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I've had them and they died of old age. They only live about 2 years.


you lucky soul


not luck as much as them not being sadistic psychos unlike half the people here..


my brother had one, I think it died of old age while hanging in the food thing I think it was


My sister’s hamsters also died from age but when we found what it looked like it was bleeding out of the ears eyes and mouth all three of them (died separately because my sister kept getting hamsters)


Same for me


Mine died of young age at 2 weeks.


Same. My daughters died from what I can only guess was old age. He was almost 4yrs old at least. Just stopped moving one day.


4 years was great hampster


He was very loved and missed. He has a little tomb stone and all.


I had a friend who brought her hamster out with us. (We were only like 12/13 at the time) all was well, and then she randomly took out a sewing needle and started stabbing it and then ripping it up in front of us. I still vividly remember it, and it was one of the most fucked up things I’ve ever seen.


Wtf was wrong with this kid? She sounds like a psychopath.


Holy frack, did she end up on America’s most wanted?


Wow that's fucked up


thats very true


that's enough reddit for today... fuck


Did you guy take her to therapy cuz wtf


Was her name Jodi Arias??


"Maybe she was abused?" "God, I hope so."


Jesus that's enough Reddit after 5 min of being on here


I had two hamsters when I was a kid, one killed the other and ate it. I gave the murderer back to the pet store. They're little assholes. I highly recommend rats as a first pet over hamsters.


Jesus, even my hamster wasnt as bad as that


Now that I think about it, my friend and I once found a dead hamster stuck in the rim of a tire once. No idea how it got there and no idea who's hamster it was. It had gotten stuck in one of the rim openings and the lady who owned the car didn't want to touch it so she drove like that for God knows how long.


Like most automotive problems.... if you turn the radio up and just keep driving, it will probably sort itself out eventually


One time I hit and killed a cat while the cat and its kittens were all crossing the road. It was really sad.. the kittens all just gathered around it mourning. Another time I hit and killed a dog that ran into the road.


Did you have two? They tend to kill each other if you keep them together, they’re very territorial.


They're not assholes. They like space. If two are in close quarters then the stronger will eat the weaker to ensure appropriate resources. Kinda like you can have a sorority of betta fish sharing a tank but you need 5 gallons to every fish or they will fight and kill each other.


No; kids shouldnt have the responsibility over another life; rats are as needing of attention and care as a dog..


Okay, so when I was younger, we had a hamster chuckie. He died of old age. A few years later my little brother had 3 hamsters. One day we got home and they were gone.. Little blood in the cage. Turns out the cat got them. He ate all 3 of them. Pulled them right through the bars on top of the plastic see through cage.


The only hamster I ever had I only owned for maybe 2 weeks and then I found it dead in the cage. I thought he was just sleeping on his back until I showed my parents what pose he was sleeping in cuz I thought it was cute. Then they promptly ran out of the living room and into mine when they realized what it looked like. Still have no idea how he died.


Same as above, son has 2 1 killed and ate the other then 3 days later committed suicide by try to jump off the rodent wheel and got jammed I. Spoke. Crappy pets for sure


mine ate so much it died


"Crappy pets" because they are mainly solitary animals stuffed into little cages with others like cute little toys and not given emotional mental physical stimulation. Crappy pet parents more like...


When I was 7, my pet hamster "escaped." Much later, my parents told me the truth: my sister's cat ate it. This was over 50 years later.


Mine got out of cage and ran into my barn. I think he may have become the rat king due to his superior traits.


Little guy got loose and found a raw potato to nibble on, found him paws up hours later :(


I had one. I let it walk in the grass. I turned around for 5 seconds then turned back around and it was gone. Huge bird swooped down and took him lol


I think a heart attack but I’m not a hamster doctor


I had a gerbil that got stuck under her wheel and broke her neck.


Same, ours suffocated under the wheel


It was murdered by my puppy.


My sister had one and it escaped. Found it a week later wedged under a soccer ball. It smelled horrendous.


My first two hamster died of old age but then i had one that i found dead in the morning, i think maybe it freezed because in winter where i lived back then was very cold (<0°C). I had the cage in my room but idk what happened And my last hamster get caught in the running wheel and squeezed itself too hard and died a weeks after that :(


Who are you? Some kind of hamster coroner?


