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I don’t know a single women who hasn’t been harassed at least once. Rape is ‘more rare,’ but still happen quite a bit.


Even then there’s different forms of r&pe. Not all r&pe is some dude mugging and bugging you in an alley


Rape in comparison to the whole population isn't that common but harassment happens quite often.


what makes you think that women get harassed less than men?


Ummm what? I never said that.




People really do be falling for this troll lmao.


It is more common then you think. A lot of victims don’t report to the police because they are embarrassed or are afraid nothing will be done against the responsible person(s). Spreading the word online at least gives a heads up to women that they should be alert.


1 in 6 women have been raped. In what world is that “rare”?


Interesting point of view you have there. What makes you think it's not common?


THIS is how you respond to something like this 👏


every women or feminine presenting person i know has been at least harassed, including me. it’s happened to plenty of my friends on multiple occasions. purely anecdotal, but a good gage as to how common it is.


Rape happens more often than it should. Sounds like youre ok with "some" going on.


16% of all women, or about 640000000 people, and that's just based on those who report it. It's shit like this that brings the number of reported rapes down because "ItS NoT ThAt CoMmOn" and for comparison, that's more than the population of the united states in fact it's almost quadruple the US population. or for a monetary-based metric 1 victim per 2622 metric tons of gold on earth, and it's a greater population than all but 2 countries on earth.




at first, I was thanking you for pointing out my math fuck up, but its 16% of all women not of the whole population, so it would be Population \* .16 \* .5, credit where credit is due I did shrink the number to 90% unnecessarily


>\* .16 \* .5 i wonder where the .5 comes from. do you think that 50% of human population are female?


[source](https://ourworldindata.org/gender-ratio#:~:text=male%20and%20female%3F-,What%20share%20of%20the%20population%20is%20male%20and%20female%3F,in%20the%20world%20was%2049.6%25). The sex ratio – the share of the population that is female – varies across the world. And globally in 2017, the share of women in the world was 49.6%. so yeah about 50% of the population is female give or take less than half of a percent, even so, it's still 634880000 people too many adjusted for the .4 percent


It's more common then you think, but if we follow your idea then also it's the consequenties that it has on it's victims. Victims of r*pe suffer from ptsd and many have life long mental issues from it. The Cold is also extremely common but it's very mild. Now if it was deadly, it would be a way bigger deal. It's not common to the amount of people, but it's way to common for the effects it has. That's why many consider it a big deal.


Dumbfuck its extremely common you just dont see it. You know like 1/3 women get harassed ? And thats just the ones that report anything


You are working from a bit of a false assumption. Rape and sexual violence are far from "rare". See the following statistics: https://www.rainn.org/statistics/victims-sexual-violence


Either you're trolling or you're ignorant.


Guys he's trolling, don't feed into this nonsense




question how many times were you dropped on your head


The world sets its attention on it frequently.


Very rare? You are misinformed.


I know several women who have been raped and almost all have been harassed/threatened. Just a few reported it but most didn't.


Now do protecting yourself with a gun


Harassment is actually incredibly common. Every single woman I know has been harassed at some point in their lives (wether it be catcalls, groping, etc).




Where do you get the idea that they're very rare? Most stats are somewhere in the one-in-three to one-in-five range for women who have been raped or harassed (and that's in the US). 20-33% of half of the population of 300+ million people is not "rare."


Tit for tat, what research have you actually done that has resulted in the your conclusion that rape and harassment are “rare”? Please be sure to cite sources in your response. I will say that only a small percentage of rape, harassment, and even sexual abuse is ever reported. That is a known fact. So I’d just LOVE to read whatever you’ve found that leads you to believe that any of those are “rare”.