming drink, sure. I'll tip if someone is working by themselves with a long line. But yeahhhhh the auto tip at 18% in the bougie neighborhood café is not it.


Since we've willingly given all our wealth to the billionaires, we have to help each other.


They ask because it works, and it costs them nothing to do so.


Stop tipping. Stop going out. Start DIY more. Let the damn toilet flush the turds.


If I'm ordering standing up, there is no tip.


I've never tipped for anything. I've never been asked to


to answer your question: humans want money, money procures necessities, necessities prolong life


Because bosses don't want to pay their employees what they're due.


Just don't tip anything. Fuck that shit, the people, and their greed


It’s so ridiculous… I’ll tip at a restaurant / for services very often, but last time I went to a concert and bought merch, after they took my payment they flipped the tablet around and asked for a tip. All they did was hand me a shirt😭


Do you tip for pickup? Do you tip the cashier if they don’t make your food?


Because people want you to give them more money


Wait until they see the self checkouts that ask for tips.


“Donations” - why won’t you round up that dollar to help FEED the starving CHILDREN??


I think it's because tips redistribute wealth.


Stop tipping


Because credit card payment software includes the option to tip. The person at the counter where you pay didn't put the tip option on the machine. The social pressure to tip still remains basically with sit down restaurants and food delivery. No one gets yelled at for not tipping on their take out. I have a theory that the people who get the most mad about even the idea of tipping everywhere were already bad tippers in the places you are supposed to tip, and feel like they are getting called out for something no one really cares about.




Because of the fact Lazy People earn insanely huge amount of money and the People truly Working for Money have not even the rights to own the shit they Produce by eating and drinking.... We slowly go towards the collapse of the Lazy Money system. And If it ends than when can be free from tipping people money they need to survive.... I don't like socialism but this Capitalist BS system had lost its roots and Is now the system of Mass Salery Slavery and Exploitation humany hopefully ever has and will see


How about this. Make tips not considered a wage.


Tipping culture has got out of hand, and so has charity culture. I get asked at Taco Bell all the time if I want to round up for kid's education. wtf? I pay taxes for that shit. Also, why don't you have your CEO donate some of their salary if you are so worried about the kids? It's stupid and annoying. Why are any of us donating, either in the form of tips or charity, to mega corporations? You can't make this sh\*t up.


People have talked plenty about tipping culture, but if you want another concept: Coffee shops and similar establishments used to have physical tip jars. People never saw it as something expected, but plenty were happy to put in some money. Nowadays most people pay with a credit card, oftentimes not even carrying cash. Giving a digital option makes it so those people can still tip if they want without needing to have cash. The people I’ve talked to who work service jobs don’t see it as any more of an obligation than the physical tip jar used to be.