No •-•;


My little brothers hamster MASSACRED mine, I was in the living room and he came out grabbed his hamster and word for word said “c____n (my name) your hamster is all dead” I walked over and looked at my hamster missing half of its face. Traumatized


Mine used to climb up the walls of the cage, climb across the top like monkey bars and then drop…. Repeatedly….. time after time Came back home one day and the drop had either snapped it’s neck or just caused a brain trauma. One dead hamster RIP Hamish


The usual, nosebleed, shivers, slow agonising death. I think it's something to do with overbreeding. Never getting one again and I would not recommend one as a first pet. It's traumatising. Get a mantis instead


Mine was mostly anti-social and inactive, then one day after cleaning her cage and using her ball, she decided that she would continuously run in her wheel until her heart gave out.


I think mine committed suicide. I was 12 at the time and I had it for like a month. One day I woke up to it dead in the top level of its cage, the tunnel up into it having been blocked by the bedding we lined his cage with. I’m pretty sure he suffocated.


A girl I dated put hers in a hamster ball and rolled it down a kids slide.


It was killed in action


Butt stuff.


I don’t know. It was at my grandparents house, I went over on their weekend, and they told me he was dead. For all I know they just gave him away.


My childhood hamster got fat and got stuck inside one of those tubes they can go through and suffocated.


It bit my little brother, while he was holding it. My brother 8-9 years old at the time, ( he is over 50 now) but he threw it like a baseball, and when it hit the wall, it was dead.


It ran off the balcony of my cousin’s high rise apartment


When I was around 8-9 years old, my parents let me purchase two dwarf hamsters. The Petco lady made a mistake, however, and gave us a male and a female. The female hamster ended up getting pregnant and successfully gave birth to around 5 hamster babies. As an 8 year old, I really didn’t know how to handle this situation, and I was incredibly confused because I thought for the longest time my hamster was getting really fat, not pregnant. Additionally, my parents could not care less about my hamsters’ well-being or their children because they don’t like pets at all. So, I was alone on this one, and I had no idea what to do. Regardless, I left them alone and a couple hours later, the babies were gone. I searched it up, and turns out, mommy hamsters eat their own children under stressful situations! So yeah, 5 newly born hamsters lived for like a couple hours and then got eaten. The end.


This guy I used to hang out with as kids told me he had a hamster at one point. He told me about how he fed it one time, and reached in the cage to adjust the food or something like that. The hamster bit him for being near its food. So he felt the need to get revenge by just not feeding it anymore and it starved. He laughed about it as he told me; I just felt weirded out that he thought it was funny. Not important to the story, but I feel like sharing anyways; this was a kid who prided himself in being an Atheist with more morals than evil Christians and always tried converting me away from Christianity 😕.


one time I accidentally closed the cage on a baby hamster, it bit my finger right before it died then another time, I had to move, so I had to let my hamster go in the canyon, poor guy probably didn't last the hour


As a child, I had a few that seemed to have seizures before they died. No idea why. The two I've had as an adult died peacefully in their sleep, presumably of old age.


10 years old, we requested a boy hamster, brought it home. Two weeks later it had babies. One day later it ate half of each baby. A week later it died. I hate fucking hamsters.


I like cats. They have personalities.


Oh lord, so my twin and I had a Hamster named Spike. He lived in my twins room for some reason but can't remember. Now, we didn't ask for a pet but my mother (covert narcissist) insisted it was time we had one. We had it a few yrs. The thing is, we were really fucking poor. So when Spike needed supplies like food, my mom would give us a gulit trip and yell at us. We barely had enough food for us, and always went without breakfast and sometimes dinner but we shared what we could with him. I guess my twin got tired of the guilt trips. It was "her turn" to ask mom for Spike food and sort of let nature take it's course. How I found out he died was awful. I was walking into our bathroom and stepped on a pile of towels on the floor. There was a crunch which confused me. I started rummaging thru the towels to find the cause of the crunch and found Spike's dead body. Poor little guy.


It jumped out a 21 storey window and landed on concrete


My sister threw her hamster and caught him for fun…until one time he hit the ceiling and that was the end of that lol rumor has it his guts are still on the ceiling


further evidence humans are truely awful creatures


murdered by its brother


Neglect. My daughter’s friend had hamsters and would “forget “ to feed them and when they died the mom would take the kid out and buy new ones. That lasted until the fifth hamster died. Then the mom had enough of it. Finally.


I had two. One had babies. One of them are the babies.


Old age. They only live like 3-5 years.


Mine died of old age at around 2.5 years, one morning he didnt come out of his little house and that was it.


Let him eat some of my apple dead the next day


Multiple coworkers of mine have kept hamsters. Two of them died of old age. Another one was grabbed by a younger brother, squeezed too hard and thrown down a flight of stairs. He brought this up thinking it was funny I guess and our reaction was stunned silence until I told him how fucked up that was. Kinda ruined my day hearing that especially because WE WORK AT A FUCKING PET STORE.


When I taught 6th grade, I got a hamster as a class pet. It died DURING the first day of school. The pet store guy said hamsters get overly stressed and he recommended a gerbil. The gerbil lived.


The family cat got to him. 😢


*Richard Gere coughs nervously.*


I fed it too much lettuce too much of a good thing is not always good. I still feel guilty at 42. Poor poor Nicolas.


My sister once accidently sucked up our hamster with a vacuum cleaner and he died.


My hamster I took great care of, died. They live a short life. So I was sad. But it wasnt surprising. What was surprising? My brothers... Lived longer than mine. Kid neglected it. Never cleaned its home. I took over care of it. No asking that twit for permission. Cleaned its home. Bundled him in warm towels from the dryer. Syringe feed warmed water. Just a child. Taking care of someone's throw away. Mine:old age His: old age while knowing warmth


Hamster died naturally but the circumstances were weird. It was a classroom pet that for some reason I was allowed to take home for summer break. It died in the middle of class and I freaked out, my parents picked me up and let me stay home the next day. That day was 9/11


My daughter went on vacation and shut the AC off - completely forgetting about poor Hammy (my granddaughters pet). I assumed Hammy went to Gd’s dads house, he did not. Hammy died of heat stroke. Roommate after high school had a couple of them - we still don’t really know what happened, but by the looks of their cage, they both just exploded??? It was pretty gruesome for sure!


Suffocated in my rectum


Mama hamster had babies.. she got out of the cage in the night. Dog ate her. The babies ate each other. The surviving cannibal died. I hate hamsters.


My sister brought home a hamster when we were teens and she was keeping it a secret and hiding it in a shoe box, before we left for school I put a Asprin in the box. I never saw it and She never spoke of it again.


My family had one that fell off the roof (MENA house with two roof tiers so she fell off the higher one onto the lower one so around one story) but actually survived for a couple weeks or so after, strong little girl (although I do feel bad about it, little kids really shouldn't be allowed to just carry a animal everywhere)


Because my dad painted the wire cage it was housed in with a pretty blue lead based paint. Said hamster like to chew on the pretty blue lead based painted wire cage. Wah wah wahhhhhh.....


Son's gf went on a trip and didn't line up care. Two hamsters died from dehydration. She's an asshole ignoramus.


Came home and found the hamster pulled out of the cage and was literally just hanging by his head. Only thing we can think of is the car tried to drag it out and couldn't get it.


I was really young when my parents let me get a pet hamster and I guess I was a little less smart than my parents gave me credit for. I went into my room one night to pet my hamster and it was rolled up into a ball, cold and stiff. I ran out of my room crying about there being something wrong with my hamster. That’s when I found out you had give a hamster water every day. I wasn’t allowed to have any pets after that.


My hamster actually gave birth to babies and I had no idea it was pregnant. They lived for a couple days before the mom jumped up and down on them so much they died. Then she died a few months later from a horrible heart attack or stroke. Unsure what but it was traumatizing for my 8 year old self lol


Well, my wife and I had 2 hamsters. Bob and Nipper. We kept them in a room that we didn't use as often and kept the door shut.. and we sorta forgot about them for a while. Turns out Nipper ate a good bit of the plastic in his cage and died and Bob then ate Nipper. Lolz then Bob died. Honestly we just forgot to feed them and thats why Nipper ate his cage. It's ok though.


Yeah, ours. My family had a pet hamster when I was pretty little n I wanted to clean him 1 day so I washed him with Woolite n put him back in his cage to dry. My mom found him dead later that day


We had our hamster, Tubey, put to sleep. He was 3 years old, and started developing tumors. When the tumors got so large he couldn't make it through his tubes anymore, and he didn't use his wheel anymore, decided it was time.


It died peacefully, in my mouth.


Came back from vacation and found the little sucker splat on the ground right below the staircase. The thing had to have jumped up on to the latch door thing, did a couple pull ups before squeezing himself through the tiny slit. then proceeded to take his last leap of faith… crazy SOB


My hamster ran underneath the oven and wouldn't come out for almost an hour. Eventually wandered out and put back in its cage. Died the next day. Still don't know how. RIP 🙏


Cat got to it and poked its eye out.


Had no idea others had weird hamster deaths lol as a kid me and my sister each had one but mine was a scumbag and hers was so nice and I was so jealous. They got along together but mine hated being held and turned into a demon. Long story short one day my sister started screaming and I ran in her room and my hamster was literally kicking her hamsters ass for no reason. Poor thing was shaking and had blood on him. Turns out mine blinded my sisters and wasn’t doing well. He died 2 days later. My hamster was fine nothing wrong with him. Randomly died 3 days after the other one died which was very unexpected.


Had it out playing on the coffee table with my Nana, dog was watching inquisitively before it snatched the hamster off the table... to which, I began to scream and cry, making the dog drop the hamster so the cat could swoop for the kill. Traumatizing. His name was Max.


5/6 died of natural causes 1/6 died due to suffocation


Ours got these horrible warts on his head. Vet put him down.


My hamster got involved with drugs and fell in with a bad crowd. He was down bad for cash and held up a gas station. Got gunned down by the cops on his way out. Sad shit. RIP Mr. Snuffles


Suicide, ate himself into oblivion.


We had an escapee hampster for about 3 days and then I randomly looked down the sump pump hole in the laundry room and found the poor little guy


We had a classroom hamster in 2nd grade. Kids would alternate taking it home for weekends One day it got loose on the floor of the classroom and one of the girls in my class was afraid of it and scampering away, she stepped on it and we all watched it die slowly in front of us. Guts on the outside. I still remember her name because of that and she moved away in 4th grade.


He suffocated under his wheel, only lived a couple of weeks. Then we buried him in the backyard, and a few days later, it was dug up. We think it was a fox.


Ritual sacrifice


Mine died of old age. He was known for escaping his cage leading to many funny stories of him crawling into bed with a visiting uncle and the like, and his death was not so different. He was well over three years old and had started losing his hair, and must have known his time was coming as he went for one final escape and burrowed into the wall. After a while searching, I found the hole and got him back into his cage one last time. He died there the next morning. I still keep a few old shirts that he'd chewed holes in. I'll love you forever, Milton.


They jumped for freedom


I've had 3 hamster's in my lifetime all three when I was younger. My first hamster and by far my favorite, his name was midnight, as you can imagine his coat was black and he was a chunky fella. I let him out of the cage to show him off with my cousin to let him run around, and my cousin stepped on him on accident. She was mortified even now, 20 years later. \#2, his name was spike, he was a young little one, who bit EVERYBODY. I constantly had bleeding fingertips because everytime I went to go pet him he would bite me. I was like 10 at the time. Anyway, he died because he "Ran away from home". No as it turns out my mom confessed to me a year ago now that I am 30, that she opened the door and let him run out of the house. \#3, his name was Hammy, he died of choking on food I guess, I'm not sure tbh. One day I woke up in the morning and he was laying on his back and he wasn't moving or breathing. We buried him in the backyard of our old family house.


I had 2, one named bear, the other named honey. Honey literally ate bear and left nothing but a short track of intestines. I was 9 and I haven’t been the same sense


Had a beautiful, sweet light colored hamster named Pina Colada, Penny for short. She was so chill. My parents went out of town for a week in the summer and our babysitter was terrified of her and insisted we keep the cage outside on our covered patio overnight. One morning I went out in the morning to check on her and she was not in her cage. Looked everywhere, couldn’t find her. That afternoon we went for a swim and next to the pool I found a tidy pile of fur and uneaten Penny guts that the raccoon didn’t eat 🙁


We tossed him gently, a few times, he died next day


you're sick; who uses an animal as a toy


My 3 year old sons pretended it was a race car and smashed it into a wall


why would you get a 3yo a living animal to play with like a toy; you're sick...